function VideoMultiCameraCaptureDemo(deviceIds, syncmode, movieName) % Demonstrate simple use of built-in video capture engine. % % VideoMultiCameraCaptureDemo([deviceIds=all][, syncmode=0][, movieName]) % % VideoMultiCameraCaptureDemo captures simultaneously from all cameras % connected to your computer, or a subset of cameras if it is specified % in the optional vector 'deviceIds', and then shows their video feeds % in individual Psychtoolbox windows. % % The optional 'syncmode' flag allows to select synchronization strategy % for multi-cam capture: 0 = None, all free-running. 4 = Software sync, % 8 = Firewire Bus-Sync, 16 = Hardware (TTL) trigger sync. % % The optional 'movieName' string, if provided, will enable video recording % of each cameras video into a dedicated movie file, which consists of the % movieName and a unique camera number. % % By default, a capture rate of 30 frames per second at a resolution of % 640 x 480 pixels is requested, and the timecode and interframe interval % of each captured image is displayed in the top-left corner of each window. % A press of the ESCape key ends the demo. The demo also ends automatically % after a timeout of 10 minutes is reached. % % This demo has various hard-coded parameters which allow you to tinker with % things like Bayer filtering on the camera, versus on the host cpu, versus % offline later on during playback of recorded video, to select different % tradeoffs between quality, cpu load, speed and bus bandwidth use. It also % allows to play with high bit depth (> 8 bpc) color and luminance formats, % lossless video recording and other bits and pieces. Change the variables % as you see fit and read the source carefully. % % History: % 04-Nov-2013 mk Written. if IsWin error('Sorry, this demo is not supported on MS-Windows, as it needs the DC1394 video capture engine.'); end % Default init and setup: PsychDefaultSetup(2); escape = KbName('ESCAPE'); backKey = KbName('LeftArrow'); forwardKey = KbName('RightArrow'); if nargin < 1 deviceIds=[]; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(syncmode) syncmode = 0; else if ~ismember(syncmode, [0,4,8,16]) error('Invalid syncmode! Must be 0, 4, 8 or 16!'); end end if nargin < 3 || isempty(movieName) doVideoRecording = 0; else doVideoRecording = 1; end roi = [0 0 640 480]; depth = 3; % Choose a color depth of 1 if you want raw sensor data - or grayscale of course. 3 for RGB. % Mode 4 would be the correct mode for raw sensor -> rgb bayer conversion on Basler cameras. % Mode 3 would pass raw sensor data instead. convMode = 4; bayerPattern = 0; % This would be the correct bayer pattern for Basler color cameras. debayerMethod = 3; % Debayer algorithm: 0 = Fastest, ..., 3 = High quality, 4-7 = May or may not work. % Bitdepth to request from camera: 8 bpc is standard. 16 bpc requests anything between 9 bpc and 16 bpc: bitdepth = 8; % Set dropframes = 0 if multiple frames shall be recorded for sync timing checks, 1 otherwise: dropframes = 1; % Flags to use for video recording. 16 = Use multi-threaded recording. if doVideoRecording captureFlags = 16; codec = ':CodecType=DEFAULTencoder UseVFR Videoquality=0.5 Profile=2'; % Use default codec. UseVFR for variable framerate recording. % The huffyuv and ffenc_sgi codecs are lossless codecs. They use lossless compression, so video images % are stored exactly, but the resulting movie files will be comparably large! % These are mostly useful if you want to use the material for sensitive computer vision algorithms, % or if you want to store raw camera sensor data without Bayer filtering and perform the Bayer filtering % for raw sensor -> RGB conversion later on during playback. In that case you will need exact storage of % video and hence one of these codecs. %codec = ':CodecType=huffyuv UseVFR'; % Use HuffYUV Huffman encoded lossless codec. UseVFR for variable framerate recording. %codec = ':CodecType=ffenc_sgi UseVFR'; % Use SGI-RLE lossless codec. UseVFR for variable framerate recording. % For > 8 bpc recording, we need to use our own proprietary video encoding: % Note: Only use with lossless video codecs makes sense for 16 bpc mode. % Currently supported are huffyuv and ffenc_sgi. if bitdepth > 8 codec = [codec ' UsePTB16BPC']; end else captureFlags = 16; codec = []; end % Optional processing string for dropframes = 0 && captureFlags & 16 capture/recording: processingString = ''; % Example processingString to apply an image warping effect: %processingString = 'ffmpegcolorspace ! warptv ! ffmpegcolorspace ! capsfilter caps="video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianess=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255"'; % Set noMaster = 1 if all cams are externally hardware triggered slaves, 0 otherwise: noMaster = 1; % Always use a master, ie., noMaster false if not hardware synced. if syncmode ~= 16 noMaster = 0; end % We limit default framerate to 30 fps instead of auto-detected maximum % as supported by a camera in order to limit the consumption of bus bandwidth. % Otherwise we might run out of bandwidth with multiple connected cameras. fps = 30; % Select maximum number of frames to capture and record: Zero for "unlimited" maxTargetFrameCount = 0; % For now we only use the DC1394-Firewire capture engine, as setup with % the GStreamer engine is not impossible, but more difficult/error-prone % and less flexible when it comes to complex camera control and sync. Screen('Preference', 'DefaultVideocaptureEngine', 1); % Also disable sync tests, as visual timing doesn't work well anyway % on windowed non-fullscreen GUI windows: oldsynctests = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2); screenid=max(Screen('Screens')); if isempty(deviceIds) devs = Screen('VideoCaptureDevices'); for i=1:length(devs) % Use device if either its deviceIndex is not zero, or all enumerated devices if % the libdc1394 capture engine is in use. On other engines, deviceIndex 0 is special % in that it defines the default capture device. The same device shows up a second % time under a distinct device index, so we have to filter out deviceIndex 0 to avoid % opening the same camera twice: if (devs(i).DeviceIndex ~= 0) || (Screen('Preference', 'DefaultVideocaptureEngine') == 1) disp(devs(i)); deviceIds = [deviceIds, devs(i).DeviceIndex]; %#ok end end end if isempty(deviceIds) fprintf('Sorry, could not detect any suitable video cameras. Bye.\n'); return; end try for i=1:length(deviceIds) % Open oncreen window for i'th camera: win(i) = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, [0, 0, 650, 500], [], [], [], [], [], kPsychGUIWindow + kPsychGUIWindowWMPositioned); %#ok % Set text size for info text: Screen('TextSize', win(i), 24); % Open i'th camera: grabbers(i) = Screen('OpenVideoCapture', win(i), deviceIds(i), roi, depth, 64, [], codec, captureFlags, [], bitdepth); %#ok if i == 1 % Reset firewire bus for this camera: % Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'ResetBus'); % Reset this camera: %Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'ResetCamera'); end % Multi-camera sync mode requested? if syncmode > 0 if i == 1 % First one is sync-master: Unless noMaster == 1, in which case there are only slaves. Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'SyncMode', syncmode + 1 + noMaster); if Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'SyncMode') ~= (syncmode + 1 + noMaster) error('Sync master camera does not support requested sync mode %i! Game over!', syncmode); end else % Others are sync-slaves: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'SyncMode', syncmode + 2); if Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'SyncMode') ~= syncmode + 2 % This slave does not support syncmode! Means the syncmode must be hardware sync, % as that is the only one which can be unsupported. Fall back to bus sync and switch % master into combined hw sync + bus sync mode: fprintf('Sync slave camera %i does not support requested sync mode %i!\n', grabbers(i), syncmode); % Hardware sync requested but unsupported by this slave? if (syncmode == 16) && ~noMaster % Yes, workaround via additional bus-sync and hope for the best: fprintf('Switching sync slave camera %i to bus sync as fallback. Master will emit bus-sync signals too.\n', grabbers(i)); % Set slave to bus sync: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'SyncMode', 8 + 2); % Set master to bus sync in addition to hw sync: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'SyncMode', 16 + 8 + 1); end end end end % Use TriggerMode 0 "Start of exposure by trigger, duration of exposure by 'Shutter' setting". Trigger exposure on falling edge, % (active low TriggerPolarity), get signal from TriggerSource 0, aka port 0: fprintf('Camera %i : OldTriggerMode = %i\n', grabbers(i), Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'TriggerMode', 0)); fprintf('Camera %i : OldTriggerPolarity = %i\n', grabbers(i), Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'TriggerPolarity', 0)); fprintf('Camera %i : OldTriggerSource = %i\n', grabbers(i), Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'TriggerSource', 0)); fprintf('Camera %i : TriggerSources = ', grabbers(i)); disp(Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetTriggerSources')); % Configure i'th camera: %brightness = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Brightness',383) %exposure = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Exposure',130) %gain = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Gain') %gamma = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Gamma') %shutter = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Shutter', 7) %vendor = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetVendorname') %model = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetModelname') %fps = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetFramerate') %roi = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetROI') %bmode = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), '1394BModeActive', 0) %isospeed = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'ISOSpeed', 400) %pio = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'PIO', 1) %pio = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'PIO') %[targetTemperature, currentTemperature] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'Temperature', 123) %[u,v] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'WhiteBalance', 161, 116) %[u,v] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'WhiteBalance') %[wr, wg, wb] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'WhiteShading') % Measure firewire bus cycles for fun and profit :-) [cycleSecs1, cycleSystemTime1, cycleSec, cycleCount, cycleOffset] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetCycleTimer'); WaitSecs(0.1); [cycleSecs2, cycleSystemTime2] = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetCycleTimer'); fprintf('Camera %i: Bus runs at %f seconds per second.