function varargout = PsychVulkan(cmd, varargin) % PsychVulkan - Interface with the Vulkan graphics and compute api for special purpose tasks. % % This function allows to utilize the Khronos Vulkan rendering and compute api % for special purpose display tasks on suitable operating systems with suitable % Vulkan v1.1+ capable graphics and display hardware. % % Most often you won't call this function directly, but Psychtoolbox will call % it appropriately from the PsychImaging() function. Read relevant sections % related to Vulkan in 'help PsychImaging' first, before venturing into the % functions offered by this function! % % Commands and their meaning: % --------------------------- % % oldVerbosity = PsychVulkan('Verbosity' [, verbosity]); % - Returns and optionally sets level of 'verbosity' for driver debug output. % 'verbosity' = New level of verbosity: 0 = Silent, 1 = Errors only, 2 = Warnings, % 3 = Info, 4 = Debug, 5 -- ... = Higher debug levels. % % % isSupported = PsychVulkan('Supported'); % - Returns if use of the Vulkan rendering and display api is in principle supported % on this setup. 1 = Supported, 0 = No driver, hardware or operating system support. % % oldFlags = PsychVulkan('OverrideFlags' [, flags]); % - Returns and optionally sets override for 'flags' parameter in low-level % function PsychVulkan('PerformPostWindowOpenSetup' ..., flags ...); for % driver debugging and testing. By default, override flags are not set or % used. % % History: % 28-Jun-2020 mk Written. global GL; %#ok persistent verbosity; persistent supported; persistent vulkan; persistent usedOutputs; persistent outputMappings; persistent noglfinish; persistent ovrFlags; % Fast path dispatch of functions called from within Screen() imaging pipeline % processing slots. Numeric 'cmd' codes, placed here for most efficient execution: if nargin > 0 && isscalar(cmd) && isnumeric(cmd) if cmd == 0 % Execute flip operation via a Vulkan Present operation at the appropriately % scheduled requested visual stimulus onset time: win = varargin{1}; vwin = varargin{2}; tWhen = varargin{3}; if varargin{4} == 0 doTimestamp = 2; % High precision system-provided scheduling/timestamping if possible. else doTimestamp = 0; end % Does underlying Vulkan driver support high-precision native timestamping? if vulkan{win}.SupportsTiming % Yes. Present and get maximum precision and reliability timestamp from Vulkan driver: predictedOnset = PsychVulkanCore('Present', vwin, tWhen, doTimestamp); % Inject predictedOnset == visual stimulus onset time into Screen(), for usual handling % and reporting back to usercode via Screen('Flip'): Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', predictedOnset); else % No. Need to use fallback with the help of Screen(): % Assign this windows usedOutput as rank 0 output setting in Screen: % This affects beamposition based Vblank timestamping and Beamposition % in Screen('GetWindowInfo'), so we query scanout position of the correct % display engine for this win'dow: outputIndex = vulkan{win}.usedOutput; screenId = vulkan{win}.screenId; if ~isempty(outputIndex) Screen('Preference', 'ScreenToHead', screenId, outputMappings{screenId + 1}(1, outputIndex + 1), outputMappings{screenId + 1}(2, outputIndex + 1), 0); end % Perform a blocking Vulkan Present operation of the rendered interop image % to the display of Vulkan window vwin associated with onscreen window win. % % vblTime is the visual stimulus onset time, as computed by PsychVulkanCore's % own timestamping. This would only be accurate if the underlying Vulkan driver % supported high-precision timestamping, which it doesn't if we are in this path. % Therefore it is a simple GetSecs() style approximation: vblTime = PsychVulkanCore('Present', vwin, tWhen, doTimestamp); % As long as we don't have high precision timestamp support in PsychVulkanCore, % use Screen()'s VBLANK timestamps as reasonably accurate and mostly reliable surrogate: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win, 7); % Restore rank 0 output setting in Screen: if ~isempty(outputIndex) Screen('Preference', 'ScreenToHead', screenId, outputMappings{screenId + 1}(1, 1), outputMappings{screenId + 1}(2, 1), 0); end % predictedOnset is the last known vbl timestamp from Screen(): predictedOnset = winfo.LastVBLTime; % If predictedOnset is valid and not stale, use it. Otherwise fall back to vblTime: if (predictedOnset > 0) && (predictedOnset ~= vulkan{win}.LastVBLTime) vblTime = predictedOnset; else predictedOnset = vblTime; end vulkan{win}.LastVBLTime = predictedOnset; % Inject vblTime and visual stimulus onset time into Screen(), for usual handling % and reporting back to usercode via Screen('Flip'), also current beamposition: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', vblTime, predictedOnset, [], winfo.Beamposition); end