function rval = kPsychNeedTwiceWidthWindow % rval = kPsychNeedTwiceWidthWindow % % Return a flag that you can pass to the 'imagingmode' parameter of % Screen('OpenWindow') in order to request use of twice-width windows. % These onscreen windows are treated by all drawing functions (and geometry % query functions like Screen('Rect', window); or Screen('WindowSize', % window); as if they have twice the width of the underlying framebuffer in % pixels. % % This is used for special packed-pixel display modes, where the content of % two visual stimulus pixels is packed into one single output framebuffer % pixel for video scanout. E.g., certain special medical displays for use % in Radiology (cfe. "Eizo RadiForce GS-520") are able to display % calibrated pure luminance images with a luminance precision of 12 bits % per grayscale pixel at 5 Megapixels resolution. These displays are driven % over a single-link DVI-D interface with a special pixel data transmission % format: Two horizontally adjacent 12-bit luminance pixels are encoded % into one 24-bit RGB pseudo-color pixel. This requires a framebuffer % encoding two luminance pixels in a single RGB8 output pixel, ie. the % stimulus image in its "natural" representation is twice as wide as the % underlying scanout framebuffer of the stimulus window. For such use cases % we need the ability to have twice-width windows. % % Usually user scripts won't pass this flag, but only special setup % routines that are part of the Psychtoolbox itself. % rval = 2^16; return