function [w,X,tri,v] = MunsellGriddata3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,method,options,X,tri) % [w,X,tri] = MunsellGriddata3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,method,options,X,tri) % % This is a modified version of the Matlab function griddata3. We modified % to allow precomputing of the triangulation, and then direct use of that. % This will allows us to precompute the triangulation (slow) and % then interpolate using the same triangulation many times (fast, we hope). % %GRIDDATA3 Data gridding and hyper-surface fitting for 3-dimensional data. % W = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI) fits a hyper-surface of the form % W = F(X,Y,Z) to the data in the (usually) nonuniformly-spaced vectors % (X,Y,Z,V). GRIDDATA3 interpolates this hyper-surface at the points % specified by (XI,YI,ZI) to produce W. % % (XI,YI,ZI) is usually a uniform grid (as produced by MESHGRID) and is % where GRIDDATA3 gets its name. % % [...] = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI,METHOD) where METHOD is one of % 'linear' - Tessellation-based linear interpolation (default) % 'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation % % defines the type of surface fit to the data. % All the methods are based on a Delaunay triangulation of the data. % If METHOD is [], then the default 'linear' method will be used. % % [...] = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI,METHOD,OPTIONS) specifies a cell % array of strings OPTIONS to be used as options in Qhull via DELAUNAYN. % If OPTIONS is [], the default options will be used. % If OPTIONS is {''}, no options will be used, not even the default. % % Example: % rand('state',0); % x = 2*rand(5000,1)-1; y = 2*rand(5000,1)-1; z = 2*rand(5000,1)-1; % v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; % d = -0.8:0.05:0.8; % [xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(d,d,d); % w = griddata3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi); % Since it is difficult to visualize 4D data sets, use isosurface at 0.8: % p = patch(isosurface(xi,yi,zi,w,0.8)); % isonormals(xi,yi,zi,w,p); % set(p,'FaceColor','blue','EdgeColor','none'); % view(3), axis equal, axis off, camlight, lighting phong % % Class support for inputs X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI: double % % See also GRIDDATA, GRIDDATAN, QHULL, DELAUNAYN, MESHGRID. % Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/06/14 05:11:20 $ if nargin < 7 error('MATLAB:griddata3:NotEnoughInputs', 'Needs at least 7 inputs.'); end if ( nargin == 7 || isempty(method) ) method = 'linear'; elseif ~strncmpi(method,'l',1) && ~strncmpi(method,'n',1) error('MATLAB:griddata3:InvalidMethod',... 'METHOD must be one of ''linear'', or ''nearest''.'); end if nargin == 9 if ~iscellstr(options) error('MATLAB:griddata3:OptsNotStringCell',... 'OPTIONS should be cell array of strings.'); end opt = options; else opt = []; end if ndims(x) > 3 || ndims(y) > 3 || ndims(z) > 3 || ndims(xi) > 3 || ndims(yi) > 3 || ndims(zi) > 3 error('MATLAB:griddata3:HigherDimArray',... 'X,Y,Z and XI,YI,ZI cannot be arrays of dimension greater than three.'); end % This thread computes the triangulation if (nargin < 10) x = x(:); y=y(:); z=z(:); v = v(:); m = length(x); if m < 3, error('MATLAB:griddata3:NotEnoughPts','Not enough points.'); end if m ~= length(y) || m ~= length(z) || m ~= length(v) error('MATLAB:griddata3:InputSizeMismatch',... 'X,Y,Z,V must all have the same size.'); end X = [x y z]; % Sort (x,y,z) so duplicate points can be averaged before passing to delaunay [X, ind] = sortrows(X); v = v(ind); ind = all(diff(X)'==0); if any(ind) warning('MATLAB:griddata3:DuplicateDataPoints',['Duplicate x data points ' ... 'detected: using average of the v values.']); ind = [0 ind]; ind1 = diff(ind); fs = find(ind1==1); fe = find(ind1==-1); if fs(end) == length(ind1) % add an extra term if the last one start at end fe = [fe fs(end)+1]; end for i = 1 : length(fs) % averaging v values v(fe(i)) = mean(v(fs(i):fe(i))); end X = X(~ind(2:end),:); v = v(~ind(2:end)); end switch lower(method(1)), case 'l' [w,tri] = linear(X,v,[xi(:) yi(:) zi(:)],opt); case 'n' w = nearest(X,v,[xi(:) yi(:) zi(:)],opt); otherwise error('MATLAB:griddata3:UnknownMethod', 'Unknown method.'); end w = reshape(w,size(xi)); % If nargin == 11, then we passed the precomputed triangulation and we don't need to do it again. else [w] = linearwithtri(X,v,[xi(:) yi(:) zi(:)],tri); w = reshape(w,size(xi)); end %------------------------------------------------------------ function [zi,tri] = linear(x,y,xi,opt) %LINEAR Triangle-based linear interpolation % Reference: David F. Watson, "Contouring: A guide % to the analysis and display of spacial data", Pergamon, 1994. % Triangularize the data if isempty(opt) tri = delaunayn(x); else tri = delaunayn(x,opt); end if isempty(tri), warning('MATLAB:griddata3:CannotTriangulate','Data cannot be triangulated.'); zi = NaN*zeros(size(xi)); return end % Find the nearest triangle (t) [t,p] = tsearchn(x,tri,xi); m1 = size(xi,1); onev = ones(1,size(x,2)+1); zi = NaN*zeros(m1,1); for i = 1:m1 if ~isnan(t(i)) zi(i) = p(i,:)*y(tri(t(i),:)); end end %------------------------------------------------------------ function [zi] = linearwithtri(x,y,xi,tri) %LINEAR Triangle-based linear interpolation, takes tri directly. % Find the nearest triangle (t) [t,p] = tsearchn(x,tri,xi); m1 = size(xi,1); onev = ones(1,size(x,2)+1); zi = NaN*zeros(m1,1); for i = 1:m1 if ~isnan(t(i)) zi(i) = p(i,:)*y(tri(t(i),:)); end end %------------------------------------------------------------ function zi = nearest(x,y,xi,opt) %NEAREST Triangle-based nearest neightbor interpolation % Reference: David F. Watson, "Contouring: A guide % to the analysis and display of spacial data", Pergamon, 1994. % Triangularize the data if isempty(opt) tri = delaunayn(x); else tri = delaunayn(x,opt); end if isempty(tri), warning('MATLAB:griddata3:CannotTriangulate','Data cannot be triangulated.'); zi = repmat(NaN,size(xi)); return end % Find the nearest vertex k = dsearchn(x,tri,xi); zi = k; d = find(isfinite(k)); zi(d) = y(k(d)); %----------------------------------------------------------