function varargout = PsychHDR(cmd, varargin) % PsychHDR - Support and control stimulus display to HDR "High dynamic range" displays. % % This driver provides both, the setup code for the HDR main setup command % PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableHDR'), to get HDR display enabled % for a specific Psychtoolbox onscreen window on a specific HDR display, and % utility subfunctions for user-scripts to call after initial setup, to modify % HDR display behaviour. % % HDR currently only works on graphics card + operating system combinations which % support both the OpenGL and Vulkan rendering api's and also efficient OpenGL-Vulkan % interoperation. Additionally, the Vulkan driver, graphics card, and your display % device must support at least the HDR-10 standard for high dynamic range display. % % As of April 2021, these graphics cards would be suitable: % % - Modern AMD (RX 500 "Polaris" and later recommended) and NVidia (GeForce 1000 % "Pascal" and later recommended) graphics cards under a Microsoft Windows-10 % operating system, which is up to date for the year 2021. % % - Modern AMD graphics cards (like above) under modern GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.4-LTS % at a minimum (untested!), or better Ubuntu 20.04-LTS and later recommended), with % the AMD open-source Vulkan driver "amdvlk". Install driver release 2020-Q3.5 from % September 2020, which was tested, or any later versions. Note that release % 2023-Q3.3 from September 2023 was the last release to support pre-Navi gpu's like % Polaris and Vega. Later versions only support AMD Navi and later with RDNA graphics % architecture. % % The following webpage has amdvlk download and installation instructions: % % % % - Some Apple Mac computers, e.g., the MacBookPro 2017 15 inch Retina with AMD % graphics, under macOS 10.15.4 Catalina or later, do now have experimental and % limited HDR support. This has been tested with macOS 10.15.7 Catalina final, % on the MBP 2017 with AMD Radeon Pro 560 in a limited way on an external HDR-10 % monitor, connected via USB-C to DisplayPort adapter. Precision of content % reproduction during leight testing was worse than on Linux and Windows. The % presentation timing was awful and unreliable, and performance was bad. Flexibility % and functionality was very limited in comparison to Windows-10, and even more so % compared to Linux. Querying HDR display properties from the HDR display is not % supported due to macOS limitations, and high performance HDR movie playback is % completely missing due to severe deficiencies of Apple's OpenGL implementation. % This uses the Apple Metal EDR "Extended dynamic range" support in macOS. Note % that Vulkan and HDR support on macOS is considered alpha quality at best, and % we do not provide any support for this feature. As always, if you care about % the quality of your results, use preferrably Linux, or Windows-10 instead. % % You need at least MoltenVK version 1.1.4 and LunarG Vulkan SDK from % 5th July 2021 or later. MoltenVK v1.1.5 or later is recommended at this time. % % Download link for the MoltenVK open-source "Vulkan on Metal" driver: % % % Overview on: % % % HDR functionality is demonstrated in multiple demos: % % SimpleHDRDemo.m as a simple starter for basic image display and rendering. % HDRViewer.m as a more fancy static image viewer. % HDRTest.m for testing HDR reproduction with a colorimeter supported by Psychtoolbox. % MinimalisticOpenGLDemo.m with the optional 'hdr' parameter set to 1 for most basic OpenGL rendering in HDR. % PlayMoviesDemo.m with the optional 'hdr' parameter set to 1 for playback of HDR movies. % % Useful helper functions beyond PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableHDR'); % for basic HDR setup and configuration, and PsychHDR() for tweaking, are % the HDRRead() command for reading some HDR image file formats, e.g., % Radiance .hdr or OpenEXR .exr, ComputeHDRStaticMetadataType1ContentLightLevels() % for computing HDR static metadata type one for an image or stack of % images, and ConvertRGBSourceToRGBTargetColorSpace() for converting images % from a source color space / gamut to a destination color space / gamut. % % % Most often you won't call this function directly, but Psychtoolbox will call % it appropriately from the PsychImaging() function. Read relevant sections % related to 'EnableHDR' in 'help PsychImaging' first, before venturing into the % subfunctions offered by this function. % % User accessible commands and their meaning: % ------------------------------------------- % % oldVerbosity = PsychHDR('Verbosity' [, verbosity]); % - Returns and optionally sets