function [fractionBleached] = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(irradiance,receptortype,units,source,initialFraction,timeUnits) % [fractionBleached] = ComputePhtopigmentBleaching(irradiance,[receptorType],[units],[source],[initialFraction],[timeUnits]) % % Compute fraction of photopigment bleached, given irradiance of light % reaching the eye. % % There are two distinct uses, controlled by the value of initialFraction. % % Usage 1 - If initialFraction is not passed or is empty, the steady state % fraction of pigment bleached is returned for each irradiance in the % passed input irradiance. % % Usage 2 - If initialFraction is passed as a scalar, this is taken as the % time zero fraction bleached, and inputirradiance is taken to be the time % variying irradiance, with fractionBleached the time varying fraction % bleached. % % When time varying signals are handled, the unit of time is as specified % by the timeunits argument (default, msec). % % As far as I can tell, the fundemantal measurements of the half-bleach % constant for human cones were made by Rushton and Henry (1968, Vision Research, % 8, 617-631). This fact I learned from CVRL % ( % % I am pretty sure that the Rushton and Henry measurements were made for % 560 nm light, and they give (see their Figure 2) a half-bleach constant % of 4.3 log10 trolands (20,000 td). This number is also given in Boynton % and Kaiser, Human Color Vision, 2nd edition, pp 211 and following. This % is the number you get here if you specify 'Boynton' as the source for the % cone bleaching data. % % Elsewhere in the same paper, Rushton and Henry use another method and % come up with 29167 td) as the half-bleach constant. You can get this % number by specifying 'RushtonHenryAlt' as the source for the cone % constants. If you use isomemerizations here, the constant is scaled up % from the one derived above by the ratio (29167/(10^4.3)). % % It's probably fine to compute bleaching for L and M cones given retinal % illuminance in trolands, given that these are effects that matter over % log10 units. But trolands are not going to help much for the S-cones. % According to CVRL there aren't good measurements for the half-bleaching % constant for S cones because putting enough short-wavelength light onto % the retina to bleach the S cones is not good for the eyes. % % None-the-less, it seems nice to have this routine written so that it will % return a number if you give it irradiance either in trolands or in % isomerizations/cone-sec. For 560 nm light and the CIE 10 deg % fundamentals, I compute that 1 td is 137 isomerizations/cone-sec for L % cones and 110 isomerizations/cone-sec for M cones. Take the weighted % average value of (2*L + 1*M)/3 = 128 and multiply by (10.^4.3) to get a % half-bleach constant in isomerizations/cone-sec of 2.55e+06 (6.4 log10 % isomerizations/cone-sec). [Computations done 6/2/14 using % IsomerizationsInEyeDemo and setting the fundamentals to 'CIE10deg' and % wavelength to 560 nm by hand in the code. These are for the 'Boynton' % source.] % % [ASIDE: I used 10 deg fundamentals to compute the bleaching constant % expressed in terms of isomerizations, because I figure that Rushton's % measurements are based on a fairly large field. Because the macular % pigment absorbs a fair amount of light, this matters. If I compute % instead with 2-deg fundamentals, I get that 1 td is 23.7 L cone % isomerizations/cone-sec and 19.5 M cone isomerizations/cone-sec. These % two numbers are ballpark consistent with Rodiek page 475 who gives 18.3 % and 15.9 for a monochromatic 540 THz light (555 nm)]. % % This paper % Burkhardt, D. A. "Light adaptation and photopigment % bleaching in cone photoreceptors in situ in the retina % of the turtle." Journal of Neuroscience 14.3 (1994): % 1091-1105. % provides a half bleach constant for turtle cones of 5.57 expressed % in log10 R*/um2/sec, which could with some work be converted to % isomerizations/cone/sec for turtle cones. But it's not % clear you want to use that number unless you are studying turtle. % % This routine will do the computation either on the basis of input in % trolands or input in isomerization/cone-sec, using the appropirate % constant as above. Note that the computation of isomerizations takes % into account lens and macular pigment, while the troland value is the % straight troland value. A second advantage of using units of % isomerizations/cone-sec is that you can compute this for other regions of % the visual field and presumably the numbers will be about right. You can % also compute for S-cones on the assumption that the half-bleach constant % is the same for S-cones as for L- and M- cones. % % As far as I can tell, the computations and analysis of bleaching do not % take into account changes in isomerization rate that occur because of % change in spectral sensitivity of cones with