function LoadPsychHID % LoadPsychHID - Try to get PsychHID linked and loaded on MS-Windows, no % matter what. if ~IsWin % Nothing to do on non-Windows: if IsLinux && isempty(getenv('DISPLAY')) error('Sorry, PsychHID() is not yet supported on Linux without a running X-Server.'); end return; end % Windows on Octave or with Matlab R2007a or later. Give it a try: try PsychHID('Version'); catch %#ok % PsychHID loading and linking failed: if IsWin % PsychHID failed on Windows. Most likely cause would be "invalid % MEX file error" due to PsychHID failing to link against % required DLL's. libusb-1.0 may not be properly installed? fprintf('INFO: Initial invocation of the PsychHID mex file failed.\n'); fprintf('INFO: Most likely a required DLL is not installed in your system, e.g., libusb-1.0.dll\n'); fprintf('INFO: I will now check if this is the culprit and work around it. To avoid future warnings,\n'); if IsWin(1) % 64-Bit installation: fprintf('INFO: please copy the 64-Bit libusb-1.0.dll from the PsychContributed\\x64 folder into your C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ \n'); else % 32-Bit installation: fprintf('INFO: please copy the 32-Bit libusb-1.0.dll from the PsychContributed folder into your C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ \n'); fprintf('INFO: folder or - on a 64-Bit Windows setup into the C:\\WINDOWS\\SysWOW64\\ - \n'); end fprintf('INFO: folder or a similarly appropriate place. You can get a fresher copy of libusb-1.0.dll from \n'); fprintf('INFO: if you want to stay up to date.\n'); fprintf('INFO: Retrying now, may fail...\n'); % The old drill: cd into our PsychContributed folder which % contains required DLL's. Retry by self-invocation. If this was % the culprit, then the linker should load, link and init % PsychHID and we should succeed. Otherwise we fail again. wd = pwd; try if IsWin(1) % 64-Bit version of libusb.dll cd([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychContributed' filesep 'x64' filesep]); else % 32-Bit version of libusb.dll cd([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychContributed' filesep ]); end PsychHID('Version'); cd(wd); return; catch %#ok cd(wd); psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end end % Game over. psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end