% RefitCalYoked % % Refit a calibration file to make gamma curves based on the raw yoked measurements. % This requires, of course, that the yoked measurements were taken during calibration, % which in turn requires the correct settings. % % 4/29/10 dhb, kmo, ar Wrote it. % 5/25/10 dhb, ar Yoked field in describe now set elsewhere. % 5/28/10 dhb Update to swing on field yokedmethod. % 6/5/10 dhb Use plot subroutines. % Enter load code defaultFileName = 'HDRFront'; thePrompt = sprintf('Enter calibration filename [%s]: ',defaultFileName); newFileName = input(thePrompt,'s'); if (isempty(newFileName)) newFileName = defaultFileName; end fprintf(1,'\nLoading from %s.mat\n',newFileName); cal = LoadCalFile(newFileName); fprintf('Calibration file %s read\n\n',newFileName); % Print out some information from the calibration. DescribeMonCal(cal); % Provide information about gamma measurements % This is probably not method-independent. fprintf('Gamma measurements were made at %g levels\n',... size(cal.rawdata.rawGammaInput,1)); fprintf('Gamma table available at %g levels\n',... size(cal.gammaInput,1)); % Get yoked method oldMethod = cal.describe.yokedmethod; yokedMethod = input(sprintf('Enter yoked method (0 for not yoked): [%d]: ',cal.describe.yokedmethod)); if (isempty(fitType)) cal.describe.yokedmethod = oldMethod; end % Fit cal = CalibrateFitLinMod(cal); cal = CalibrateFitYoked(cal); cal = CalibrateFitGamma(cal,2^cal.describe.dacsize); % Put up a plot of the essential data CalibratePlotSpectra(cal,figure(1)); CalibratePlotGamma(cal,figure(2)); % Option to save the refit file saveIt = input('Save new fit data (0->no, 1 -> yes)? [0]: '); if (isempty(saveIt)) saveIt = 0; end if (saveIt) % Prompt for new file name if we're saving to a name. defaultFileName = newFileName; thePrompt = sprintf('Enter calibration filename [%s]: ',defaultFileName); saveFileName = input(thePrompt,'s'); if (isempty(saveFileName)) saveFileName = defaultFileName; end fprintf(1,'\nSaving to %s.mat\n',saveFileName); SaveCalFile(cal,saveFileName); end