function [img, info, errmsg] = HDRRead(imgfilename, continueOnError, flipit) % [img, info, errmsg] = HDRRead(imgfilename [, continueOnError=0][, flipit=0]) % Read a high dynamic range image file and return it as double() matrix, % suitable for use with Screen('MakeTexture') and friends. % % Input arguments: % % 'imgfilename' - Filename of the HDR image file to load. % % 'continueOnError' Optional flag. If set to 1, HDRRead won't abort on % error, but simply return an empty 'img' matrix and 'info' and a error % message in 'errmsg'. Useful for probing if a specific file type is % supported. If set to 0 or omitted, then HDRRead will abort with an error % on any problem or unsupported image file types. % % 'flipit' Optional flag: If set to 1, the loaded image is flipped upside % down. % % Return arguments: % % Returns 'img' - A double precision matrix of size h x w x c where h is % the height of the input image, w is the width and c is the number of % color channels: 1 for luminance images, 2 for luminance images with alpha % channel, 3 for true-color RGB images, 4 for RGB images with alpha % channel. If 'imgfilename' is not a supported file type or some error happens, % then 'img' will be returned as empty [] matrix. % % Returns 'info' - A struct with info about the image. On error, 'info' % will be returned as empty [] matrix. On success, 'info' has at least the % following fields, which may be computed from information in the image file, % or may be "made up" from internal hard-coded defaults, if the specific image % file or the general image file format do not provide the information: % % info.format - A string describing the format of the image file, e.g., % 'rgbe' or 'openexr'. See below for supported formats and their id's. % % info.dataWindow = Data window [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.displayWindow = Display window [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.pixelAspectRatio = Pixel aspect ratio as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.screenWindowWidth = Window width as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.screenWindowCenter = [cx, cy] as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.lineOrder = Line order (0) = downwards/increasing (1) = upwards/decreasing % as defined by OpenEXR. % % info.compression = Compression type id, as defined by OpenEXR: 0 = None, % 1 = RLE, 2 = ZIPS, 3 = ZIP, 4 = PIZ, 5 = PXR24, 6 = B44, % 7 = B44A, 128 = ZFP. % % info.GamutFromFile = 0 if the file did not provide color gamut information, % = 1 if the file did provide color gamut information, % = -1 if the file may or may not contain gamut information, % but HDRRead() can not read it. % % info.ColorGamut = 2-by-4 matrix with the CIE 1931 2D chromaticity % coordinates of the red, green, and blue primaries % (column 1 - 3) and of the white-point (4th column), % iow. the definition of the color gamut of the color % space in which the image is represented. % % If info.GamutFromFile is 1, then this matrix is parsed % from the image file. Otherwise, the file did not % provide the info and a hard-coded default is returned, % which is defined in the spec for the file format, e.g., % Rec-709 color space for OpenEXR images, and something % similar for .hdr Radiance images. % % info.sampleToNits = Either a conversion factor from sample units to nits, % ie. the value by which each color component needs to % be multiplied to convert it into nits. Or the value % zero, to mark the conversion factor as "unknown" if % the file does not provide the conversion factor. % % Depending on the file format and the specific file, there may be more % optional info.subfields available, with file format specific meaning. Not % all image attributes can be parsed by HDRRead(). % % Returns 'errmsg' - An empty string on success, but on failure may contain % a useful error message for the user. % % % HDRRead is a dispatcher for a collection of reading routines for % different HDR image file formats. Currently supported are: % % * Radiance run length encoded RGBE format, read via read_rle_rgbe(). % File extension is ".hdr" or ".pic". Returns a RGB image. % % info.format is 'rgbe', color values are supposed to be in units of % radiance. The Radiance file format is specified here: % % % % The specification suggests that a pixel (r,g,b) color value of (1,1,1) % corresponds to a total energy of 1 watt/steradian/sq.meter over the % visible spectrum. It proposes the following formula for conversion to % luminance for the standard Radiance RGB primaries: % % luminance = 179 * (0.265*R + 0.670*G + 0.065*B) % % So (r,g,b) = (1,1,1) corresponds to white light of 179 nits luminance. % The value of 179 lumens/watt is the standard luminous efficacy of % equal-energy white light that is defined and used by Radiance % specifically for this conversion. % % * OpenEXR files, file extension is ".exr". info.format is 'openexr'. % By default, Screen()'s builtin Screen('ReadHDRImage') function is used, % which uses the builtin tinyexr open-source library from: % % % % This method is fast and can handle the most common OpenEXR format % encoding, single-part RGB(A) images, but will not be able to cope with % some more unusual encodings, e.g., YUV images, multipart images or deep % images, or additional integer channels for pixel ids. See the feature % table at tinyexr's GitHub page for features and limitations. Some of % these limitations apply due to Screen()'s current use of tinyexr, e.g., % tinyexr can handle multi-part images and some deep images, but Screen % currently does not implement the needed interfaces. % % A technical high level spec for OpenEXR files can be found at: % % % % In case of YUV images, HDRRead() will try to use the MIT licensed % exrread() command from the following 3rd package/webpage, if the % openexr-matlab package has been installed by the user: % % % % That package uses the OpenEXR libraries for image reading, so those % libraries must be installed on your system as well by yourself. At % least GNU/Linux usually comes with libopenexr preinstalled or % installable from the distribution package archives. % % The downside of using exrread() is that it won't provide color gamut % meta information, but always return fixed gamut info for a Rec-709 % color space. For properly color-managed image reading you might % therefore be better off using a 3rd party OpenEXR converter application % to convert YUV images to RGB images, so Screen()'s internal .exr % reading function can be used. % % The reader routines are contributed code or open source / free software / % public domain code downloaded from various locations under different, but % MIT compatible licenses. See the help for the respective loaders for % copyright and author information. % % History: % 14-Dec-2006 mk Written. % 21-Jul-2020 mk Updated for use with Psychtoolbox new HDR support. psychlasterror('reset'); if nargin < 1 || isempty(imgfilename) || ~ischar(imgfilename) error('Missing HDR image filename.'); end if nargin < 2 || isempty(continueOnError) continueOnError = 0; end if nargin < 3 || isempty(flipit) flipit = 0; end % Format dispatcher: dispatched = 0; img = []; info = []; if exist(imgfilename, 'file') ~= 2 errmsg = ['HDR file ' imgfilename ' does not exist.']; if continueOnError warning(errmsg); return; else error(errmsg); end end [~, ~, fext] = fileparts(imgfilename); if strcmpi(fext, '.hdr') || strcmpi(fext, '.pic') % Load a RLE encoded RGBE high dynamic range file: dispatched = 1; try % Use our own routine: [inimg, info] = read_rle_rgbe(imgfilename); % Primary and white-point CIE coordinates defined? if isfield(info, 'primaries') % Yes. Parse them into our standard ColorGamut format: info.GamutFromFile = 1; gamut = sscanf(info.primaries, '%f'); info.ColorGamut = reshape(gamut, 2, 4); else % No. Assign default values per RADIANCE file format spec: info.GamutFromFile = 0; % These are almost like BT-709, but green x and white-point are % different: gamut = sscanf('0.640 0.330 0.2900.600 0.150 0.060 0.333 0.333', '%f'); info.ColorGamut = reshape(gamut, 2, 4); end % Pixel aspect ratio: if isfield(info, 'pixaspect') info.pixelAspectRatio = sscanf(info.pixaspect, '%f'); else info.pixelAspectRatio = 1.0; end % window width: info.screenWindowWidth = 1; % window center: info.screenWindowCenter = [0, 0]; % dataWindow and displayWindow just represent width x height info.dataWindow = [0, 0, (info.width - 1), (info.height - 1)]; info.displayWindow = info.dataWindow; % Line order equivalent: if info.Ysign == '-' info.lineOrder = 0; else info.lineOrder = 1; end % RLE compressed: info.compression = 1; % sampleToNits is unknown, so set it to zero: info.sampleToNits = 0; catch if continueOnError warning(['HDR file ' imgfilename ' failed to load.']); msg = psychlasterror; disp(msg.message); errmsg = ['Unknown