function GratingDemo % GratingDemo % % Displays a stationary grating. See also DriftDemo, DriftDemo2, DriftDemo3 and DriftWaitDemo. % ---------- Program History ---------- % 07/01/1999 dgp Added arbitrary orientation. % 12/10/2001 awi Added font conditional. % 02/21/2002 dgp Mentioned DriftDemo. % 04/03/2002 awi Merged OS9 and Win versions, which had fallen out of sync. % 04/13/2002 dgp Used Arial, eliminating need for conditional. % 07/15/2003 dgp Added comments explaining f and lambda. % 08/16/2006 rhh Added user-friendly parameters, such as tiltInDegrees, % pixelsPerPeriod, periodsCoveredByOneStandardDeviation and widthOfGrid. % 08/18/2006 rhh Expanded comments and created comment sections. % 10/04/2006 dhb Minimize warnings. % 10/11/2006 dhb Use maximum available screen. % 10/14/2006 dhb Save and restore altered prefs, more extensive comments for them % 07/12/2006 prf Changed method of rotating the grating % ---------- Parameter Setup ---------- % Initializes the program's parameters. % Prevents MATLAB from reprinting the source code when the program runs. echo off % *** To rotate the grating, set tiltInDegrees to a new value. tiltInDegrees = 7; % The tilt of the grating in degrees. tiltInRadians = tiltInDegrees * pi / 180; % The tilt of the grating in radians. % *** To lengthen the period of the grating, increase pixelsPerPeriod. pixelsPerPeriod = 33; % How many pixels will each period/cycle occupy? spatialFrequency = 1 / pixelsPerPeriod; % How many periods/cycles are there in a pixel? radiansPerPixel = spatialFrequency * (2 * pi); % = (periods per pixel) * (2 pi radians per period) % *** To enlarge the gaussian mask, increase periodsCoveredByOneStandardDeviation. % The parameter "periodsCoveredByOneStandardDeviation" is approximately % equal to % the number of periods/cycles covered by one standard deviation of the radius of % the gaussian mask. periodsCoveredByOneStandardDeviation = 1.5; % The parameter "gaussianSpaceConstant" is approximately equal to the % number of pixels covered by one standard deviation of the radius of % the gaussian mask. gaussianSpaceConstant = periodsCoveredByOneStandardDeviation * pixelsPerPeriod; % *** If the grating is clipped on the sides, increase widthOfGrid. widthOfGrid = 400; halfWidthOfGrid = widthOfGrid / 2; widthArray = (-halfWidthOfGrid) : halfWidthOfGrid; % widthArray is used in creating the meshgrid. % For an explanation of the try-catch block, see the section "Error Handling" % at the end of this document. try % ---------- Window Setup ---------- % Opens a window. % Screen is able to do a lot of configuration and performance checks on % open, and will print out a fair amount of detailed information when % it does. These commands supress that checking behavior and just let % the demo go straight into action. See ScreenTest for an example of % how to do detailed checking. oldVisualDebugLevel = Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', 3); oldSupressAllWarnings = Screen('Preference', 'SuppressAllWarnings', 1); % Find out how many screens and use largest screen number. whichScreen = max(Screen('Screens')); % Opens a graphics window on the main monitor (screen 0). If you have % multiple monitors connected to your computer, then you can specify % a different monitor by supplying a different number in the second % argument to OpenWindow, e.g. Screen('OpenWindow', 2). window = Screen('OpenWindow', whichScreen); % Hides the mouse cursor HideCursor; % ---------- Color Setup ---------- % Gets color values. % Retrieves color codes for black and white and gray. black = BlackIndex(window); % Retrieves the CLUT color code for black. white = WhiteIndex(window); % Retrieves the CLUT color code for white. gray = (black + white) / 2; % Computes the CLUT color code for gray. if round(gray)==white gray=black; end % Taking the absolute value of the difference between white and gray will % help keep the grating consistent regardless of whether the CLUT color % code for white is less or greater than the CLUT color code for black. absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray = abs(white - gray); % ---------- Image Setup ---------- % Stores the image in a two dimensional matrix. % Creates a two-dimensional square grid. For each element i = i(x0, y0) of % the grid, x = x(x0, y0) corresponds to the x-coordinate of element "i" % and y = y(x0, y0) corresponds to the y-coordinate of element "i" [x y] = meshgrid(widthArray, widthArray); % Replaced original method of changing the orientation of the grating % (gradient = y - tan(tiltInRadians) .