% Psychtoolbox:PsychContributed % % Scripts and software contributed by Psychtoolbox users, and % third-party tools and software that are used in Psychtoolbox. These % third-party tools are covered by different licenses which allow distribution % with Psychtoolbox, but are not neccessarily free-software or open-source. % See the descriptions below or the help files of the functions for % exact licensing conditions of individual contributions. % % NOTE: All the content in the PsychContributed folder is not officially % supported or even neccessarily tested at all by the Psychtoolbox developers. % % It is provided "as is" with no guarantee that it will work on your setup % at all, or that it will keep working on your setup, e.g., after operating % system upgrades. If something breaks, you are completely on your own! % % Additionally, code in this folder may be removed at any time for any reason % without previous warning, or changed in its functionality or calling syntax % in a backwards incompatible way. % % Use at your own risk! % % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % % % linux_blacklist_kinectvideo Blacklist file for Linux, to be copied into the % /etc/modprobe.conf/ directory. Disables the Linux % standard video driver for Microsoft Kinect box. Allows % use of the Kinect with PsychKinect() driver et al. % See 'help InstallKinect'. % % ATIRadeonperf ATIRadeonperf_Linux and ATIRadeonperf_Windows.exe are % compiled Linux and Windows executables that are called % as helpers from the function PsychGPUControl() via a % system() call, ie., they execute in the system shell as % separate processes. % % These binaries perform the actual GPU setup work on behalf % of PsychGPUControl() using ATI/AMD proprietary low-level % API's. The API's are available to registered developers from % AMD/ATI as "ADL SDK" without royalty fees. While the SDK % license does allow redistribution of executables using the % SDK, it doesn't allow redistribution in source code form. % For that reason, these tools are only made available as % precompiled binaries for your use, not under any open-source % or free-software license. The tools were compiled by Mario % Kleiner, so contact him if you have further questions about % the tools. % % AutoBrightness Obsolete: Use MacDisplaySettings() instead. % % Helper function AutoBrightness allows to control the % setting of the "Automatically adjust brightness" control % on Apple OSX, ie., it allows to control if display brightness % should be automatically adjusted based on ambient light, or not. % This uses AppleScript for its job. It may not work reliably on % future OSX versions and will not work on other operating % systems. Tested on OSX 10.10. Contributed by Denis Pelli. % % Eduloggers/ Simple functions for accessing Edulogger devices from https://neulog.com % % Kinect-v16-WindowsDrivers.zip Zip file containing the Microsoft Windows % drivers and installer that are needed to % use the Microsoft XBOX Kinect under % Windows. Type "help PsychKinect" for more % infos. The PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/Kinect-v16-withsource.zip % file contains corresponding source code. % % MacDisplaySettings Allows temporary override of any macOS user customization % of the display, to allow calibration and user testing with % stable display settings. % % x64/libusb-1.0.dll This is the 64-Bit Windows version of libusb-1.0 % for 64-Bit Matlab/Octave/Python from ... % https://libusb.info % The dll is used by 64-Bit PsychHID on MS-Windows. % It is licensed under LGPL v2+. You can get a % more recent version of this dll from the % website mentioned above if you like. % % libusb-1.0.dll libusb-1.0.dll in the PsychContributed folder itself % is a corresponding copy for 32-Bit Octave/Python. % % The corresponding source code for both 32 Bit and % 64-Bit libusb-1.0.dll's for MS-Windows can be found % in the PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/libusb1-win32/ % subfolder after you have downloaded the full % Psychtoolbox source (help UseTheSource). % % simplepsychtoolboxsetup.sh Configure OS X priority. DO NOT USE ANYMORE! % % ple Prints useful debugging output, including a stack trace in case % a script exits via rethrow() or psychrethrow(). See help ple for % copyright info. % % read_rle_rgbe Reader routine for RLE encoded RGBE high dynamic range images. % See help read_rle_rgbe for copyright & authorship info. This is % a helper routine for ReadHDR - the recommended function for user % scripts. % % vcredist_x64_2015-2019.exe Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 runtime 64-Bit % redistributable installer. You must use this % to install the Visual C runtime if you want % to use the Psychtoolbox for 64-Bit Matlab on % Microsoft Windows. % % vcredist_x64_2010.exe Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime 64-Bit % redistributable installer. You may need this % to install the Visual C runtime if you want % to use the Psychtoolbox for 64-Bit Matlab on % Microsoft Windows. % % WinJoystickMex WinJoystickMex is a very simple/rudimentary % joystick driver for basic query of position % and button state of joysticks under % MS-Windows, written by Mario Kleiner. The % code is contributed under GPLv2. % % WinTab/ This folder contains the (unsupported!) % WinTabMex MEX file driver (and its C source % code) for controlling touch/digitizer % tablets via the WinTab API on Microsoft % Windows operating systems. It also contains % some basic usage instructions and two M-File % demos, contributed by Andrew Wilson. % % gpuclockctrl A version of gpuclockctrl compiled for 64-Bit Linux on Intel. % This should be part of FeralInteractive's gamemode package, % but was missing at least in the v1.3.1 ppa, so we deliver % our own copy as a stop-gap measure until the Ubuntu ppa's % are fixed. Gets auto-installed by PsychLinuxConfiguration if % appropriate. Works at least on Ubuntu 18.04-LTS and 19.04, % with NVidia and AMD graphics. %