function ticks=GetTicks % ticks = GetTicks % % The number of system ticks since startup. One tick is 1/60.15 second. % % For more precise timing use GetSecs or WaitSecs. % % TIMING ADVICE: the first time you access any MEX function or M file, % Matlab takes several hundred milliseconds to load it from disk. % Allocating a variable takes time too. Usually you'll want to omit % those delays from your timing measurements by making sure all the % functions you use are loaded and that all the variables you use are % allocated, before you start timing. MEX files stay loaded until you % flush the MEX files (e.g. by changing directory or calling CLEAR % MEX). M files and variables stay in memory until you clear them. % % See also: WaitTicks, GetTicksTick, GetSecs, GetSecsTick, WaitSecs, GetChar, GetBusTicks, GetBusTicksTick. % 5/7/96 dgp Corrected the definition of a tick. % 1/29/97 dhb More comments. % 3/15/97 dgp Expanded comments. % 7/12/04 awi ****** OS X-specific fork from the OS 9 version ******* % Fixed function definition at top, it omitted return % argument. Added GetBusTicks, GetBusTicksTick and % GetTicksTick to see also. AssertMex('GetTicks.m');