return; end if cmd == 1 % Vulkan window close operation, closes the Vulkan onscreen window associated with % a PTB onscreen window. Called from Screen('Close', win) and Screen('CloseAll') as % well as from usual "close window on error" error handling pathes: win = varargin{1}; screenId = vulkan{win}.screenId; PsychVulkanCore('CloseWindow', vulkan{win}.vwin); % Remove windows display output from set of used outputs for windows screenId: usedOutputs{screenId + 1} = setdiff(usedOutputs{screenId + 1}, vulkan{win}.usedOutput); % TODO: Restore gamma lut on individual outputs or screens? % Restore rank 0 output setting in Screen: if ~isempty(vulkan{win}.usedOutput) Screen('Preference', 'ScreenToHead', screenId, outputMappings{screenId + 1}(1, 1), outputMappings{screenId + 1}(2, 1), 0); end if vulkan{win}.needsNvidiaWa % Reenable output at auto-selected preferred mode and old (x,y) starting location of viewport in X-Screen space: syscmd = sprintf('sleep 1; xrandr --screen %i --output %s --auto --pos %ix%i ; sleep 1', screenId, vulkan{win}.outputName, ceil(vulkan{win}.windowRect(1)), ceil(vulkan{win}.windowRect(2))); system(syscmd); end % Do we need a complete driver shutdown to work around Mesa < 20.1.2 bugs? if vulkan{win}.needsMesaDDMWa PsychVulkanCore('Close'); clear usedOutputs; end return; end % Special present code for macOS, to work around Apple's broken Metal % implementation and other macOS bugs: if cmd == 2 % Execute flip operation via a Vulkan Present operation at the appropriately % scheduled requested visual stimulus onset time: win = varargin{1}; vwin = varargin{2}; tWhen = varargin{3}; if varargin{4} == 0 doTimestamp = 2; % High precision system-provided scheduling/timestamping if possible. else doTimestamp = 0; end % Present and maybe get an ok precision and not too unreliable timestamp from Vulkan driver: predictedOnset = PsychVulkanCore('Present', vwin, tWhen, doTimestamp); % Get a second opinion on onset time from Screen's VBLANK timestamping: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win, 7); % Likely valid vblTime returned from Screen()? if (winfo.VBLEndline > 0) && (winfo.LastVBLTime > 0) % Yes. Assign: vblTime = winfo.LastVBLTime; else % No. Fallback to GetSecs as a noisy last resort: vblTime = GetSecs; end % If predictedOnset is valid, use it. Otherwise fall back to vblTime: if predictedOnset > 0 % Valid timestamp from Vulkan? Validate a bit and warn if not: if (verbosity > 4) || ((verbosity > 1) && (abs(predictedOnset - vblTime) > 0.001)) fprintf('PsychVulkan-DEBUG: Delta between Vulkan and reference timestamps is %f usecs.\n', 1e6 * (predictedOnset - vblTime)); end vblTime = predictedOnset; elseif predictedOnset == 0 % Vulkan timestamping returned bogus timestamp zero, but no diagnosed failure. % Use what we got from Screen() or GetSecs(): predictedOnset = vblTime; if verbosity > 1 fprintf('PsychVulkan-DEBUG: Vulkan timestamping failed. Falling back to reference timestamp %f secs. Timing or visual stimulation might be broken.\n', vblTime); end else % Error code timestamp -1 returned. We can't recover in a % meaningful way from that, just pass it through... vblTime = -1; if verbosity > 1 fprintf('PsychVulkan-DEBUG: Vulkan timestamping failed completely. Returning invalid timestamp -1.\n'); end end % Inject vblTime and visual stimulus onset time into Screen(), for usual handling % and reporting back to usercode via Screen('Flip'), also current beamposition: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', vblTime, predictedOnset, [], winfo.Beamposition); return; end % Of macOS special code. end % Of fast-path dispatch. % Slow path dispatch: if nargin < 1 || isempty(cmd) help PsychVulkan; fprintf('\n\nAlso available are functions from PsychVulkanCore:\n'); PsychVulkanCore; return; end if isempty(usedOutputs) % Init list of usedOutputs for fullscreen/direct-display mode to empty: usedOutputs = cell(length(Screen('Screens')), 1); % Store Screen()'s original screenId -> output/display engine mapping: outputMappings = cell(size(usedOutputs)); for i = Screen('Screens') outputMappings{i + 1} = Screen('Preference','ScreenToHead', i); end try if exist('PsychVulkanCore', 'file') verbosity = PsychVulkanCore('Verbosity'); else verbosity = 3; end catch lasterror('reset'); %#ok<*LERR> verbosity = 3; end end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Verbosity') varargout{1} = verbosity; if (~isempty(varargin)) && ~isempty(varargin{1}) verbosity = varargin{1}; if exist('PsychVulkanCore', 'file') try PsychVulkanCore('Verbosity', verbosity); catch lasterror('reset'); end end end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'OverrideFlags') varargout{1} = ovrFlags; if ~isempty(varargin) ovrFlags = varargin{1}; end return; end % isSupported = PsychVulkan('Supported'); if strcmpi(cmd, 