function HDRViewer(imfilepattern, highprecision, windowed, scalefactor, gpudebug) % HDRViewer([imfilepattern][, highprecision=0][, windowed=0][, scalefactor=autoselect][, gpudebug=0]) % Load and show high dynamic range images on a compatible HDR display setup. % % See "help PsychHDR" for system requirements and setup instructions for HDR % display. See "help HDRRead" for supported HDR image file formats, ie. the % formats that HDRRead() can load, and possible caveats. % % The viewer allows to cycle through a sequence of images in the given % folder, matching the given filename pattern. It allows to adjust the % intensity online, as well as to zoom into regions of the image. A simple % "color picker" displays the RGB color values in units of nits under the % cursor position. % % Input arguments, all optional: % % 'imfilepattern' - Filename search pattern of the HDR images to load, % e.g., 'myimages*.hdr' would load all images in the current folder that % are starting with 'myimages' and ending with extension '.hdr'. % % If 'imfilepattern' is omitted or empty then image files bundled with % Psychtoolbox and Matlab are loaded. Additionally the viewer will offer to % download some freely useable sample files from the MPI for Informatics in % Saarbruecken, Germany. Another bunch of OpenEXR sample images can be found % on the OpenEXR website under: % % % % 'highprecision' If set to 1, request floating point 16 fp16 display % output, instead of the default 10 bpc fixed point output of HDR-10. % If set to 2, will request a 16 bpc fixed point framebuffer, which allows for up % to 16 bpc linear precision, but in reality on early 2021 hardware at most 12 bpc. % On most operating-systems + driver + gpu combos this 16 bpc mode will fail. % % 'windowed' If set to 1 and running on MS-Windows, create a non-fullscreen % window to test windowed HDR mode. This is not yet supported on Linux, and % sometimes buggy and/or underwhelming on Windows-10, so may not work at % all or not correctly due to Windows-10 or gpu display driver limitations. % % 'scalefactor' If set, use this factor to scale color intensity values of % images during drawing into the framebuffer. Otherwise use a heuristic % which sometimes gives not so great results. % % 'gpudebug' If set to 1 will collect additional low-level info useful for % debugging of Vulkan driver bugs, and print it to the console window. This % will have performance impact! % % % Caveats: % % The viewers formula for converting pixel color values from the units in the % image file to the required linear unit in Nits are as good as they get atm. % % There seems to be not much agreement about what the units in the image % files are supposed to reflect. In case of Radiance files (.hdr) we % multiply by some fixed number 179, motivated by some comments in the % Radiance file format spec, when we should actually convert from units of % Radiance to units of Luminance, but that's the best one can do in the % general case. Similar, we use encoded color gamut if available, but % mostly that seems not to be the case, so we apply some hard-coded "BT-709 % alike" gamut as recommended by the spec. % % For the OpenEXR format and others, we use the sampleToNits and ColorGamut % information if provided by the image file. This should give correct % results, but at least as my image sample sets and the wisdom of the % internet go, many (most?) freely available images actually lack % definition of color gamut and conversion factor, so we simply have to % assume BT-709 gamut and a unit conversion factor. This seems to be the % case for some, but not all, sample images. % % In the end you are responsible for encoding the proper gamut and unit % conversion meta info into the image files you are about to use for % serious research, no way around that. % % Control keys: % % You can cycle through all images by pressing the space-bar. You can % change image intensity scaling by pressing the cursor up- and down-keys. % You can exit the viewer by pressing ESCape. By pressing the 'q' key, you % can toggle between float precision HDR and 256 level 8 bit quantized % images (not that useful). % % Zoom mode: % % Pressing the left mouse button will enable zoom mode. Dragging the mouse % while the button is depressed allows to change the region which should be % zoomed. Releasing the mouse button will show the selected region zoomed % up to fullscreen. A single mouse click will reset to the full image. % % % This is an extension of SimpleHDRDemo.m, see that file for more