function ShepardZoomDemo % ShepardZoomDemo % % This demo implements kind of a visual version of the Shepard tone % illusion. This is an infinite zoom, by use of an OpenGL technique called % "Spectral Texturing", a clever way of blending multiple textures % with each other by use of alpha-blending... % % You can find more information about the technique and stimulus at: % % % The "Spectral Texturing" method was published as a sketch at Siggraph 2003: % % It was also demonstrated at VSS demo night 2004. % % Feel free to use the stimulus for experiments, but please kindly tell % Daniel Berger how you use it: % % The original code for this demo has been written by Daniel Berger in 2003. % The code has been adapted for use with the PsychToolbox by Mario Kleiner % in 2006. % Make sure we're running on OpenGL Psychtoolbox, abort if not: AssertOpenGL; % Setup keycodes for our control keys: KbName('UnifyKeyNames'); rotccw=KbName('LeftArrow'); rotcw=KbName('RightArrow'); decrease=KbName('DownArrow'); increase=KbName('UpArrow'); escape=KbName('ESCAPE'); toggle(1)=KbName('1!'); toggle(2)=KbName('2@'); toggle(3)=KbName('3#'); toggle(4)=KbName('4$'); toggle(5)=KbName('5%'); helptoggle=KbName('h'); % Initial direction and speed of zoom: stepper = 1; % Initial rotation speed: rotspeed=-0.1; % Shorten synctests for this demo: oldlevel = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1); % Initialize OpenGL low-level support of Psychtoolbox: InitializeMatlabOpenGL; % Open onscreen window on secondary display, with a black % background color: screenid = max(Screen('Screens')); [win winrect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, 0); % Query size of window. We need it to compute correct scaling for windows % aspect ratio later on: [width height] = Screen('WindowSize', win); ifi=Screen('GetFlipInterval', win); vbl=Screen('Flip', win); % Some specs for the zoom... showlayer =[1,1,1,1,1]; hold=0; flattransparency=0; % We read PNG images with color- and alpha channels: teximage = imread([ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/OpenGL4MatlabDemos/snowy_rgb.png' ]); alpha = imread([ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/OpenGL4MatlabDemos/snowy_a.png' ]); % Make sure our teximage is represented as a 3-layer RGB image, even if % delivered by imread() as a one layer luminance image: This is a lame way % of simplifying code later down the road... if size(teximage,3) == 1 teximage(:,:,2) = teximage(:,:,1); teximage(:,:,3) = teximage(:,:,1); end % Add alpha channel as 4th layer to image: teximage(:,:,4)=alpha(:,:); if (flattransparency) % For this mode, we set alpha to a constant 50%: teximage(:,:,4)=128; end % For quick texture mipmap creation, the hardware needs to support % framebuffer object extensions... if ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), '_framebuffer_object')) % Automatic, fast, hardware based creation of mipmap texture resolution % pyramids supported on this system. Use it to quickly create the % texture mipmap object: % Build "power of two" (pot) texture (in this case, a texture of size % 2^8*2^8, that is 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels high) from input image: tex = Screen('MakeTexture', win, teximage, [], 1); % Retrieve OpenGL texture handle to the power of two sized texture: texture=Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', win, tex); % Activate our own OpenGL rendering code: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % Bind the texture for use: glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture); % 2d texture (x and y size) % Ask the hardware to generate all depth levels automatically: glGenerateMipmapEXT(GL.TEXTURE_2D); else % OpenGL extension for automatic mipmap texture creation is not % supported by this graphics hardware. We need to do it the manual, % compute intense way... % Convert Matlab matrix manually into OpenGL binary image data: for i=1:4 glpixels(i,:,:) = teximage(:,:,i); end; glpixels = uint8(glpixels); % Activate our own OpenGL rendering code: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % Generate a texture object: texture = glGenTextures(1); % Bind the texture object for use as power-of-two texture: glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture); % Use GLU to compute the image resolution mipmap pyramid and create % OpenGL textures ouf of it: This is slooow... r = gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 4, size(teximage,1), size(teximage,2), GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, glpixels); if r>0 error('gluBuild2DMipmaps failed for some reason.'); end end % We have our texture, setup its rendering parameters: % Setup magnification and minification filters: glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D,GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL.LINEAR); % scale