function LoadMovieIntoTexturesDemo(moviename, fromTime, toTime, indexisFrames, benchmark, async, preloadSecs, specialflags, pixelFormat) % % LoadMovieIntoTexturesDemo(moviename [, fromTime=0][, toTime=end][, indexisFrames=0][, benchmark=0][, async=0][, preloadSecs=1][, specialflags=0][, pixelFormat=4]) % % A demo implementation on how to load a movie into standard % Psychtoolbox textures for precisely controlled presentation timing and % presentation order. % % Parameters: % moviename - Filename of moviefile to use. If none is provided, then the % simple DualDiscs collision movie is used which is part of PTB. % % fromTime - Start time (in seconds) from which the movie should be read % into textures. Defaults to start of movie, if not provided. % % toTime - End time (in seconds) upto which the movie should be read % into textures. Defaults to end of movie, if not provided. % % indexIsFrames - If set to 1 then the fromTime and toTime parameters are % interpreted as frameindex (starting with 0 for the first frame), instead % of seconds. If set to 2 then presentation timestamps are ignored for the % decision when to stop loading a movie. This is needed for certain movies % with a broken encoding of time, as those would stop loading way too early % otherwise. % % benchmark - If you set this parameter to 1, the demo will compute the % time it takes to load the movie, and - after the movie has been loaded % into textures - the maximum display speed without syncing to vertical % refresh. All visual progress feedback is disabled. This is mostly % useful to benchmark different movie file formats and codecs for their % relative efficiency on a given machine. A setting of 2 will additionally % disable test of abort keys during loading of the movie - to discount % possible pollution of the benchmark results with time spent checking the % keyboard. A setting of 3 will also skip keyboard queries during the load % phase, additionally it will not queue up textures in video memory, but % instead load a texture and then immediately discard it. This is more % resembling typical movie playback, where a frame is pulled, presented on % screen, then discarded. It tests a different decoding path in Screen(). A % setting of 4 will only test decoding performance of the movie, but omit % creation of actual Psychtoolbox textures for presentation. This allows to % separate computation time spent in the video decoder from time consumed % by the graphics driver or graphics card. % % async - If you set this parameter to 4, the video decoding engine will % prebuffer frames ahead of time, up to 'preloadSecs' seconds worth of % video data. This is unsuitable for playback with audio-video sync, but % for pure video playback it can decouple decoding from presentation % further and provide a potential performance boost for very demanding % playback scenarios. % % preloadSecs - How many seconds of video to prebuffer if async == 4? % Specify a maximum amount in seconds, or the value -1 for unlimited % prebuffering. % % specialflags - Special flags for 'OpenMovie'. E.g., a setting of 1 will % try to use YUV textures for higher performance, if the installed graphics % card supports this. A setting of 4 will always use YUV decoding, by use % of out own builtin YUV decoder, which may be more limited in % functionality and flexibility, but helpful if highest performance is a % requirement. % % pixelFormat - Format of video texture to create: 1 = Luminance/Grayscale % only, 2 = Luminance+Alpha, 3 = RGB color, 4 = RGBA, 5 = YUV-422 packed % pixel, 6 = YUV-I420 planar format. 5 and 6 = Y8-Y800 planar luminance % only format. Not all formats are supported by all GPU's, operating % systems and video codecs. Defaults to 4 = RGBA 8 Bit per color channel. % % % How the demo works: Read the source code - its well documented ;-) % % This demo "preloads" the movie into textures: % The whole movie gets read into PTB textures before start of trial. Then % you show the textures in quick succession like in PlayMoviesDemo. The % advantage of this approach is exact control over display timing and % display order: You can show frames in any order you like at any rate you % like (and that your hardware likes). Disadvantage: Longer trial % setup time for loading the whole movie, higher memory consumption (keep % all n frames in memory instead of only the current one) and the inability % to play sound in sync with video. % % To make it a bit more interesting, you can use this demo to "browse" short % videoclips, e.g., for selection of interesting parts... % % History: % 12/25/05 mk Wrote it. % 02/03/06 mk