function munsellData = MunsellPreprocessTable % munsellData = MunsellPreprocessTable % % Load in Munsell renotation table from RIT site and convert it to the form where we will % actually use it. % % See to download the data file. Our version % downloaded 11/20/08 and renamed to RITAllMunsellData.txt. This is the version that % extraoplates outside of the physical gamut. % % The table provides values under CIE illuminant C. % % 11/21/08 dhb, ijk Finished from ijk initial version. % 11/25/08 dhb, ijk Wrap table. % Open file and throw away first line (column headers). fid = fopen('RITAllMunsellData.txt','r'); firstLine = fgetl(fid); % Preallocate space. We happen to know the number of records % because we checked in advance. nRecords = 4995; munsellData = zeros(nRecords,6); % Read lines one at a time and extract nRecordsCheck = 0; for i = 1:nRecords theLine = fgetl(fid); theLineCell = textscan(theLine,'%s %f %f %f %f %f'); H = theLineCell{1}{1}; H1 = str2num(H(find((double(H) >= double('A')) == 0))); H2 = H(find((double(H) >= double('A')) == 1)); angle = MunsellHueToAngle(H1,H2); value = theLineCell{2}; chroma = theLineCell{3}; x = theLineCell{4}; y = theLineCell{5}; Y = theLineCell{6}; munsellData(i,:) = [angle value chroma x y Y]; nRecordsCheck = nRecordsCheck+1; end fclose(fid); % Check that we weren't wrong about the number of records if (nRecordsCheck ~= nRecords) error('Mismatch between specified and actual number of records in file.') end % Need to wrap table to include slightly negative angles, and angles just above % 360 degrees, so that we don't have gamut problems in the interpolation. tableNegativeAngles = munsellData; tableNegativeAngles(:,1) = tableNegativeAngles(:,1)-360; index1 = find(tableNegativeAngles(:,1) >= 5); tableBigAngles = munsellData; tableBigAngles(:,1) = tableBigAngles(:,1)+360; index2 = find(tableNegativeAngles(:,1) <= 365); munsellData = [munsellData ; tableNegativeAngles(index1,:) ; tableBigAngles(index2,:)];