level of 'verbosity' for driver debug output. % 'verbosity' = New level of verbosity: 0 = Silent, 1 = Errors only, 2 = Warnings, % 3 = Info, 4 = Debug, 5 -- ... = Higher debug levels. % % % isSupported = PsychHDR('Supported'); % - Returns if HDR visual stimulus display is in principle supported on this setup. % 1 = Supported, 0 = No driver, hardware or operating system support. % % % hdrProperties = PsychHDR('GetHDRProperties', window); % - Returns hdrProperties, a struct with information about the HDR display properties % of the onscreen window 'window'. Most importantly, it returns information about the % native color gamut of the HDR display device and its brightness range. The following % fields in hdrProperties exist at least: % % 'Valid' Are the HDR display properties valid? 0 = No, as no data could be % queried from the display, 1 = Yes, data has been queried from display and is % supposed to represent actual display HDR capabilities and properties. % % 'HDRMode' 0 = None (SDR), 1 = Basic HDR-10 enabled with BT-2020 color space, 10 % bpc color precision, and ST-2084 PQ Perceptual Quantizer EOTF. % % 'LocalDimmingControl' 0 = No, 1 = Local dimming control supported. % % 'MinLuminance' Minimum supported luminance in nits. % % 'MaxLuminance' Maximum supported peak / burst luminance in nits. This is often % only achievable for a small area of the display surface over extended % periods of time, e.g., only for 10% of the pixel area. The full display % may only be able to sustain that luminance for a few seconds. % % 'MaxFrameAverageLightLevel' Maximum sustainable supported luminance in nits. % % 'MaxContentLightLevel' Maximum desired content light level in nits. % % 'ColorGamut' A 2-by-4 matrix encoding the CIE-1931 2D chromaticity coordinates of the % red, green, and blue color primaries in columns 1, 2 and 3, and % the white-point in column 4. % % % oldlocalDimmmingEnable = PsychHDR('HDRLocalDimming', window [, localDimmmingEnable]); % - Return and/or set HDR local backlight dimming enable setting for display % associated with window 'window'. % % This function returns the currently set HDR local backlight dimming setting for % dynamic contrast control on the HDR display monitor associated with window % 'window'. % % Return argument 'oldlocalDimmmingEnable' is the current setting. % The optional 'localDimmingEnable' is the new setting to apply. This will only % work if the display and display driver supports the VK_AMD_display_native_hdr % Vulkan extension. As of July 2020, only "AMD FreeSync2 HDR compliant" HDR % monitors under Windows-10 with an AMD graphics card in fullscreen mode support % this. % % The hdrProperties = PsychHDR('GetHDRProperties', window); function allows to query % if the current setup supports this function. Please note that this function will % always report the selected 'localDimmingEnable' setting made by your code on a % nominally supported setup. There is no way for our driver to detect if the mode % change on the display was accepted, as the operating system provides no feedback % about this. At least one model of "compatible" monitor is already known to % ignore this setting, unknown if this is an AMD driver bug or monitor firmware % bug. Tread carefully! Manual control of this setting on the monitor itself may % be the safer choice. % % % a) oldHdrMetadata = PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', window, metadataType [, maxFrameAverageLightLevel][, maxContentLightLevel][, minLuminance][, maxLuminance][, colorGamut]); % b) oldHdrMetadata = PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', window [, newHdrMetadata]); % - Return and/or set HDR metadata for presentation window 'window'. % % This function returns the currently defined HDR metadata that is sent % to the HDR display associated with the window 'window'. It optionally % allows to define new HDR metadata to send to the display, starting with % the next presented visual stimulus image, ie. the successfull completion % of the next Screen('Flip'). % % The mandatory parameter 'metadataType' specifies the format in which % HDR metadata should be returned or set. % % Return argument 'oldHdrMetadata' is a struct with information about the % current metadata. Optionally you can define new metadata to be sent to % the display in one of the two formats a) or b) shown above: Either a) % as separate parameters, or b) as a 'newHdrMetadata' struct. If you use % the separate parameters format a) and specify any new settings, but % omit some of the optional parameter values or leave them [] empty, then % those values will remain at their current / old values. If you use the % struct