% PsychDocumentation -- Bits of documentation for Psychtoolbox % % This folder contains help files and info on different topics % related to PTBs use, technical implementation and troubleshooting. % % Note that you can now financially contribute to Psychtoolbox sustainability, % upkeep and continued improvement by buying a "Psychtoolbox Support Membership", % which also includes some paid support for questions regarding its use, or % issues you may have with it. We also offer paid feature development and % other useful commercial services. % % Please type 'PsychPaidSupportAndServices' to learn more. % % % AntiAliasing - Psychtoolbox facilities for anti-aliased drawing and % how to use them properly. % % BeampositionQueries - Some technical information on how stimulus onset % timing is determined by the Screen('Flip') command, % and how PTB tests your setup for proper timing and % synchronization with vertical retrace. % % ConserveVRAMSettings - Explanation of some flags that you can use to % enable special workarounds in Screen() for % broken graphics drivers or hardware. % % DisplayOutputMappings - How they work on multi-display setups, how to % resolve problems. % % DrawTextEncodingLocaleSettings - How to specify the text input encoding for % text drawing. % % DrawTextPlugin - Troubleshooting the plugin-based Screen('DrawText') % high-quality text renderer. % % ECVP2010Poster_VisualTimingPrecision.pdf - Poster about the visual % stimulus onset timing and timestamping precision % of Psychtoolbox tested on different system % configurations. Presented at ECVP 2010. This % version adds multiple pages of comments and % bonus information. It also contains a few more % datapoints collected after ECVP. % % GStreamer - Installation instructions for the GStreamer % media framework. % % HybridGraphics - The state of hybrid graphics laptop support and % how to use them with proper timing. % % InstallKinect - Installation instructions for the Kinect % drivers. % % KbQueue.html - How to use keyboard queues. % % LinuxGameMode - How to setup Linux performance optimizations via % "GameMode". % % MirrorMode - Special considerations regarding the use or % non-use of display mirror mode on multi display % setups or Laptops. % % MultiDisplaySetups - Info on how to handle and use multi display setups. % % NVision3D - Explanation of experimental NVision stereo goggle % support. % % Oculus_Health_and_Safety_Warnings.pdf - Info about how to use the Oculus % VR virtual reality headsets safely. % % OpenXR - Intro to OpenXR and installation and setup instructions. % % ProceduralShadingAPI - Documentation useful for procedural shading. % % ProgrammingTips.html - A very incomplete programming manual. % % PsychPaidSupportAndServices - Our commercial support and service offerings. % % PsychtoolboxKernelDriver - How to set up the low-level support driver for % Apple OSX. % % PTBTutorial-ECVP2013.pdf - The slides from the ECVP 2013 tutorial, with % an introduction into basic Psychtoolbox features. % % RaspberryPiSetup - How to setup a RasperryPi for Psychtoolbox, and % what to expect. % % RetinaDisplay - How to deal with HiDPI "Retina" displays. % % SyncTrouble - Problem with synchronization to the vertical % retrace or display timing, and how to resolve % them. % % TouchInput - Support for touch input devices. % % UseTheSource - How to get access to the Psychtoolbox source code. % % VideoRecording - Parameter settings, howtos and tips for Video recording. % % VRRSupport - How to set up and use variable refresh rate (VRR) displays. %