'Supported') % Init supported flag via one-time probe: if isempty(supported) try if exist('PsychVulkanCore', 'file') && (PsychVulkanCore('GetCount') > 0) && ... (~IsOSX || IsMinimumOSXVersion(10,15,4)) % macOS 10.15.4 is the bare minimum needed. supported = 1; else supported = 0; end if isempty(verbosity) verbosity = 3; PsychVulkanCore('Verbosity', verbosity); end catch lasterror('reset'); supported = 0; end end varargout{1} = supported; return; end % [winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags, outputName] = PsychVulkan('OpenWindowSetup', outputName, screenId, winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags); if strcmpi(cmd, 'OpenWindowSetup') outputName = varargin{1}; screenId = varargin{2}; winRect = varargin{3}; ovrfbOverrideRect = varargin{4}; ovrSpecialFlags = varargin{5}; if isempty(ovrSpecialFlags) ovrSpecialFlags = 0; end outputIndex = []; % On Linux X11 one can select a single video output via outputName parameter or winRect: if IsLinux && ~IsWayland if ~isempty(outputName) % Try to find the output with the requested name on requested X-Screen screenId: output = []; for i = 0:Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenId)-1 % Skip this output i if it is in the set of outputs used on this % screenId in direct display mode already, ie. RandR leased: if ismember(i, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) continue; end output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, i); if strcmp(, outputName) % This output i is the right output. % Position our onscreen window accordingly: outputIndex = i; winRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, output.width, output.height], output.xStart, output.yStart); if verbosity >= 4 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Positioning onscreen window at rect [%i, %i, %i, %i] to align with display output %i [%s] on screen %i.\n', ... winRect(1), winRect(2), winRect(3), winRect(4), i, outputName, screenId); end break; else output = []; outputIndex = []; end end if isempty(output) % No such output with outputName! sca; error('PsychVulkan-ERROR: Invalid outputName ''%s'' requested for Vulkan fullscreen display on screen %i. No such output available or output already in fullscreen use.', outputName, screenId); end else % No outputName given, 'winRect' provided? if ~isempty(winRect) % Yes. Does it match an attached RandR output exactly? output = []; for i = 0:Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenId)-1 % Skip this output i if it is in the set of outputs used on this % screenId in direct display mode already, ie. RandR leased: if ismember(i, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) continue; end output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, i); outputRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, output.width, output.height], output.xStart, output.yStart); if isequal(winRect, outputRect) % This output i is the right output. outputName =; outputIndex = i; if verbosity >= 4 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Onscreen window at rect [%i, %i, %i, %i] is aligned with display output %i [%s] of screen %i.\n', ... winRect(1), winRect(2), winRect(3), winRect(4), i, outputName, screenId); end break; else output = []; outputIndex = []; end end % Does an output 'outputName' match the winRect? if isempty(output) % No. So the non-empty winRect specifies a non-fullscreen window, % only covering part of an X-Screen and part of outputs. Iow., % this is a windowed window: outputName = []; end else % Empty winRect on a Linux X11 screen. Assume fullscreen on primary output for screenId: i = 0; % Skip this output i if it is in the set of outputs used on this % screenId in direct display mode already, ie. RandR leased: while ismember(i, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) % Try next available output on the screenId: i = i + 1; if i == Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenId) % No more outputs available - All are already leased in % direct display mode: sca; error('PsychVulkan-ERROR: Could not find a free output for Vulkan fullscreen display on screen %i. All outputs are already in fullscreen use.', screenId); end end output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, i); outputName =; outputIndex = i; % Update winRect accordingly: winRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, output.width, output.height], output.xStart, output.yStart); if verbosity >= 4 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Positioning onscreen window at rect [%i, %i, %i, %i] to align with display output %i [%s] of screen %i.