function DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox % DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox % % THIS SCRIPT IS DEAD! Contact the PTB forum for help if you need old % copies of PTB, or better check on the PTB websites "Versions" section for % download instructions for old copies of Psychtoolbox prior to 3.0.10. % % History: % % 11/02/05 mk Created. % 11/25/05 mk Bug fix for 'targetdirectory' provided by David Fencsik. % 01/13/06 mk Added support for download of Windows OpenGL-PTB. % 03/10/06 dgp Expanded the help text, above, incorporating suggestions % from Daniel Shima. % 03/11/06 dgp Check OS. Remove old Psychtoolbox from path and from disk. % After downloading, add new Psychtoolbox to path. % 03/12/06 dgp Polished error message regarding missing svn. % 03/13/06 dgp Changed default targetdirectory from PWD to ~/Documents/. % 03/14/06 dgp Changed default targetdirectory to /Applications/, and % if not sufficiently privileged, then /Users/Shared/. % Check privilege to create folder. Check SAVEPATH. % 06/05/06 mk On Windows, we require the user to pass the full path to % the installation folder, because there is no well-defined % equivalent to the Mac OS X /Applications/ folder. Also, the order % of operations was changed to maximize the chance of getting a % working PTB installation despite minor failures of commands % like savepath, or fileattrib. We allow the user to decide % whether to delete her old Psychtoolbox folders or to % retain multiple copies of Psychtoolbox (e.g., beta and stable) % so each user can choose between Beta and Stable. % We no longer copy UpdatePsychtoolbox.m, since it's included in the % new Psychtoolbox folder % 06/06/06 dgp Cosmetic editing of comments, above. % 06/27/06 dgp Cosmetic editing of comments and messages. Check for spaces % in targetdirectory name. % 9/23/06 mk Add clear mex call to flush mex files before downloading. % 10/5/06 mk Add detection code for MacOS-X on Intel Macs. % 10/28/06 dhb Allow 'current' as a synonym for 'beta'. % 11/21/06 mk Allow alternate install location for svn client: Installer % will find the svn executable if its installation folder is % included in the Matlab path. % 02/17/07 mk Convert flavor spec to lower case in case it isn't. % 03/15/07 mk Detection code for Windows 64 bit added. % 07/18/07 mk Changed default for flavor from 'stable' to 'beta'. % 09/27/07 mk Add another fallback path: Download via https protocol to % maybe bypass proxy-servers. % 10/29/07 mk Small fix for Kerstin Preuschoffs bugreport: Download of old % versions didn't work anymore, becuase 'flavor' string was % lower-cased. % 11/17/07 mk Prioritized https:// checkout over http:// checkout --> More % likely to bypass proxy servers and succeed. % 12/25/07 mk Add check for white spaces in path to subversion client - Output warning, if so. % 12/25/07 mk Add optional 'downloadmethod' parameter, which allows to % select initial choie of download protocol to use, in order to allow to % bypass misconfigured proxies and firewalls. Problem reported % by Patrick Mineault. % 01/08/08 mk On OS/X, add an additional search path for 'svn': /usr/bin/ % as per suggestion of Donald Kalar. Presumably, Apples Leopard ships % with a svn client preinstalled in that location. % % 05/07/08 mk Add better handling of default values. Add 'targetRevision' % parameter as option, just as in UpdatePsychtoolbox.m % % 06/16/08 mk Change default initial download protcol from svn: to https:, % as Berlios seems to have disabled svnserve protocol :-( % % 10/01/08 mk Add interactive output/query for svn client on the Unices. % This to work-around questions of the client about accepting % security certificates... % 01/05/09 mk Remove && or || to make old Matlab versions happier. % 01/05/09 mk Remove && or || to make old Matlab versions happier. % 01/05/09 mk Change order of call arguments to make choice of default % 'beta' flavor more convenient and choice of 'stable' % inconvenient. Also add some additional warning text and % dialog to tell user how bad 'stable' is and to give him a % chance to reconsider. % 03/22/09 mk Update help text again. Rename 'stable' into 'unsupported'. % 05/31/09 mk Add support for Octave-3. % 10/05/09 mk Strip trailing fileseperator from targetDirectory, as % suggested by Erik Flister to avoid trouble with new svn % clients. % 12/27/10 mk Redirect 'beta' downloads on Matlab versions < 6.5 to the % special "Psychtoolbox-3.0.8-PreMatlab6.5" compatibility % version - The last one to support pre 6.5 Matlab's. % % 10/31/11 mk Change location of SVN repository to % % our new home, now that Berlios is shutting down. % % 05/30/12 mk Fix disasterous bug: Answering anything but 'y' to the % question if old PTB folder should be deleted, caused % *deletion* of the folder! Oh dear! This bug present since % late 2011. % 11/16/16 mk Killed it. clc; help DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox; return;