function [warpstruct, filterMode] = CreateDisplayWarp(window, calibfilename, showCalibOutput, varargin) % [warpstruct, filterMode] = CreateDisplayWarp(window, calibfilename [, showCalibOutput=0]); % % Helper routine for Geometric display undistortion mapping, not to be % called inside normal PTB scripts! % % This function reads a display calibration file 'calibfilename' and builds % a "geometric warp function" based on the calibration information in % 'calibfilename' for the onscreen window with handle 'window'. It returns % a struct 'warpstruct' that defines the created warp function. You could % pass this 'warpstruct' as a parameter to the Psychtoolbox command... % % PsychImaging('AddTask', viewchannel, 'GeometryCorrection', warpstruct); % % However, you normally do not call this routine directly from your script. Its % called internally by the PsychImaging() command... % % PsychImaging('AddTask', viewchannel, 'GeometryCorrection', calibfilename); % % order to setup PTB's imaging pipeline for realtime geometry % correction, based on the calibration info in the file 'calibfilename'. % % Example: You created a calibration file 'mycalib.mat' to undistort the % left view display of a stereo setup. Then you could apply this % undistortion function via the following setup code: % % PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); % PsychImaging('AddTask', 'LeftView', 'GeometryCorrection', 'mycalib.mat'); % window = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid); % % This would open an onscreen window just as window=Screen('OpenWindow', screenid); % would do. It would configure the window for automatic undistortion based % on the data in 'mycalib.mat'. % % Psychtoolbox provides multiple different interactive setup routines that % allow you to create a calibration file for your setup. Currently the % following routines are provided: % % DisplayUndistortionBVL.m -- Undistortion based on 3rd order polynomial % surface. This is the recommended calibration procedure for most cases - % Proven in real-world use on many different display types. % % When used with DisplayUndistortionBVL, the GeometryCorrection takes % up to three optional parameters: % % PsychImaging('AddTask', 'LeftView', 'GeometryCorrection', 'mycalib.mat' [, debug=0][, xsampling=73][,ysampling=53][, replicate=[1,1]]); % xsampling and ysampling specify the horizontal and vertical number of subdivisions % for the warpmesh that is used for undistortion - higher numbers give more % close approximations but increase drawing time. replicate is a vector which % describes how often the mesh should be replicated into horizontal and vertical % direction. Values other than the default [1,1] only make sense for special display % devices like ProPixx. % % DisplayUndistortionBezier.m -- Undistortion based on a NURBS surface (Non % uniform rational bezier spline surface). A simple procedure. % % DisplayUndistortionHalfCylinder.m -- Undistortion for projection of % images to a half-cylindrical projection surface. % % DisplayUndistortionSphere.m -- Undistortion for projection of % images to a spherical or half-spherical projection surface. % % DisplayUndistortionCSV.m -- Import undistortion information from % a .csv file with a warp mesh description suitable for use with NVidia's % Warp API. This creates a compatible display warping to use of that NVidia % technology. % % History: % 19.7.2007 Written (MK). % 17.2.2008 Added undistortion method donated by the Banks Vision Lab (MK). % 10.3.2008 Fixed image inversion bug in BVL calibration (MK). % 2.5.2008 Add support for bilinear texture filter shader to handle float % framebuffers on hw that doesn't filter float textures (MK). % 13.4.2009 Improved support for bilinear texture filter shaders. (MK). % Optional 'Query' command to query last warpstruct. (MK). % Support for half-cylinder projection. (MK). % 25.8.2011 Adapt code for sphere projection undistortion to new convention % of Ingmar Schneider's