\n', ... winRect(1), winRect(2), winRect(3), winRect(4), i, outputName, screenId); end end end else % Not Linux X11: Linux DRM/KMS VT, Linux Wayland, MS-Windows etc. if isempty(winRect) % No winRect given: Means fullscreen on a specific monitor, defined by screenId: winRect = Screen('GlobalRect', screenId); outputName = 1; outputIndex = 0; else % Non-empty winRect: Fullscreen on monitor defined by screenId? if isequal(winRect, Screen('GlobalRect', screenId)) % Yes: Fullscreen display: outputName = 1; outputIndex = 0; else % No: Windowed non-fullscreen window: outputName = []; outputIndex = []; end end if ~isempty(outputName) if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Onscreen window at rect [%i, %i, %i, %i] is aligned with fullscreen exclusive output for screenId %i.\n', ... winRect(1), winRect(2), winRect(3), winRect(4), screenId); end end end % If a fullscreen output is assigned, then set its crtc and display engine % as rank 0 primary output: if ~isempty(outputIndex) Screen('Preference', 'ScreenToHead', screenId, outputMappings{screenId + 1}(1, outputIndex + 1), outputMappings{screenId + 1}(2, outputIndex + 1), 0); end if ~IsOSX % These always have to match: ovrfbOverrideRect = winRect; end % Set ovrSpecialFlags override settings to mark the onscreen window as not % important for visual stimulation, because the actual window / OpenGL windowing % backend is not used for primary stimulus display. Instead we / Vulkan/WSI is % in charge for proper visual stimulus display to the actual display monitor. % This will cause Screen() to skip certain tests or calibrations and omit certain % warnings, e.g., wrt. timing precision, active desktop compositors etc., as they % don't really apply - or at least not in a way Screen() can deal with, as it is % the Vulkan drivers job to handle that: ovrSpecialFlags = mor(ovrSpecialFlags, kPsychExternalDisplayMethod); % Assign modified return args: varargout{1} = winRect; varargout{2} = ovrfbOverrideRect; varargout{3} = ovrSpecialFlags; varargout{4} = outputName; return; end % vwin = PsychVulkan('PerformPostWindowOpenSetup', window, windowRect, isFullscreen, outputName, hdrMode, colorPrecision, colorSpace, colorFormat, gpuIndex, flags) if strcmpi(cmd, 'PerformPostWindowOpenSetup') % Setup operations after Screen's PTB onscreen window is opened, and OpenGL and % the imaging pipeline are brought up. Needs to hook up the imaging pipeline to % ourselves and the PsychVulkanCore low-level driver. % noglfinish, if set to 1, will avoid glFinish() for OpenGL->Vulkan sync, but % instead request and use a shared semaphore for sync, which should be a bit % faster in theory: noglfinish = 1; % Must have global GL constants: if isempty(GL) varargout{1} = 0; warning('PTB internal error in PsychVulkan: GL struct not initialized?!?'); return; end % Psychtoolbox Screen onscreen window handle: win = varargin{1}; % Window position and size rectangle: windowRect = varargin{2}; % Fullscreen flag: 1 = Take over a whole monitor, 0 = Operate as regular window. isFullscreen = varargin{3}; % Display output name - Only relevant on Linux/X11 atm.: outputName = varargin{4}; % hdrMode: 0 = SDR, 1 = HDR-10: hdrMode = varargin{5}; % colorPrecision: 0 = 8 bpc RGBA8, 1 = 10 bpc RGB10_A2, 2 = fp16 RGBA16F half-float: colorPrecision = varargin{6}; % VkColorSpace id. If empty, then will be set automatically according to hdrMode: colorSpace = varargin{7}; % VkFormat color format. If empty, then will be set automatically according to colorPrecision and/or hdrMode: colorFormat = varargin{8}; % gpuIndex of Vulkan driver+gpu combo to use: 0 = Auto-Select, 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, ... gpu. gpuIndex = varargin{9}; % Optional flags, and'ed together: +1 = Diagnostic display only, no interop: flags = varargin{10}; % Override flags specified? if ~isempty(ovrFlags) % Yes. Use them as override: fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Global low level override flags %i specified via PsychVulkan(''OverrideFlags''). Using it instead of caller-provided flags %i.\n', ovrFlags, flags); flags = ovrFlags; end winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); screenId = Screen('WindowScreenNumber', win); refreshHz = Screen('Framerate', screenId); if refreshHz == 0 % macOS reports refresh rate of 0 on Mac builtin panels - the idiocy... refreshHz = 60; end devs = PsychVulkanCore('GetDevices'); % Restore rank 0 output setting in Screen: Screen('Preference', 'ScreenToHead', screenId, outputMappings{screenId + 1}(1, 1), outputMappings{screenId + 1}(2, 1), 0); % NVidia gpu under Linux/X11 with NVIDIA proprietary driver? And onscreen window fills complete target X-Screen? % Or this is a single-output display NVidia Optimus PRIME render offload setup, where NVIDIA's RandR output leasing does not work? if IsLinux && ~IsWayland && ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'NVIDIA')) && ... (isequal(Screen('GlobalRect', win), Screen('GlobalRect', screenId)) || ~isempty(getenv('__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD'))) % Do