% Psychtoolbox:PsychColorimetric:PsychMunsell. % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % help PsychDemos % For demos, triple-click me & hit enter. % % MunsellAngleToHue - Convert a hue angle to symbolic Munsell hue. % MunsellConversionTest - Test program to see if this all works OK. % MunsellGetxyY - Munsell space to xyY conversion (CIE illuminant C). % MunsellGriddata3 - Local version of griddata3 that allows for precomputing slow stuff. % MunsellHueToAngle - Convert symbolic MunsellHue to hue angle. % MunsellPreprocessTable - Get table of Munsell renotation to xyY (under illuminant C). % RITAllMunsellData.txt - Table of Munsell data used in interpolation, from RIT. % Copyright (c) 2008 by David Brainard