function rval = kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce % rval = kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce % % Return a flag that you can pass as part of the flipFlags for a call to % Screen('Hookfunction', windowPtr, 'SetOneshotFlipFlags', flipFlags); % % This flag will skip the wait until the 'when' deadline during execution % of the next Screen('Flip', window, when) operation. It is useful if an % external display output client/provider, e.g., a VR headset, is active % and attached to an onscreen window, and the visual stimulus onset % scheduling should be performed by the dedicated display output provider, % e.g., if our standard scheduling won't do for such a special purpose device. % The imaging pipeline provides the special variable "IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPTWHEN" % which can be used when calling Octave/Matlab runtime function from within % an imaging pipeline processing chain to pass the 'when' time to the runtime % function, e.g., for scheduling. rval = 2^30; return