not use direct display mode via RandR output leasing. This window can % be pageflipped under X11 as well, without need for Vulkan direct display: isFullscreen = 0; end % AMD gpu under MS-Windows? if IsWin && ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'ATI')) % For some of these the AMD Vulkan driver is buggy in that % switching to fullscreen-exclusive mode for fullscreen windows % causes massive malfunctions and a black screen display only, % e.g., the Radeon RX 460 (Polaris, pci device id 0x67EF). % Check gpu against badFSEIds list and enable a workaround if it is % one of the bad gpu's. % Additionally driver version raw >= 8388767 aka 20.11.2+ to % somewhere before 23.11.1 seems to have generally broken % fullscreen-exclusive mode, as verified by Dale Stolizka, and by % kleinerm with version 21.11.2 from one year later - November % 2021! This on the Windows 10 21H1 edition. So we fall back to % non-fs-exclusive mode and accept broken timing and potentially % impaired HDR - what choice do we have?! The bug seems to be gone % as of version 23.11.1, aka raw 8388887, so we can enable % fs-exclusive again for these recent driver from November 2023. badFSEIds = hex2dec({'67EF'}); for i=1:length(devs) if (devs(i).VendorId == 4098) && strcmp(winfo.GLRenderer, devs(i).GpuName) && ... (ismember(devs(i).DeviceId, badFSEIds) || (devs(i).DriverVersionRaw >= 8388767 && devs(i).DriverVersionRaw < 8388887)) % Got a bad one! Disable fullscreen-exclusive mode for fullscreen windows: flags = mor(flags, 2); fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: AMD gpu [%s] with buggy Vulkan driver for fullscreen mode detected! Enabling workaround, timing reliability may suffer.\n', devs(i).GpuName); end end end if isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_EXT_memory_object')) || isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_EXT_direct_state_access')) %#ok % If no specific Vulkan gpu was requested, select the first non-AMD/NVidia % gpuIndex on Linux or Windows: AMD and NVidia OpenGL fully support % OpenGL interop, so if we end here then the render-gpu can not be an % AMD or NVidia, ergo the display gpu should not be one. % % Also ignore MoltenVK (DriverId == 14) on macOS, because Apple's % OpenGL does not support this extension at all, so we can't use % this as selection criterion. Instead we just choose the first % enumerated gpu on macOS: On a single-gpu machine that is the % obviously correct choice. On a dual-gpu MacBookPro, the 1st gpu % seems to be the discrete high-performance gpu, which matches % Screen()'s choice of gpu as OpenGL renderer, so again gpuIndex 1 % would give us a match. % % Default also to gpuIndex 1 in case this filtering fails to find an eligible gpu: if isempty(gpuIndex) || gpuIndex == 0 gpuIndex = 1; for i=1:length(devs) if ~ismember(devs(i).DriverId, [1, 2, 3, 4, 14]) gpuIndex = devs(i).DeviceIndex; end end end if IsOSX noInterop = 0; % Disable Direct-To-Display mode, it is buggy as hell, at least % as tested on macOS 10.15.7 and 12.6 with AMD Radeon Pro 560. % Not that it works much better with this hack, it is only a % bit better. At the same time, this hack supposedly adds one % frame of extra latency, but our measurements show that even % without it, there is one frame of extra latency, contrary to % what the docs wrt. Direct-to-Display mode say. % On macOS 13.3.1, it is still broken, but different: The one % frame latency is gone, but now stimulus onset scheduling is % broken whenever a flip is more than 2 frames in the future! % % Broken stuff all around on the iToys operating system: flags = mor(flags, 2); else flags = mor(flags, 1); noInterop = 1; fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: OpenGL implementation does not support OpenGL-Vulkan interop! Enabling basic diagnostic mode on gpu %i.\n', gpuIndex); end else noInterop = 0; end usedOutput = []; oldbpc = 0; if IsLinux if isFullscreen if ~isempty(outputName) % Try to find the output with the requested name: output = []; for i = 0:Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenId)-1 if ismember(i, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) continue; end output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, i); if strcmp(, outputName) % This output i is the right output. usedOutput = i; break; else output = []; end end else % Choose primary output for screenId: if ~ismember(0, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) usedOutput = 0; output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, 0); else output = []; end end if isempty(output) sca; error('Failed to open Vulkan window: Could not find suitable fullscreen output.'); end % On Linux in fullscreen mode, outputHandle encodes the X11 RandR XID % of the RandR output which we want to take over for direct mode display: outputHandle = uint64(output.outputHandle); outputName =; refreshHz = output.hz; % Position our onscreen window accordingly: windowRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, output.width, output.height], output.xStart, output.yStart); if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Positioning onscreen window at rect [%i, %i, %i, %i] to align with display output %i [%s] of screen %i.