function varargout = PsychVideoSwitcher(cmd, varargin) % PsychVideoSwitcher(command [,arg1, arg2, .....]); % % Psychtoolbox support for the Xiangrui Li et al. "VideoSwitcher" video % attenuator device for high precision luminance output with up to 16 bits % luminance resolution. % % This routine incorporates code contributed by Xiangru Li for switching % between monochrome and color display mode and for performing the % reference Matlab routines for image formatting. % % Options: 'command' is a command string, specifying a subcommand. The % following subcommands are supported with the following options: % % Public functions: % % % PsychVideoSwitcher('SwitchMode', screenIdx, enableLuminanceMode [, VideoSwitcherIsABox]) % - Switch programmatically between high precision luminance mode and % standard RGB true color display mode. 'screenIdx' is the screen index of the % for the display screen to switch. % % 'enableLuminanceMode' is meaningful only for card VideoSwitcher, which % must be set to 0 to switch to RGB mode, and to 1 to switch to high % precision luminance mode. For box version, the SwitchMode subfunction % ignores the third input, and only toggles between two display modes, % equivalent to pushing the switch button on the box. % % 'VideoSwitcherIsABox' is an optional argument: If set to 1, then perform % switching procedure for an external (box) device. If set to zero, then % perform procedure for an internal (PCI card) device. If argument is % omitted, the proper default type is read from a configuration file stored % in the path mypath = PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher'); % % If you create a file named 'VideoSwitcherIsABox' in that directory % mypath, the switcher is assumed to be an external box. If you create a % file named 'VideoSwitcherIsACard', the code assumes a PCI card based % device. If no such files exist, the switcher is assumed to be a box. % % It is important for the code to know if the switcher is a box or a card, % as the switching strategy is different. % % % PsychVideoSwitcher('SetTrigger', win, triggerLine [, count=infinite]); % - Set trigger line and options for VideoSwitcher connected to the display % of onscreen window 'win'. % % 'triggerLine' defines the vertical (y) position of a trigger line to be % drawn to the green channel of the final image, in order to trigger the % trigger-circuit of the VideoSwitcher. If you set it to a negative value % or to empty [], triggering will be disabled (This is the default). % % 'count' Optional: Number of redraw cycles (invocations of % Screen('Flip')), that the triggerline should be drawn. If left out, the % line will be drawn on each redraw until disabled. If set to some value, % it will be drawn for 'count' number of redraws, then disabled. % % The trigger mechanism only works if the VideoSwitcher is set to high % precision luminance display. It will emit a TTL pulse of 100 microseconds % duration when the triggerline is drawn by your display. Only one TTL % trigger pulse per video refresh is possible. % % % PsychVideoSwitcher('SetBackgroundLuminanceHint', win, luminance); % - Tell the driver the 'luminance' value of the background pixels of % onscreen windows 'win'. The driver will use this hint to optimize % conversion of background pixels. This allows for a quite significant % speedup if your stimulus only covers a fraction of the display area and % the remaining area is just a uniform luminance background. This is only % functional if you use the driver that uses the calibration LUT, not the % simple driver. % % % RGBImage = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGB', lum, ratio [, trigger]); % - Perform conversion of a luminance image into a RGBImage. This is a pure % Matlab based implementation for graphics hardware that is not capable of % supporting the imaging pipeline. % % Inputs: % lum: luminance (MxN matrix with values from 0 to 1) % ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher % trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame % trigger=1 or 'top', the first line of image % trigger=2 or 'auto', the first line with non-zero image % trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image % If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code % Output: RGB image (MxNx3 matrix with values from 0 to 