\n', grabbers(i), (cycleSecs2 - cycleSecs1) / (cycleSystemTime2 - cycleSystemTime1)); fprintf('Camera %i: Initial bus timestamps were cycleSec %i, cycleCount %i, cycleOffset %i.\n', grabbers(i), cycleSec, cycleCount, cycleOffset); % Basler camera? if strfind(Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetVendorname'), 'Basler') % Yes. Enable some Basler specific SFF features: % The Basler SFF framecounter is mostly useless to us, as it only resets to zero on a power-cycle, % and the cameras can't get power-cycled in software, only by physical unplug/replug :(. % Update: Some Basler cameras allow power-cycling, so it does work on those, e.g., the A602f works, % but the A312fc doesn't. % baslerFrameCounter = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'BaslerFrameCounterEnable') % Basler SFF CRC checksumming can find corrupted video frames due to problems with camera electronics, % bus cables, controllers, OS etc. It is very compute intense though, adds easily 10 msecs per frame, % so one should probably only enable it to diagnose real problems or initially verify a setup: % baslerChecksum = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'BaslerChecksumEnable') % Basler SFF timestamping can theoretically provide a capture timestamp corresponding to the exact % time when image exposure on the cameras sensor was started. The camera can tag frames with the % firewire bus time of start of exposure and Screen() can translate that into GetSecs time. % % In practice, all two tested models of Basler cameras didn't work. They returned a constant % bogus value as timestamp, leading to bogus capture timestamps. No bug could be found in our code % or the libdc1394 code when comparing code against the Basler SFF spec documents. % baslerTimestamp = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'BaslerFrameTimestampEnable') end Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'PrintParameters') % Select convMode as conversion mode: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'DataConversionMode', convMode); % Set an override bayer pattern to use if it can't get auto-detected: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'OverrideBayerPattern', bayerPattern); % Select debayer algorithm: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'DebayerMethod', debayerMethod); % Ask engine to prefer Format-7 video capture modes over bog-standard Non-Format-7 ones. % Normally the engine decides itself what is the best choice. Forcing the engine to % use Format-7 sometimes allows to save a bit of bus-bandwidth and thereby squeeze out % higher framerates, resolutions or use of more cameras on a single bus in multi-cam capture. Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'PreferFormat7Modes', 1); if doVideoRecording % If video recording is requested, set a unique movie filename per camera: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), sprintf('', movieName, grabbers(i))); end % If a specific maximum framecount is requested for end of capture/recording, set it here % before capture gets started: % Setting the count for the slaves it not always neccessary, as the master will distribute % its limit to its slaves in many common scenarios, but then "better safe than sorry". if maxTargetFrameCount > 0 Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'StopAtFramecount', maxTargetFrameCount); fprintf('Targetting stop of capture on camera %i at target framecount %i.\n', grabbers(i), maxTargetFrameCount); end % Assign GStreamer post processing string, if any: if ~isempty(processingString) Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), sprintf('SetGStreamerProcessingPipeline=%s', processingString)); end end % Start capture on all cameras: if syncmode == 0 % Start one after the other: for grabber=grabbers Screen('StartVideoCapture', grabber, fps, dropframes); end else % Multicam sync enabled. First start all slaves: oldverb = Screen('Preference','Verbosity', 4); fprintf('Prepare for synced start! Warp 1 ...\n\n'); for grabber=grabbers(2:end) Screen('StartVideoCapture', grabber, fps, dropframes); end % Only wait for keypress if there is a designated master. With % only slaves, that wait would be futile: if ~noMaster KbStrokeWait; end fprintf('Engage! ...\n\n'); % Start master: Screen('StartVideoCapture', grabbers(1), fps, dropframes); fprintf('And we are flying!