function ple(s) % PLE "Print Last Error" % % ple prints the last error message issued by Matlab, including a complete % backtrace of the call-sequence of functions that led to the error % condition. Each line in the backtrace includes M-Filename and line number % and allows you to open that file on the specified line by simply clicking % on it with the mouse. % % ple is only supported on Matlab version 7 (Release 14 service pack 3) and later. % % Usage: % ple - Print last error, as contained in error structure 'psychlasterror'. % ple(s) - Print error and backtrace contained in error structure 's'. % % Copyright: This implementation of 'ple' is a slightly modified derivate of % the original public domain implementation of ple.m by Malcolm Wood (the MathWorks). % % The original file can be downloaded from Matlab Central at: % % 9525&objectType=file % % Thanks to David Fencsik for pointing us to this useful file and Malcolm % Wood for writing it. % % History: % 10/17/06 Derived from ple.m by MK. % Error structure s provided? if nargin<1 % No. Fetch it from psychlasterror. s = psychlasterror; end if isempty(s.message) fprintf(1,'No error message stored\n'); return; end fprintf(1,'Last Error: %s (%s)\n',s.message,s.identifier); % Do we have a stack? This is a field or property. if (isstruct(s) && ~isfield(s, 'stack')) || (isobject(s) && ~isprop(s, 'stack')) % Nope. This is not Matlab 7 or later. We're done. fprintf(1,'Error message does not contain a stack.\n'); return; end % Stack available. Pretty print a nice backtrace. for i=1:numel(s.stack) e = s.stack(i); ff = which(e.file); [ignore_dir,command] = fileparts(ff); n =; href = sprintf('matlab:opentoline(''%s'',%d)',ff,e.line); if strcmp(command,n) % main function in this file fprintf(1,' %s,%d\n',href,ff,e.line); else % subfunction in this file fprintf(1,' %s >%s,%d\n',href,ff,n,e.line); end end fprintf(1,'\n');