function [test, tFig] = EdulogClapTest(port, dur, sps, loggers) % Perform a "Clap Test" to ensure that eduloggers are correctly measuring % stress, by gathering data around a random noise. % % "port" is the port Eduloggers are connected to, this is visible on the % Neulog API window. "dur" is the duration (s) of the clap test, it must be % at least 15s for any response to be visible. "sps" is the number of % samples the edulogger should take per second, up to a maximum of 5. % "loggers" is a one dimensional cell array, with each string specifying % the name of a different Edulogger as described in the Neulog API % literature: % % % "test" is a structure generated by running an Edulogger experiment, % consisting of the following fields: Time: The time (s) since the start of % the experiment of each sample. (double) Concern: Whether or not each % sample took more than twice the specified sample rate to retrieve % (logical) Event (optional): Whether or not an event happened at this % point (logical) An additional field for each kind of Edulogger used, % containing the measurements taken at each point in data.Time. Fieldnames % should line up with the names specified in "loggers". "tFig" is a % Graphics Object containing the graph generated, properties of the graph % can be changed by editing this object. % History: % ??-??-???? Todd Parsons Written. %% Essential checks if dur < 15 % If duration is less than 15 seconds... error('Duration must be at least 15 seconds to allow for peaks to be visible.') % Deliver an error end % Play a beep sound interval seconds into the future: interval = 5 + rand()*(dur - 10); % Calculate interval before beep to allow time for peaks to be visible pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open'); PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, repmat(MakeBeep(600, 10, 44100), 2, 1)) PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, 1, GetSecs + interval) % Meanwhile, start gathering data for dur seconds, while at some point through % the data gathering the beep sound should sound: test = EdulogRun(port, dur, sps, loggers); % Done. Close audio driver: PsychPortAudio('Close'); for n = 1:dur*sps % For each sample taken test(n).Event = false; % Say there was no event end i = round(interval*sps); % Transform interval to an index test(i).Event = true; % At the index of interval, say there was an event tFig = EdulogPlot(test, loggers); % Plot graph