Adapted for use on Windows. % 09/03/09 mk Add support for frameindex seeking instead of timeindex. % 30/06/12 mk Add benchmarking support for new GStreamer modes. % 17/06/13 mk Cleanup for QT removal. % Child protection: Make sure we run on the OSX / OpenGL Psychtoolbox. % Abort if we don't: AssertOpenGL; % Switch KbName into unified mode: It will use the names of the OS-X % platform on all platforms in order to make this script portable: KbName('UnifyKeyNames'); esc=KbName('ESCAPE'); space=KbName('SPACE'); right=KbName('RightArrow'); left=KbName('LeftArrow'); if nargin < 1 moviename = []; end if isempty(moviename) % Default movie is our own disc collision movie: moviename = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/MovieDemos/' ]; end; if nargin < 2 % Default to beginning of movie: fromTime=0; end; if isempty(fromTime) fromTime=0; end if nargin < 3 % Default to end of movie: toTime=100000; end; if isempty(toTime) % Default to end of movie: toTime=100000; end; if nargin < 4 indexisFrames = []; end if isempty(indexisFrames) indexisFrames = 0; end if nargin < 5 benchmark = []; end; if isempty(benchmark) benchmark = 0; end; if nargin < 6 async = []; end if nargin < 7 preloadSecs = []; end if nargin < 8 specialflags = []; end if nargin < 9 pixelFormat = []; end fprintf('Loading movie %s ...\n', moviename); try % Background color will be a grey one: background=[128, 128, 128]; % Open onscreen window. We use the display with the highest number on % multi-display setups: screen=max(Screen('Screens')); % This will open a screen with default settings, aka black background, % fullscreen, double buffered with 32 bits color depth: [win, winrect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screen); % , 0, [0 0 800 600]); % Hide the mouse cursor: HideCursor; % Clear screen to background color: Screen('FillRect', win, background); % Show instructions... tsize=20; Screen('TextSize', win, tsize); Screen('DrawText', win, 'Loading movie into textures. Please wait...',40, 100); % Flip to show the startup screen: Screen('Flip',win); % Open the moviefile and query some infos like duration, framerate, % width and height of video frames... % Some legacy Screen() mex files don't support the pixelFormat flag, % therefore we try to do without it if it is not used anyway, avoiding % an error abort: if ~isempty(pixelFormat) % Use pixelFormat: [movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename, async, preloadSecs, specialflags, pixelFormat); else % Legacy compatible call without pixelFormat: [movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename, async, preloadSecs, specialflags); end % Move to requested timeindex where texture loading should start: if indexisFrames Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, fromTime, 1); else Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, fromTime, 0); end movietexture=0; % Texture handle for the current movie frame. lastpts=-1; % Presentation timestamp of last frame. pts=-1; count=0; % Number of loaded movie frames. % Preallocate texids and texpts if maximum possible allocation size is % known: if (movieduration > 0) && (movieduration < intmax) && (fps > 0) texids = zeros(1, ceil(movieduration * fps)); texpts = zeros(1, ceil(movieduration * fps)); end % In benchmark mode 4 we don't actually convert decoded video frames % into textures. Instead we immediately discard them, so we just get a % benchmark for how long actual video decoding takes: if benchmark == 4 % Discard fetched video frames before texture creation: dontfetch = 2; else % Convert decoded video frames into textures: dontfetch = 0; end % In async buffering mode we have to start the playback engine, so that % any ahead-of-time predecoding and prebuffering is actually happening: if bitand(async, 4) % We run playback at 100x the normal speed, non-looped, without % sound: Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 100, 0, 0); WaitSecs(5); end tloadstart=GetSecs; % Movie to texture conversion loop: while (movietexture>=0) && ((~indexisFrames && (pts < toTime)) || (indexisFrames && (fromTime + count <= toTime))) % This call waits for arrival of a new frame from the movie. If % a new frame is ready, it converts the video frame into a % Psychtoolbox texture image and returns a handle in % 'movietexture'. 