function [dpi, SP]=MeasureDpi(theScreen, CC) % [dpi, SP] = MeasureDpi([theScreen=max][, useCreditCard=0]); % % Helps the user to accurately measure the screen's dots per inch by use of a % reference object of known size. % % INPUT: % % 'theScreen' Screen parameter, if the screen is not provided, the % screen with maximum index (typically an external display) will be used. % % 'useCreditCard' Credit Card parameter, it allows you to use a credit card as % an object of known size if set to 1. Otherwise it is recommended to have a % ruler or some other object of known size at hand, and the script will ask for % the size of that object. % % OUTPUT: % % 'dpi' Measured dots per inch. % 'SP' Screen properties reported by the display driver (e.g., based on EDID). % It will provide you with a structure containing the physical size of the % screen (width and height) in mm, the screen resolution in pixels, the % dot pitch and dpi automatically. % % Note: 'SP' relies on information from Screen('DisplaySize'). Read the notes % in 'Screen DisplaySize?' on potential limitations in reliability or accuracy % of this driver reported info. % % Denis Pelli % % History % % 5/28/96 dgp Updated to use new GetMouse. % 3/20/97 dgp Updated. % 4/2/97 dgp FlushEvents. % 4/26/97 dhb Got rid of call to disp(7), which was writing '7' to the % command window and not producing a beep. % 8/16/97 dgp Changed "text" to "theText" to avoid conflict with TEXT function. % 4/06/02 awi Check all elements of the new multi-element button vector % returned by GetMouse on Windows. % Replaced Chicago font with Arial because it's available on % both Mac and Windows % 11/6/06 dgp Updated from PTB-2 to PTB-3. % 01/31/16 mk Fix some wrong assumptions for PTB-3. Get rid of GetChar. % 8/13/19 mgg Modify to use it with a credit card (common object of a % known size). % 9/10/19 mgg Optional output: Withdraw the presets from the screen % inc. the screen size, resolution, dot pitch and distance independent dpi. st = dbstack; funname = []; % This provides the name of the calling function, so when throwing an error, the user knows from where. if nargin>2 || nargout>2 error([funname,':>> Error wrong call to function, use it as: dpi=MeasureDpi(Screen)', newline, 'or [dpi, SP]=MeasureDpi([Screen], [CC])']); end if nargin==0 || isempty(theScreen) theScreen=max(Screen('Screens')); % Use the second screen, most of the cases. disp([funname,':>> No screen value has been provided so I assume ',... 'that either you would like to use the secondary screen, or the main one if you only have one...']); end AssertOpenGL; [unitInches, units, unit] = EnglishOrSI(); try if nargin>1 && isequal(CC,1) % Using a credit card objectInches= 8.56*(1/2.54); % ID-1 format, ISO/IEC 7810 credit card (85.60 × 53.98 mm). else disp('Please find an object of known width to hold against the display.'); disp('E.g. a ruler or an 8.5-inch page.'); objectInches=input(sprintf('How wide is your object, in %s? ',units))*unitInches; disp('A small correction will be made for your viewing distance and the thickness of'); disp('the screen''s clear front plate, which separates your object from the screen''s'); disp('light emitting surface.'); end isLCD = input('Is your display a flat panel, instead of a CRT? [y/n]: ', 's'); if isLCD == 'y' thicknessInches=0.1; fprintf('I assume that the display is a flat panel display, \n'); fprintf('with a thin (%.1f inch) clear front plate.\n',thicknessInches); else thicknessInches=0.25; fprintf('I assume that the display is a CRT, \n'); fprintf('with a thick (%.1f inch) clear front plate.\n',thicknessInches); end distanceInches=input(sprintf('What is your viewing distance, roughly, in %s? ',units))*unitInches; [window,screenRect]=Screen('OpenWindow',theScreen); white=WhiteIndex(window); black=BlackIndex(window); % This might work if you have a modern monitor with reasonable updated drivers. [SP.ScreenWidthOS, SP.ScreenHeightOS] = Screen('DisplaySize', theScreen); [SP.Xpixels, SP.Ypixels] = Screen('WindowSize', window); SP.DotPitchX= (SP.ScreenWidthOS/SP.Xpixels); SP.DotPitchY=(SP.ScreenHeightOS/SP.Ypixels); SP.DotPitchDiag= (SP.DotPitchX + SP.DotPitchY) /2; SP.dpi=floor((sqrt((SP.Xpixels)^2+(SP.Ypixels)^2))/(sqrt((SP.ScreenWidthOS)^2+(SP.ScreenHeightOS)^2)/25.4)); % Instructions if nargin>1 && isequal(CC,1) % Using a credit card s=sprintf('Hold your credit card against the display.'); else s=sprintf('Hold your %.1f-%s-wide object against the display.',objectInches/unitInches,unit); end theText={s,'Press, drag, and release the mouse to draw a bar'... ,'that matches the width of your object. Use one eye.'}; Screen('TextFont',window,'Arial'); s=24; Screen('TextSize',window,s); textLeading=s+8; textRect=Screen('TextBounds',window,theText{1}); textRect(4)=length(theText)*textLeading; textRect=CenterRect(textRect,screenRect); textRect=AlignRect(textRect,screenRect,RectTop); textRect(RectRight)=screenRect(RectRight); dragText=theText; dragTextRect=textRect; % Animate % Track horizontal mouse position to draw a bar of variable width. for i=1:length(dragText) Screen('DrawText',window,dragText{i},dragTextRect(RectLeft),dragTextRect(RectTop)+textLeading*i,black); end barRect=CenterRect(SetRect(0,0,RectWidth(screenRect),20),screenRect); fullBarRect=barRect; top=RectTop; bottom=RectBottom; left=RectLeft; right=RectRight; Screen('FillRect',window,white,barRect); Screen('FrameRect',window,black,barRect); Screen('Flip',window); oldButton=0; while 1 [x,~,button]=GetMouse(window); if any(button) if ~oldButton origin=x; barRect(left)=origin; barRect(right)=origin; else if x1 break end for i=1:length(dragText) Screen('DrawText',window,dragText{i},dragTextRect(RectLeft),dragTextRect(RectTop)+textLeading*i,black); end Screen('FrameRect',window,black,fullBarRect); Screen('Flip',window); end end oldButton=any(button); end Screen('Close',window); catch sca; psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end function [unitInches, units, unit] = EnglishOrSI() % Ask user whether to use the International System of Units or the English % / Ameerican System(inches). inches=input('Do you prefer inches (1) or cm (0)? '); if inches unitInches=1; units='inches'; % e.g. distance in inches unit='inch'; % e.g. 5 inch object else unitInches=1/2.54; units='cm'; unit='cm'; end end end