function rval = kPsychSinkIsMSAACapable % rval = kPsychSinkIsMSAACapable % % Return a flag that you can pass to the 'imagingmode' parameter of % Screen('OpenWindow') together with the 'kPsychNeedFinalizedFBOSinks' % flag. If this kPsychSinkIsMSAACapable flag is given then the % OpenGL framebuffer objects which are created and attached as final % output image sinks due to the 'kPsychNeedFinalizedFBOSinks' flag will % be allowed to have GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE textures as color attachments, % and thereby as final target of the output images. Iow., the sink can % handle multisampled textures. % rval = 2^22; return