255) % % % RGBImage = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGBCalibrated', lum, ratio, lut [, trigger]) % - Perform conversion of a luminance image into a RGBImage. This is a pure % Matlab based implementation for graphics hardware that is not capable of % supporting the imaging pipeline. % % Inputs: % lum: luminance (MxN matrix with values from 0 to 1) % ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher % lut: The 257 slots calibrated luminance table as described below. % trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame % trigger=1 or 'top', the first line of image % trigger=2 or 'auto', the first line with non-zero image % trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image % If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code % Output: RGB image (MxNx3 matrix with values from 0 to 255) % % Note: this runs slow when lum matrix is large. 200x200 can take 1 second. % % This uses the calibrated luminance table saved in calibratedlum.mat. % For detail, check the paper % % The steps to get the table: % % 1. Switch the video switcher to grayscale mode; % % 2. Set up the equipement to accurately measure screen luminance; % you can use a photometer or data acquisition system; % % 3. Measure 257 luminance levels at RGB of [0 0 b] and [btrr 0 255], % where b is 0:255, and btrr the blue to red ratio of switcher; % % 4. Store 257 luminance in a variable callum and normalize them: % callum=callum/callum(257); % % 5. Save it to a configuration file. See the help for subfunction % 'GetDefaultConfig' below for how and where to store the calibration % table. % % % [btrr, lut] = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetDefaultConfig', win); % - Get default 'btrr' parameter and 'lut' lookup table from configuration % files and return them. This function can be used by you to get switcher % parameters for use with the Matlab conversion functions above. It will be % automatically used by the imaging pipeline (by PsychImaging() command) if % you select VideoSwitcher as an output device but don't provide explicit % settings for 'btrr' and/or 'lut'. % % Configuration files for the VideoSwitcher should be stored in the folder % whose path you get if you type mypath = PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher'); % % You can store a configuration file specific to a display screen % 'screenid' (with the numbering as in Screen('Screens')). The file should % have the name SettingsforScreen_X.mat with X being the screen number, % e.g., SettingsforScreen_0.mat . This allows you to store per-display % device settings. Alternatively you can store settings in a "global" % config file named GlobalSettings.mat if they are not specific to the % display. The stored mat file should contain up to two variables: % % The variable 'btrr' should store the measured/calibrated BTRR % Blue-To-Red-Ratio for yor switcher and display setup. This variable is % mandatory. % % The optional variable 'lut' would be a 257 elements double vector of % luminance calibration data, as described in the help text immediately % above the help for this subfunction (== help for % 'MapLuminanceToRGBCalibrated'). % % You would create such a file by typing, e.g.: % btrr = 128; % lut = the lookup table vector created by calibration... % save 'GlobalSettings.mat' btrr lut % % % % % Internal helper functions for Psychtoolbox - Must not be called from % normal user code!! % % luttexid = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetLUTTexture', win, lut, btrr, shader); % - Convert blue-to-luminance calibration lookup table 'lut' into a lookup % table texture for the imaging pipeline, set it up and return a texture % handle 'luttexid' to it. 'btrr' is the required BTRR value. 