function BasicSoundPhaseShiftDemo(showit, targetChannel) % BasicSoundPhaseShiftDemo([showit=1][, targetChannel=1]) % % Demonstrates how one can play back a phase-shifted sine tone, with dynamically % adjustable phase shift, free of audible artifacts during phase shift change. % % This uses PsychPortAudio's realtime mixing and some trigonometric math to % synthesize a cosine wave of selectable phase in realtime from the weighted sum % of a pair of a cosine + sine wave with different relative amplitudes. % % The sine wave is put into one sound channel. A cosine wave of same frequency % (but 90 degrees phase-shifted) is put in another sound channel. Both sound % channels are mixed together in realtime by PsychPortAudio, with controllable % relative volume (== amplitude == mix-weight) for each of the two channels, and % the result of this two-channel weighted mix is output to the 2nd audio output % channel of the actual soundcard, creating a synthesized phase-shifted cosine % wave of same frequency. Changing the relative channel volumes changes the phase % shift of the cosine output wave in realtime, without artifacts / discontinuities. % The proper relative volume levels are computed from the desired phase shift and % set in the internal subfunction updatePhase() by the magic of math. % % A second reference sine wave is output to the 1st audio channel of the soundcard, % if 'targetChannel' == 1, so one can drive two speakers / transducers, one outputting % a phase-shifted sine wave, relative to th other speaker / transducer. For testing % purposes, one can set 'targetChannel' == 2 to mix the reference sine-wave with the % phase-shifted cosine wave both into output speaker channel 2, to simulate potential % constructive / destructive interference between reference and phase-shifted sine % wave. Setting 'showit' == 1 will capture the audio signal send to both soundcard % channel and visualize it in a Psychtoolbox onscreen window, for illustrative purposes % and for basic debugging. If you want to run a real auditory experiments, you'd use % 'targetChannel' == 1 and some external microphones and oscillograph to check for % proper audio output independently of PsychPortAudio, Psychtoolbox and your computer. % % One use case for this are studies as described under this link... % % ...more specifically experiments like this one about air conduction and bone conduction % of sound: % % % % Have a look at BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo on how to apply amplitude modulation (AM) % of signals by attaching AM modulator slave devices to the pafixedsine and pashiftsine % slave devices used here. A suitable time series of AM envelope values would allow to % gate the output sine waves. % % This demo was sponsored by a paid support request. Thanks! % % Usage: % % ESCAPE key ends the demo. % % Left and right cursor keys allow to shift phase interactively. % % Optional parameters: % % 'showit' If set to 1, visualize actual output signals, channel 1 in red, % channel 2 in green. Defaults to 1 for showing output. % % 'targetChannel' To which channel should the fixed phase reference signal be % output? 1 = channel 1 (default). 2 = channel 2 will output into % the same channel as the phase-shifted signal, so both signals % will show constructive or destructive interference, depending % on phase-shift of the 2nd signal which always goes to channel 2. % History: % 29-Oct-2021 mk Written. if nargin < 1 || isempty(showit) showit = 1; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(targetChannel) targetChannel = 1; else if ~ismember(targetChannel, [1,2]) error('targetChannel argument must be 1 or 2.'); end end % Setup defaults: PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Define control keys: ESCAPE = KbName('ESCAPE'); leftArrow = KbName('LeftArrow'); rightArrow = KbName('RightArrow'); % Perform basic initialization of the sound driver: InitializePsychSound; % Number of physical channels to use on the real soundcard: nrchannels = 2; % Frequency of waves: freq = 500; % Initial phase shift in degrees of cosine wave: phase = 90; % Open and start physical sound card for playback (1) in master mode (8) = (1+8), % with low-latency and high timing precision (1), with auto-selected default [] % samplingRate for device, to consume and output mixed sound from slaves to % 'nrchannels' physical output channels: pamaster = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], 1 + 8, 1, [], nrchannels); % Retrieve auto-selected samplingRate: status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pamaster); samplingRate = status.SampleRate; % Compute minimum length 'wavedur' seconds of a sound buffer with one or % more repetitions of the freq Hz sine wave. If you wanted sound signals % of defined length, e.g., also to allow things like applying an AM % envelope function to it, by use of AM modulator slave devices, you % could just set wavedur to the desired sound duration of the total sound % vector. This here is just for memory efficiency... % % For the minimum duration 'wavedur', make sure to increase wavedur to % generate multiple period repetitions of the (co)sine wave ih order to % make it fit an integral number of samples, in case one period would % need a non-integral number of samples. If nothing else, it may help % visualization or debugging / reasoning about it: The if statement is % executed, e.g., for combinatios of 'freq' 500 Hz and samplingRate of % 44100 samples/sec, where one period of a sine wave would require 88.2 % samples, ie a non-integral number. Repeating the wave 5x by increasing % wavedur * 5, ends up with 88.2 * 5 = 441 samples creating one sound % playback buffer with a even number of samples. wavedur = 1 / freq; nsamples = wavedur * samplingRate; if rem(nsamples, 1) wavedur = wavedur * 1 / rem(nsamples, 1); end % Define input vector 'support' for the