function KbQueueRelease(deviceIndex) % KbQueueRelease([deviceIndex]) % % Releases queue-associated resources; once called, KbQueueCreate % must be invoked before using any of the other routines % % This routine is called automatically at clean-up (e.g., when % 'clear mex' is invoked and can be omitted expense of keeping % memory allocated and an additional thread running unnecessarily %_________________________________________________________________________ % % See also: KbQueueCreate, KbQueueStart, KbQueueStop, KbQueueCheck, % KbQueueWait, KbQueueFlush, KbQueueRelease % 8/19/07 rpw Wrote it. % 8/23/07 rpw Modifications to add KbQueueFlush if nargin < 1 deviceIndex = []; end % Try to release keyboard queue for 'deviceIndex' from our exclusive use: if ~KbQueueReserve(3, 2, deviceIndex) return; end KbQueueReserve(2, 2, deviceIndex); if nargin == 0 PsychHID('KbQueueRelease'); elseif nargin > 0 PsychHID('KbQueueRelease', deviceIndex); end