'shader' is % the GLSL shader handle of the output formatting shader used. % % % PsychVideoSwitcher(win); % - If 'win' is a numeric onscreen window handle, perform all operations to % implement the green channel trigger functionality for onscreen window % 'win'. This routine uses MOGL glXXX() functions to implement drawing of % proper trigger pixel values to the green channel for trigger creation. % % History: % 05/25/08 mk Initial incomplete implementation. Incorporates code from % Xiangrui Li in helper subroutines. % 05/24/11 xl 3rd input for SwitchMode is not manditory since it is not % used by box version. % 07/17/13 xl Clarify in help text that SwitchMode only toggles between % two display modes. % GL access is needed for setup of green trigger channel in callback: global GL; % Cell array of trigger settings per window: persistent triggerForWindow; % Cell array with cached btrr and lut for window handle: persistent cachedStuffForWindow; % Cache info if videoswitcher is of external box type or PCI card type: persistent VideoSwitcherIsABox; % Subfunction dispatch: if nargin < 1 error('You must provide a command string!'); end if isscalar(cmd) && isnumeric(cmd) % Special callback from within PTB imaging pipeline: if isempty(triggerForWindow) || isempty(triggerForWindow{cmd}) % Invalid window handle or trigger disabled: Just skip. return; end % Extract triggerLine for this window: triggerSpec = triggerForWindow{cmd}; triggerLine = triggerSpec.triggerline; % Trigger disabled or trigger drawn for wanted 'count' number of % redraws? if triggerLine < 0 || triggerSpec.count == 0 % Yes. Just return. return; end % Decrement count: triggerSpec.count = triggerSpec.count - 1; triggerForWindow{cmd} = triggerSpec; % Due to a bug (or misfeature?) in imaging pipeline, we have unit 1 % active here. Need to disable it: % FIXME: Fix the pipeline in next beta release cycle! % MK: Fixed in source code, but all Screen mex files need recompile! glPushAttrib(GL.ENABLE_BIT); glActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE1); glDisable(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB); % This one for unit 0 is always needed, because unit 0 is enabled by % design of the pipeline, not due to a bug: glActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE0); glDisable(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB); % Disable all channels for writing except green channel: glColorMask(GL.FALSE, GL.TRUE, GL.FALSE, GL.FALSE); glColor4f(0, 1, 0, 0); % Draw horizontal line 'triggerLine' into green channel of bound % framebuffer: We actually draw a stripe of 10 lines width, just to make % sure the VideoSwitcher picks it up, regardless of resolution. glBegin(GL.QUADS); glVertex2i(0, triggerLine); glVertex2i(10000, triggerLine); glVertex2i(10000, triggerLine+10); glVertex2i(0, triggerLine+10); glEnd(); % Reenable all channels for writing: glColorMask(GL.TRUE, GL.TRUE, GL.TRUE, GL.TRUE); glPopAttrib; % Done. Return to calling routine: return; end if ~ischar(cmd) error('Subcommand must be a string!'); end if strcmpi(cmd, 'MapLuminanceToRGB') % Call lum2rgb() function to use simple conversion of luminance image % to RGB image: varargout{1} = lum2rgb(varargin{:}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'MapLuminanceToRGBCalibrated') % Call lum2rgb() function to use lut based conversion of luminance image % to RGB image: varargout{1} = lum2calrgb(varargin{:}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SwitchMode') % Switch VideoSwitcher between monochrome and color mode by sending a % sequence of frames with special green-channel control codes: if nargin < 2 error('screenId is missing!'); end screenid = varargin{1}; if ~ismember(screenid, Screen('Screens')) error('Invalid screenId provided - No such display screen!'); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) enableLuminanceMode = 0; % XL: for box, this is not used else enableLuminanceMode = varargin{2}; end if isempty(enableLuminanceMode) || ~isscalar(enableLuminanceMode) || ~isnumeric(enableLuminanceMode) || ~ismember(enableLuminanceMode, [0,1]) error('Invalid enableLuminanceMode flag provided. Must be 0 or 1!'); end if nargin < 4 % No type parameter provided: if isempty(VideoSwitcherIsABox) % Check if type is stored in config file: lpath = sprintf('%sVideoSwitcherIsABox', PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher')); if exist(lpath, 'file') VideoSwitcherIsABox = 1; else lpath = sprintf('%sVideoSwitcherIsACard', PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher')); if exist(lpath, 'file') VideoSwitcherIsABox = 0; else fprintf('PsychVideoSwitcher: Could not find out if VideoSwitcher is a box or a PCI card. Just assuming it is a box...