error. Maybe: ' msg.message]; return; else psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end end info.radianceformat = info.format; info.format = 'rgbe'; end if strcmpi(fext, '.exr') % Load an OpenEXR high dynamic range file: dispatched = 1; try % Use our own Screen() implementation, which provides useful meta % data about color gamut and value to Nits mapping, but can neither % handle YUV images, nor multi-part images or deep images or some % other more exotic stuff: [inimg, format, err, info] = Screen('ReadHDRImage', imgfilename); if ~isempty(inimg) % Success. Assemble final info struct: info.format = format; elseif ~strcmp(err, 'R channel not found') % 'ReadHDRImage' failed for a reason other than that this is not % a RGB(A) image, but an YUV image. The optionally installed % exrread() command would not do better, as its only advantage % at the moment is that it can deal with single-part YUV % images. So this is a fail case: if continueOnError warning(['HDR file ' imgfilename ' failed to load: ' err]); msg = psychlasterror; disp(msg.message); errmsg = err; return; else psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end else % Failed because Red channel not found. Could be because it is % a YUV image, which our own implementation can not handle % atm., but exrread() can. Does (potentially optimized) % exrread() function exist? if exist('exrread', 'file') % Yes. Use it and give it another try: inimg = double(exrread(imgfilename)); % If we made it to here without exception, then reading % worked, and we can try to also get some 'auxInfo': info = exrinfo(imgfilename); info.format = 'openexr'; % First add optional keys, so we can override them below: for keyname = info.attributes.keys ckey = char(keyname); info = setfield(info, ckey, info.attributes(ckey)); %#ok end % Add the fields we promise will always be there for OpenEXR: t = info.attributes('dataWindow'); info.dataWindow = double([t.min(1), t.min(2), t.max(1), t.max(2)]); t = info.attributes('displayWindow'); info.displayWindow = double([t.min(1), t.min(2), t.max(1), t.max(2)]); t = info.attributes('screenWindowCenter'); info.screenWindowCenter = double(t); info.pixelAspectRatio = double(info.attributes('pixelAspectRatio')); info.screenWindowWidth = double(info.attributes('screenWindowWidth')); if strcmpi(info.attributes('lineOrder'), 'increasing_y') info.lineOrder = 0; elseif strcmpi(info.attributes('lineOrder'), 'decreasing_y') info.lineOrder = 1; else info.lineOrder = 2; end info.compression = info.attributes('compression'); switch info.attributes('compression') case 'none' info.compression = 0; case 'rle' info.compression = 1; case 'zips' info.compression = 2; case 'zip' info.compression = 3; case 'piz' info.compression = 4; case 'pxr24' info.compression = 5; case 'b44' info.compression = 6; case 'b44a' info.compression = 7; end % exrinfo() can not provide gamut info, so pretend it % wasn't there in the file and assign the fallback default % of Rec-709. Is this a good idea? I don't know, but it is % the best we can do atm.: info.GamutFromFile = -1; info.ColorGamut = [0.6400, 0.3000, 0.1500, 0.3127 ; 0.3300, 0.6000, 0.0600, 0.3290]; % If 'sampToNits' attribute exists, also return it as % sampleToNits, otherwise mark sampleToNits as "invalid": if ismember('sampToNits', info.attributes.keys) info.sampleToNits = double(info.attributes('sampToNits')); else info.sampleToNits = 0; end else % No. Maybe clue the user in on exrread() by abusing the % exception handling (catch) below? error('Could not read image, probably because it is a YUV image and the optional exrread() command is not installed, which could possibly handle it.'); end end catch if continueOnError warning(['HDR file ' imgfilename ' failed to load.']); msg = psychlasterror; disp(msg.message); errmsg = ['Unknown error. Maybe: ' msg.message]; return; else psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end end info.format = 'openexr'; end if dispatched == 0 if ~continueOnError error(['Potential HDR file ' imgfilename ' is of unknown type, or no loader available for this type.']); else warning(['Potential HDR file ' imgfilename ' is of unknown type, or no loader available for this type']); errmsg = 'No loader available for this type.'; return; end end if flipit img(:,:,1) = flipud(inimg(:,:,1)); img(:,:,2) = flipud(inimg(:,:,2)); img(:,:,3) = flipud(inimg(:,:,3)); else img = inimg; end errmsg = ''; % Done. return;