function fig = EdulogPlot(data, loggers) % Create a plot from Edulog data % % "data" is a structure generated by running an Edulogger experiment, % consisting of the following fields: Time: The time (s) since the start of % the experiment of each sample. (double) Concern: Whether or not each % sample took more than twice the specified sample rate to retrieve % (logical) Event (optional): Whether or not an event happened at this % point (logical) An additional field for each kind of Edulogger used, % containing the measurements taken at each point in data.Time. Fieldnames % should line up with the names specified in "loggers". "loggers" is a one % dimensional cell array, with each string specifying the name of a % different Edulogger as described in the Neulog API literature: % % % "fig" is a Graphics Object containing the graph generated, properties of % the graph can be changed by editing this object. % History: % ??-??-???? Todd Parsons Written. sDim = get(0,'screensize'); % Get screensize close all; % Close any open figures % Create & setup a blank figure fig = figure; % Create figure set(fig, 'Name', 'Edulog Data'); % Name figure set(fig, 'NumberTitle', 'off'); % Remove "Figure 1" label set(fig, 'Color', 'white'); % White background pos = [200, 100, sDim(3) - 400, sDim(4) - 200]; set(fig, 'Position', pos); % Resize to the height of the screen - 200 % Extract data m = min(length(loggers), 3); % Determine number of rows (max 3) n = ceil(length(loggers)/3); % Determine number of columns e = [data.Event]; % Find events c = [data.Concern]; % Find latency points x = [data.Time]; % Extract x data for L = 1:length(loggers) % Get data y = [data.(loggers{L})]; % Setup axis ax{L} = subplot(m, n, L); % Choose sub-plot to draw in rect = get(ax{L}, 'Position'); rect([1,3]) = [0.1, 0.8]; set(ax{L}, 'Position', rect); % Position plot set(ax{L}, 'FontName', 'Verdana'); % Change font set(get(ax{L}, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Time (s)'); % Label x-axis set(get(ax{L}, 'YLabel'), 'String', loggers{L}); % Label y-axis set(ax{L}, 'Color', [0.98, 0.98, 1]); % Axis background set(ax{L}, 'XGrid', 'on'); % Add vertical gridlines set(ax{L}, 'YGrid', 'on'); % Add horizontal gridlines set(ax{L}, 'GridColor', 'white'); % Make gridlines white set(ax{L}, 'GridAlpha', 1); % Make gridlines opaque % Plot data ln{L} = line(x, y, 'Color', [42, 107, 211]./255, 'LineWidth', 2); %#ok<*NASGU,*AGROW> % Plot data ev{L} = line([[data(e).Time]; [data(e).Time]]', get(ax{L}, 'YLim'), 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 2); % Plot events co{L} = line([[data(c).Time]; [data(c).Time]]', get(ax{L}, 'YLim'), 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', ':'); % Plot concern points % Draw legend le{L} = legend({"Data", "Events", "Concern"}); %#ok % Add legend rect = get(le{L}, 'Position'); rect([1,3]) = [0.9, 0.1]; set(le{L}, 'Position', rect); % Position legend set(le{L}, 'Box', 'off'); % Remove outline end