\n'); VideoSwitcherIsABox = 1; end end end else VideoSwitcherIsABox = varargin{3}; if isempty(VideoSwitcherIsABox) || ~isscalar(VideoSwitcherIsABox) || ~isnumeric(VideoSwitcherIsABox) || ~ismember(VideoSwitcherIsABox, [0,1]) error('Invalid VideoSwitcherIsABox flag provided. Must be 0 or 1!'); end end % Enumerate all onscreen windows for screen 'screenid': allWindows = Screen('Windows'); allWindowKinds = Screen('WindowKind', allWindows); onscreenWins = allWindows(allWindowKinds == 1); for win = onscreenWins % Is 'win' an onscreen window on screen screenid? if Screen('WindowScreenNumber', win) == screenid % This 'win'dow is an onscreen window on our target screenid. % Close it -- We don't want any onscreen windows on the screen % to switch, as they could clash/interfere with the switching % operation. Recycling them is impossible as we don't know % their configuration wrt. imaging mode, size etc.: Screen('Close', win); end end % Ok, our target screen 'screenid' is clear of any onscreen windows. % Create our own one: Fullscreen, black background clear color, no % imaging pipe or anything else, double-buffered. Disable all % sync-tests, warnings etc. for this switch action: oldverbosity = Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 1); oldsynclevel = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2); oldvisuallevel = Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', 0); win = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, []); % Hide mouse cursor: HideCursor; % Get current display size: [width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', win); % Get video refresh duration: We query nominal framerate, as this is faster % and sufficient for our purpose: ifi=Screen('NominalFramerate', win); if ifi == 0 % Special case: Invalid framerate -- This usually means 60 Hz: ifi = 1/60; else % ifi is 1/Hz: ifi = 1/ifi; end if VideoSwitcherIsABox % Perform switching procedure for external box based VideoSwitcher: switchColorBox(win, width, height, ifi, enableLuminanceMode); else % Perform switching procedure for internal PCI based VideoSwitcher: switchColorCard(win, width, height, ifi, enableLuminanceMode); end % Show mouse cursor again: ShowCursor; % Close our window: Screen('Close', win); % Restore old settings: Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldverbosity); Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynclevel); Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', oldvisuallevel); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetTrigger') % Define the trigger line for a specific onscreen window: if nargin < 3 error('You must provide the windowhandle and triggerline to the "SetTrigger" subfunction.'); end win = varargin{1}; if ~isscalar(win) || ~isnumeric(win) || Screen('WindowKind', win)~=1 error('The "window" argument must be a scalar windowhandle of an onscreen window for the "SetTrigger" subfunction.'); end triggerline = varargin{2}; % Empty triggerline == Disable trigger: if isempty(triggerline) triggerForWindow{win} = []; else if ~isscalar(triggerline) || ~isnumeric(triggerline) error('The "triggerLine" argument must be a scalar numeric value for the "SetTrigger" subfunction.'); end % Store this setting in our cell array: triggerSpec.triggerline = triggerline; % Optional count provided? if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) % Nope: Set to infinite count: triggerSpec.count = -1; else % Yes: Set it. triggerSpec.count = varargin{3}; end triggerForWindow{win} = triggerSpec; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetDefaultConfig') % Retrieve default configuration for a specific onscreen window: if nargin < 2 screenid = 0; else % Retrieve window handle for the already opened onscreen window on % which VideoSwitcher is supposed to be operating: win = varargin{1}; if ~isscalar(win) || ~isnumeric(win) error('The "window" argument must be a scalar windowhandle of an onscreen window or a scalar screenid for the "GetDefaultConfig" subfunction.'); end % Screenid or windowhandle? if ismember(win, Screen('Screens')) % Screenid - Assign: screenid = win; else % Either windowhandle or error: if Screen('WindowKind', win)~=1 error('The "window" argument must be a scalar windowhandle of an onscreen window or a scalar screenid for the "GetDefaultConfig" subfunction.'); end % The 'win'dowhandle by itself is meaningless. We map the windowhandle % to its associated screenid and then lookup proper configuration files % for that screen: screenid = Screen('WindowScreenNumber', win); end