% Psychtoolbox. % Version 3.0.19 17 February 2023 % % The Psychophysics Toolbox is a collection of Octave and Matlab functions % that extend the language to give you exquisite control of your computer % to test observers with research-grade dynamic stimuli. Parts of it are % also used as critical parts of Python toolkits like PsychoPy. % % Every Psychtoolbox function has its own documentation available through % the Matlab HELP command, and, in the case of MEX files, through the % function itself. We've tried hard to make these individual bits of % documentation clear, accurate, and complete. We're grateful to receive % corrections. % % We've mostly followed Mathworks's help-text conventions, but note that in % our help text we designate optional arguments to function calls by % embracing them with square brackets. You're not meant to include these % brackets when you actually call the function. For example, "help Snd" % will tell you this: % % err = Snd(command,[sig],[rate]) % % meaning that the "command" argument is required and the "sig" and "rate" % arguments are optional. A typical call to Snd looks like this: % % Snd('Play', mysoundsignal) % % The most important and generally useful functions, especially Screen, are % in PsychBasic. The PsychDemos will show you how to do useful things in % Matlab with the Psychtoolbox. Try these: % % help PsychDemos % help PsychBasic % help Screen % Screen OpenWindow? % % The folder PsychDocumentation contains bits of documentation about % technical implementation details, how to solve specific tasks and how to % troubleshoot common problems. % % To read more, look at the "intro" and "docs" pages at the web site. The % web site also has advice about getting help, the Psychtoolbox forum, and % the latest information about bugs and new releases: % % http://psychtoolbox.org/ % % Peter Scarfe has written a large set of nice and beginner friendly % Psychtoolbox tutorial scripts. % % You can find them at http://peterscarfe.com/ptbtutorials.html % % If you want to acknowledge use of this software when you publish your % research, you might say something like this, "We wrote our experiments in % Matlab, using the Psychophysics Toolbox extensions (Kleiner et al, 2007)" % % Kleiner M, Brainard D, Pelli D, 2007, "What's new in Psychtoolbox-3?" % Perception 36 ECVP Abstract Supplement. % % % % Folders and their contents: % % PsychAlpha - Under development. Experimental, risky, undocumented. % PsychAlphaBlending - OpenGL alpha-channel blending utilities and constants. % PsychBasic - Basic support routines for psychophysics. % PsychCal - Calibrate your video monitors. % PsychCalDemoData - Demo calibration data. % PsychColorimetric - Colorimetric calculations. % PsychColorimetricData - Standard colorimetric data. % PsychContributed - Contributed programs. % PsychDemos - Show how to use the Psychtoolbox. % PsychDocumentation - Documentation about specific topics. % PsychFiles - Process text files. % PsychGamma - Fit monitor gamma functions. % PsychGLImageProcessing - Built-in image processing via graphics hardware. % PsychGPGPU - General purpose accelerated computing on GPUs. % PsychHardware - Interface to plug-in hardware. % PsychInitialize - Initialize and deinitialize MATLAB % PsychMatlabTests - Document the few bugs in Matlab 5.2.1. % PsychObsolete - Obsolete routines, still present for compatibility. % PsychOpenGL - Routines for low-level access to OpenGL 3D graphics. % Psychometric - Psychometric function fitting. % PsychOneliners - Trivial, but handy, functions. % PsychOptics - Optics calculations, mostly for human optics. % PsychPriority - Priority and Rush. (formerly within PsychBasic) % PsychProbability - Probability and statistics. % PsychRadiometric - Radiometric/photometric calculations and conversions. % PsychRects - Manipulate rectangles for drawing. % PsychSignal - Signal processing and math routines. % PsychSound - Sound input and output routines. % PsychStairCase - Adaptive staircase procedure. % PsychTests - Evaluate performance of software and hardware. % PsychVideoCapture - Functions for realtime video capture. % Quest - Threshold estimation procedure. % % % IMPORTANT NEWS: % % You can now financially contribute to Psychtoolbox sustainability, upkeep % and continued improvement by buying a "Psychtoolbox Support Membership", which % also includes some paid support for questions regarding its use, or issues % you may have with it. We also offer paid feature development and other % useful commercial services. % % Please type 'PsychPaidSupportAndServices' to learn more. % % The OS 9 version was this: % PsychBasic - Basic support routines for psychophysics. % PsychBeta - Under development. May be useful but no promises. % PsychCal - Calibrate your video monitors. % PsychCalDemoData - Demo calibration data. % PsychClipboard - Extend interface between Matlab and clipboard. % PsychColorimetric - Colorimetric calculations. % PsychColorimetricData - Standard colorimetric data. % PsychContributed - Contributed programs, not supported by us. % PsychDemos - Show how to use the Psychtoolbox. % PsychFiles - Process text files. % PsychGamma - Fit monitor gamma functions. % PsychHardware - Interface to optional hardware. % PsychMatlabTests - Document the few bugs in Matlab 5.2.1. % PsychObsolete - Obsolete routines, still present for compatibility. % Psychometric - Psychometric function fitting. % PsychOneliners - Trivial, but handy, functions. % PsychOptics - Optics calculations, mostly for human optics. % PsychProbability - Probability and statistics. % PsychQuest - Threshold estimation procedure. % PsychRects - Manipulate rectangles for drawing. % PsychSignal - Signal processing and math routines. % PsychTests - Evaluate performance of software and hardware.