format b), then you must pass in a non-empty 'newHdrMetadata' % struct which contains the same fields as the struct returned in % 'oldHdrMetadata', with all fields for the given 'MetadataType' properly % defined, otherwise an error will occur. Format b) is useful as a % convenience for querying 'oldHdrMetadata', then modifying some of its % values, and then passing this modified variant back in as % 'newHdrMetadata'. For HDR movie playback, Screen('OpenMovie') also % optionally returns a suitable hdrStaticMetaData struct in the right % format for passing it as 'newHdrMetadata'. % % The following fields in the struct and as new settings are defined: % % 'MetadataType' Type of metadata to send or query. Currently only a % value of 0 is supported, which defines "Static HDR metadata type 1", as % used and specified by the HDR standards CTA-861-3 / CTA-861-G (content % light levels) and SMPTE 2086 (mastering display color properties, ie. % color volume). % % The content light level properties 'MaxFrameAverageLightLevel' and % 'MaxContentLightLevel' default to 0 at startup, which signals to the % display device that they are unknown, a reasonable assumption for % dynamically rendered content with prior unknown maximum values over a % whole session. % % 'MaxFrameAverageLightLevel' Maximum frame average light level of the visual % content in nits, range 0 - 65535 nits. % % 'MaxContentLightLevel' Maximum light level of the visual content in % nits, range 0 - 65535 nits. % % The following mastering display properties (~ color volume) default to % the properties of the connected HDR display monitor for presentation, if % they could be queried from the connected monitor. It is advisable to % override them with the real properties of the mastering display, e.g., % for properly mastered movie content or image files where this data may % be available. % % 'MinLuminance' Minimum supported luminance of the mastering display in % nits, range 0 - 6.5535 nits. % % 'MaxLuminance' Maximum supported luminance of the mastering display in % nits, range 0 - 65535 nits. % % 'ColorGamut' A 2-by-4 matrix encoding the CIE-1931 2D chromaticity % coordinates of the red, green, and blue color primaries in columns 1, % 2, and 3, and the location of the white-point in column 4. This defines % the color space and gamut in which the visual content was produced. % % History: % 10-Jul-2020 mk Written. global GL; persistent verbosity; persistent targetUUIDs; persistent oldHDRMeta; persistent oldHDRProperties; if nargin < 1 || isempty(cmd) help PsychHDR; return; end if isempty(verbosity) verbosity = PsychVulkan('Verbosity'); end % oldVerbosity = PsychHDR('Verbosity' [, verbosity]); if strcmpi(cmd, 'Verbosity') varargout{1} = verbosity; if (~isempty(varargin)) && ~isempty(varargin{1}) verbosity = varargin{1}; PsychVulkan('Verbosity', verbosity); end return; end % isSupported = PsychHDR('Supported'); if strcmpi(cmd, 'Supported') try % Enumerate all Vulkan gpu's, try to find if at least one % supports HDR. Return 1 == Supported if so, 0 == Unsupported otherwise. varargout{1} = 0; if PsychVulkan('Supported') devices = PsychVulkan('GetDevices'); for d = devices if d.SupportsHDR varargout{1} = 1; break; end end end catch lasterror('reset'); %#ok<*LERR> varargout{1} = 0; end return; end % hdrImagingModeFlags = PsychHDR('GetClientImagingParameters', hdrArguments); if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetClientImagingParameters') % Parse caller provided EnableHDR task parameters into an easily usable % hdrArgs settings struct, while validating user input: hdrArgs = parseHDRArguments(varargin{1}); %#ok % We need the final output formatting imaging pipeline chain to attach our % HDR post-processing shader, at a minimum for OETF mapping, e.g., PQ. Also % mark the onscreen window as HDR window, so texture precision for 'MakeTexture' % et al. can be adapted, and the movie playback engine can decode/remap video % frames from movies accordingly: hdrImagingModeFlags = mor(kPsychNeedOutputConversion, kPsychNeedHDRWindow); varargout{1} = hdrImagingModeFlags; return; end % [useVulkan, vulkanHDRMode, vulkanColorPrecision, vulkanColorSpace, vulkanColorFormat] = PsychHDR('GetVulkanHDRParameters', win, hdrArguments); if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetVulkanHDRParameters') % Onscreen window handle: win = varargin{1}; %#ok % Parse caller provided EnableHDR task parameters into an easily usable % hdrArgs settings struct, while validating user input: hdrArgs = parseHDRArguments(varargin{2}); % useVulkan = 1, as we currently only do HDR via Vulkan/WSI: varargout{1} = 1; % vulkanHDRMode: varargout{2} = hdrArgs.hdrMode; % vulkanColorPrecision = 0 -- Derive from vulkanHDRMode by default: varargout{3} = 0; % vulkanColorSpace: varargout{4} = hdrArgs.colorSpace; % vulkanColorFormat = 0 -- Derive from vulkanHDRMode by default: varargout{5} = 0; return; end % [hdrShader, hdrShaderIdString] = PsychHDR('PerformPostWindowOpenSetup', win, hdrArguments, icmShader, icmShaderIdString); if strcmpi(cmd, 'PerformPostWindowOpenSetup') % Setup operations after Screen's PTB onscreen window is opened, and OpenGL and % the imaging pipeline are brought up, as well as the corresponding Vulkan/WSI % window. Needs to hook up the imaging pipeline to our HDR post-processing shaders. % Must have global GL constants: if isempty(GL) varargout{1} = 0; warning('PTB internal error in PsychHDR: GL struct not initialized?!?'); return; end % Psychtoolbox Screen onscreen window handle: win = varargin{1}; % Parse caller provided EnableHDR task parameters into an easily usable % hdrArgs settings struct, while validating user input: hdrArgs = parseHDRArguments(varargin{2}); % hdrMode: 0 = SDR, 1 = HDR-10: hdrMode = hdrArgs.hdrMode; % Special static HDR stereo hack on Linux/X11 enabled? if hdrArgs.dummy ~= 2 % No, standard case: Retrieve actual parameters of Vulkan window: hdrWindowProps = PsychVulkan('GetHDRProperties', win); else % Yes: We don't have an actual Vulkan window available at this point, % only the regular Screen() onscreen window 'win', spanning all displays % of a HDR setup. Therefore we can not query hdrWindowProps and need to % make them up in a way compatible with this special purpose hack. % Assign something that triggers the 'otherwise' case below: hdrWindowProps.ColorSpace = 1; end % hdrWindowProps provides us with the actual output colorspace, framebuffer % precision, and if it is unorm or float. % TODO: Potentially adapt type of shader to use or add colorspace conversion % if source and target colorspace are different... % Get ICM color correction shader and shader name to use / attach to our HDR shader program: icmshader = varargin{3}; icmstring = varargin{4}; % HDR emulation dummy mode requested? if hdrMode == 0 && hdrArgs.dummy % For purpose of setup code in this subfunction, treat it as hdrMode 1: hdrMode = 1; end switch (hdrMode) case 1 % HDR-10: At least 10 bpc color depth, BT-2020/Rec-2020 color space, % SMPTE ST-2084 PQ "Perceptual Quantizer" OETF encoding by us. % Select scalefactor from user framebuffer to shader input: % Input scaling from input unit to 0 - 1 range, where 1 = 10000 nits: scalefactor = hdrArgs.inputScalefactor; % Set scaling factors for mapping SDR or HDR image and movie content into our HDR linear color space, % using the correct unit of luminance. Used by movie playback and Screen('MakeTexture') among others: Screen('HookFunction', win, 'SetHDRScalingFactors', [], hdrArgs.contentSDRToHDRFactor, 1 / scalefactor); % Set color gamut of HDR color space: Screen('HookFunction', win, 'WindowColorGamut', [], hdrArgs.colorGamut); % Load PQ shader: oetfshader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('HDR10-PQ_Shader', [], icmshader); % Define mapping from BT-2020 colorspace to output colorspace: switch (hdrWindowProps.ColorSpace) case 1000104002 % VK_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENDED_SRGB_LINEAR_EXT % scRGB colorspace with linear encoding 0-10000 nits ==> 0-125: eotfName = 'scRGB-Linear'; doPQEncode = 0; % macOS as usual needs special treatment... if IsOSX % As of MoltenVK 1.1.3, HDRMetaData setup via vkSetHDRMetadataEXT() % hard-codes a Metal surface CAEDRMetadata opticalOutputScale % factor of 1.0 nits, which means that provided pixel % color values are supposed to be interpreted as % unit of nits. Therefore we must scale by 10000 % for a mapping from [0; 1] input to [0; 10000 nits]: scalefactor = scalefactor * 10000; else % Linear encoding is simply multiplication by 125: scalefactor = scalefactor * 125; end % Need CSC from BT-2020 to scRGB: doCSC = 1; % scRGB color gamut with D65 white point and identical color gamut to sRGB and BT-709: gamutRec709 = [[0.64 ; 0.33], [0.30 ; 0.60], [0.15 ; 0.06], [0.31271 ; 0.32902]]; MCSC = ConvertRGBSourceToRGBTargetColorSpace(hdrArgs.colorGamut, gamutRec709); case 1000213000 % VK_COLOR_SPACE_DISPLAY_NATIVE_AMD if hdrWindowProps.ColorFormat == 97 % == VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT % FS2 scRGB mode: Implemented, but not tested/validated, possibly incomplete! % % scRGB colorspace with linear encoding 0-10000 % nits ==> 0-125, more specifically from display % minimum luminance / 80 to display maximum % luminance / 80, but for a max 10k nits display % that would translate to 0 - 125: eotfName = 'FS2-scRGB-Linear'; doPQEncode = 0; % Linear encoding is simply multiplication by 125: scalefactor = scalefactor * 125; % Need CSC from BT-2020 to scRGB: doCSC = 1; % scRGB color gamut with D65 white point and identical color gamut to sRGB and BT-709: gamutRec709 = [[0.64 ; 0.33], [0.30 ; 0.60], [0.15 ; 0.06], [0.31271 ; 0.32902]]; MCSC = ConvertRGBSourceToRGBTargetColorSpace(hdrArgs.colorGamut, gamutRec709); else % FS2 Gamma 2.2 mode: TODO! error('PsychHDR: FreeSync2 Gamma 2.2 HDR mode is not yet implemented!'); end warning('PsychHDR: AMD FreeSync2 HDR modes are incomplete, not officially supported, not validated, and possibly faulty!'); otherwise % VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_ST2084_EXT % Standard HDR-10 BT-2020 colorspace with PQ encoding: eotfName = 'BT-2020-PQ'; doPQEncode = 1; % From BT-2020 to BT-2020, therefore CSC not needed: doCSC = 0; MCSC = [[1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 1]]; end if verbosity >= 3 if hdrArgs.dummy ~= 1 % The real thing: fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: HDR-10 mode activated. BT-2020 input window color space, pixel color unit is %s. Output uses %s EOTF.\n', hdrArgs.inputUnit, eotfName); else % Only minimal emulation: fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: HDR-10 mode EMULATION ON SDR DISPLAY activated. BT-2020 color space, PQ EOTF. Unit is %s.\n', hdrArgs.inputUnit); fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: This is only a most bare-bones emulation. VISUAL STIMULI WILL DISPLAY WRONG!\n'); end end % Set it up - Assign texture image unit 0 and input values % scalefactor: glUseProgram(oetfshader); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(oetfshader, 'Image'), 0); glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(oetfshader, 'Prescale'), scalefactor); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(oetfshader, 'doPQEncode'), doPQEncode); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(oetfshader, 'doCSC'), doCSC); glUniformMatrix3fv(glGetUniformLocation(oetfshader, 'MCSC'), 1, 0, MCSC); glUseProgram(0); % Assign shader name: Add name of color correction shader: oetfshaderstring = sprintf('HDR-OETF-%s-Formatter: %s', eotfName, icmstring); % Shader is ready for OETF mapping. otherwise error('Unknown hdrMode %i - Implementation bug?!?', hdrMode); end % Return formatting shader to caller: varargout{1} = oetfshader; varargout{2} = oetfshaderstring; return; end % PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', window, hdrmetadatastruct) ? if strcmpi(cmd, 'HDRMetadata') && (length(varargin) == 2) && isstruct(varargin{2}) % This is a set call for HDRMetadata, with a struct providing the % parameters. Unpack the struct and convert into a conventional call to % PsychVulkanCore('HDRMetadata'): window = varargin{1}; meta = varargin{2}; % Check if this window is associated with a Vulkan/WSI / Vulkan window: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', window, 7); if ~bitand(winfo.ImagingMode, kPsychNeedFinalizedFBOSinks) % Nope: Must be part of the static HDR stereo hack. % Return retrieved old HDR metadata settings of 1st HDR monitor: if length(oldHDRMeta) >= window varargout{1} = oldHDRMeta{window}; else varargout{1} = []; end % These are the only settings we support for the static HDR Linux/X11 hack: flags = 0; gpuIndex = 0; vulkanHDRMode = 1; % Perform HDR update hack: PsychHDR('ExecuteStaticHDRHack', window, 2, vulkanHDRMode, gpuIndex, flags, meta); % Assign new settings as future old cached settings: oldHDRMeta{window} = meta; return; end [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychVulkan(cmd, window, meta.MetadataType, meta.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel, meta.MaxContentLightLevel, meta.MinLuminance, meta.MaxLuminance, meta.ColorGamut); return; end % PsychHDR('ExecuteStaticHDRHack', win, enable, vulkanHDRMode, gpuIndex, flags); if strcmpi(cmd, 'ExecuteStaticHDRHack') win = varargin{1}; enable = varargin{2}; vulkanHDRMode = varargin{3}; gpuIndex = varargin{4}; flags = bitor(varargin{5}, 1); % Must have no OpenGL-Vulkan interop. hdrMetadata = varargin{6}; % Struct with HDR metadata to use. % Get screenId of the X-Screen on which our onscreen window displays: screenId = Screen('WindowScreenNumber', win); if enable % Get the UUID of the Vulkan device that is compatible with our associated % OpenGL renderer/gpu. Compatible means: Can by used for OpenGL-Vulkan interop: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); if ~isempty(winfo.GLDeviceUUID) targetUUID = winfo.GLDeviceUUID; else % None provided, because the OpenGL implementation does not support % OpenGL-Vulkan