'pts' contains a so called presentation % timestamp. That is the time (in seconds since start of movie) % at which this video frame should be shown on the screen. % In case that no valid video texture is available, this function % will return a zero texture handle to indicate this. If no new % texture will become available anymore, because the end of the % movie is reached, it will return a handle of -1 to indicate end % of movie. % The 1 - flag means: Wait for arrival of new frame. Next % invocation of this command will retrieve the next frame in % the movie. % A 'dontfetch' setting of 2 would just discard the new frame, % instead of returning a real PTB texture it returns a value of % 1 to indicate discard of the frame. This can be used to % quickly skip through movies by skipping frames, and for % benchmarking of the video decoder without the overhead of % actual texture creation and drawing: [movietexture pts] = Screen('GetMovieImage', win, movie, 1, [], [], dontfetch); % Valid and *new* texture? If pts would be *smaller* than % lastpts then we would have ran over the end of movie - in % that case, the time will automatically wrap around to zero. % If we don't check for this, we'll have an infinite loop! if (movietexture > 0) && ((pts >= lastpts) || (indexisFrames == 2)) % Store its texture handle and exact movie timestamp in % arrays for later use: count=count + 1; % Only store textures for benchmark modes 0 to 3. if (benchmark ~= 3) && (benchmark ~= 4) texids(count)=movietexture; texpts(count)=pts; else % Mode 3 or 4. Draw and delete texture immediately, % resembling typical movie playback, or - in mode 4 - % don't draw at all: if benchmark ~=4 %Screen('TextSize', movietexture, 60); %DrawFormattedText(movietexture, num2str(count), 'center', 'center', [255 255 0]); Screen('DrawTexture', win, movietexture, [], winrect, [], 0); Screen('Close', movietexture); Screen('Flip', win, [], 2, 2); end end lastpts=pts; else break; end % Allow for abortion... if (benchmark < 2) && KbCheck break; end if (benchmark==0) % Show the progress text: Screen('DrawText', win, ['Loaded texture ' num2str(count) '...'],40, 100); Screen('Flip',win); end end; if (benchmark>0) % Compute movie load & conversion rate in frames per second. loadrate = count / (GetSecs - tloadstart); % Compute same rate in Megapixels per second: loadvolume = loadrate * imgw * imgh / 1024 / 1024; fprintf('Movie to texture conversion speed is %f frames per second == %f Megapixels/second.\n', loadrate, loadvolume); end; if bitand(async, 4) % Stop "playback": Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0, 0, 0); end if (benchmark == 3) || (benchmark == 4) count = 0; end % Ok, now the requested part of the movie has been (hopefully) loaded % and converted into standard PTB textures. We can simply use the % 'DrawTexture' command in a loop to show the textures... % Clear screen to background color: Screen('Flip',win); currentindex=1; autoplay=0; totalcount = 0; tstart=GetSecs; % Browse and Draw loop: while(count>0) % Draw texture 'currentindex' Screen('DrawTexture', win, texids(currentindex)); if (benchmark==0) % Draw some help text: [x, y]=Screen('DrawText', win, 'Press left-/right cursor key to navigate in movie, SPACE to toggle playback, ESC to exit.',10, 40); %#ok [x, y]=Screen('DrawText', win, ['Framerate(fps): ' num2str(fps) ', total duration of movie (secs) ' num2str(movieduration)],10, y+10+tsize); %#ok % Draw info on current position in movie: Screen('DrawText', win, ['Frame ' num2str(currentindex) ' of ' num2str(count) ' : Timeindex(secs) = ' num2str(texpts(currentindex))], 10, y + 10 + tsize); % Show drawn stuff: Screen('Flip', win); % Check for key press: [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode]=KbCheck; %#ok if keyIsDown if (keyCode(esc)) % Exit break; end; if (keyCode(space)) % Toggle playback on space. autoplay=1-autoplay; end; if (keyCode(right) && currentindex1) % One frame backward: currentindex=currentindex-1; end; % Wait for key-release: KbReleaseWait; end; else % Benchmark mode: Repeat until Keypress. Screen('Flip', win, 0, 2, 2); totalcount=totalcount + 1; autoplay=1; if KbCheck break; end; end; % Update frameindex if in autoplay mode: if autoplay==1 currentindex=mod(currentindex, count) + 1; end; end; % Done. Flip a last time to show grey background: Screen('Flip', win); if (benchmark>0) playbackrate = totalcount / (GetSecs - tstart); playbackvolume = playbackrate * imgw * imgh / 1024 / 1024; fprintf('Movietexture playback rate is %f frames per second == %f Megapixels/second.\n', playbackrate, playbackvolume); end; if benchmark ~= 3 % This will release all textures... Screen('Close', texids(1:count)); end % Close movie file. Screen('CloseMovie', movie); ShowCursor; sca; fprintf('Done. Bye!\n'); return; catch %#ok % Error handling: Close all windows and movies, release all ressources. ShowCursor; sca; psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end;