end % First check for a per-screen file: lpath = sprintf('%sSettingsforScreen_%i.mat', PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher'), screenid); if exist(lpath, 'file') % Per screen file: Load it. switcherconfig = load(lpath); else % No such per screen file. Try global default file: lpath = sprintf('%sGlobalSettings.mat', PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher')); if exist(lpath, 'file') % Load global file: switcherconfig = load(lpath); else % No files at all. Setup a default config: switcherconfig.btrr = 128; switcherconfig.lut = linspace(0, 1, 257); fprintf('\nPsychVideoSwitcher: Warning: No meaningful configuration for VideoSwitcher available in configuration directory:\n%s\nUsing fake default settings: BTRR=128 and a linear 257 slot lut...\n\n', PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher')); lpath = []; end end if ~isempty(lpath) fprintf('PsychVideoSwitcher: Info: Configuration for VideoSwitcher loaded from default config file:\n%s\n', lpath); end % Return BTRR setting: varargout{1} = switcherconfig.btrr; % Return Blue channel to luminance calibration lut, if any: if isfield(switcherconfig, 'lut') varargout{2} = switcherconfig.lut; else varargout{2} = []; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetLUTTexture') if nargin < 4 error('You must provide the window handle, lut lookup table and btrr to the "GetLUTTexture" subfunction.'); end win = varargin{1}; if ~isscalar(win) || ~isnumeric(win) || Screen('WindowKind', win)~=1 error('The "window" argument must be a scalar windowhandle of an onscreen window or a scalar screenid for the "GetLUTTexture" subfunction.'); end lut = varargin{2}; if isempty(lut) error('You must provide the lut lookup table as 2nd argument to the "GetLUTTexture" subfunction.'); end if ~isvector(lut) error('lut must be a vector!'); end if size(lut, 1) ~=1 lut = transpose(lut); end [channels, nslots] = size(lut); if channels~=1 error('lut must be a vector!'); end if nslots~=257 error('lut must have 257 slots, aka columns!'); end if ~isa(lut,'double') error('lut must by of double precision type!'); end btrr = varargin{3}; if isempty(btrr) || ~isscalar(btrr) || ~isa(btrr,'double') error('You must provide a valid scalar double btrr value as 3rd argument!'); end if nargin < 5 shader = 0; else shader = varargin{4}; if isempty(shader) shader = 0; end end % mylut is the input lut: Row 1=Red, 2=Green, 3=Blue, 4=Alpha % component of a texel, 257 texels for the 257 texel wide, 1 row high % RGBA float texture: mylut = zeros(4, 257); % Fill with normalized lut: lut = lut / lut(257); % Hmm, a dirty trick, indeed: We shift the maximum value by a very % small epsilon to avoid a boundary artifact - a wrong conversion for a % input luminance value of exactly 1.0: lut(257) = lut(257) + 1e-7; % Red channel (channel 1) contains lut values, aka minimum luminance % values for each corresponding blue channel driver value: mylut(1,:) = lut; % Green channel (channel 2) contains the upper bound, ie. the channel 1 % value of the preceding slot: mylut(2,1:256) = lut(2:257); % The upper limit of slot 257 is not defined. Set it to a value higher % than the minimum of slot 257: mylut(2,257) = lut(257); mylut(3,1:256) = repmat(btrr, 1, 256) ./ ( mylut(2,1:256) - mylut(1,1:256) ); % This is not well-defined at all: Just set it to a high value and hope % for the best... As luminance values are clamped to a maximum of 1.0, % thi... mylut(3,257) = 1e10; % Build texture: luttex = glGenTextures(1); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, luttex); glTexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0, GL.RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE, 257, 1, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, moglsingle(mylut)); % Make sure we use nearest neighbour sampling: glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.NEAREST); % And that we clamp to edge: glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0); % Return texture handle: varargout{1} = luttex; % We store an internal backup copy of used input lut and btrr for this % window handle: wincache.btrr = btrr; wincache.lut = lut; wincache.shader = shader; cachedStuffForWindow{win} = wincache; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetBackgroundLuminanceHint') if nargin < 3 error('You