function HideCursor(screenid, mouseid) % HideCursor([screenidOrWindow=0][, mouseid]) % % HideCursor hides the mouse cursor associated with 'screenidOrWindow'. % % 'screenidOrWindow' allows to specify the screen or onscreen window to which % the function should apply. % % By default, the cursor on screen zero on Linux/X11, and on all screens on % Windows and Mac OS/X is hidden. Although optional, it is strongly recommended % to provide this parameter for cross-platform compatibility across operating % systems. % % Note that this function may not have any effect if the cursor location is not % on top of an open onscreen window, as cursor visibility or shape may not be % under Psychtoolbox control while the cursor interacts with other applications % windows. It may also do nothing if you call the function while no onscreen % window is open at all. For this reason, you should place calls to HideCursor % after the calls to Screen('OpenWindow') or PsychImaging('OpenWindow'), not % before them. % % 'mouseid' defines which of multiple cursors shall be hidden on Linux/X11. The % parameter is silently ignored on other systems. % _________________________________________________________________________ % % See ShowCursor, SetMouse % 7/23/97 dgp Added wish. % 8/15/97 dgp Explain hide/show counter. % 3/27/99 dgp Mention Backgrounding. % 3/28/99 dgp Show how to turn off backgrounding. % 1/22/00 dgp Cosmetic. % 4/25/02 dgp Mention conflict with QuickDEX. % 4/14/03 awi ****** OS X-specific fork from the OS 9 version ******* % Added call to Screen('HideCursor'...) for OS X. % 7/12/04 awi Cosmetic and uses IsMac. % 11/16/04 awi Renamed "HideCursor" to "HideCursorHelper" if (nargin < 1) || isempty(screenid) screenid = 0; end if nargin < 2 mouseid = []; end Screen('HideCursorHelper', screenid, mouseid);