shader code. (MK). % 27.7.2012 Add support for DisplayUndistortionCSV() aka "NVidia Warp-API" format (MK). % 14.3.2015 Add support for Propixx and similar devices via mesh replication to the BVL method (MK). % 24.7.2015 Add support for scal.useUnitDisplayCoords in CSV method. (MK) % 24.7.2015 Fix brokenness in CSV method introduced at 14.3.2015 as regression with mesh replication. (MK) % Global GL handle for access to OpenGL constants needed in setup: global GL; % Cache last generated warpstruct, so code can easily query it: persistent oldwarpstruct; if isempty(GL) sca; error('PTB internal error: GL struct not initialized?!?'); end % Special case of simple query of last created 'warpstruct'? if nargin == 1 if ~ischar(window) error('Single provided argument is not a command string!'); end if ~strcmpi(window, 'Query') error('Single provided argument is not the command string ''Query''!'); end % "Query" command recognized. Return last created warpstruct: warpstruct = oldwarpstruct; return; end if nargin < 2 sca; error('PTB internal error: Must provide all parameters!'); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(showCalibOutput) showCalibOutput = 0; end % Is calibfilename a struct with calibration settings, or a filename of a % calibration file? if isstruct(calibfilename) % A struct: Assign it directly. calib = calibfilename; else % Supposedly the filename of a calibration file: if ~ischar(calibfilename) error('In setup of geometry undistortion: Parameter "calibfilename" is not a filename string!'); end % Load calibration file: if ~exist(calibfilename, 'file') sca; error('In setup of geometry undistortion: No such calibration file %s!', calibfilename); end calib = load(calibfilename); end % Preinit warpstruct: warpstruct.glsl = []; warpstruct.gld = []; % Assume no need for texture filter shader: needFilterShader = 0; filterMode = ':Bilinear'; % Do we need a GLSL texture filter shader? We'd need one if the given % gfx-hardware is not capable of filtering the input image buffer: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', window); effectivebpc = 8; if winfo.BitsPerColorComponent >= 16 % Window is a floating point window with at least 16bpc. effectivebpc = 16; if winfo.BitsPerColorComponent >= 32 % All buffers are 32 bpc for certain: effectivebpc = 32; end if (winfo.BitsPerColorComponent == 16) % First buffer is 16 bpc, following ones could be 32 bpc: if bitand(winfo.ImagingMode, kPsychUse32BPCFloatAsap) % All following buffers are 32bpc float. In the tradition of % "better safe than sorry", we assume that the warp op will use % one of the 32 bpc float buffers as input. effectivebpc = 32; end end end % Highres input buffer? if effectivebpc > 8 % Yes. Our input is a float texture. Check if the hardware can filter % textures of effectivebpc bpc in hardware: if effectivebpc > winfo.GLSupportsFilteringUpToBpc % Hardware not capable of handling such deep textures. We need to % create and attach our own bilinear texture filter shader: needFilterShader = 1; filterMode = ''; end end % Actual setup code for display warp struct. % ========================================== % Type of setup depends on type of calibration: switch(calib.warptype) case {'HalfCylinderProjection', 'SphereProjection'} % Build combo of displaylist and GLSL shader for projection of flat % screen image onto a half-cylinder or sphere: % Query effective onscreen window size: [winWidth, winHeight] = Screen('WindowSize', window); % Build the unwarp mesh display list within the OpenGL context of % Psychtoolbox: Screen('BeginOpenGL', window, 1); % Build a display list that corresponds to the current calibration: gld = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE); % "Draw" the warp-mesh once, so it gets recorded in the display list: if isempty(calib.rotationAngle) calib.rotationAngle = 0; end if isempty(calib.inSize) calib.inSize = [winWidth, winHeight]; end if isempty(calib.inOffset) calib.inOffset = [0, 0]; end if