basic % usage of HDR displays with Psychtoolbox. % % History: % % 21-Jul-2020 mk Written. Derived from HDRViewer.m for the BrightSide HDR display, % from 2006. % Make sure we run on Psychtoolbox-3. Abort otherwise. Use unified key names for % keyboard input across all supported operating systems. Use normalized color range, % not the old 0-255 8 bit color convention: PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Startup with black screen to not hurt our eyes: oldVis = Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', 3); % Name of an image file passed? If not, we default to all *.hdr files in % current working directory: if nargin < 1 || isempty(imfilepattern) % No pattern provided. Set up so nothing is found: imfilepattern = 'NONONONO'; end % 10 bpc by default: if nargin < 2 || isempty(highprecision) highprecision = 0; end % Fullscreen display by default: if nargin < 3 || isempty(windowed) windowed = 0; end % No intensity scaling by default: if nargin < 4 || isempty(scalefactor) scalefactor = 1; end % No time-consuming debug mode by default: if nargin < 5 || isempty(gpudebug) gpudebug = 0; end % Get list of all files matching the pattern: imfilenames = dir(imfilepattern); % No HDR files found at user-provided search location/pattern? % Use our own bundled demo images then: if isempty(imfilenames) % Try to load our own OpenEXR ".exr" sample images: imfilenames = FileFromFolder([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/OpenEXRImages/'], 'ssilent', {'exr', 'hdr', 'pic'}); % Check for sample collection of MPI for informatics: if ~exist([PsychHomeDir 'ThirdPartyHDRSampleImages/'], 'dir') % Nope. Ask if we should fetch those images? if TwoStateQuery('Did not find the freely downloadable and useable OpenEXR HDR image samples from MPI for Informatics Saarbruecken ( Should i download them to your Home directory?') == 1 % Yes: fprintf('Trying to download files to folder %s ...\n', [PsychHomeDir 'ThirdPartyHDRSampleImages']); fprintf('See the MPI for Informatics Saarbruecken webpage for credits, copyright and license info, as well as more\n'); fprintf('background info about these files:\n\n\n'); % Define path to target folder, create folder if it does not yet exist: target = PsychHomeDir('ThirdPartyHDRSampleImages'); % Get'em: mpiimnames = {'Iwate.exr', 'AtriumMorning.exr', 'AtriumNight.exr', 'snow.exr', 'nancy_cathedral_1.exr', 'nancy_cathedral_2.exr', 'mpi_atrium_1.exr'}; for imname=mpiimnames tname = char(imname); [fname, rc] = urlwrite(['' tname], [target tname]); %#ok fprintf('Tried to download sample file to: ''%s'' [Status: %i]\n', fname, rc); end end end % Add MPI sample files if they exist in the users home directory: if exist([PsychHomeDir 'ThirdPartyHDRSampleImages/'], 'dir') imfilenames1 = FileFromFolder([PsychHomeDir 'ThirdPartyHDRSampleImages/'], 'ssilent', {'exr', 'hdr', 'pic'}); imfilenames = [imfilenames ; imfilenames1]; end if ~IsOctave && exist([matlabroot filesep 'toolbox/images/imdata/office.hdr'], 'file') % Matlab has one Radiance .hdr sample file here, so load it if we are on Matlab: imfilenames1 = FileFromFolder([matlabroot filesep 'toolbox/images/imdata/office.hdr']); imfilenames = [imfilenames ; imfilenames1]; end end try % Disable keypress output to Matlab window: ListenChar(-1); % Find screen to display: We choose the one with the highest number, % assuming this is the HDR display: screenid = max(Screen('Screens')); screenRect = Screen('Rect', screenid); if windowed && ~IsLinux % Request non-fullscreen windowed output on MS-Window: rect = [0, 0, RectWidth(screenRect), RectHeight(screenRect) - 250]; else % Default fullscreen display: rect = []; end % Open a double-buffered fullscreen onscreen window in HDR mode on the HDR % display, with black background color. Color values will be specified in % units of nits, the display is done according to HDR10 standard, ie. % Color space is BT2020, SMPTE ST-2084 PQ encoding is used to drive the % display, output color signals have 10 bpc precision. PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableHDR', 'Nits', 'HDR10'); if highprecision == 1 % Request fp16 output instead of 10 bpc output: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative16BitFloatingPointFramebuffer'); end if highprecision == 2 % Request rgba16 output instead of 10 bpc output: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative16BitFramebuffer'); end [win, winrect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, rect); [xm, ym] = RectCenter(Screen('Rect', win)); SetMouse(xm, ym, win); HideCursor(win); % Set