function dimensions = PhotoreceptorDimensions(receptorTypes,whichDimension,species,source) % dimensions = PhotoreceptorDimensions(receptorTypes,whichDimension,species,source) % % Return estimates of photoreceptor dimensions. % % Allowable receptor types depend on species and source, but the general % list is: % SCone, MCone, LCone, FovealSCone, FovealMCone, FovealLCone, Rod. % % The type argument may be a single string or a cell array of strings. If it % is an array, a column vector of values is returned. % % The foveal version of cone types is sensible only for primates. Not all % estimate sources support all receptor types. % % Note that the following three numbers are overdetermined: photopigment % specific density (sd), photopigment axial density (ad), and outer segment % length osl. In particular, ad = sd*osl. Depending on the measurement % method, different sources provide different pairs of these numbers. % We have attempted to enforce this consistency in the set of routines % PhotopigmentSpecificDensity, PhotopigmentAxialDensity, and PhotoreceptorDimensions. % That is to say, for the same source, species, and type, you should get % a consistent triplet of numbers. % % Argument whichDimension may take on values: % OSdiam, ISdiam, OSlength. % % Supported species: % Human (Default), GuineaPig, Dog % % Supported sources: % Rodieck (Default). % CVRL (Human Cone OS length) % Webvision (Human Cone IS diameter) % Hendrickson (Human Rod OS length) % SterlingLab (GuineaPig dimensions). % Generic % PennDog (Dog dimensions). % None (returns empty for the corresponding value) % % The Generic type returns a single number for all species/type. % % 7/11/03 dhb Wrote it. % 12/04/07 dhb Added dog but with placeholder numbers. % 8/9/13 dhb Comment clean up, allow 'None' to return empty as the value. % 8/10/13 dhb Added Webvision source for IS diameter. % Fill in defaults if (nargin < 3 || isempty(species)) species = 'Human'; end if (nargin < 4 || isempty(source)) source = 'Rodieck'; end % Fill in dimensions according to specified source if (iscell(receptorTypes)) dimensions = zeros(length(receptorTypes),1); else dimensions = zeros(1,1); end for i = 1:length(dimensions) if (iscell(receptorTypes)) type = receptorTypes{i}; elseif (i == 1) type = receptorTypes; else error('Argument receptorTypes must be a string or a cell array of strings'); end switch (source) case {'None'} dimensions = []; case {'Generic'} % These are fairly generic dimensions switch (whichDimension) case 'OSlength' dimensions(i) = 32; case 'OSdiam' dimensions(i) = 2; case 'ISdiam' dimensions(i) = 2; otherwise error('Unsupported dimension requested'); end case {'Webvision'} % switch (whichDimension) case 'ISdiam' switch (type) % % Attributed to Helga Kolb case {'FovealLCone', 'FovealMCone' 'FovealSCone'} dimensions(i) = 1.5; case {'LCone', 'MCone' 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 6; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 2; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise error('Unsupported dimension requested'); end case ('PennDog') % Numbers we use for dog eyes at Penn. Got these from % Gus Aguirre. See emails sent about 12/5/07. switch (species) case {'Dog'} switch (whichDimension) case 'OSlength', switch (type) case {'LCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 13; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 13.5; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end case 'ISdiam' switch (type) case {'LCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 2; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 2; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end case 'OSdiam' switch (type) case {'LCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 1.25; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 1; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported dimension %s requested',whichDimension)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('%s estimates not available for species %s',source,species)); end case ('Rodieck') % From Rodieck's "standard observer", Appendix B % in The First Steps of Seeing. switch (species) case {'Human'} switch (whichDimension) case 'OSlength', switch (type) case {'FovealLCone', 'FovealMCone', 'FovealSCone'} dimensions(i) = 33; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 31.2; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end case 'ISdiam' switch (type) case {'FovealLCone', 'FovealMCone', 'FovealSCone'} dimensions(i) = 2.3; case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 2.22; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported dimension %s requested',whichDimension)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('%s estimates not available for species %s',source,species)); end case {'CVRL'} % These numbers are my encapsulations of CVRL's summary of a variety of data. % See CVRL summary text at: % switch (species) case {'Human'} switch (whichDimension) case 'OSlength', switch (type) case {'FovealLCone', 'FovealMCone'} dimensions(i) = 35.5; case {'FovealSCone'} dimensions(i) = 35.5*0.95; case {'LCone', 'MCone'} dimensions(i) = 18; case {'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 18*0.82; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported dimension %s requested',whichDimension)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('%s estimates not available for species %s',source,species)); end case {'Hendrickson'} % From Hendrickson and Drucker, numbers provided at CVRL database: % 40 um % is the number provided for mid-peripheral rods, 40-45 is cited for % parafoveal rods. This routines returns 40. switch (species) case {'Human'} switch (whichDimension) case 'OSlength', switch (type) case {'Rod'} dimensions(i) = 40; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported dimension %s requested',whichDimension)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('%s estimates not available for species %s',source,species)); end case {'SterlingLab'} % These are values that Lu Yin provided, based on unpublished % measurements used in the Sterling lab. switch (species) case {'GuineaPig'} switch (whichDimension) case 'OSdiam', switch (type) case {'LCone', 'MCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 2; case 'Rod' dimensions(i) = 2; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end case 'ISdiam', switch (type) case {'LCone', 'MCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 2.8; case 'Rod' dimensions(i) = 2.4; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end case 'OSlength', switch (type) case {'LCone', 'MCone', 'SCone'} dimensions(i) = 8; case 'Rod' dimensions(i) = 16.2; otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported receptor type %s/%s for %s estimates in %s',... type,whichDimension,source,species)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('Unsupported dimension %s requested',whichDimension)); end otherwise, error(sprintf('%s estimates not available for species %s',source,species)); end % Nope! otherwise error(sprintf('Unknown source %s for photoreceptor dimension estimates',source)); end end