isempty(calib.outOffset) calib.outOffset = [0, 0]; end if isempty(calib.outSize) calib.outSize = [winWidth, winHeight]; end if isempty(calib.Wflat) calib.Wflat = 44; end if isempty(calib.R) calib.R = 32; end % No color gain correction: glColor4f(1,1,1,1); glTranslatef(calib.outOffset(1), calib.outOffset(2), 0); % Apply some rotation correction for misaligned displays: glTranslatef(calib.outSize(1)/2, calib.outSize(2)/2, 0); glRotatef(calib.rotationAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-calib.outSize(1)/2, -calib.outSize(2)/2, 0); % Draw a single default quad: glBegin(GL.QUADS) glTexCoord2f(0,calib.outSize(2)); glVertex2f(0,0); glTexCoord2f(calib.outSize(1),calib.outSize(2)); glVertex2f(calib.outSize(1),0); glTexCoord2f(calib.outSize(1),0); glVertex2f(calib.outSize(1),calib.outSize(2)); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(0,calib.outSize(2)); glEnd; % List ready - and already updated in the imaging pipeline: glEndList; Screen('EndOpenGL', window); % Assign display list to output warpstruct: warpstruct.gld = gld; if strcmpi(calib.warptype, 'SphereProjection') % Use spherical projection shader: warpstruct.glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('SphereProjectionShader'); else % Use cylindrical projection shader: warpstruct.glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('CylinderProjectionShader'); end glUseProgram(warpstruct.glsl); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'doFilter'), needFilterShader); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'Image'), 0); glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'inSize'), calib.inSize(1), calib.inSize(2)); glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'inOffset'), calib.inOffset(1), calib.inOffset(2)); glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'outSize'), calib.outSize(1), calib.outSize(2)); if strcmpi(calib.warptype, 'SphereProjection') % Additional parameters for sphere projection: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'Wflat'), calib.Wflat); glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'R'), calib.R); end glUseProgram(0); % Ready. case {'BezierDisplayList'} % Build warp display list for Bezier surface based % calibration/remapping: Screen('BeginOpenGL', window, 1); gld = glGenLists(1); % Build a display list that corresponds to the current calibration: glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE); glColor4f(1,1,1,1); subdivision = calib.subdivision; % Setup a 2D parametric grid with 'subdivision' subdivisions: glMapGrid2d(subdivision, 0, 1, subdivision, 0, 1); % Enable Bezier evaluators: glEnable(GL.MAP2_VERTEX_3); glEnable(GL.MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2); % Setup initial mapping table for texture coordinates (source image control % points): frompts = calib.frompts; % Establish mapping for texture coordinates: glMap2d(GL.MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2, 0, 1, 2, size(frompts,2), 0, 1, 2*size(frompts,2), size(frompts,3), frompts); % Establish mapping for vertex coordinates: topts = calib.topts; % Setup mapping based on current control point matrix for destination % points: glMap2d(GL.MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, size(topts,2), 0, 1, 3*size(topts,2), size(topts,3), topts); % Compute the mesh based on current mappings: glEvalMesh2(GL.FILL, 0, subdivision, 0, subdivision); % Disable mesh evaluators: glDisable(GL.MAP2_VERTEX_3); glDisable(GL.MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2); % List ready - and already updated in the imaging pipeline: glEndList; % Assign display list to output warpstruct: warpstruct.gld = gld; % Ready. Screen('EndOpenGL', window); case {'BVLDisplayList'} % Build warp display list for calibration/remapping method % donated by the Banks Vision Lab: % Query effective onscreen window size: [winWidth, winHeight] = Screen('WindowSize', window); % Additional optional parameters provided? xLoomSize = []; yLoomSize = []; if