linearly when rendered image bigger than texture if ~IsGLES glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D,GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); % scale linearly + mipmap when rendered image smalled than texture else glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D,GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL.LINEAR); end % Set wrapping behaviour to repeat infinite in any direction: glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D,GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL.REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D,GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL.REPEAT); % Texture colors shall modulate global color value: glTexEnvf(GL.TEXTURE_ENV, GL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL.MODULATE); % Setup a blending equation: Playing with these can be instructive! blendfg = 6; blendbg = 7; switch(blendfg) case 0 % GL.ZERO blend_sfactor=GL.ZERO; case 1 % GL.ONE blend_sfactor=GL.ONE; case 2 % GL.DST_COLOR blend_sfactor=GL.DST_COLOR; case 3 % GL.SRC_COLOR blend_sfactor=GL.SRC_COLOR; case 4 % GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR blend_sfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; case 5 % GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR blend_sfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; case 6 % GL.SRC_ALPHA blend_sfactor=GL.SRC_ALPHA; case 7 % GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA blend_sfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; case 8 % GL.DST_ALPHA blend_sfactor=GL.DST_ALPHA; case 9 % GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA blend_sfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; case 10 % GL.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE blend_sfactor=GL.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE; end switch(blendbg) case 0 % GL.ZERO blend_dfactor=GL.ZERO; case 1 % GL.ONE blend_dfactor=GL.ONE; case 2 % GL.DST_COLOR blend_dfactor=GL.DST_COLOR; case 3 % GL.SRC_COLOR blend_dfactor=GL.SRC_COLOR; case 4 % GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR blend_dfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; case 5 % GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR blend_dfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; case 6 % GL.SRC_ALPHA blend_dfactor=GL.SRC_ALPHA; case 7 % GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA blend_dfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; case 8 % GL.DST_ALPHA blend_dfactor=GL.DST_ALPHA; case 9 % GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA blend_dfactor=GL.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; case 10 % GL.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE blend_dfactor=GL.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE; end % Enable smooth shading: glShadeModel(GL.SMOOTH); % Enable alpha blending: glEnable(GL.BLEND); % Setup perspective projection for our virtual camera, take displays % aspect ratio into account: glMatrixMode(GL.PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity; gluPerspective(63.0, width/height,0.5,2000.0); % Setup camera position and orientation: glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity; yaw=0.0; pitch=90.0; roll=0.0; glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0); glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef(roll, 0, 0, 1); glTranslatef(0,-50,0); % Setup clear color and clear buffers: clearcolor = [0.9 0.9 1 1]; glClearColor(clearcolor(1),clearcolor(2),clearcolor(3),clearcolor(4)); glClear; % Clear depth and color buffer. % Setup initial settings for layer positions and order... layercnt=[0,20000,40000,60000,80000]; firstlayer=0; xo=[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]; yo=[0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]; % Setup base colors of textures for different layers: texcolor = ones(8,4); texcolor(1,:)=[128 100 80 255]; texcolor(2,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(3,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(4,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(5,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(6,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(7,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor(8,:)=[255 255 255 200]; texcolor=texcolor/255; % Setup help text settings: drawhelp = 1; helptext = ['Daniel Bergers "Shepard Zoom"\n\n' ... 'Keys and their meaning:\n\n(h) - Toggle display of this help text\n(1) to (5) - Toggle texture layer 1 to 5\n' ... 