function [gaborid, gaborrect] = CreateProceduralGabor(windowPtr, width, height, nonSymmetric, backgroundColorOffset, disableNorm, contrastPreMultiplicator, validModulationRange) % [gaborid, gaborrect] = CreateProceduralGabor(windowPtr, width, height [, nonSymmetric=0][, backgroundColorOffset =(0,0,0,0)][, disableNorm=0][, contrastPreMultiplicator=1][, validModulationRange=[-2,2]]) % % Creates a procedural texture that allows to draw Gabor stimulus patches % in a very fast and efficient manner on modern graphics hardware. % % This works on GPU's with support for the OpenGL shading language and % vertex- and fragment shaders. See ProceduralGaborDemo and % ProceduralGarboriumDemo for examples on how to use this function. % ProceduralGaborDemo shows drawing of a single gabor and also allows to % perform a speed benchmark and a correctness test to verify correct % working and accuracy of this approach. ProceduralGarboriumDemo shows how % to draw large numbers of gabor patches with different paramters in a very % fast and efficient way. % % Parameters and their meaning: % % 'windowPtr' A handle to the onscreen window. % 'width' x 'height' The maximum size (in pixels) of the gabor. More % precise, the size of the mathematical support of the gabor. Providing too % small values here would 'cut off' peripheral parts or your gabor. Too big % values don't hurt wrt. correctness or accuracy, they just hurt % performance, ie. drawing speed. Use a reasonable size for your purpose. % % 'nonSymmetric' Optional, defaults to zero. A non-zero value means that % you intend to draw gabors whose gaussian hull is not perfectly circular % symmetric, but a more general ellipsoid. The generated procedural texture % will honor an additional 'spatial aspect ratio' parameter, at the expense % of a higher computational effort and therefore slower drawing speed. % % 'backgroundColorOffset' Optional, defaults to [0 0 0 0]. A RGBA offset % color to add to the final RGBA colors of the drawn gabor, prior to % drawing it. % % 'disableNorm' Optional, defaults to 0. If set to a value of 1, the % special multiplicative normalization term normf = 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sc) % will not be applied to the computed gabor. By default (setting 0), it % will be applied. This term seems to be a reasonable normalization of the % total amplitude of the gabor, but it is not part of the standard % definition of a gabor. Therefore we allow to disable this normalization. % % 'contrastPreMultiplicator' Optional, defaults to 1. This value is % multiplied as a scaling factor to the requested contrast value. % % 'validModulationRange' Optional, defaults to [-2, +2]. The range of gabor % modulation values to which the gabr is clamped. As this can vary only in % the range -1 to +1, the default setting of -2 <= x <= +2 means to not apply % any restriction/clamping. If you'd set it to, e.g., [0, 2] then you would not % allow negative values in the output gabor patch, only the positive "half-wave". % This is important when adding colors to gabors, according to practitioners of % the field. % % % Michelson contrast: % % If you use the normalized 0-1 color range and select 'modulateColor' below % as unit values, e.g., modulateColor = [1 1 1 0], and leave globalAlpha out % or set it to its 1.0 default, then the following seems to apply: % % If you set the 'disableNorm' parameter to 1 to disable the builtin normf % normalization and then specify contrastPreMultiplicator = 0.5 then the % per gabor 'contrast' value will correspond to what practitioners of the % field usually understand to be the contrast value of a gabor. Specifically, % assuming a 0.5 (=50%) gray background and a properly gamma corrected / % linearized display, the 'contrast' value, as described below, that you % pass to Screen('DrawTexture',...) will then allow to directly specify % Michelson contrast: 'contrast' = (Imax - Imin) / (Imin + Imax) % of course assuming isolated, non-superimposing gabors, so the Michelson % contrast corresponds to the maxima and minima of the gabor patch under % a suitable phase shift, where the minimum or maximum of the patch lies % in the center of the patch. % % The function returns a procedural texture handle 'gaborid' that you can % pass to the Screen('DrawTexture(s)', windowPtr, gaborid, ...) functions % like any other texture handle. The 'gaborrect' is a rectangle which % describes the size of the gabor support. % % A typical invocation to draw a single gabor patch may look like this: % % Screen('DrawTexture', windowPtr, gaborid, [], dstRect, Angle, [], [], % modulateColor, [], kPsychDontDoRotation, [phase+180, freq, sc, % contrast, aspectratio, 0, 0, 0]); % % Draws the gabor 'gaborid' into window 'windowPtr', at position 'dstRect', % or in the center if 'dstRect' is set to []. Make sure 'dstRect' has the % size of 'gaborrect' to avoid spatial distortions! You could do, e.g., % dstRect = OffsetRect(gaborrect, xc, yc) to place the gabor centered at % screen position (xc,yc). % % The definition of the gabor mostly follows the definition of Wikipedia, % but you can check the source code of ProceduralGaborDemo for a reference % Matlab implementation which is exactly equivalent to what this routine % does. % % Wikipedia's definition (better readable): % See for % Psychtoolbox forum message 9174 with an in-dephs discussion of this % function. % % % 'Angle' is the optional orientation angle in degrees (0-360), default is zero degrees. % % 'modulateColor' is the base color of the gabor patch - it defaults to % white, ie. the gabor has only luminance, but no color. If you'd set it to % [255 0 0] you'd get a reddish gabor. % % 'phase' is the phase of the gabors sine grating in degrees. % % 'freq' is its spatial frequency in cycles per pixel. % % 'sc' is the spatial constant of the gaussian hull function of the gabor, ie. % the "sigma" value in the exponential function. % % 'contrast' is the amplitude of your gabor in intensity units - A factor % that is multiplied to the evaluated gabor equation before converting the % value into a color value. 'contrast' may be a bit of a misleading term % here... % % 'aspectratio' Defines the aspect ratio of the hull of the gabor. This % parameter is ignored if the 'nonSymmetric' flag hasn't been set to 1 when % calling the CreateProceduralGabor() function. % % Make sure to use the Screen('DrawTextures', ...); function properly, % instead of the Screen('DrawTexture', ...); function, if you want to draw % many different gabors simultaneously - this is much faster! % % % History: % 11/25/2007 Written. (MK) % 01/03/2008 Enable support for asymmetric gabor shading. (MK) % 03/01/2009 Add 'disableNorm' flag to allow disabling of normalization term (MK). % 09/03/2010 Add 'contrastPreMultiplicator' as suggested by Xiangrui Li (MK). % 09/06/2016 Add 'validModulationRange' as suggested by Taylor Hanayik (MK). debuglevel = 1; % Global GL struct: Will be initialized in the LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles % below: global GL; if nargin < 3 || isempty(windowPtr) || isempty(width) || isempty(height) error('You must provide "windowPtr", "width" and "height"!'); end if nargin < 4 || isempty(nonSymmetric) nonSymmetric = 0; end if nargin < 5 || isempty(backgroundColorOffset) backgroundColorOffset = [0 0 0 0]; else if length(backgroundColorOffset) < 4 error('The "backgroundColorOffset" must be a 4 component RGBA vector [red green blue alpha]!'); end end if nargin < 6 || isempty(disableNorm) disableNorm = 0; end if ~isscalar(disableNorm) || ~ismember(disableNorm, [0, 1]) error('The "disableNorm" flag must be 0 or 1. Invalid flag passed!'); end if nargin < 7 || isempty(contrastPreMultiplicator) contrastPreMultiplicator = 1.0; end if nargin < 8 || isempty(validModulationRange) validModulationRange = [-2, 2]; end if ~isnumeric(validModulationRange) || ~isreal(validModulationRange) || length(validModulationRange) ~= 2 || ... validModulationRange(1) >= validModulationRange(2) error('The "validModulationRange" parameter must be a 2-element vector of real numbers [minval, maxval], minval < maxval!'); end % Switch to windowPtr OpenGL context: Screen('GetWindowInfo', windowPtr); % Make sure we have support for shaders, abort otherwise: AssertGLSL; if ~nonSymmetric % Load standard symmetric support shader - Faster! gaborShader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('BasicGaborShader', debuglevel); else % Load extended asymmetric support shader - Slower! gaborShader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('NonSymetricGaborShader', debuglevel); end % Setup shader: glUseProgram(gaborShader); % Set the 'Center' parameter to the center position of the gabor image % patch [tw/2, th/2]: glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(gaborShader, 'Center'), width/2, height/2); glUniform4f(glGetUniformLocation(gaborShader, 'Offset'), backgroundColorOffset(1),backgroundColorOffset(2),backgroundColorOffset(3),backgroundColorOffset(4)); % Assign disable flag for normalization: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(gaborShader, 'disableNorm'), disableNorm); % Apply contrast premultiplier: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(gaborShader, 'contrastPreMultiplicator'), contrastPreMultiplicator); glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(gaborShader, 'validModulationRange'), validModulationRange(1), validModulationRange(2)); % Setup done: glUseProgram(0); % Create a purely virtual procedural texture 'gaborid' of size width x height virtual pixels. % Attach the GaborShader to it to define its appearance: gaborid = Screen('SetOpenGLTexture', windowPtr, [], 0, GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, width, height, 1, gaborShader); % Query and return its bounding rectangle: gaborrect = Screen('Rect', gaborid); % Ready! return;