nargin >= 5 % At least two additional parameters. Really? if ~isempty(varargin{1}) xLoomSize = varargin{1}; end if ~isempty(varargin{2}) yLoomSize = varargin{2}; end end if (length(varargin) >= 3) && ~isempty(varargin{3}) % Subdivision/Replication [xdiv, ydiv] given. We shall % generate a calibration display list which only has % 1/xdiv the window widht, 1/ydiv the window height, % but is replicated xdiv x ydiv times. E.g., a [2,2] % subdivision will split the window into 4 quadrants and % apply the undistortion independently to each quadrants. % This is, e.g., useful for special display modes of special % display devices like the ProPrixx. subdiv = varargin{3}; if ~length(subdiv) == 2 || ~isnumeric(subdiv) error('CreateDisplayWarp: Provided optional subdiv parameter is not a [xrep, yrep] vector as required.'); end xrep = subdiv(1); yrep = subdiv(2); if xrep ~=round(xrep) || yrep ~= round(yrep) error('CreateDisplayWarp: Provided subdiv parameter [xrep, yrep] does not contain integral values as required.'); end % Adapt width and height of target area for calibration: winWidth = winWidth / xrep; winHeight = winHeight / yrep; else xrep = 1; yrep = 1; end % Compute vertex- and texcoord-arrays that define the mesh % of quadrilaterals which should be rendered (with the stimulus % texture applied) to create the undistortion warp: [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = BVLComputeWarpMesh(winWidth, winHeight, calib.scal, showCalibOutput, xLoomSize, yLoomSize, xrep, yrep); % Build the unwarp mesh display list within the OpenGL context of % Psychtoolbox: Screen('BeginOpenGL', window, 1); % Build a display list that corresponds to the current calibration: gld = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE); % "Draw" the warp-mesh once, so it gets recorded in the display list: glColor4f(1,1,1,1); glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(2, GL.DOUBLE, 0, xyzcalibpos); glEnableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.DOUBLE, 0, xytexcoords); glDrawArrays(GL.QUADS, 0, length(xyzcalibpos)/2); glDisableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); % List ready - and already updated in the imaging pipeline: glEndList; Screen('EndOpenGL', window); % Assign display list to output warpstruct: warpstruct.gld = gld; % Ready. case {'CSVDisplayList'} % Build warp display list for a calibration/remapping method that % is compatible with the method used, e.g., by NVidia's Warp API: % Query effective onscreen window size: [winWidth, winHeight] = Screen('WindowSize', window); % Compute vertex- and texcoord-arrays that define the mesh % of quadrilaterals which should be rendered (with the stimulus % texture applied) to create the undistortion warp: [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = CSVComputeWarpMesh(winWidth, winHeight, calib.scal, showCalibOutput); % Build the unwarp mesh display list within the OpenGL context of % Psychtoolbox: Screen('BeginOpenGL', window, 1); % Build a display list that corresponds to the current calibration: gld = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE); % "Draw" the warp-mesh once, so it gets recorded in the display list: glColor4f(1,1,1,1); glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(2, GL.DOUBLE, 0, xyzcalibpos); glEnableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.DOUBLE, 0, xytexcoords); glDrawArrays(GL.QUADS, 0, length(xyzcalibpos)/2); glDisableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); % List ready - and already updated in the imaging pipeline: glEndList; Screen('EndOpenGL', window); % Assign display list to output warpstruct: warpstruct.gld = gld; % Ready. otherwise sca; error('Unknown calibration method id: %s!', calib.warptype); end % Need a filtershader and don't have one assigned yet? if (needFilterShader > 0) && isempty(warpstruct.glsl) % Yes. Load, create and assign our default bilinear texture filter % shader: warpstruct.glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('BilinearTextureFilterShader'); glUseProgram(warpstruct.glsl); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(warpstruct.glsl, 'Image'), 0); glUseProgram(0); end % Cache created warptstruct for later queries: oldwarpstruct = warpstruct; % Done. Return the warpstruct: return; % --- Helper routines for setup of the calibration method 'BVLDisplayList' --- function [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = BVLComputeWarpMesh(windowWidth, windowHeight, scal, showCalibOutput, xLoomSize, yLoomSize, xrep, yrep) % [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = BVLComputeWarpMesh(windowWidth, windowHeight, scal, showCalibOutput, xLoomSize, yLoomSize, xrep, yrep) % % Internal helper routine: Called by CreateDisplayWarp.m, which is in turn % called by PsychImaging.m. Implements the geometric display calibration % and undistortion procedure developed by the Banks Vision Lab at UC % Berkeley. % % Use the calibration information stored in 'scal', together with the % current 'windowWidth' and 'windowHeight' of the onscreen window to % calibrate and compute vectors of vertex coordinates and texture % coordinates for a mesh that performs the proper "display undistortion". % % History: % 02/17/08 Derived from BFloadtimecalib.m with minimal modifications. (MK) % % Check resolution against the calibration file resolutions: if ((windowWidth * xrep) ~= RectWidth(scal.rect)) || ((windowHeight * yrep) ~= RectHeight(scal.rect)) fprintf('\n\nCALIBRATION WARNING!\n'); fprintf('Onscreen window resolution (%d, %d) does not match ', ... windowWidth, windowHeight); fprintf('the resolution used in the calibration file (%d, %d)!\n', ... RectWidth(scal.rect), RectHeight(scal.rect)); fprintf('Using the window resolution to draw the stimuli, scaling down proportionally.\n'); fprintf('\n\n'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calibration % Generate the calibration vertices here so we only do this once. % We calculate the uncalibrated vertex coordinates, in screenspace % (pixel coordinates), then pass them into our fitting routine to % interpolate the calibrated coordinates. % PreCompute vertex values if isempty(xLoomSize) xLoomSize = 73; %length(XVALUES) %Can reduce loom resolution to speed up calib end if isempty(yLoomSize) yLoomSize = 53; %length(YVALUES) end % Compute sampling positions for the calibration data: xStep = RectWidth(scal.rect) / (xLoomSize-1); yStep = RectHeight(scal.rect) / (yLoomSize-1); % Compute scale factor in case the output window size doesn't % match the size used for generating the scal calibration data: scaleX = windowWidth / RectWidth(scal.rect); scaleY = windowHeight / RectHeight(scal.rect); numVerts = xLoomSize * yLoomSize; % vertexCoords = Nx2 array, N rows of [x y] pairs. vertexCoords = zeros(numVerts, 2); vertexCoordsFit = zeros(numVerts, 2); % Calculate the 'uncalibrated' vertex coordinates for y=1:yLoomSize for x=1:xLoomSize index = ((y-1) * xLoomSize) + x; xCoord = (x-1) * xStep; yCoord = (y-1) * yStep; vertexCoords(index, :) = [xCoord yCoord]; %fprintf('(%f, %f)\n', vertexCoords(index, 1), vertexCoords(index, 2)); end end % Some debug plots, if requested: if showCalibOutput figure(9) hold off plot(scal.XCALIBDOTS, scal.YCALIBDOTS, 'b.') hold on plot(scal.SELECTXCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTYCALIBDOTS, 'r.') size(scal.XCALIBDOTS) size(scal.YCALIBDOTS) size(scal.SELECTXCALIBDOTS) size(vertexCoords(:,1)) size(vertexCoords(:,2)) end % Fit mesh vertices to locations of calibrated points - Use Matlabs % griddata fitting and interpolation routine: if ~IsOctave % Matlab: Use 'v4' method - the interpolation method used by Matlab V4 % for interpolation: vertexCoordsFit(:,1)= griddata(scal.XCALIBDOTS, scal.YCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTXCALIBDOTS, vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2), 'v4'); %#ok<*GRIDD> vertexCoordsFit(:,2)= griddata(scal.XCALIBDOTS, scal.YCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTYCALIBDOTS, vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2), 'v4'); else % Octave: griddata() is also supported by GNU/Octave, but the 'v4' method is % only supported by Matlab, not by Octave. 