\n\n'); Screen('Preference','Verbosity', oldverb); end % If a specific maximum framecount is requested for end of capture/recording, set it here dynamically % while capture is already started: if maxTargetFrameCount < 0 % For maximum robustness one should set the count for all slaves first, before the master: % Setting the count for the slaves it not always neccessary, as the master will distribute % its limit to its slaves in many common scenarios, but then "better safe than sorry". for grabber = grabbers(2:end) Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'StopAtFramecount', abs(maxTargetFrameCount)); end % Finally set master / first grabber: Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'StopAtFramecount', abs(maxTargetFrameCount)); fprintf('Targetting stop of capture at target framecount %i.\n', abs(maxTargetFrameCount)); end capturestopped = 0; dstRect = []; count = 0; oldpts = zeros(size(grabbers)); texcount = zeros(size(grabbers)); camtex = zeros(length(grabbers), fps * 10); campts = zeros(size(camtex)); t=GetSecs; % Multicapture and display loop: Runs until timeout of 120 seconds or until keypress % if there isn't any master cam or if no recording is requested: while dropframes || noMaster || ((GetSecs - t) < 120) if KbCheck if ~capturestopped capturestopped = 1; maxTargetFrameCount = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'GetFutureMaxFramecount'); fprintf('Logically stopping capture on master by setting stop frame count to current maximum framecount %i!\n', maxTargetFrameCount); Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(1), 'StopAtFramecount', maxTargetFrameCount); fprintf('Capture on master scheduled to stop.\n'); KbReleaseWait; else break; end end for i=1:length(grabbers) [tex pts nrdropped] = Screen('GetCapturedImage', win(i), grabbers(i), 0); %#ok % fprintf('tex = %i pts = %f nrdropped = %i\n', tex, pts, nrdropped); if tex > 0 % Draw new texture from framegrabber. Screen('DrawTexture', win(i), tex, [], dstRect); % Print pts: Screen('DrawText', win(i), sprintf('%.4f [%i of %i]', pts - t, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetFetchedFramecount'), Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabbers(i), 'GetCurrentFramecount')), ... 0, 0, [1 0 0]); if count > 0 % Compute delta: delta = (pts - oldpts(i)) * 1000; Screen('DrawText', win(i), sprintf('%.4f', delta), 0, 20, [1 0 0]); end oldpts(i) = pts; % Show it. Don't sync to video refresh at all, as it would cause % performance degradation due to lockstep between window updates. Screen('Flip', win(i), [], [], 2); if dropframes Screen('Close', tex); else texcount(i) = texcount(i) + 1; %#ok camtex(i, texcount(i)) = tex; campts(i, texcount(i)) = pts; end tex = 0; %#ok end count = count + 1; end % WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.030); end telapsed = GetSecs - t; fprintf('Elapsed runtime %f seconds.\n', telapsed); for grabber=grabbers fprintf('Camera %i : Bandwidth = %f\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'GetBandwidthUsage')); fprintf('Camera %i : UsedTriggerMode = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'TriggerMode')); fprintf('Camera %i : UsedTriggerPolarity = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'TriggerPolarity')); fprintf('Camera %i : UsedTriggerSource = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'TriggerSource')); end % Stop all cameras: if syncmode == 0 % Unsynchronized operation: Stop one after the other: for grabber=grabbers Screen('StopVideoCapture', grabber); end else % Multicam sync enabled. % First some feedback about sync: for grabber=grabbers fprintf('Camera %i : Possible max framecount = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'GetFutureMaxFramecount')); end % Stop master first: fprintf('Drop us out of warp!\n'); Screen('StopVideoCapture', grabbers(1)); % Then stop all slaves: fprintf('Sublight reached ...\n'); for grabber=grabbers(2:end) Screen('StopVideoCapture', grabber); end fprintf('And quarter impulse ahead.\n'); end % Close down cameras, and some final stats: for grabber=grabbers fprintf('Camera %i : Final framecount = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'GetCurrentFramecount')); fprintf('Camera %i : Possible framecount = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'GetFutureMaxFramecount')); fprintf('Camera %i : Corrupted frames count = %i\n', grabber, Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', grabber, 'GetCorruptFramecount')); Screen('CloseVideoCapture', grabber); end if ~dropframes fi = 1; while 1 [secs, keyCode] = KbWait; %#ok if keyCode(escape) break; end if keyCode(backKey) fi = max(1, fi - 1); end if keyCode(forwardKey) fi = min(min(texcount), fi + 1); end for i=1:length(grabbers) % Draw new texture from framegrabber. Screen('DrawTexture', win(i), camtex(i, fi), [], dstRect); % Print pts: Screen('DrawText', win(i), sprintf('%.4f', campts(i, fi) - t), 0, 0, [1 0 0]); % Show it: Screen('Flip', win(i), [], [], 1); end end end % Close all textures explicitely to avoid "many open textures" warning: Screen('Close'); % Close all windows and release all remaining display resources: sca; Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynctests); catch %#ok<*CTCH> % Emergency shutdown: sca; Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynctests); psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end