text properties: Screen('TextSize', win, 18); Screen('TextStyle', win , 0); iteration = 0; abortit = 0; % Load and show image loop: while ~abortit iteration = iteration + 1; imagename = [imfilenames(mod(iteration, size(imfilenames,1))+1).folder filesep imfilenames(mod(iteration, size(imfilenames,1))+1).name]; % Show some status info: msg = ['Loading image: ' imagename]; disp(msg); DrawFormattedText(win, msg, 'center', 'center', [0 300 0]); Screen('Flip', win); % Read image into Matlab matrix. If file is not recognized, skip and % return an empty 'img', instead of aborting with an error: [img, info, errmsg] = HDRRead(imagename, 1); if isempty(img) % Not recognized as HDR file. Try if imread() can handle it as % standard SDR image file: try img = imread(imagename); info.format = 'sdr'; info.ColorGamut = []; catch msg = ['Could not load file ' imagename ' as either HDR or SDR image file, skipping.\n' errmsg]; fprintf([msg, '\n']); DrawFormattedText(win, [msg '\nPress ESCAPE key to abort viewer in case of endless loops.'], 'center', 'center', [300 0 0]); Screen('Flip', win); [~, keyCode] = KbStrokeWait(-1, GetSecs + 20); if keyCode(KbName('ESCAPE')) break; end continue; end end disp(info); % Color gamut of image known? if ~isempty(info.ColorGamut) % Convert img from its source colorspace to the display % colorspace of the HDR onscreen window. info.ColorGamut is the % color gamut parsed from the image file, or a default color % gamut as mandated by the image file format spec for the image % file. win is the onscreen window handle, and the function % will query win for the color gamut of its associated colorspace: [~, img] = ConvertRGBSourceToRGBTargetColorSpace(info.ColorGamut, win, img); end switch info.format case 'rgbe' % HACK: Multiply by 179.0 as a crude approximation of % Radiance units to nits: This is not strictly correct, but % will do to get a nice enough picture for demo purpose. % See 'help HDRRead' for the motivation for the 179 % multiplicator for Radiance images: % This is always RGB, no alpha channel to deal with. if info.sampleToNits > 0 img = img * info.sampleToNits; else img = img * 179; end case 'openexr' % Known scaling factor for scaling pixel values into units of nits? % Otherwise it is best to just leave it as is: if info.sampleToNits > 0 % Only scale RGB channels, not the alpha channel. img(:,:,1:3) = img(:,:,1:3) * info.sampleToNits; end case 'sdr' % Standard - supposedly SDR - file read via imread(): % Screen('MakeTexture') will scale it up from its internal % range to the HDR range 0 - 80 nits, which is supposedly % the typical SDR range of a display: img = img * 1; otherwise error('Unknown image format. Do not know how to convert into units of Nits.'); end KbReleaseWait; % Compute maximum and max mean luminance of the image: Do not abort % on errors (flag 1), but just return an error message in 'errmsg', % and maxFALL = maxCLL = 0 for "don't know". The returned maxFALL % and maxCLL are clamped to the safe range of 0 - 65535 nits: [maxFALL, maxCLL, ~, ~, errmsg] = ComputeHDRStaticMetadataType1ContentLightLevels(img, [], [], 1); if ~isempty(errmsg) % Something is wrong with this image 'img'. Lets skip it: msg = ['Could not compute content light levels for image file ' imagename '. Image may display funny. Error was:\n' errmsg]; fprintf([msg, '\n']); DrawFormattedText(win, [msg '\nPress ESCAPE key to abort viewer in case of endless loops.'], 'center', 'center', [300 0 0]); Screen('Flip', win); [~, keyCode] = KbStrokeWait(-1, GetSecs + 5); if keyCode(KbName('ESCAPE')) break; end end % Set step size for change of scaling factor. We get the maximum luminance % of our HDR display, relate it to the maximum luminance of the current % image, and use steps in 1% increments of that: hdrProperties = PsychHDR('GetHDRProperties', win); if ~hdrProperties.Valid hdrProperties.MaxLuminance = 600; hdrProperties.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel = 350; end sfstep = hdrProperties.MaxLuminance / maxCLL * 0.1; % Scale intensities by some factor. Here we set the default value: sf = scalefactor; % Tell the HDR display about maximum frame average light level and maximum % content light level of the image: imgpropmsg = sprintf('Setting image maxFALL %f nits, maxCLL %f nits\n', maxFALL, maxCLL); if maxCLL > 10000 imgpropmsg = [imgpropmsg sprintf('-> maxCLL %f exceeds 10000 nits! Rescaling to clamp to 10000 nits.