must provide the window handle and luminance hint value to the "SetBackgroundLuminanceHint" subfunction.'); end win = varargin{1}; if ~isscalar(win) || ~isnumeric(win) || Screen('WindowKind', win)~=1 error('The "window" argument must be a scalar windowhandle of an onscreen window or a scalar screenid for the "SetBackgroundLuminanceHint" subfunction.'); end lum = varargin{2}; if ~isscalar(lum) || ~isnumeric(lum) error('The "backgroundLuminance" argument must be a scalar luminance value in range [0 ; 1] for the "SetBackgroundLuminanceHint" subfunction.'); end % Ok, we have luminance value and window handle. Do we have relevant % cached info for this windowhandle? if isempty(cachedStuffForWindow) || isempty(cachedStuffForWindow{win}) fprintf('PsychVideoSwitcher(''SetBackgroundLuminanceHint''): I do not have neccessary internal information for this onscreen window!\n'); fprintf('Call PsychImaging(''OpenWindow'',...) first! This also has no function if you don''t use the calibrated VideoSwitcher driver.\n'); end % Extract info: wincache = cachedStuffForWindow{win}; % Only do this if the LUT based converter is used: if wincache.shader ~= 0 % Map luminance value to color values via Matlab based conversion % routines: RGBPixel = lum2calrgb(lum, wincache.btrr, wincache.lut, 0); % Store (R,B) values in 0-1 range in red and blue channels, the % luminance "key" value in the green channel: redv = double(RGBPixel(1,1,1))/255; greenv = lum; bluev = double(RGBPixel(1,1,3))/255; % Find GLSL shader handle for VideoSwitcher shader: % Set values in shader: glUseProgram(wincache.shader); glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(wincache.shader, 'BackgroundPixel'), redv, greenv, bluev); glUseProgram(0); end % Done. return; end % Unknown command string - No match to any of the routines above: error('Unknown subcommand provided!'); return; %#ok % Helper functions: % % Convert luminance matrix into RGB image to drive a video switcher. % % Usage: RGBimage = lum2rgb (lum, ratio [, trigger]) % Inputs: % lum: luminance (MxN matrix with values from 0 to 1) % ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher % trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame % trigger=1 or 'auto', the first line of image % trigger=2 or 'top', the first line with non-zero image % trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image % If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code % Output: RGB image (MxNx3 matrix with values from 0 to 255) % XL, 01/03/2008 function img = lum2rgb (lum, ratio, trigger) if nargin<3 || isempty(trigger), trigger=0; end if nargin<2 || isempty(ratio), ratio=128; end if nargin<1, disp('Usage: RGBimage = lum2rgb (lum, ratio [, trigger])'); return; end sz=size(lum); img = uint8(zeros(sz(1),sz(2),3)); % preallocate memory lum=lum*255; % now 0 to 255 img(:,:,3) = uint8(min(255,floor((ratio+1)/ratio*lum))); % first calculates BLUE img(:,:,1) = uint8((ratio+1)*lum-double(img(:,:,3))*ratio); % then remainder is achieved by RED if trigger==0, return; end switch trigger case {2, 'top'} line = 1; % first line of the image case {3, 'middle'} line = round(sz(1)/2); % middle of image otherwise line = ceil(find(lum',1,'first')/sz(2)); % the first line where lum is non-zero end img(line,:,2) = uint8(255); % set green to 255. Will send trigger when displayed return; % Convert luminance matrix into RGB image to drive a video switcher. % This uses the calibrated luminance table saved in calibratedlum.mat. % For detail, check the paper % % The steps to get the table: % 1. Switch the video switcher to grayscale mode; % 2. Set up the equipement to accurately measure screen luminance; % you can use a photometer or data acquisition system; % 3. Measure 257 luminance levels at RGB of [0 0 b] and [btrr 0 255], % where b is 0:255, and btrr the blue to red ratio of switcher; % 4. Store 257 luminance in variable callum and normalize them: % callum=callum/callum(257); % 5. Save it under a proper folder with Matlab path: % save calibratedlum callum; % % Usage: RGBimage = lum2calrgb (lum, ratio [, trigger]) % Inputs: % lum: luminance (MxN matrix with values from 0 to 1) % ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher % trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame % trigger=1 or 'auto', the first line of image % trigger=2 or 'top', the first line with non-zero image % trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image % If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code % Output: RGB image (MxNx3 matrix with values from 0 to 255) % % Note: this runs slow when lum matrix is large. 