function [secs, keyCode, deltaSecs] = KbStrokeWait(deviceNumber, varargin) % [secs, keyCode, deltaSecs] = KbStrokeWait([deviceNumber][, untilTime=inf][, more optional args for KbWait]); % % KbStrokeWait waits for a single keystroke of your subject, ie. it waits % until all keys on the keyboard are released, after that it waits for a % single keystroke - a single press of a key, followed by releasing the key % again. After the subject has finished its "keystroke" and released the key, % KbStrokeWait returns the keyboard state and timestamp of the key press. % % It also returns if the optional deadline 'untilTime' is reached. % % This is a convenience wrapper, doing the same thing as % KbWait(deviceNumber, 3, ...); so read "help KbWait" for details about % operation and returned values. % % You'll typically use this function to ask your subject for input of a % single character, or for confirmation of something (e.g., "Press any key % when you're ready for the next block of trials"). % % See also: KbPressWait, KbReleaseWait, KbWait, KbCheck, KbStrokeWait. % History: % 9.3.2008 Written. (MK) % Assign default device [] if none specified: if nargin < 1 deviceNumber = []; end % Just call KbWait in 'forWhat' mode 3, passing along all input args and % returning all output args: [secs, keyCode, deltaSecs] = KbWait(deviceNumber, 3, varargin{:}); return;