\n', maxCLL)]; %#ok nrhigh = length(find(img > 10000)); if nrhigh < 0.005 * numel(img) % Less than 0.5% of all pixels are above threshold. Just % clamp them to threshold and avoid rescaling: img(img > 10000) = 10000; maxCLL = 10000; imgpropmsg = [imgpropmsg sprintf('-> Only %i pixels [%f %% of all pixels] exceed 10000 nits! Just clamping those to 10000 nits.\n', nrhigh, nrhigh / numel(img) * 100)]; %#ok end scaledown = 10000 / maxCLL; img = img * scaledown; % Recompute maximum and max mean luminance of the image: [maxFALL, maxCLL] = ComputeHDRStaticMetadataType1ContentLightLevels(img); imgpropmsg = [imgpropmsg sprintf('-> Clamping: Setting image maxFALL %f nits, maxCLL %f nits\n', maxFALL, maxCLL)]; %#ok end disp(imgpropmsg); if maxFALL > hdrProperties.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel imgpropmsg = [imgpropmsg sprintf('-> maxFALL %f exceeds sustainable MaxFrameAverageLightLevel %f nits of display! Rescaling to clamp maxFALL to sustainable range.\n', maxFALL, hdrProperties.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel)]; %#ok scaledown = hdrProperties.MaxFrameAverageLightLevel / maxFALL; img = img * scaledown; % Recompute maximum and max mean luminance of the image: [maxFALL, maxCLL] = ComputeHDRStaticMetadataType1ContentLightLevels(img); imgpropmsg = [imgpropmsg sprintf('-> Clamping: Setting image maxFALL %f nits, maxCLL %f nits\n', maxFALL, maxCLL)]; %#ok end disp(imgpropmsg); % Build a 32 bpc single-precision float texture from the image % array by setting the (optional) 'floatprecision' flag to 2. % texid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img, [], [], 2); % % Or simply don't, because the 'floatprecision' flag defaults to 2 % in HDR display mode anyway if omitted, for your convenience: texid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img); % Build also a version of the image that is quantized to 8 Bit: % Note: Difficult to say, if the following conversion formula is the best % one. In tonemapping, there are many ways to slice the cat, and this is % the most naive method: quantimg = uint8((img * 255 / max(max(max(img))))); % This will take the uint8 256 discrete level matrix and turn it % back into a "HDR" texture of fp16 precision, by mapping the input % value range 0 - 255 to the range 0.0 nits - 80.0 nits, because 0 % - 80 nits is considered to be the SDR "standard dynamic range" of % a regular display or image. Note the floatprecision flag being % specified as 1. If omitted, this would create a fp32 texture by % default - a safe choice, but maybe a bit overkill for just % storing 8 bpc content: ldrtexid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, quantimg, [], [], 1); % Send current content light level properties to display: PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', win, 0, maxFALL * sf, maxCLL * sf); needupdate = 1; zoomset = 0; xleft = 0; xtop = 0; xright = -1; xbottom = -1; hdrmode = 1; % Image display loop: while needupdate % Compute source and destination regions for zoom mode: srcleft = min(xleft, xright); srctop = min(xtop, xbottom); srcright = max(xleft, xright); srcbottom = max(xtop, xbottom); if zoomset == 2 % Zoom set: Show selected region, expanded to full screen: texrect = CenterRect(Screen('Rect', texid), winrect); srcrect = [srcleft - texrect(1) srctop - texrect(2) srcright - texrect(1) srcbottom - texrect(2)]; rscale = min(RectWidth(winrect) / RectWidth(srcrect), RectHeight(winrect) / RectHeight(srcrect)); dstrect = CenterRect([0 0 RectWidth(srcrect)*rscale RectHeight(srcrect)*rscale], winrect); else % No zoom: Show image 1-1: srcrect = []; dstrect = []; rscale=1; end % Draw selected srcrect region of our HDR image to selected % dstrect region of the screen: if hdrmode % Draw HDR texture: Screen('DrawTexture', win, texid, srcrect, dstrect, [], [], [], [sf sf sf]); else % Draw quantized 8bpc version: Screen('DrawTexture', win, ldrtexid, srcrect, dstrect, [], [], [], [sf sf sf]); end % Send current content light level properties to display, clamped to 10k nits: % Or don't! While this would be strictly the right thing to do % in my opinion, it creates a seriously disrupting experience % for users of NVidia graphics cards on MS-Windows, at least as % of NVidia driver version 445 in August 2020: Each time you % set new HDR metadata, the driver will perform a full modeset % sequence on the monitor, with a signal dropout and flicker % for about 1 second. This totally disrupts the viewing % experience if you actually try to adjust the scaling factor % 'sf' and thereby defeats the purpose. The only solution for % this would be a driver fix by NVidia. Note that