\n', ... windowRect(1), windowRect(2), windowRect(3), windowRect(4), usedOutput, outputName, screenId); end % More than 8 bpc output precision desired? % Note that colorPrecision == 0 and hdrMode > 0 gets handled automatically % by the Vulkan driver (amdvlk), ie. setup for 10 bpc -> 8/10 is fine. if colorPrecision > 0 % Need to call SetWindowBackendOverrides early before Vulkan openwindow, % as potential RandR 'max bpc' output precision setup will no longer work % once the X-Server is locked out by Vulkan. % Therefore set bpc to the maximum possible, given our current information. % Later on we will call SetWindowBackendOverrides again after window open, % when we actually know the true effective framebuffer output precision. % % Assign override color depth and refresh interval for display: if colorPrecision == 1 % RGB10_A2: bpc = 10; elseif colorPrecision == 2 || colorPrecision == 6 % fp16 ~ 11: bpc = 11; else % 16 bpc fixed point: bpc = 16; end Screen('HookFunction', win, 'SetWindowBackendOverrides', [], bpc * 3, 1 / refreshHz); oldbpc = bpc; end else % On Linux in windowed mode, outputHandle encodes the X11 window handle of % the PTB onscreen window, which we will use for the Vulkan display: outputHandle = uint64(winfo.SysWindowHandle); % TODO XXX: Should we calculate refreshHz per output or from FlipInterval instead? end else if IsOSX % On macOS we need the CAMetalLayer backing the onscreen window in % kPsychExternalDisplayMethod mode. It is stored in SysWindowInteropHandle: outputHandle = uint64(winfo.SysWindowInteropHandle); else % On Windows, outputHandle is meaningless atm.: outputHandle = uint64(winfo.SysWindowHandle); end if isFullscreen % Mark output 0 (the only possible output for a screenId on % non-Linux/X11) of screenId as used: if ~ismember(0, usedOutputs{screenId + 1}) usedOutput = 0; else % Output already used! sca; error('Failed to open Vulkan window: Tried to open fullscreen-exclusive output on screenId %i, but that one is already in use.', screenId); end end end % Get the UUID of the Vulkan device that is compatible with our associated % OpenGL renderer/gpu. Compatible means: Can by used for OpenGL-Vulkan interop: if ~isempty(winfo.GLDeviceUUID) targetUUID = winfo.GLDeviceUUID; else % None provided, because the OpenGL implementation does not support % OpenGL-Vulkan interop. Assign empty id for most basic testing: targetUUID = zeros(1, 16, 'uint8'); end % Is the special fullscreen direct display mode workaround for NVidia blobs on Linux needed? needsNvidiaWa = IsLinux && isFullscreen && strcmp(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'NVidia') && (~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'NVIDIA')) || noInterop); % Try to open the Vulkan window and setup Vulkan side of interop: try % Awful hack to deal with NVidia blobs limitations wrt. output leasing. Output leasing only works for disabled % outputs, so we have to shut the output down before opening a Vulkan window: if needsNvidiaWa system(sprintf('xrandr --screen %i --output %s --off ; sleep 1', screenId, outputName)); end if hdrMode % We want an identity hardware gamma lut in HDR, but at maximum lut precision, % so output does not get truncated to 8 bpc. Therefore we can't use LoadIdentityClut() % which is aimed at 8 bpc identity pixel passthrough. % On Linux X11 we may have to address individual RandR outputs: if IsLinux && ~IsWayland physicalDisplay = usedOutput; else physicalDisplay = []; end % Backup old lut for this screen: BackupCluts(screenId); % Upload a perfectly linear lut for the given gpu: [~, ~, reallutsize] = Screen('ReadNormalizedGammaTable', win, physicalDisplay); % AMD gpu under Linux? if IsLinux && strcmp(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'AMD') % Use special identity gamma table (like in LoadIdentityClut()) that % is known and verified to get recognized by amdgpu-kms DC and trigger % gamma table hardware bypass mode in hardware: identityLUT = (linspace(0, 1, 256)' * ones(1, 3)); else % Other gpu + driver + os combo: Standard identity lut: identityLUT = repmat(linspace(0, 1, reallutsize)', 1, 3); end Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, identityLUT, 0, physicalDisplay); if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Loaded identity gamma table into output for HDR.