'Cubic' isn't supported % either, so the best we can do is to use the default 'linear' method. % This is problematic as it creates different results when running on % Octave vs. Matlab: % Ok - Actually it doesn't work at all on Octave, because the relevant % implementation of Octave's griddata() seems to be quite buggy :-( % TODO FIXME: Is this still true? Octave 3.4 supports 'cubic' and maybe % 'linear' has been fixed already? vertexCoordsFit(:,1)= griddata(scal.XCALIBDOTS, scal.YCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTXCALIBDOTS, vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2)); vertexCoordsFit(:,2)= griddata(scal.XCALIBDOTS, scal.YCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTYCALIBDOTS, vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2)); end % Rescale input/output positions to fit output window: vertexCoords(:,1) = vertexCoords(:,1) * scaleX; vertexCoordsFit(:,1) = vertexCoordsFit(:,1) * scaleX; vertexCoords(:,2) = vertexCoords(:,2) * scaleY; vertexCoordsFit(:,2) = vertexCoordsFit(:,2) * scaleY; % Some debug plots, if requested: if showCalibOutput figure(10) hold off plot(vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2), 'b.') hold on plot(vertexCoordsFit(:,1), vertexCoordsFit(:,2), 'r.') figure(11) hold off plot(scal.SELECTXCALIBDOTS, scal.SELECTYCALIBDOTS, 'o') hold on plot(vertexCoordsFit(:,1), vertexCoordsFit(:,2), 'r.') end % Fit the coordinates to the calibrated space (values are in pixels) % [vertexCoordsFit(:,1) vertexCoordsFit(:,2)] = BFbvlFitCoords(vertexCoords(:,1), ... % vertexCoords(:,2), xFitCoef_R, yFitCoef_R); % Compute final vertex- and texcoords. Need to swap y-positions upside-down % as our internal vertex/texcoord assignment is upside down wrt. original % Banks lab calibration: vertexCoords(:,2) = windowHeight - vertexCoords(:,2); xyzcalibpos = []; xytexcoords = []; for x = 0:xrep-1 for y = 0:yrep-1 xoffset = x * windowWidth; yoffset = y * windowHeight; [newxyzcalibpos, newxytexcoords] = BVLGeneratetextcoord(yLoomSize, xLoomSize, vertexCoords, vertexCoordsFit, showCalibOutput, xoffset, yoffset); xyzcalibpos = [xyzcalibpos, newxyzcalibpos]; xytexcoords = [xytexcoords, newxytexcoords]; end end % Done. Return results: return; function [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords]=BVLGeneratetextcoord(yLoomSize, xLoomSize, vertexCoords, vertexCoordsFit, showCalibOutput, xoffset, yoffset) % Internal helper routine: Called by BVLComputeWarpMesh.m. % Implements the geometric display calibration and undistortion procedure % developed by the Banks Vision Lab at UC Berkeley. % % History: % 02/17/08 Derived from BFGeneratetextcoord.m with minimal modifications. (MK) % numVerts = (xLoomSize-1) * (yLoomSize-1) * 4; xyzcalibpos = zeros(1, numVerts*2); xytexcoords = zeros(1, numVerts*2); xtemp = zeros(1, numVerts); ytemp = zeros(1, numVerts); xverts= zeros(1, numVerts); yverts= zeros(1, numVerts); vectaddress=0; if showCalibOutput figure(100); axis ij; hold on; plot(vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2), 'r.'); plot(vertexCoordsFit(:,1), vertexCoordsFit(:,2), 'b.'); end for y=1:(yLoomSize-1) for x=1:(xLoomSize-1) index = ((y-1) * xLoomSize) + x; vectaddress=vectaddress+1; xtemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index, 1); %LowerLeftXTex ytemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index, 2); %LowerLeftYTex xverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index, 1); % Lower left fit coord x yverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index, 2); % lower left fit coord y vectaddress=vectaddress+1; xtemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+1, 1); %LowerrightXTex ytemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+1, 2); %LowerrightYTex xverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+1, 1); %lower right fit coord x yverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+1, 2); %lower right fit coord y vectaddress=vectaddress+1; xtemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+xLoomSize+1, 1); %UpperRightXTex ytemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+xLoomSize+1, 2); %UpperRightYTex xverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+xLoomSize+1, 1); %Upper right fit coord x yverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+xLoomSize+1, 2); %upper right fit coord y vectaddress=vectaddress+1; xtemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+xLoomSize, 1); %UpperLeft X Tex ytemp(vectaddress) = vertexCoords(index+xLoomSize, 2); %Upperleft Y tex xverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+xLoomSize, 1); %upper left fit coord x yverts(vectaddress) = vertexCoordsFit(index+xLoomSize, 2); %upper left fit coord y end end xyzcalibpos(1:2:end) = xverts + xoffset; xyzcalibpos(2:2:end) = yverts + yoffset; xytexcoords(1:2:end) = xtemp + xoffset; xytexcoords(2:2:end) = ytemp + yoffset; return; % --- End of Helper routines for setup of the calibration method 'BVLDisplayList' --- % --- Helper routines for setup of the calibration method 'CSVDisplayList' --- function [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = CSVComputeWarpMesh(windowWidth, windowHeight, scal, showCalibOutput) % [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = CSVComputeWarpMesh(windowWidth, windowHeight, scal, showCalibOutput) % % Use the calibration information stored in 'scal', together with the % current 'windowWidth' and 'windowHeight' of the onscreen window to % generate vectors of vertex coordinates and texture coordinates for a mesh % that performs the proper "display undistortion". % % History: % 07/26/12 Derived from BVLComputeWarpMesh.m with major simplifications. (MK) % % Generate the calibration vertices here so we only do this once. xLoomSize = size(scal.vcoords, 2); yLoomSize = size(scal.vcoords, 1); numVerts = xLoomSize * yLoomSize; % vertexCoords = Nx2 array, N rows of [x y] pairs. Row-Major format encoding. textureCoords = zeros(numVerts, 2); vertexCoords = zeros(numVerts, 2); % Parse the matrices passed in scal and rearrange them to the format of the % vertexCoords and textureCoords vectors: Scanning is row-major order. if ~isfield(scal, 'useUnitDisplayCoords') || scal.useUnitDisplayCoords % We also scale all positions with window width and height, as the scal % matrices contain normalized coordinates in 0.0 - 1.0 range for display % width/height of a "unit display". vcoords can exceed that range or be % negative - they are assigned to positions outside the framebuffer. scaleWidth = windowWidth; scaleHeight = windowHeight; else % scal contains absolute pixel locations, not 0-1 normalized range: scaleWidth = 1; scaleHeight = 1; end for y=1:yLoomSize for x=1:xLoomSize index = ((y-1) * xLoomSize) + x; vertexCoords(index, :) = [scal.vcoords(y, x, 1) * scaleWidth, scal.vcoords(y, x, 2) * scaleHeight]; textureCoords(index, :) = [scal.tcoords(y, x, 1) * scaleWidth, scal.tcoords(y, x, 2) * scaleHeight]; end end % Compute final vertex- and texcoords. Need to swap y-positions upside-down % as our internal vertex/texcoord assignment is upside down wrt. original % calibration: textureCoords(:,2) = windowHeight - textureCoords(:,2); % Some debug plots, if requested: if showCalibOutput figure; hold on; axis ij; plot(textureCoords(:,1), textureCoords(:,2), 'b.'); plot(vertexCoords(:,1), vertexCoords(:,2), 'r.'); hold off; end % textureCoords are regularly spaced texture 2D coordinates. % vertexCoords are irregularly placed vertex 2D coordinates. [xyzcalibpos, xytexcoords] = BVLGeneratetextcoord(yLoomSize, xLoomSize, textureCoords, vertexCoords, showCalibOutput, 0 , 0); % Done. Return results: return; % --- End of helper routines for setup of the calibration method 'CSVDisplayList' ---