PsychHDR will % detect redundant updates of metadata and skip such update % calls, so the performance impact is already as much reduced % as possible from Psychtoolbox side. % AMD's Windows driver is not quite as bad, but not great % either, taking over 120 msecs for such a setup call... % PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', win, 0, min(maxFALL * sf, 10000), min(maxCLL * sf, 10000)); % Some status text: if hdrmode quantized = 'Floating point HDR'; else quantized = 'Quantized to 8 bpc LDR'; end [~, ny] = DrawFormattedText(win, ['Image: ' imagename ' : Zoom=' num2str(rscale) ' : Intensity scaling: ' num2str(sf) ' : ' quantized '\n'], 0, 30, [0 200 0]); [~, ny] = DrawFormattedText(win, [imgpropmsg '\n'], 0, ny, [0 200 0]); [~, ny] = DrawFormattedText(win, 'Cursor up/down = Intensity scale up/down , q = Switch 8 bpc / HDR, SPACE = Next image, ESCAPE = Quit\n', 0, ny, [0 0 200]); [~, ny] = DrawFormattedText(win, 'Left mouse button + drag = Select zoom region. Left mouse button click = Reset to unzoomed.\n', 0, ny, [0 0 200]); % Show selected ROI during zoom selection, if any: if xright ~= -1 && xbottom ~= -1 && zoomset == 1 Screen('FrameRect', win, [200 0 0], [srcleft srctop srcright srcbottom]); end % Keypress and what key? [pressed , ~, keycode] = KbCheck; if pressed % Key pressed: Dispatch... if keycode(KbName('space')) % Load next image in folder: needupdate = 0; % Debounce key: KbReleaseWait; end if keycode(KbName('q')) % Switch between display of float32 HDR image and 8 bpc LDR image: needupdate = 1; hdrmode = 1 - hdrmode; % Debounce key: KbReleaseWait; end if keycode(KbName('ESCAPE')) % Exit viewer: needupdate = 0; abortit = 1; end if keycode(KbName('UpArrow')) % Increase intensity scaling factor: needupdate = 1; sf = sf + sfstep; end if keycode(KbName('DownArrow')) % Decrease intensity scaling factor: needupdate = 1; sf = max(sf - sfstep, 0); end else % No key pressed: Check for mouse actions... [xm, ym, buttons] = GetMouse(win); % Take a screenshot of the pixel below the mouse: mouseposrgb = Screen('GetImage', win, ClipRect(OffsetRect([0 0 1 1], xm, ym), winrect), 'drawBuffer', 1); if ~isempty(mouseposrgb) msg = sprintf('RGB at cursor position (%f, %f): (%f, %f, %f) nits.\n', xm, ym, mouseposrgb); [~, ny] = DrawFormattedText(win, msg, 0, ny, [100 100 0]); %#ok % Draw tiny yellow cursor dot: [~, mi] = max(mouseposrgb); switch (mi) case 1 cursorcolor = [0, 200, 200]; case 2 cursorcolor = [200, 0, 200]; case 3 cursorcolor = [200, 200, 0]; end % Low level debugging enabled? if gpudebug % Print out color sample from user-facing virtual framebuffer - values in nits: fprintf(msg); % Make sure our cursor does not occlude the sample location for debug readback: Screen('FrameRect', win, cursorcolor, CenterRectOnPoint([0 0 4 4], xm, ym)); else Screen('DrawDots', win, [xm, ym], 3, cursorcolor); end end if buttons(1) % Left button pressed: if zoomset == 0 % Initial press: Reset and Setup zoom operation... xleft = xm; xtop = ym; xright = -1; xbottom = -1; zoomset = 1; else if zoomset == 1 % Continued press: Update zoom area: xright = xm; xbottom = ym; else % Pressed while zoomed in: Reset... while buttons(1) [~, ~, buttons] = GetMouse(win); end zoomset = 0; end end else % Left button released: if zoomset == 1 zoomset = 2; end end end % Show updated HDR framebuffer at next vertical retrace: Screen('Flip', win); % Low level debugging enabled? if gpudebug % Take a sample from the actual framebuffer, which contains the unorm range OETF encoded content: gpupqvalue = (Screen('GetImage', win, OffsetRect([0 0 1 1], xm, ym), 'backBuffer', 1, 3)); fprintf('PQ unorm at cursor position (%f, %f): (%f, %f, %f).\n\n', xm, ym, gpupqvalue); end end % Done with this image. Release its texture and next one... Screen('Close', texid); Screen('Close', ldrtexid); clear img; clear quantimg; end % Restore old startup screen display mode: Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', oldVis); % Enable keypress output to Matlab window: ListenChar(0); % Release all textures, close all windows: sca; % Well done! fprintf('Bye bye!\n'); catch % Error handler: If something goes wrong between try and catch, we % close the window and abort. % Restore old startup screen display mode: Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', oldVis); % Enable keypress output to Matlab window: ListenChar(0); % Release all textures, close all windows: sca; % Rethrow the error, so higher level routines can handle it: psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end