bleaching. That is, the % measurements are simply of steady state pigment density and are modeled % with a formula that assumes monochromatic light (see treatment in % Boynton). % % irradiance -- retinal irradiance specified as determined by units. If % initialFraction is empty, this is a single number and % steady state bleaching fraction is returned. If % initialFraction is a number, then this is a time series % of irradiance versus time, and fraction bleached for the % same times is returned. % % receptortype % 'cones' -- computations for cones. [Default] % 'rods' -- computations for rods. % % units -- units of irradiance % 'trolands' input irradiance trolands. Note that the computation % only makes sense for L and M cones if this is the input. % This is photopic trolands if receptor type is 'cones'. % [Default]. It is scotopic trolands if receptor type is % rods. % 'isomerizations' nominal isomerization rate in % isomerizations/cone-sec, comptued taking into account % pre-retinal absorption as well as nominal cone axial % density. But not taking into account any pigment % bleaching. % % source -- source of underlying data % 'Boynton' Boynton and Kaiser, Human Color Vision, 2nd edition, % pp. 211 and following. See intro text above. [Default] % 'RushtonHenryAlt' - Rushton and Henry's other half-bleach constant. % Only available for 'cones'. % 'WyszeckiStiles' - Wyszecki and Stiles (1982) give parameters on page % % initialFraction -- fraction of input bleached at time zero. If % empty, steady state fraction bleached is % returned. Default is empty. % % timeUnits -- units for time step on input and output % 'sec' seconds % 'tenth' tenths of seconds % 'hundredth' hundredths of seconds % 'msec' millseconds [Default] % 'tenthmsec' tenths of milliseconds % % 05/23/14 dhb Wrote it. % 05/26/14 dhb Clean up. % 06/02/14 dhb Take isomerizations number based on 2:1 L:M assumed ratio. % 12/18/18 dhb Modify header comments for possibility of passing time % varying signal. This breaks old usage that allowed % computing steady state bleaching for a set of vector % inputs, but I think that is OK. % 08/19/19 dhb Added some information about Burkhardt (1994) to header % comment, and inserted a stub to use that information if % someone does the work to put the number from it into the % right units. % dhb Reorganized some code relative to source switch statement. Because % there was only one case this didn't matter, but now I think it % is right if more cases. % 01/09/21 dhb Finish off adding kinetics. % 01/12/21 dhb Add in the alternate Rushton & Henry half-bleach constant % for cones. % Examples: %{ % Running this example should produce a plot that % looks like Figure 6.3 (p. 212) in Boyton and Kaiser % (red curve in plot with blue overlay here). clear; close all; isomerizationsPerTroland = 128; trolands = logspace(0,7,1000); isomerizations = isomerizationsPerTroland*trolands; for ii = 1:length(trolands) fractionBleached(ii) = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(trolands(ii),'cones','trolands','Boynton'); fractionBleached1(ii) = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(isomerizations(ii),'cones','isomerizations','Boynton'); end figure; clf; hold on; plot(log10(trolands),fractionBleached,'r','LineWidth',6); plot(log10(trolands),fractionBleached1,'b','LineWidth',4); %} %{ % Running this example should produce a pigment recovery plot that % with a red curves looks like Figure 6.2 in Boynton (first edition), % Note that the righthand scale for that figure is flipped with 0 % at the top and 1 at the bottom. We plot fraction bleached rather % than fraction unbleached, so our plot looks like this but has scale % in the conventional order. The red curve is for rods. The blue % is for cones and is faster as expected. clear; close all; timeSec = (1:60*40) - 1; timeMinutes = timeSec/(60); irradiance = zeros(60*40,1); initialFractionBleached = 1; fractionBleached = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(irradiance,'rods','trolands','WyszeckiStiles',initialFractionBleached,'sec'); fractionBleached1 = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(irradiance,'cones','isomerizations','Boynton',initialFractionBleached,'sec'); figure; clf; hold on; plot(timeMinutes,fractionBleached,'r','LineWidth',6); plot(timeMinutes,fractionBleached1,'b','LineWidth',6); xlabel('Time (min)'); ylabel('Fraction bleached'); %} %{ % This example shows that the steady state calculation (red) matches the % asymptote of the dynamic calculation (green and blue), and that the asymptote % is independent of the starting fraction bleached. clear; close all; timeSec = (1:60*10) - 1; timeMinutes = timeSec/(60); trolands = 10^5; irradiance = trolands*ones(60*10,1); fractionBleachedSteady = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(trolands,'cones','trolands','Boynton'); initialFractionBleached = 0; fractionBleached0 = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(irradiance,'cones','trolands','Boynton',initialFractionBleached,'sec'); initialFractionBleached = 1; fractionBleached1 = ComputePhotopigmentBleaching(irradiance,'cones','trolands','Boynton',initialFractionBleached,'sec'); figure; clf; hold on; plot(timeMinutes,fractionBleachedSteady*ones(size(timeMinutes)),'r','LineWidth',6); plot(timeMinutes,fractionBleached0,'g','LineWidth',4); plot(timeMinutes,fractionBleached1,'b','LineWidth',4); xlabel('Time (min)'); ylabel('Fraction bleached'); %} %% Specify receptor type if (nargin < 2 || isempty(receptortype)) receptortype = 'cones'; end %% Specify units if (nargin < 3 || isempty(units)) units = 'trolands'; end %% Specify source if (nargin < 4 || isempty(source)) source = 'Boynton'; end %% Specify initial fraction if (nargin < 5 || isempty(initialFraction)) initialFraction = []; end %% Time units, relevant if initialFraction is not empty if (nargin < 6 || isempty(timeUnits)) timeUnits = 'msec'; end %% Do it switch (receptortype) case 'cones' switch (source) case 'Boynton' switch (units) case 'trolands' Izero = 10^4.3; % In Td, stimulus intensity that bleaches at the rate of 1/N N = 120; % Recovery time constant (seconds) case 'isomerizations' Izero = 10^6.4; % In L/M cone isomerizations/sec N = 120; % Recovery time constant (seconds) otherwise error('Unkown input units specified'); end case 'WyszeckiStiles' switch (units) case 'trolands' Q = 5e6; % Photopic td sec N = 130; % Recovery time constant (seconds) Izero = Q/N; % Photopic td, stimulus intensity that bleaches at the rate of 1/N otherwise error('Unkown input units specified'); end case 'RushtonHenryAlt' switch (units) case 'trolands' Izero = 29167; % In Td, stimulus intensity that bleaches at the rate of 1/N N = 120; % Recovery time constant (seconds) case 'isomerizations' Izero = (29167/(10^4.3))*10^6.4; % In L/M cone isomerizations/sec N = 120; % Recovery time constant (seconds) otherwise error('Unkown input units specified'); end case 'Burkhardt' switch (units) case 'trolands' error('Only know how to deal units in isomserization/sec for Burkhardt case'); case 'isomerizations' error('You need to do some more work to put the Burkhardt number into the right units'); %Izero = 10^5.57; otherwise error('Unkown input units for cones specified'); end otherwise error('Unknown source for cones specified'); end case 'rods' switch (source) case 'Boynton' error('No Boynton units entered for rods yet'); switch (units) % Values of Izero below are set to 1 just as a % placeholder. Need to be filled in with correct % values to do full set of rod computations. case 'trolands' Izero = 1; % Should be in scotopic Td, stimulus intensity that bleaches at the rate of 1/N N = 400; % Recovery time constant (seconds): 400=rhodopsin, 120=L/M cones. case 'isomerizations' Izero = 1; % Should be in isomerizations/sec N = 400; % Recovery time constant (seconds): 400=rhodopsin, 120=L/M cones. otherwise error('Unsupported input units for rods specified'); end case 'WyszeckiStiles' switch (units) % Values of Izero below are set to 1 just as a % placeholder. Need to be filled in with correct % values to do full set of rod computations. case 'trolands' Q = 1.57e7; % Scotopic Td-sec N = 519; % Recovery time constant (seconds) Izero = Q/N; otherwise error('Unsupported input units for rods specified'); end otherwise error('Unknown source for rods specified'); end otherwise error('Unknown receptor type specified'); end % Steady state calculation if (isempty(initialFraction)) if (length(irradiance) ~= 1) error('Irradiance should be passed as a scalar for steady state computation'); end % Simple formula. This formula appears to have a typo in the first % edition (Eqn. 6.5 is missing the division sign). fractionBleached = (irradiance./(irradiance + Izero)); % Time varying calculation. else % Take time resolution into account. Our underlying % computations are in seconds, at the specified time % resolution. switch (timeUnits) case 'sec' timeStep = 1; case 'tenth' timeStep = 0.1; case 'hundredth' timeStep = 0.01; case 'msec' timeStep = 0.001; case 'tenthmsec' timeStep = 0.0001; otherwise error('Unknown time units specified'); end % Inline functions to make our lives easier % % This is Eqn. 6.5 from Boynton Human Color Vision % (first edition) and gives the change in fraction % unbleached (p) over time. dp_dt = @(p, I) (( (1-p)./N ) - ( (I.*p)./ (N.*Izero) )); % Set up fraction bleached over simulation time. Note conversion % of passed fraction bleached to fraction unbleached form here. fractionUnbleached = zeros(size(irradiance)); fractionUnbleached(1) = 1-initialFraction; for t=2:length(irradiance) fractionUnbleached(t) = fractionUnbleached(t-1) + ... dp_dt(fractionUnbleached(t-1),irradiance(t-1))*timeStep; end % Convert back to fraction bleached fractionBleached = 1 - fractionUnbleached; end end