sin() and cos() functions. Playback of % a 'freq' Hz pure sine tone at a sampling rate of 'samplingRate'. We create a % waveform of 'wavedur' duration, so that full periods of the sine / cosine fit % nicely for inifinitely looped playback, without discontinuities at the beginning % and end of the vector. If you also wanted to amplitude modulate the signals with % some envelope function, you'd have to create a longer 'support' vector, which % repeats the waves for not just one period, but often enough to cover the whole % signal duration for the amplitude envelope: support = 2 * pi * freq * (0:round(wavedur * samplingRate-1)) / samplingRate; if showit paoutputcapture = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster, 2 + 64); PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', paoutputcapture, 1); PsychPortAudio('Start', paoutputcapture); win = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', 0, 0, [0, 0, Screen('Windowsize', 0), 200], [], [], [], [], [], kPsychGUIWindow + kPsychGUIWindowWMPositioned); end % Start master, wait (1) for start, return sound onset time in startTime. % Slaves can be independently controlled in their timing, volume, content thereafter: startTime = PsychPortAudio('Start', pamaster, [], [], 1); % Create slave device for infinite duration fixed sine tone of freq Hz playback (1). % It will output one audio channel (1) via audio channel 'targetChannel' (targetChannel) % of the real soundcard: pafixedsine = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster, 1, 1, targetChannel); % Sine tone, freq Hz: PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pafixedsine, 0.5 * sin(support)); % Start playback with infinite (0) repetition of the 1 second sound signal, % at time startTime + 1 second: PsychPortAudio('Start', pafixedsine, 0, startTime + 1); % Create slave device for infinite duration phase-shiftable cosine tone of freq Hz playback (1). % It will output via audio channel 2 of the real soundcard. For this, we let the pashiftsine % slave device have two (2) sound channels, both feeding their sound as a mix into the 2nd channel % of the pamaster ([2, 2]): pashiftsine = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster, 1, 2, [2, 2]); % First pashiftsine channel for the mix has a cos() wave, second channel has a sin() wave, % 90 degrees phase-shifted. Both waves will be mixed together and output via the 2nd % master channel, but with different amplitude / volume. The weighted sum of both 90 degrees % shifted waves yields a (co)sine wave of 'freq' Hz, with a phase shifted according to the % relative amplitude of both waves. See subfunction updatePhase() for the math behind this: srcmixtones = [cos(support) ; sin(support)]; PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pashiftsine, srcmixtones); % updatePhase() computes proper relative volumes / amplitudes for the two waves and % assign it as channel-volumes to the pashiftsine virtual audio device, so the mix % results in a 'phase' shifted cosine wave of 'freq' Hz: updatePhase(phase, pashiftsine); % Start infinite playback of the sound wave, with a peak volume of 50% aka 0.5, % at time startTime + 1 second: PsychPortAudio('Volume', pashiftsine, 0.5); PsychPortAudio('Start', pashiftsine, 0, startTime + 1); % Loop for keyboard checking and phase adjustment: while 1 [down, ~, keys] = KbCheck(-1); if down if keys(ESCAPE) break; end if keys(rightArrow) % Phase-shift increase by 1 degree: phase = mod(phase + 1, 360); updatePhase(phase, pashiftsine); end if keys(leftArrow) % Phase-shift decrease by 1 degree: phase = mod(phase - 1, 360); updatePhase(phase, pashiftsine); end end if showit % Get exactly 0.1 seconds of captured sound: recorded = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', paoutputcapture, [], 0.1, 0.1); % Plot both audio tracks into the window: xpos = 1:size(recorded, 2); xpos = [xpos xpos(end:-1:1)]; recorded = [recorded(:, 1:end) recorded(:, end:-1:1)]; Screen('FramePoly', win, [1 0 0], [xpos' , [100 + recorded(1,:) * 100]']); Screen('FramePoly', win, [0 1 0], [xpos' , [100 + recorded(2,:) * 100]']); % Show it: Do not sync us to stimulus onset, so we won't slow down to display % refresh rate. Screen('Flip', win, [], [], 1); else % Nap a bit, so phase doesn't change that quickly - 50 msecs should do: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.050); end end % Stop and close down everything audio related: PsychPortAudio('Close'); if showit % Close window: sca; end % Optional plotting code: % close all; % plot(1:length(recorded), recorded(1,:), 'r', 1:length(recorded), recorded(2,:), 'b'); % Done, bye bye. end function updatePhase(phase, pahandle) % Convert phase in degrees into radians: shift = phase * pi / 180; % Compute relative amplitudes / volumes for both waves, for a resulting % wave of amplitude 1.0 and 'phase' degrees (aka shift radians) shift: % % From % we learn the following trick: % % Given a1 and a2, there is the following equivalence for the weighted sum of % a sine and cosine wave of identical frequency x = 2*pi*freq*t: % % a1 * cos(x) + a2 * sin(x) = A * cos(x - shift) with % A = sqrt(a1^2 + a2^2); and shift = arctan(a2 / a1) % % so for a desired 'shift' it follows that % a2 / a1 = tan(shift) and as we know that tan(shift) = sin(shift) / cos(shift) % % therefore: % % a2 = sin(shift), and a1 = cos(shift), and % A = sqrt(sin(shift)^2 + cos(shift)^2) = sqrt(1) = 1, ie. A = 1. % a1 = cos(shift); a2 = sin(shift); % Assign new volumes / amplitudes atomically. As channel 1 of pahandle contains % a cos(x) wave and channel 2 contains a sin(x) wave, the mixing in PsychPortAudio % will create the weighted sum a1 * cos(x) + a2 * sin(x), which is equivalent % to an audio signal of cos(x - shift), ie. a cosine wave with 'shift' phase shift: PsychPortAudio('Volume', pahandle, [], [a1, a2]); fprintf('New phase: %f degrees.\n', phase); end