200x200 can take 1 second. % XL, 01/08/2008 function img = lum2calrgb (lum, ratio, callum, trigger) if nargin<4 || isempty(trigger), trigger=0; end if nargin<3, disp('Usage: RGBimage = lum2calrgb (lum, ratio, lut [, trigger])'); return; end if length(callum)~=257 error('Calibrated luminance table must have 257 entries.'); end sz=size(lum); blue=ones(sz)*255; for i=1:256 ind=find(lum>=callum(i) & lum end img=zeros(sz(1),sz(2),3); % preallocate memory img(:,:,3)=blue; img(:,:,1)=(lum-callum(blue+1))./(callum(blue+2)-callum(blue+1))*ratio; % red img=uint8(img); if trigger==0, return; end switch trigger case {2, 'top'} line = 1; % first line of the image case {3, 'middle'} line = round(sz(1)/2); % middle of image otherwise line = ceil(find(lum',1,'first')/sz(2)); % the first line where lum is non-zero end img(line,:,2) = uint8(255); % set green to 255. Will send trigger when displayed return; % Switch between normal color mode and high grayscale mode of a box video switcher. % Usage for box switcher: % switchColor(windowOrScreenNumber) to switch back and forth between two modes. % Call it to switch to grayscale mode after you open a window, and % call it again to switch back to normal color mode after you finish display. % XL, 01/08/2008 function switchColorBox(w, width, height, ifi, enableLuminanceMode) %#ok % Doesn't help doesn't hurt either: Screen('FillRect',w,0); ppb=1/ifi*width*height/4e6; % pixels per bit based on 4 MHz detection frequency % these 2 signals will make a switch bits=[1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1; ... 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1]; % factor means the percent of time to display pixels within a frame. % Here we use a large range of factor so it will work for different settings. range=[0.6 0.85]; % you can narrow the range at specific monitor setting step=0.2/ppb; % in case of switch failure, reduce 0.2 to about 0.15 pixelPos=round((0:25)*ppb/range(1)); img1=zeros(1, pixelPos(26), 3); % one line image, will change green layer img2=img1; for i=1:25 img1(1, pixelPos(i)+1:pixelPos(i+1), 2)=bits(1,i)*255; img2(1, pixelPos(i)+1:pixelPos(i+1), 2)=bits(2,i)*255; end tex(1)=Screen('MakeTexture',w,uint8(img1)); tex(2)=Screen('MakeTexture',w,uint8(img2)); for i=1:2 for factor=(range(1):step:range(2))/range(1) rd=rand*ppb*0.5; % random shift up to half a bit Screen('DrawTexture',w, tex(i),[],[rd 0 pixelPos(26)/factor+rd 1]); Screen('Flip',w); end end % Release textures: Screen('Close', tex); return; % Switch between normal color mode and high grayscale mode of a card video switcher. % Usage: switchColorCard [(color,windowOrScreenNumber)] % Optional inputs: % color: 0, 'BW' or 'gray' to switch to high grayscale monochrome mode, % otherwise (or omit) to switch to color mode. % windowOrScreenNumber: windowPtr or screen number. Default is current onscreen. % XL, 11/2007 function switchColorCard(w, width, height, ifi, enableLuminanceMode) Screen('FillRect',w,0); ppb=1/ifi*width*height/4e6; % pixels per bit based on 4 MHz detection frequency % 1st row to gray, 2nd color bits=[1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1; ... 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1]; if enableLuminanceMode==1 % Switch to monochrome mode: color=1; else % Switch to RGB mode: color=2; end % factor means the percent of time to display pixels within a frame. % Here we use a large range of factor so it will work for different settings. range=[0.6 0.85]; % you can narrow the range at specific monitor setting step=0.2/ppb; % in case of switch failure, reduce 0.2 to about 0.15 pixelPos=round((0:25)*ppb/range(1)); img=zeros(1, pixelPos(26), 3); % one line image, will change green layer for i=1:25 img(1, pixelPos(i)+1:pixelPos(i+1), 2)=bits(color,i)*255; end tex=Screen('MakeTexture',w,uint8(img)); for factor=(range(1):step:range(2))/range(1) rd=rand*ppb*0.5; % random shift up to half a bit Screen('DrawTexture',w,tex,[],[rd 0 rd+pixelPos(26)/factor 1]); Screen('Flip',w); end % MK: Release textures: Screen('Close', tex); return;