\n'); end % HDR mode 1 aka HDR-10 on MS-Windows, in fullscreen, but fullscreen % exclusive mode disabled by flags? if IsWin && isFullscreen && (hdrMode == 1) && bitand(flags, 2) && (colorPrecision < 2) % Yes. The only reliably supported HDR-10 mode across gpu % vendors is fp16 scRGB. Enforce colorPrecision 2 == fp16, % which will enforce fp16 scRGB HDR under Windows DWM: colorPrecision = 2; end end % Open the Vulkan window: vwin = PsychVulkanCore('OpenWindow', gpuIndex, targetUUID, isFullscreen, screenId, windowRect, outputHandle, hdrMode, colorPrecision, refreshHz, colorSpace, colorFormat, flags); % No interop, or semaphores unsupported? if noInterop || isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_EXT_semaphore')) %#ok if ~noInterop fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: OpenGL implementation does not support OpenGL-Vulkan interop semaphores. Enabling operation without semaphores on gpu %i.\n', gpuIndex); else fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Interop disabled! Enabling operation without semaphores on gpu %i.\n', gpuIndex); end % In no-interop debug mode we must not use semaphores, because they % are likely unsupported by the OpenGL or Vulkan driver as well, so % use classic fallback path with glFinish: noglfinish = 0; end % Get all required info for OpenGL-Vulkan interop: [interopObjectHandle, allocationSize, formatSpec, tilingMode, memoryOffset, width, height, renderCompleteSemaphore] = PsychVulkanCore('GetInteropHandle', vwin, noglfinish); catch % Failed! Reenable RandR output if this was a failed attempt at output leasing on Linux + NVidia: if needsNvidiaWa system(sprintf('sleep 1; xrandr --screen %i --output %s --auto --pos %ix%i ; sleep 1', screenId, outputName, ceil(windowRect(1)), ceil(windowRect(2)))); end % Close all windows: sca; error('Failed to open Vulkan window.'); end % We got the open Vulkan window, and the interop info. Setup OpenGL interop: % Selection of format for the OpenGL interop texture, matching what Vulkan selected: switch formatSpec case 0 internalFormat = GL.RGBA8; bpc = 8; if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: 8 bpc linear precision framebuffer will be used.\n'); end case 1 internalFormat = GL.RGB10_A2; bpc = 10; if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: 10 bpc linear precision framebuffer will be used.\n'); end case 2 internalFormat = GL.RGBA16F; bpc = 11; if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: 16 bpc non-linear half-float precision framebuffer will be used.\n'); end case 3 internalFormat = GL.RGBA16; bpc = 16; if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: 16 bpc linear precision framebuffer will be used.\n'); end otherwise sca; error('Unknown formatSpec provided!'); end % Selection of OpenGL tiling mode for rendering into interop texture: if tilingMode tilingMode = GL.OPTIMAL_TILING_EXT; if verbosity >= 4 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Using tiled rendering layout framebuffer for interop rendering.\n'); end else tilingMode = GL.LINEAR_TILING_EXT; if verbosity >= 4 fprintf('PsychVulkan-INFO: Using linear rendering layout framebuffer for interop rendering.\n'); end end % Set it up: if ~noInterop if IsOSX oldtex = Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetDisplayBufferTextures', [], double(interopObjectHandle), [], GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, internalFormat, 0, width, height); glDeleteTextures(1, oldtex); % Get rid of now unused old texture. else Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'ImportDisplayBufferInteropMemory', [], 0, interopObjectHandle, allocationSize, internalFormat, tilingMode, memoryOffset, width, height, renderCompleteSemaphore); end end vulkan{win}.valid = 1; vulkan{win}.win = win; vulkan{win}.vwin = vwin; vulkan{win}.width = width; vulkan{win}.height = height; vulkan{win}.isFullscreen = isFullscreen; vulkan{win}.screenId = screenId; vulkan{win}.windowRect = windowRect; vulkan{win}.outputHandle = outputHandle; vulkan{win}.outputName = outputName; vulkan{win}.needsNvidiaWa = needsNvidiaWa; vulkan{win}.LastVBLTime = nan; % Find out which Vulkan device was chosen to drive this window: hdrInfo = PsychVulkanCore('GetHDRProperties', vwin); gpuIndex = hdrInfo.GPUIndex; % Mesa open-source Vulkan drivers of Mesa version < 22.2.4 in use for fullscreen direct display mode and % target video output windowRect doesn't have top-left corner at (0,0)? if isFullscreen && any(windowRect(1:2)) && ismember(devs(gpuIndex).DriverId, [3, 6, 13, 18:20, 22:23]) && ... (devs(gpuIndex).DriverVersionRaw < bitshift (22, 22) + bitshift (2, 12) + 4) % Yes. At least as of Mesa version 22.3-devel and earlier (tested Mesa 22.3-git, 22.0.5, 21.2.6), % these drivers have an internal caching bug in their WSI, where in direct display mode they will % fail on any run after the first run in a session (vkQueuePresent() fails with VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST), % unless either the fullscreen output window was covering a video output with viewport (x,y) starting % at X-Screen position (0,0), ie. viewport top-left == X-Screen top-left. This is due to some erroneous % caching of internal per DRM/KMS output (wsi_display_connector->active) state, retaining stale settings % from the first session, which leads to omitting a required drmModeSetCrtc() full modeset on first % present -> Boom! % % The bug has been diagnosed and fixed by myself and will be part of Mesa 22.2.4 and later, but won't % get backported further, so we need a workaround for at least Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04-LTS % and Ubuntu 22.04.1-LTS, Ubuntu 22.10 and possibly also Ubuntu 22.04.2-LTS. % % The workaround is a full driver shutdown -> VKInstance destruction -> Stale cache reset -> Ok: vulkan{win}.needsMesaDDMWa = 1; fprintf('PsychVulkan-WARNING: Need to enable full-driver-shutdown workaround for buggy Mesa Vulkan driver!\n'); fprintf('PsychVulkan-WARNING: This could cause problems on multi-window Vulkan configurations and is a bad hack!\n'); fprintf('PsychVulkan-WARNING: Windows placed in the origin (0,0) of their respective X-Screen are not affected.\n'); fprintf('PsychVulkan-WARNING: Please upgrade to Mesa version 22.2.4 or later to get rid of this hack.\n'); else vulkan{win}.needsMesaDDMWa = 0; end % Store for win'dow if Vulkan driver supports high-precision timing and timestamping natively: vulkan{win}.SupportsTiming = devs(gpuIndex).SupportsTiming; % Interop enabled. Set up callbacks from Screen() imaging pipeline into our driver: % Optimized method: Use semaphore for render completion signalling by OpenGL, % Do not reset "one-shot" flags, so we do not set them again before each flip. % We do all swap scheduling and timestamping, so Screen can skip OpenGL buffer swaps, % waits/scheduling/timestamping: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetOneshotFlipFlags', '', kPsychDontAutoResetOneshotFlags + kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipSwapForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipTimestampingForFlipOnce); if ~noglfinish % Old method as fallback: Use glFinish to sync Vulkan with OpenGL, except on macOS where glFlush seems enough: if IsOSX Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain', 'Vulkan Mono commit operation', 'moglcore(''glFlush'');'); else Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain', 'Vulkan Mono commit operation', 'moglcore(''glFinish'');'); end Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain'); end if IsOSX % Special present path for Apples broken macOS: if ~vulkan{win}.SupportsTiming % We are screwed on macOS: sca; error('PsychVulkan-ERROR: macOS Vulkan does not provide builtin timing support. Game over!'); end cmdString = sprintf('PsychVulkan(2, %i, %i, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPTWHEN, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPVBLSYNCLEVEL);', win, vwin); else % Well working operating systems: cmdString = sprintf('PsychVulkan(0, %i, %i, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPTWHEN, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPVBLSYNCLEVEL);', win, vwin); end Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'PreSwapbuffersOperations', 'Vulkan Present operation', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'PreSwapbuffersOperations'); cmdString = sprintf('PsychVulkan(1, %i);', win); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'PrependMFunction', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown', 'Vulkan cleanup', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown'); % Avoid redundant call, if already done in Linux fullscreen path and effective % bpc has not changed since then. Redundant calls are not harmful, but produce % needless redundant status message clutter. if oldbpc ~= bpc % Assign override color depth and refresh interval for display: Screen('HookFunction', win, 'SetWindowBackendOverrides', [], bpc * 3, 1 / refreshHz); end % Mark usedOutput as being used by this window: vulkan{win}.usedOutput = usedOutput; % Mark usedOutput as being used on windows screenId: usedOutputs{screenId + 1} = union(usedOutputs{screenId + 1}, usedOutput); varargout{1} = vwin; return; end % 'cmd' so far not dispatched? Let's assume it is a command % meant for PsychVulkanCore: if (~isempty(varargin)) && ~isempty(varargin{1}) && isscalar(varargin{1}) && isreal(varargin{1}) && (Screen('WindowKind', varargin{1}) == 1) win = varargin{1}; vwin = vulkan{win}.vwin; [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychVulkanCore(cmd, vwin, varargin{2:end}); else [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychVulkanCore(cmd, varargin{:}); end end