function MultiTouchPinchDemo(dev, screenId, debug) % MultiTouchPinchDemo([dev][, screenId=max][, debug=0]) - A basic demo for multi-touch touchscreens. % % Run it. Pressing the ESCape key, or comleting ten demo trials will stop it. % % This shows implementation of simple code for "two finger pinch" detection. % The demo draws a line segment at random location and expects the user to put % to finger on the touch screen to "squeeze" the line segment between their finger. % It will complete a trial if both fingers are moved close enough and the line % segment is between both fingers. % % Motivated by the line-intersection task from: % % % The demo will try to use the first available touchscreen, or if % there isn't any touchscreen, the first available touchpad. You % can also select a specific touch device by passing in its 'dev' % device handle. Use of touchpads usually needs special configuration. % See "help TouchInput" for more info. % % You can select a specific screen to display on - usually the screenId % of the touch screen display surface - with the optional 'screenId' parameter, % or it will select the default maximum screenId if omitted. % % This demo currently works on Linux + X11 display system, not on Linux + Wayland. % It also works on MS-Windows 10 and later. % % For background info on capabilities and setup see "help TouchInput". % % History: % 27-Apr-2023 mk Written. Derived from MultiTouchMinimalDemo. % Setup useful PTB defaults: PsychDefaultSetup(2); if nargin < 1 dev = []; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(screenId) screenId = max(Screen('Screens')); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(debug) debug = 0; end % If no user-specified 'dev' was given, try to auto-select: if isempty(dev) % Get first touchscreen: dev = min(GetTouchDeviceIndices([], 1)); end if isempty(dev) % Get first touchpad if no touchscreen found: dev = min(GetTouchDeviceIndices([], 0)); end if isempty(dev) || ~ismember(dev, GetTouchDeviceIndices) fprintf('No touch input device found, or invalid dev given. Bye.\n'); return; else fprintf('Touch device properties:\n'); info = GetTouchDeviceInfo(dev); disp(info); end % Open a default onscreen window with black background color and 0-1 color range: [w, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenId, 0); HideCursor(w); % Get maximum supported dot diameter for smooth dots: [~, maxSmoothPointSize] = Screen('DrawDots', w); % Select good diameter for touch point blobs, but no more than what 'DrawDots' supports: baseSize = min(RectWidth(rect) / 20, maxSmoothPointSize); try % Only ESCape allows to exit the demo: RestrictKeysForKbCheck(KbName('ESCAPE')); % Create and start touch queue for window and device: TouchQueueCreate(w, dev); TouchQueueStart(dev); % Wait for the go! KbReleaseWait; % Ten trials: for trial=1:10 % touch tracks active touch points: touch = {}; touches = []; intersectPoint = []; % Select randomly located line segment: l1 = [rand() * 200 + 200, rand() * 800 + 200]; l2 = [rand() * 800 + 200, rand() * 800 + 200]; % Loop for this trial: Run until keypress or line bisected. while ~KbCheck && (isempty(intersectPoint) || ~isempty(touches)) % Process all currently pending touch events: while TouchEventAvail(dev) % Process next touch event 'evt': evt = TouchEventGet(dev, w); if evt.Type < 2 % Not a touch point, but something else: continue; end % Touch blob id - Unique in the session: id = evt.Keycode; % In the list of known touches? Give idx for referencing it: idx = find(touches == id); % New touch point and not yet both two wanted touches registered? if evt.Type == 2 && length(touches) < 2 && isempty(idx) % Add to end of list: touches(end+1) = id; idx = length(touches); touch{idx}.col = rand(3, 1); touch{idx}.x = evt.MappedX; touch{idx}.y = evt.MappedY; touch{idx}.t = evt.Time; end % Moving known touch point? if evt.Type == 3 && ~isempty(idx) touch{idx}.x = evt.MappedX; touch{idx}.y = evt.MappedY; touch{idx}.t = evt.Time; end % Known touch released? if evt.Type == 4 && ~isempty(idx) % Remove from list: touches = touches(touches ~= id); % Remove from tracking array, rearrange items if needed: if idx == 1 && length(touch) > 1 touch{1} = touch{2}; end touch{2} = []; end end % Draw all known active touch points: for i = 1:length(touches) Screen('DrawDots', w, [touch{i}.x, touch{i}.y], 3 * baseSize, touch{i}.col, [], 1, 1); end % Visualize "cut line" between the two fingers: Screen('DrawLine', w, [0 1 0], l1(1), l1(2), l2(1), l2(2), 2); % Exactly two touches as wanted? if length(touches) == 2 % Find and draw mid-point, compute distance between fingers: t1 = [touch{1}.x, touch{1}.y]; t2 = [touch{2}.x, touch{2}.y]; distance = norm(t1 - t2); midpoint = mean([t1; t2]); % Show mid-point and connecting line between fingers, also print % distance between fingers in pixels: Screen('DrawDots', w, [midpoint(1), midpoint(2)], 1 * baseSize, [0 1 0], [], 1, 1); Screen('DrawLine', w, [1 0 0], t1(1), t1(2), t2(1), t2(2), 2); Screen('DrawText', w, num2str(distance), midpoint(1), midpoint(2), [1 1 0]); % Pinched tight enough? if distance < 600 && isempty(intersectPoint) % The following code snippet for line segment intersection is % derived from copy-pasted bits of the linexline.m function from: % % % The code is is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License, and % Copyright (c) 2022, Preetham Manjunatha. % SPDX license identifier "BSD-2" % See: x1=t1(1); x2=t2(1); x3=l1(1); x4=l2(1); y1=t1(2); y2=t2(2); y3=l1(2); y4=l2(2); % Find line intersection parameters: u = ((x1-x3)*(y1-y2) - (y1-y3)*(x1-x2)) / ((x1-x2)*(y3-y4)-(y1-y2)*(x3-x4)); t = ((x1-x3)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y3)*(x3-x4)) / ((x1-x2)*(y3-y4)-(y1-y2)*(x3-x4)); % Intersection actually on the lines? if (u >= 0 && u <= 1.0) && (t >= 0 && t <= 1.0) % Yes. Compute and assign intersection point: xi = ((x3 + u * (x4-x3)) + (x1 + t * (x2-x1))) / 2; yi = ((y3 + u * (y4-y3)) + (y1 + t * (y2-y1))) / 2; intersectPoint = [xi,yi]; end end end % Valid intersection point? if ~isempty(intersectPoint) % Show it on line, instruct subject to release touches: Screen('DrawDots', w, intersectPoint, 1 * baseSize, [0 1 1], [], 1, 1); DrawFormattedText(w, 'Well done! Lift fingers for next trial!', 'center', 'center', 1); % TODO: Store timestamps, distance, intersectPoint, other info % with results for this trial: else DrawFormattedText(w, 'Pinch the line between two fingers!', 'center', 'center', 1); end % Done repainting - Show it: Screen('Flip', w); % This little bit here will provoke stimulus onset timing failures on % MS Windows at debug level 1 for debugging if something is not quite right. if debug && IsWin WaitSecs(0.025); [~, ~, ~, visualtimingmaybesane] = GetMouse(w) end % Next touch processing -> redraw -> flip cycle: end % End of trial. % TODO store data... % Next trial: end TouchQueueStop(dev); TouchQueueRelease(dev); RestrictKeysForKbCheck([]); ShowCursor(w); sca; catch TouchQueueRelease(dev); RestrictKeysForKbCheck([]); sca; psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end