function SuperShapeDemo % Draw SuperShapes with OpenGL % % This demo computes and displays a 3D supershape using the formula % found by Gielis (A generic geometric transformation that unifies % a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of % Botany 90(3):333�338, 2003) % % See also % % "The parameter m relates to the number of symmetries of a shape, % parameter n1 determines flatness and sharpness of corners and convexity % of sides. Both parameters n2 and n3 denote whether the shape is inscribed % or circumscribed in the unit circle." (from % % % You can rotate the shape with the cursor keys. % % You can change shape parameters by pressing the keys shown in the demo and % entering new numeric parameters. % % Pressing ESCape exits the demo. % % Please be patient when running this demo. Computation of the supershape and % its normal vectors and mesh is compute intense and therefore time consuming. % The only way to speed this up a lot would be to perform most of the computations % inside of GLSL vertex- and geometry-shaders on the GPU. This advanced exercise % for now left to the reader. % % This demo was written and contributed by Joana Leitao. % % History: % 16-Sep-2013 jsl Written. % 30-Sep-2015 mk Pimped with VR HMD support. % 01-Jun-2017 mk Pimped VR HMD support a bit more - Performance optimization. %% Initialization stereoscopic = 0; % Setup unified keynames and normalized 0-1 color space: PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Suppress character output to console: ListenChar(2); % Setup Psychtoolbox for OpenGL 3D rendering support and initialize the % mogl OpenGL wrapper: InitializeMatlabOpenGL; % Find the screen to use for display: screenid = max(Screen('Screens')); % Define background color: backgroundColor = GrayIndex(screenid); % Open a double-buffered full-screen window: PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); hmd = PsychVRHMD('AutoSetupHMD', 'Tracked3DVR', 'NoTimingSupport NoTimestampingSupport DebugDisplay', 0); [win , winRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, backgroundColor); DrawFormattedText(win, 'Hang on, I am working on my first supershape :)', 'center', 'center'); Screen('Flip', win); % Setup the OpenGL rendering context of the onscreen window for use by % OpenGL wrapper. After this command, all following OpenGL commands will % draw into the onscreen window 'win': Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % Get the aspect ratio of the screen: ar = RectHeight(winRect) / RectWidth(winRect); %% Set camera position etc % Set viewport properly: glViewport(0, 0, RectWidth(winRect), RectHeight(winRect)); % Set projection matrix: This defines a perspective projection, % corresponding to the model of a pin-hole camera - which is a good % approximation of the human eye and of standard real world cameras -- % well, the best aproximation one can do with 3 lines of code ;-) glMatrixMode(GL.PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity; if ~isempty(hmd) % Use VR HMD for 3D stereoscopic display: % Retrieve and set camera projection matrix for optimal rendering on the HMD: [projMatrix{1}, projMatrix{2}] = PsychVRHMD('GetStaticRenderParameters', hmd); % Enable stereo rendering: stereoscopic = 1; else % Field of view is 25 degrees from line of sight. Objects closer than % 0.1 distance units or farther away than 100 distance units get clipped % away, aspect ratio is adapted to the monitors aspect ratio: gluPerspective(25, 1/ar, 0.1, 100); end % Setup modelview matrix: This defines the position, orientation and % looking direction of the virtual camera: glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity; % Cam is located at 3D position (0,10,15), points upright (0,1,0) and fixates % at the origin (0,0,0) of the worlds coordinate system: gluLookAt(0, 10, 15,0,0,0,0,1,0); %% Setup position and emission properties of the light source: % Turn on OpenGL local lighting model: The lighting model supported by % OpenGL is a local Phong model with Gouraud shading. glEnable(GL.LIGHTING); % Enable the first local light source GL.LIGHT_0. Each OpenGL % implementation is guaranteed to support at least 8 light sources. glEnable(GL.LIGHT0); % Our