'Left/Right Cursor keys - Rotate ccw/cw\nUp/Down Cursor keys - Zoom in/out\nESCape key - Quit demo\n']; Screen('TextSize', win, 24); Screen('TextStyle', win, 1); Screen('TextColor', win, [255 0 0]); % Setup initial rotation speed: rotpos=0.0; zpos=0; % Endless animation loop. Will run until ESCape key pressed. while 1 % Check keyboard: [isdown secs keycode]=KbCheck; [mox, moy, buttons]=GetMouse; if isdown || any(buttons) if keycode(escape) || any(buttons) % Exit loop, and thereby the demo. break; end if keycode(increase) % Increase speed of zoom in: stepper=stepper+0.01; end if keycode(decrease) % Decrease speed of zoom in: stepper=stepper-0.01; end if keycode(rotcw) % Increase clockwise rotation speed: rotspeed = rotspeed - 0.001; end if keycode(rotccw) % Decrease clockwise rotation speed: rotspeed = rotspeed + 0.001; end if keycode(helptoggle) % Toggle help text display: drawhelp = 1 - drawhelp; % Debounce key: while KbCheck; end; end for i=1:5 % Toggle rendering of i'th layer: if keycode(toggle(i)) showlayer(i)=1-showlayer(i); % Debounce key: while KbCheck; end; end end end % Make backup of current modelview matrix, so we can restore it to % current state at end of frame drawing: glPushMatrix; % Render an infinite zoom into or out of the texture by using blending and % moving textured layers. % Draw lowest layer of groundplane in uniform color: glColor4f(texcolor(1,1), texcolor(1,2), texcolor(1,3), texcolor(1,4)); glDisable(GL.TEXTURE_2D); glBlendFunc(GL.ONE,GL.ZERO); glBegin(GL.QUADS); glVertex3f(-100.0, 0.0, -100.0); % top left glVertex3f(100.0, 0.0, -100.0); % top right glVertex3f(100.0, 0.0, 100.0); % bottom right glVertex3f(-100.0, 0.0, 100.0); % bottom left glEnd; % All other layers are drawn with the texture applied: glEnable(GL.TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture); % Setup proper alpha-blending: glBlendFunc(blend_sfactor,blend_dfactor); % Update our virtual position over the plane - our zoom factor: oz=zpos; zpos=zpos+stepper; ad=(zpos*100.0)-(oz*100.0); % 'stepper' defines direction and speed of zoom: if stepper>0 while (zpos>7500.0) zpos=zpos-5000.0; end else while (zpos<2500.0) zpos=zpos+5000.0; end end % Rotate the plane while zooming in: rotpos=rotpos+rotspeed; if (rotpos>360.0) rotpos=rotpos-360.0; end if (rotpos<-360.0) rotpos=rotpos+360.0; end glRotatef(rotpos,0.0,1.0,0.0); % Update layer scalings and layer order: for i=0:4 % Update layers virtual depth level: if (hold==0) layercnt(i+1)=layercnt(i+1) + 2; end layercnt(i+1)=layercnt(i+1)+ad; % Update depends on zoom direction 'stepper' ... if stepper>0 % Has layer i reached the outer edge? if (layercnt(i+1)>=100000) % Yes. Reset its depths and make it the new first layer: layercnt(i+1)=0; firstlayer=i; % Randomize its texture coordinates: xo(i+1)=rand; yo(i+1)=rand; end else % Has layer i reached the inner edge? if (layercnt(i+1)<=0) % Yes. Reset its depths and make it the new first layer: layercnt(i+1)=100000; firstlayer=mod(i+1, 5); % Randomize its texture coordinates: xo(i+1)=rand; yo(i+1)=rand; end end end % Draw all five layers, starting with 'firstlayer' at the bottom: for j=firstlayer:firstlayer+4 i=mod(j,5)+1; if (showlayer(i)) % Draw layer with updated spatial scaling factor 'fstep': fstep=exp(layercnt(i)/15000.0); % fk is the alpha-factor premultiplied onto this layer. Its % used to smoothly fade in a layer after appearing and smoothly % fade it out before disappearing. % Default to 1 == fully visible. fk=1.0; % Use a linear ramp to fade it in or out during the first 20000 % units or last 20000 units: %if (layercnt(i)<10000) fk=layercnt(i)/10000.0; end if (layercnt(i)<20000) fk=layercnt(i)/20000.0; end if (layercnt(i)>80000) fk=(99999-layercnt(i))/20000.0; end % Apply computed alpha value fk to layer: glColor4f(texcolor(i+3,1),texcolor(i+3, 2),texcolor(i+3, 3),texcolor(i+3, 4)*fk); % Draw it: glBegin(GL.QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0.0+xo(i), 20.0+yo(i)); glVertex3f(-40.0*fstep, 0.0, -40.0*fstep); % top left glTexCoord2f(20.0+xo(i),20.0+yo(i)); glVertex3f(40.0*fstep, 0.0, -40.0*fstep); % top right glTexCoord2f(20.0+xo(i), 0.0+yo(i)); glVertex3f(40.0*fstep, 0.0, 40.0*fstep); % bottom right glTexCoord2f(0.0+xo(i), 0.0+yo(i)); glVertex3f(-40.0*fstep, 0.0, 40.0*fstep); % bottom left glEnd; end end % Restore modelview matrix to pre-render state: glPopMatrix; % Finish our OpenGl rendering: Screen('EndOpenGL', win); % Draw help text if enabled: if drawhelp DrawFormattedText(win, helptext, 'center', 'center'); end % Perform flip in sync with retrace. vbl = Screen('Flip', win, vbl + 1.5 * ifi); % Activate our own OpenGL rendering code again for drawing the next frame: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); end % Next iteration of animation loop... % Finish our OpenGl rendering: Screen('EndOpenGL', win); % We're done! Close window and release all texture ressources: sca; % Restore synctest setting to pre-demo state: Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldlevel); % Exit. return;