function sensor = CylToSensor(cyl) % sensor = CylToSensor(cyl) % % Convert from cylindrical to sensor coordinates. % We use the conventions of the CIE Lxx color spaces % for angle. This inverts SensorToCyl, see that routine % for description of coordinate systems. % % See also SensorToCyl, SensorToPolar, PolarToSensor. % % 10/17/93 dhb Wrote it by converting CAP C code. % 2/20/94 jms Added single argument case to allow avoiding cData % 4/5/02 dhb, ly Change name. % 11/6/06 dhb Only allow one arg. sensor(1,:) = cyl(1,:); sensor(2,:) = cyl(2,:) .* cos( cyl(3,:) ); sensor(3,:) = cyl(2,:) .* sin( cyl(3,:) );