point lightsource is at position (x,y,z) == (1,2,3)... glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0,GL.POSITION,[ 1 2 3 0 ]); % % Emits white (1,1,1,1) diffuse light: glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0,GL.DIFFUSE, [ 1 1 1 1 ]); % There's also some white, but weak (R,G,B) = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) % ambient light present: glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0,GL.AMBIENT, [0.1 0.1 0.1 1]); %% Define Material Properties % Define the cubes light reflection properties by setting up reflection % coefficients for ambient, diffuse and specular reflection: glMaterialfv(GL.FRONT,GL.AMBIENT, [ 0.0 0.0 1.0 1 ]); glMaterialfv(GL.FRONT,GL.DIFFUSE, [ 0.1 0.1 1 1 ]); glMaterialfv(GL.FRONT,GL.SHININESS,27.8); %% % Enable proper occlusion handling via depth tests: glEnable(GL.DEPTH_TEST); % Enable smooth gouraud shading: glShadeModel(GL.SMOOTH); % Set background clear color to 'gray' (R,G,B,A)=(0.5,0.5,0.5,1): glClearColor(0.5,0.5,0.5,1); % Clear out the backbuffer: This also cleans the depth-buffer for % proper occlusion handling: You need to glClear the depth buffer whenever % you redraw your scene, e.g., in an animation loop. Otherwise occlusion % handling will screw up in funny ways... glClear; %% generate initial vertices m = 8; a = 1; b = 1; n1 = 0.5; n2 = 0.5; n3 = 0.5; super_vertices = superformula(a,b,m,n1,n2,n3); % predraw strip super_list = glGenLists(1); glNewList(super_list, GL.COMPILE); supershape(super_vertices); glEndList; Screen('EndOpenGL', win); overlaytex = updateTextOverlay(win, a,b,m,n1,n2,n3); showhelp = 1; abort = 0; % Camera position when using head tracking + HMD: camPos = [0, 0, 1]; %% Animation loop: Run until escape key is pressed while ~abort if ~isempty(hmd) state = PsychVRHMD('PrepareRender', hmd, PsychGetPositionYawMatrix(camPos, 0)); end for view = 0:stereoscopic Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', win, view); Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % HMD in use? if ~isempty(hmd) % Use per-eye projection matrices: glMatrixMode(GL.PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixd(projMatrix{view + 1}); % Use per-eye modelView matrices, driven by head tracking: modelView = state.modelView{view + 1}; glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixd(modelView); end [pressed, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck; if pressed if length(find(keyCode)) == 1 switch find(keyCode) case {KbName('LeftArrow')} glRotatef(-5,0.0,1.0,0.0); case {KbName('RightArrow')} glRotatef(5,0.0,1.0,0.0); case {KbName('UpArrow')} glRotatef(-5,1.0,0.0,0.0); case {KbName('DownArrow')} glRotatef(5,1.0,0.0,0.0); case {KbName('m'),KbName('a'),KbName('b'),KbName('j'),KbName('k'),KbName('l')} % Finish OpenGL rendering into PTB window and check for OpenGL errors. Screen('EndOpenGL', win); if find(keyCode) == KbName('m') m = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter m followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end if find(keyCode) == KbName('a') a = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter a followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end if find(keyCode) == KbName('b') b = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter b followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end if find(keyCode) == KbName('j') n1 = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter n1 followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end if find(keyCode) == KbName('k') n2 = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter n2 followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end if find(keyCode) == KbName('l') n3 = GetEchoNumber(win, 'Please input a new number for parameter n3 followed by enter', 0.05*winRect(3),0.05*winRect(4), [], backgroundColor); end Screen('Flip', win); DrawFormattedText(win, 'Hang on, I am thinking hard about your numbers...', 'center', 'center'); Screen('Flip', win); overlaytex = updateTextOverlay(overlaytex, a,b,m,n1,n2,n3); % Switch to OpenGL rendering again for drawing of next frame: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % generate vertices super_vertices = superformula(a,b,m,n1,n2,n3); % predraw strip super_list = glGenLists(1); glNewList(super_list, GL.COMPILE); supershape(super_vertices); glEndList; case {KbName('ESCAPE')} abort = 1; case {KbName('space')} KbReleaseWait; showhelp = ~showhelp; end end end % Clear framebuffer and redraw supershape: glClear; glCallList(super_list); % Finish OpenGL rendering into PTB window and check for OpenGL errors. Screen('EndOpenGL', win); Screen('FrameRect', win, 0.5, [0 0 5 5]); end if showhelp Screen('DrawTexture', win, overlaytex, [], []); end % Show rendered image at next vertical retrace: Screen('Flip', win); end % Delete super_list and exit OpenGL rendering: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); glDeleteLists(super_list,1); Screen('EndOpenGL', win); % Close onscreen window and release all other ressources: Screen('Close', overlaytex); sca; % Enable character output to Matlab: ListenChar(0); % Well done! return function overlaytex = updateTextOverlay(overlaytex, a,b,m,n1,n2,n3) if Screen('WindowKind', overlaytex) == -1 Screen('FillRect', overlaytex, 0.5); else winRect = Screen('Rect', overlaytex); overlaytex = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', overlaytex, 0.5, [0, 0, RectWidth(winRect), 0.2 * RectHeight(winRect)]); end text1 = 'SuperShape with parameters a, b, m, j (aka n1), k (aka n2) and l (aka n3).'; text2 = ['Current values: m = ' num2str(m) ', a = ' num2str(a) ', b = ' num2str(b) ', j = ' num2str(n1) ', k = ' num2str(n2) ', l = ' num2str(n3)]; text3 = 'To change a parameter press the corresponding key.\nTo rotate the object use the arrows.\nTo quit the program press escape'; text4 = 'To toggle help press space'; fulltext = [text1 '\n' text2 '\n' text3 '\n' text4]; DrawFormattedText(overlaytex, fulltext, 'center', 'center', 0, 80) %DrawFormattedText(overlaytex, text1, 0.05*winRect(3), 0.03*winRect(4)); %DrawFormattedText(overlaytex, text2, 0.05*winRect(3), 0.06*winRect(4)); %DrawFormattedText(overlaytex, text3, 0.05*winRect(3), 0.10*winRect(4)); return %% this function creates quad_strips with the given input vertices function supershape(vertices) global GL %#ok<*GVMIS> for row_ind = 1:size(vertices(:,:,1),1)-1 % Begin drawing of a new quad strip: glBegin(GL.QUAD_STRIP); for column_ind = 1:size(vertices(:,:,1),2) for k = 1:-1:0 aux_var = row_ind + k; x = vertices(aux_var,column_ind,1); y = vertices(aux_var,column_ind,2); z = vertices(aux_var,column_ind,3); norm_vector = calculateNormVec(vertices, aux_var, column_ind); glNormal3f(norm_vector(1),norm_vector(2),norm_vector(3)); glVertex3f(x,y,z) end end glEnd; end return %% this function creates the vertices of a 3D supershape using the formula % found by Gielis (A generic geometric transformation that unifies % a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of % Botany 90(3):333�338, 2003). See also % "The parameter m relates to the number of symmetries of a shape, % parameter n1 determines flatness and sharpness of corners and convexity % of sides. Both parameters n2 and n3 denote whether the shape is inscribed % or circumscribed in the unit circle." (from % function [super_vertices] = superformula(a,b,m,n1,n2,n3) increments = 100; theta = -pi:2*pi/(increments-1):pi; phi = -pi/2:2*pi/(increments-1):pi/2; x = zeros(length(theta),length(phi)); y = zeros(length(theta),length(phi)); z = zeros(length(theta),length(phi)); super_vertices = zeros(length(theta),length(phi),3); for theta_ind = 1:length(theta) for phi_ind = 1:length(phi) r_theta = (abs(1/a*cos(theta(theta_ind)* m/4)).^n2 + abs(1/b*sin(theta(theta_ind)*m/4)).^n3)^(1/n1); r_phi = (abs(1/a*cos(phi(phi_ind)* m/4)).^n2 + abs(1/b*sin(phi(phi_ind)*m/4)).