* x) with sine and cosine (adapted from DriftDemo). % Use of tangent was breakable because it is undefined for theta near pi/2 and the period % of the grating changed with change in theta. a=cos(tiltInRadians)*radiansPerPixel; b=sin(tiltInRadians)*radiansPerPixel; % Converts meshgrid into a sinusoidal grating, where elements % along a line with angle theta have the same value and where the % period of the sinusoid is equal to "pixelsPerPeriod" pixels. % Note that each entry of gratingMatrix varies between minus one and % one; -1 <= gratingMatrix(x0, y0) <= 1 gratingMatrix = sin(a*x+b*y); % Creates a circular Gaussian mask centered at the origin, where the number % of pixels covered by one standard deviation of the radius is % approximately equal to "gaussianSpaceConstant." % For more information on circular and elliptical Gaussian distributions, please see % % Note that since each entry of circularGaussianMaskMatrix is "e" % raised to a negative exponent, each entry of % circularGaussianMaskMatrix is one over "e" raised to a positive % exponent, which is always between zero and one; % 0 < circularGaussianMaskMatrix(x0, y0) <= 1 circularGaussianMaskMatrix = exp(-((x .^ 2) + (y .^ 2)) / (gaussianSpaceConstant ^ 2)); % Since each entry of gratingMatrix varies between minus one and one and each entry of % circularGaussianMaskMatrix vary between zero and one, each entry of % imageMatrix varies between minus one and one. % -1 <= imageMatrix(x0, y0) <= 1 imageMatrix = gratingMatrix .* circularGaussianMaskMatrix; % Since each entry of imageMatrix is a fraction between minus one and % one, multiplying imageMatrix by absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray % and adding the gray CLUT color code baseline % converts each entry of imageMatrix into a shade of gray: % if an entry of "m" is minus one, then the corresponding pixel is black; % if an entry of "m" is zero, then the corresponding pixel is gray; % if an entry of "m" is one, then the corresponding pixel is white. grayscaleImageMatrix = gray + absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray * imageMatrix; % ---------- Image Display ---------- % Displays the image in the window. % Colors the entire window gray. Screen('FillRect', window, gray); % Writes the image to the window. Screen('PutImage', window, grayscaleImageMatrix); % Writes text to the window. currentTextRow = 0; Screen('DrawText', window, sprintf('black = %d, white = %d', black, white), 0, currentTextRow, black); currentTextRow = currentTextRow + 20; Screen('DrawText', window, 'Press any key to exit.', 0, currentTextRow, black); % Updates the screen to reflect our changes to the window. Screen('Flip', window); % Waits for the user to press a key. KbWait; % ---------- Window Cleanup ---------- % Closes all windows. sca; % Restores the mouse cursor. ShowCursor; % Restore preferences Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', oldVisualDebugLevel); Screen('Preference', 'SuppressAllWarnings', oldSupressAllWarnings); catch % ---------- Error Handling ---------- % If there is an error in our code, we will end up here. % The try-catch block ensures that Screen will restore the display and return us % to the MATLAB prompt even if there is an error in our code. Without this try-catch % block, Screen could still have control of the display when MATLAB throws an error, in % which case the user will not see the MATLAB prompt. sca; % Restores the mouse cursor. ShowCursor; % Restore preferences Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', oldVisualDebugLevel); Screen('Preference', 'SuppressAllWarnings', oldSupressAllWarnings); % We throw the error again so the user sees the error description. psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end