interop. Assign empty id for most basic testing: targetUUID = zeros(1, 16, 'uint8'); % Lacking any better way to choose the gpu, assume gpuIndex 1 is the % right choice: TODO: Could go for GL_VENDOR or such for simple cases... gpuIndex = 1; end % Store this targetUUID in an internal persistent per-window variable: targetUUIDs{win} = targetUUID; % We want an identity hardware gamma lut in HDR, but at maximum lut precision, % so output does not get truncated to 8 bpc. Therefore we can't use % LoadIdentityClut() which is aimed at 8 bpc identity pixel passthrough. % This is only done on first-time enable hack: if enable == 1 % Backup old lut for this screen: BackupCluts(screenId); % Upload a perfectly linear lut for the given gpu: [~, ~, reallutsize] = Screen('ReadNormalizedGammaTable', win); % AMD gpu under Linux? if IsLinux && strcmp(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'AMD') % Use special identity gamma table (like in LoadIdentityClut()) that % is known and verified to get recognized by amdgpu-kms DC and trigger % gamma table hardware bypass mode in hardware: identityLUT = (linspace(0, 1, 256)' * ones(1, 3)); else % Other gpu + driver + os combo: Standard identity lut: identityLUT = repmat(linspace(0, 1, reallutsize)', 1, 3); end Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', win, identityLUT, 0); if verbosity >= 3 fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: Loaded identity gamma table into X-Screen %i for HDR.\n', screenId); end end else % Disable: Can not do a 'GetWindowInfo' query for targetUUID, because we % are executing from within the Screen('Close', win) path, where calls to % that function are unsafe (crash!). Retrieve the targetUUID that we cached % during the previous enable call: targetUUID = targetUUIDs{win}; targetUUIDs{win} = []; end % Get video output properties of primary display output monitor on the X-Screen: output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, 0); % Rect needs to define the video resolution of the selected video mode, ie., % wanted width x height in pixels. It is static across all participating % monitors, as either there is only one such monitor, or in a stereo dual- % display setup or similar, we need identical video modes on all participating % displays for synchronized video refresh cycles: rect = [0, 0, output.width, output.height]; % Target video refreshHz is also identical for all participating displays: refreshHz = output.hz; % Build list of RandR outputHandle's for all outputs in a single/dual-display % or multi-display stimulation setup for stereo or surround style stimulation: outputHandle = uint64([]); for i = 0:(Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenId) - 1) output = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenId, i); outputHandle(end+1) = uint64(output.outputHandle); end if enable if enable == 1 cmdString = sprintf('PsychHDR(''ExecuteStaticHDRHack'', %i, 0, %i, %i, %i, [])', win, vulkanHDRMode, gpuIndex, flags); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'PrependMFunction', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPostGLShutdown', 'Vulkan HDR hack cleanup', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPostGLShutdown'); cmdString = 'octave-cli --no-gui --no-history --silent --eval ''PsychHDR("DoExecuteStaticHDRHack", 1)'''; else cmdString = 'octave-cli --no-gui --no-history --silent --eval ''PsychHDR("DoExecuteStaticHDRHack", 2)'''; end else cmdString = 'octave-cli --no-gui --no-history --silent --eval ''PsychHDR("DoExecuteStaticHDRHack", 0)'''; end if verbosity > 2 switch(enable) case 0, fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: Executing Vulkan one-time HDR disable hack in helper process - Engage!\n'); case 1, fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: Executing Vulkan one-time HDR enable hack in helper process - Today is a good day to die! Engage!\n'); case 2, fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: Executing Vulkan one-time HDR static metadata setup hack in helper process - Today is a good day to die! Engage!\n'); end end for outputId = outputHandle % Store all relevant variables with parameters into a file, so our helper % process can read them from there. This format should work for both Octave % and Matlab, also across Matlab and Octave: save([PsychtoolboxConfigDir 'PsychHDRIPC.mat'], '-mat', '-V6'); % Execute helper process: cmdString = [cmdString ' 2>&1']; [rc, msg] = system(cmdString); if ~ismember(rc, [0, 137]) % Trouble! fprintf('PsychHDR-ERROR: Switch for outputId %i - Failed! Error output from helper process [rc=%i]:\n\n', outputId, rc); disp(msg); error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Vulkan en-/disable sequence for static HDR display hack failed! See error above.'); end if verbosity > 4 fprintf('PsychHDR-DEBUG: Switch for outputId %i - Killer trick success! Debug output from helper process:\n\n', outputId); disp(msg); fprintf('PsychHDR-DEBUG: Done. Success!