^n3)^(1/n1); x(theta_ind,phi_ind) = r_theta*cos(theta(theta_ind))*r_phi*cos(phi(phi_ind)); y(theta_ind,phi_ind) = r_theta*sin(theta(theta_ind))*r_phi*cos(phi(phi_ind)); z(theta_ind,phi_ind) = r_phi*sin(phi(phi_ind)); end end super_vertices(:,:,1) = x./max(max(abs(x))); super_vertices(:,:,2) = y./max(max(abs(y))); super_vertices(:,:,3) = z./max(max(abs(z))); return %% this function creates the normal vector at a given vertex. function [norm_vector] = calculateNormVec(vertices, row_ind, column_ind) size_aux = vertices(:,:,1); if column_ind == 1 % if column_ind equals one, this mean phi equals -pi/2 and hence, that we % are at the buttom point of the supershape, which is oriented along the % z-axis. Hence the normal vector at any of the vertices with column = 1 % equals [0 0 -1]; norm_vector = [0 0 -1]; elseif column_ind == size(size_aux,2) % if column_ind equals size(size_aux,2), this mean phi equals pi/2 and % hence, that we are at the upper point of the supershape, which is % oriented along the z-axis. Hence the normal vector at any of the % vertices with column = size(size_aux,2) equals [0 0 1]; norm_vector = [0 0 1]; elseif row_ind == 1 || row_ind == size(size_aux,1) % in these cases we are at the edge where the supershape closes % (basically theta equals 0 and 2*pi. To calculate the normal at these % the same as below is done, only that one has to consider values at % the end/beginning of the rows instead. row_aux = 1; norm_vector1 = cross(vertices(row_aux+1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:),vertices(row_aux,column_ind+1,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:)); norm_vector1_aux = [norm_vector1(1,1,1) norm_vector1(1,1,2) norm_vector1(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector1(1,1,1) norm_vector1(1,1,2) norm_vector1(1,1,3)]); norm_vector2 = cross(vertices(row_aux,column_ind+1,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:),vertices(end-1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:)); norm_vector2_aux = [norm_vector2(1,1,1) norm_vector2(1,1,2) norm_vector2(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector2(1,1,1) norm_vector2(1,1,2) norm_vector2(1,1,3)]); norm_vector3 = cross(vertices(end-1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:),vertices(row_aux,column_ind-1,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:)); norm_vector3_aux = [norm_vector3(1,1,1) norm_vector3(1,1,2) norm_vector3(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector3(1,1,1) norm_vector3(1,1,2) norm_vector3(1,1,3)]); norm_vector4 = cross(vertices(row_aux,column_ind-1,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:),vertices(row_aux+1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_aux,column_ind,:)); norm_vector4_aux = [norm_vector4(1,1,1) norm_vector4(1,1,2) norm_vector4(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector4(1,1,1) norm_vector4(1,1,2) norm_vector4(1,1,3)]); norm_vector = sum([norm_vector1_aux; norm_vector2_aux; norm_vector3_aux; norm_vector4_aux]); else % To calculate the normal at all the other vertices the normals at all % the four surrounding quad faces are calculated and then added up to % give the normal at the vertex norm_vector1 = cross(vertices(row_ind+1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:),vertices(row_ind,column_ind+1,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:)); norm_vector1_aux = [norm_vector1(1,1,1) norm_vector1(1,1,2) norm_vector1(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector1(1,1,1) norm_vector1(1,1,2) norm_vector1(1,1,3)]); norm_vector2 = cross(vertices(row_ind,column_ind+1,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:),vertices(row_ind-1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:)); norm_vector2_aux = [norm_vector2(1,1,1) norm_vector2(1,1,2) norm_vector2(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector2(1,1,1) norm_vector2(1,1,2) norm_vector2(1,1,3)]); norm_vector3 = cross(vertices(row_ind-1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:),vertices(row_ind,column_ind-1,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:)); norm_vector3_aux = [norm_vector3(1,1,1) norm_vector3(1,1,2) norm_vector3(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector3(1,1,1) norm_vector3(1,1,2) norm_vector3(1,1,3)]); norm_vector4 = cross(vertices(row_ind,column_ind-1,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:),vertices(row_ind+1,column_ind,:)-vertices(row_ind,column_ind,:)); norm_vector4_aux = [norm_vector4(1,1,1) norm_vector4(1,1,2) norm_vector4(1,1,3)]./norm([norm_vector4(1,1,1) norm_vector4(1,1,2) norm_vector4(1,1,3)]); norm_vector = sum([norm_vector1_aux; norm_vector2_aux; norm_vector3_aux; norm_vector4_aux]); end return