function eccMm = DegreesToRetinalEccentricityMM(eccDegrees,species,method,eyeLengthMm) % eccMm = DegreesToRetinalEccentricityMM(eccDegrees,[species],[method],[eyeLengthMm]) % % Convert eccentricity in degrees to retinal eccentricity in mm. By % default, this takes into account a simple model eye, rather than just % relying on a linear small angle approximation. % % Input: % eccDegrees -- retinal eccentricity in degrees % species -- what species % 'Human' -- Human eye [default] % 'Rhesus' -- Rhesus monkey % method -- what method % 'DaceyPeterson' -- formulae from Dacey & Peterson (1992) [default] % 'Linear' -- linear, based on small angle approx % eyeLengthMm -- Eye length to assume for linear calculation, should be % the posterior nodal distance. Defaults to the default values returned % by function EyeLength for the chosen species. % % The Dacey and Peterson formulae are based on digitizing and fitting % curves published by % 1) Drasdo and Fowler, 1974 (British J. Opthth, 58,pp. 709 ff., Figure 2, % for human. % 2) Perry and Cowey (1985, Vision Reserch, 25, pp. 1795-1810, Figure 4, % for rhesus monkey. % These curves, I think, were produced by ray tracing or otherwise solving % model eyes. The eyeLengthMm parameter does not affect what this method % does. % % The default eye length returned by EyeLength for Human is currently the Rodiek value of % 16.1 mm. Drasdo and Fowler formulae are based on a length of about this, % so the linear and DaceyPeterson methods are roughly consistent for small % angles. Similarly with the Rhesus default. Using other EyeLength's will % make the two methods inconsistent. % % The Dacey and Peterson equations don't go through (0,0), but rather % produce a visual angle of 0.1 degree for an eccentricity of 0. This % seems bad to me. I modified the formulae so that they use the linear % approximation for small angles, producing a result that does go through % (0,0). This may be related to the fact that there is some ambiguity in % the papers between whether the center should be thought of as the fovea % or the center of the optical axis. But I think this difference is small % enough that the same formulae would apply across such a shift in origin. % % I digitized Drasdo and Fowler Figure 2 and compared it to what this % routine produces. I'd call agreement so-so, but considerably better than % what the linear approximation produces. One could probably do better, % but my intuition is that the deviations are small compared to eye to eye % differences and differences that would be produced by different model % eyes, so that juice isn't worth the squeeze. I pasted my digitization at % the end of DegreesToRetinalEccentricity if anyone wants to fuss with % this. But probably if you're going to do that, you should do the whole % ray tracing thing with our best current model eye. % % I have not checked the fit to the Perrry and Cowey curve for Rhesus % against a digitization of that figure. % % See also: EyeLength, RetinalEccentricityMMToDegrees, DegreesToRetinalMM, RetinalMMToDegrees % % 6/30/2015 dhb Wrote it. %% Set defaults if (nargin < 2 || isempty(species)) species = 'Human'; end if (nargin < 3 || isempty(method)) method = 'DaceyPeterson'; end if (nargin < 4 || isempty(eyeLengthMm)) switch (species) case 'Human' eyeLengthMm = EyeLength(species,'Rodieck'); case 'Rhesus' eyeLengthMm = EyeLength(species,'PerryCowey'); otherwise error('Unknown species specified'); end end %% Checks if (any(eccDegrees < 0)) error('Can only convert non-negative eccentricities'); end %% Do the method dependent thing switch (method) case 'DaceyPeterson' % Out of paranoia, make sure we use the right eye length parameters % for this method, so that the low angle linear approximation that % we tag on comes out right. switch (species) case 'Human' eyeLengthMm = EyeLength(species,'Rodieck'); case 'Rhesus' eyeLengthMm = EyeLength(species,'PerryCowey'); otherwise error('Unknown species specified'); end % Set quadratic parameters switch (species) case 'Human' a = 0.035; b = 3.4; c1 = 0.1; case 'Rhesus' a = 0.038; b = 4.21; c1 = 0.1; otherwise error('Unknown species passed'); end % Invert the quadratic c = c1-eccDegrees; eccMm = (-b + sqrt((b^2) - 4*a*c))/(2*a); % Don't return negative numbers eccMm(eccMm < 0) = 0; % Replace small angles by the linear approximation degreeThreshold = 0.2; index = find(eccDegrees < degreeThreshold); if (~isempty(index)) eccMm(index) = DegreesToRetinalMM(eccDegrees(index),eyeLengthMm,false); end case 'Linear' eccMm = DegreesToRetinalMM(eccDegrees,eyeLengthMm,false); otherwise error('Unknown method passed') end end %% Drasdo and Fowler Figure 2 % % This is ellipsoid model data, digitized from their figure. It is not % clear to me which curve (ellipsoid or sphere) Dacey and Peterson % digitized and fit. First column is degrees, second is mm. % drasdoFowlerData = ... % [1.429393919263E0 4.001594366571E-1 % 3.492105671073E0 9.230850993158E-1 % 6.034234593326E0 1.662020859629E0 % 1.000354303683E1 2.739148342523E0 % 1.571668991785E1 4.215850660998E0 % 2.381363626298E1 6.400797183286E0 % 3.286388095396E1 8.862844615691E0 % 4.016364401337E1 1.073941407028E1 % 4.572178303328E1 1.227837640337E1 % 4.794503864125E1 1.289396133661E1 % 4.984831373591E1 1.335521158573E1 % 5.254323612126E1 1.396991961735E1 % 5.523705130760E1 1.455364379194E1 % 6.126021391085E1 1.590582608118E1 % 6.632675657123E1 1.688795588919E1 % 7.012555636750E1 1.759356938816E1 % 7.503155517173E1 1.848303992560E1 % 8.135698310414E1 1.949381518634E1 % 8.689076374588E1 2.035113266459E1 % 9.321065568325E1 2.120698864014E1 % 9.921278150535E1 2.197047764565E1];