\n'); elseif verbosity > 3 if enable fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: For outputId %i - Vulkan one-time HDR setup killer trick - Success!\n', outputId); else fprintf('PsychHDR-INFO: For outputId %i - Vulkan HDR teardown hack - Success!\n', outputId); end end % Retrieve HDR properties and metadata settings provided by helper process, % but only for first output, as the working assumption for multi-display is % that all HDR monitors are identical models with identical properties and % settings: if enable && (outputId == outputHandle(1)) load([PsychtoolboxConfigDir 'PsychHDRIPC.mat'], 'oldHdrMetadata', 'hdrProperties'); oldHDRMeta{win} = oldHdrMetadata; oldHDRProperties{win} = hdrProperties; end end % Give X-Server some time to settle, as some of this is a bit racy: WaitSecs(0.25); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'DoExecuteStaticHDRHack') % Load all relevant variables with parameters into a file, so our helper % process can read them from there. This format should work for both Octave % and Matlab, also across Matlab and Octave: load([PsychtoolboxConfigDir 'PsychHDRIPC.mat']); % 'enable' encodes type of request: 1/2 = Enable, 0 = Disable HDR. PsychVulkanCore('Verbosity', verbosity); % Open a Vulkan fullscreen window on target output 'outputId', with suitable % hdrMode enabled, on the proper gpu gpuIndex / targetUUID and X-Screen screenId. % % This should trigger direct display mode and sending of HDR metadata to switch % HDR monitors into HDR-10 mode: vwin = PsychVulkanCore('OpenWindow', gpuIndex, targetUUID, 1, screenId, rect, outputId, vulkanHDRMode, 1, refreshHz, 0, 0, flags); % Disable of HDR mode requested? if ~enable % Yes. Simply close the HDR window after opening it in HDR mode. This will % not only close the window, but also send the HDR disable command to the % Linux kernel, given that we just enabled HDR during the 'OpenWindow': PsychVulkanCore('CloseWindow', vwin); % We are done and can return control to the calling process, which will % then exit cleanly: return; end % Enable of HDR mode or change of HDR static metadata requested: % Custom static HDR metadata provided by caller? if ~isempty(hdrMetadata) % Yes: Set custom caller provided static HDR metadata for this session: oldHdrMetadata = PsychVulkanCore('HDRMetadata', vwin, hdrMetadata.MetadataType, hdrMetadata.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel, hdrMetadata.MaxContentLightLevel, hdrMetadata.MinLuminance, hdrMetadata.MaxLuminance, hdrMetadata.ColorGamut); % Trigger a single present to latch the new HDR metadata to the HDR monitor: PsychVulkanCore('Present', vwin, 0, 1); else oldHdrMetadata = PsychVulkanCore('HDRMetadata', vwin); end % Return old HDR metadata and properties: hdrProperties = PsychVulkanCore('GetHDRProperties', vwin); save([PsychtoolboxConfigDir 'PsychHDRIPC.mat'], '-mat', '-V6'); % End of enable sequence, now we kill ourselves: Today is a good day to die! % This will kill the Vulkan driver and hosting Octave/Matlab process without % closing the Vulkan window. As a result, the Linux kernel will clean up after % our dead process, releasing all resources and also releasing the HDR monitor/ % RandR output back to the X-Server and thereby to the regular Screen() fullscreen % onscreen window that we want to use for purely OpenGL driven HDR stimulus % presentation without any further involvement of Vulkan. % We do the kill, because if our driver/process gets killed, the one thing % the Linux kernel does not do (as of Linux 5.8 at least) is disable HDR % metadata transmission to the HDR monitor. So the HDR monitor continues to % receive our static HDR metadata and stays in HDR-10 mode with the statically % assigned HDR properties, ready to receive OpenGL rendered and displayed HDR % PQ encoded visual stimuli for display: kill(getpid, 9); % Never reached: return; end % Dispatch subfunctions with "HDR" in their name to PsychVulkan(), which may % hand them off to PsychVulkanCore(): if ~isempty(strfind(lower(cmd), 'hdr')) %#ok<*STREMP> if ~isempty(varargin) % Check if 1st arg is a window and if it is associated with a Vulkan/WSI / Vulkan window: if ~isempty(varargin{1}) && isscalar(varargin{1}) && isreal(varargin{1}) && (Screen('WindowKind', varargin{1}) == 1) winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', varargin{1}, 7); if ~bitand(winfo.ImagingMode, kPsychNeedFinalizedFBOSinks) % Nope: Windows must be part of the static HDR stereo hack. Can we handle it? if strcmpi(cmd, 'HDRMetadata') % Return cached HDR metadata from last enable/update hack: meta = oldHDRMeta{varargin{1}}; varargout{1} = meta; % Optionally assign new HDR metadata by parsing args into struct, % then using that setup code: if length(varargin) >= 2 meta.MetadataType = varargin{2}; if length(varargin) >= 3 meta.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel = varargin{3}; end if length(varargin) >= 4 meta.MaxContentLightLevel = varargin{4}; end if length(varargin) >= 5 meta.MinLuminance = varargin{5}; end if length(varargin) >= 6 meta.MaxLuminance = varargin{6}; end if length(varargin) >= 7 meta.ColorGamut = varargin{7}; end PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', varargin{1}, meta); end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetHDRProperties') % Returned cached HDR properties from last enable hack: varargout{1} = oldHDRProperties{varargin{1}}; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'HDRLocalDimming') % Not supported on Linux atm., so always report disabled: varargout{1} = 0; % Reject any setup requests: if (length(varargin) > 1) && ~isempty(varargin{2}) error('PsychHDR(''HDRLocalDimming'') control is not supported on Linux in OpenGL HDR hack mode!'); end return; end % This call is unsupported: warning(sprintf('PsychHDR(''%s'') call unsupported in static HDR OpenGL Linux hack mode. Ignored!', cmd)); varargout{1} = []; return; end end [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychVulkan(cmd, varargin{1:end}); else PsychVulkan(cmd); end return; end sca; error('Invalid command ''%s'' specified. Read ''help PsychHDR'' for list of valid commands.', cmd); end % Parse arguments provided by user-script in PsychImaging('AddTask','General','EnableHDR', ...) % and turn them into a settings struct for internal use: function hdrArgs = parseHDRArguments(hdrArguments) % hdrArguments{1} = Tasktype 'General' % hdrArguments{2} = Task 'EnableHDR' % hdrArguments{3} = unit of color input values. % hdrArguments{4} = hdrMode='Auto' aka 'HDR-10'. % hdrArguments{5} = extraRequirements='' by default. % Validate inputs: if ~strcmpi(hdrArguments{1}, 'General') error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Invalid task type ''%s'' provided for HDR operation.', hdrArguments{1}); end if ~strcmpi(hdrArguments{2}, 'EnableHDR') error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Invalid task ''%s'' provided for HDR operation.', hdrArguments{2}); end if isempty(hdrArguments{3}) hdrArguments{3} = 'Nits'; end switch lower(hdrArguments{3}) case 'nits' hdrArgs.inputScalefactor = 1 / 10000; hdrArgs.contentSDRToHDRFactor = 80; hdrArgs.inputUnit = 'Nits'; case '80nits' hdrArgs.inputScalefactor = 80 / 10000; hdrArgs.contentSDRToHDRFactor = 1; hdrArgs.inputUnit = '80Nits'; otherwise error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Invalid input color value unit argument ''%s'' provided for HDR operation.', hdrArguments{3}); end hdrArgs.unit = hdrArgs.inputUnit; if isempty(hdrArguments{4}) hdrArguments{4} = 'Auto'; end switch lower(hdrArguments{4}) case 'auto' % Auto maps to only currently supported mode 'HDR-10' aka 1: hdrArgs.hdrMode = 1; case 'hdr10' % HDR-10: 10 bpc precision, BT-2020 color space, PQ EOTF: hdrArgs.hdrMode = 1; otherwise error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Invalid hdrMode ''%s'' provided for HDR operation.', hdrArguments{4}); end % Map hdrMode to default color gamut for that mode: switch (hdrArgs.hdrMode) case 1 % HDR-10, BT-2100 container, ie. BT-2020 aka ITU Rec.2020 color space with D65 white point: hdrArgs.colorGamut = [[0.708 ; 0.292], [0.170 ; 0.797], [0.131 ; 0.046], [0.31271 ; 0.32902]]; hdrArgs.colorSpace = 0; % Auto-Select Vulkan colorspace based on hdrMode. %hdrArgs.colorSpace = 1000213000; % This would request VK_COLOR_SPACE_DISPLAY_NATIVE_AMD for Freesync2 HDR. Disabled atm., because this is neither complete nor validated at all! otherwise error('PsychHDR-ERROR: Default color gamut for hdrMode %i unknown for HDR operation! PsychHDR() implementation bug?!?', hdrArgs.hdrMode); end % No dummy HDR mode by default: hdrArgs.dummy = 0; % Handle extraRequirements: if ~isempty(hdrArguments{5}) if ~isempty(strfind(lower(hdrArguments{5}), 'statichdrhack')) % Static HDR stereo hack on Linux/X11 requested, for driving the HDR display via purely OpenGL: hdrArgs.dummy = 2; end if ~isempty(strfind(lower(hdrArguments{5}), 'dummy')) % Dummy mode requested, for minimal emulation on a SDR display: hdrArgs.hdrMode = 0; if hdrArgs.dummy == 0 hdrArgs.dummy = 1; end end end end