* @copyright 2007-2022 PrestaShop SA * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA * PrestaShop Webservice Library * @package PrestaShopWebservice */ /** * @package PrestaShopWebservice */ class PrestaShopWebservice { /** @var string Shop URL */ protected $url; /** @var string Authentication key */ protected $key; /** @var boolean is debug activated */ protected $debug; /** @var string PS version */ protected $version; /** @var string Minimal version of PrestaShop to use with this library */ const psCompatibleVersionsMin = ''; /** @var string Maximal version of PrestaShop to use with this library */ const psCompatibleVersionsMax = '8.1.4'; /** * PrestaShopWebservice constructor. Throw an exception when CURL is not installed/activated * * getMessage(); * } * ?> * * * @param string $url Root URL for the shop * @param string $key Authentication key * @param mixed $debug Debug mode Activated (true) or deactivated (false) * * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException if curl is not loaded */ function __construct($url, $key, $debug = true) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException( 'Please activate the PHP extension \'curl\' to allow use of PrestaShop webservice library' ); } $this->url = $url; $this->key = $key; $this->debug = $debug; $this->version = 'unknown'; } /** * Take the status code and throw an exception if the server didn't return 200 or 201 code *

Unique parameter must take :

* 'status_code' => Status code of an HTTP return
* 'response' => CURL response *

* * @param array $request Response elements of CURL request * * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException if HTTP status code is not 200 or 201 */ protected function checkStatusCode($request) { switch ($request['status_code']) { case 200: case 201: break; case 204: $error_message = 'No content'; break; case 400: $error_message = 'Bad Request'; break; case 401: $error_message = 'Unauthorized'; break; case 404: $error_message = 'Not Found'; break; case 405: $error_message = 'Method Not Allowed'; break; case 500: $error_message = 'Internal Server Error'; break; default: throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException( 'This call to PrestaShop Web Services returned an unexpected HTTP status of:' . $request['status_code'] ); } if (!empty($error_message)) { $response = $this->parseXML($request['response']); $errors = $response->children()->children(); if ($errors && count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $error_message.= ' - (Code ' . $error->code . '): ' . $error->message; } } $error_label = 'This call to PrestaShop Web Services failed and returned an HTTP status of %d. That means: %s.'; throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException(sprintf($error_label, $request['status_code'], $error_message)); } } /** * Provides default parameters for the curl connection(s) * @return array Default parameters for curl connection(s) */ protected function getCurlDefaultParams() { $defaultParams = array( CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT => true, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->key . ':', CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Expect:'), //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, // reminder, in dev environment sometimes self-signed certificates are used //CURLOPT_CAINFO => "PATH2CAINFO", // ssl certificate chain checking //CURLOPT_CAPATH => "PATH2CAPATH", ); return $defaultParams; } /** * Handles a CURL request to PrestaShop Webservice. Can throw exception. * * @param string $url Resource name * @param mixed $curl_params CURL parameters (sent to curl_set_opt) * * @return array status_code, response, header * * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ protected function executeRequest($url, $curl_params = array()) { $defaultParams = $this->getCurlDefaultParams(); $session = curl_init($url); $curl_options = array(); foreach ($defaultParams as $defkey => $defval) { if (isset($curl_params[$defkey])) { $curl_options[$defkey] = $curl_params[$defkey]; } else { $curl_options[$defkey] = $defaultParams[$defkey]; } } foreach ($curl_params as $defkey => $defval) { if (!isset($curl_options[$defkey])) { $curl_options[$defkey] = $curl_params[$defkey]; } } curl_setopt_array($session, $curl_options); $response = curl_exec($session); $index = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); if ($index === false && $curl_params[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] != 'HEAD') { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad HTTP response ' . $response . curl_error($session)); } $header = substr($response, 0, $index); $body = substr($response, $index + 4); $headerArrayTmp = explode("\n", $header); $headerArray = array(); foreach ($headerArrayTmp as &$headerItem) { $tmp = explode(':', $headerItem); $tmp = array_map('trim', $tmp); if (count($tmp) == 2) { $headerArray[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } } if (array_key_exists('PSWS-Version', $headerArray)) { $this->version = $headerArray['PSWS-Version']; if ( version_compare(PrestaShopWebservice::psCompatibleVersionsMin, $headerArray['PSWS-Version']) == 1 || version_compare(PrestaShopWebservice::psCompatibleVersionsMax, $headerArray['PSWS-Version']) == -1 ) { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException( 'This library is not compatible with this version of PrestaShop. Please upgrade/downgrade this library' ); } } if ($this->debug) { $this->printDebug('HTTP REQUEST HEADER', curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT)); $this->printDebug('HTTP RESPONSE HEADER', $header); } $status_code = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($status_code === 0) { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('CURL Error: ' . curl_error($session)); } curl_close($session); if ($this->debug) { if ($curl_params[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] == 'PUT' || $curl_params[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] == 'POST') { $this->printDebug('XML SENT', urldecode($curl_params[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS])); } if ($curl_params[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] != 'DELETE' && $curl_params[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] != 'HEAD') { $this->printDebug('RETURN HTTP BODY', $body); } } return array('status_code' => $status_code, 'response' => $body, 'header' => $header); } public function printDebug($title, $content) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { echo $title . PHP_EOL . $content; } else { echo '
' . $title . '
                . htmlentities($content)
                . '
'; } } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } /** * Load XML from string. Can throw exception * * @param string $response String from a CURL response * * @return SimpleXMLElement status_code, response * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ protected function parseXML($response) { if ($response != '') { libxml_clear_errors(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = simplexml_load_string(trim($response), 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); if (libxml_get_errors()) { $msg = var_export(libxml_get_errors(), true); libxml_clear_errors(); throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('HTTP XML response is not parsable: ' . $msg); } return $xml; } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('HTTP response is empty'); } } /** * Add (POST) a resource *

Unique parameter must take :

* 'resource' => Resource name
* 'postXml' => Full XML string to add resource

* Examples are given in the tutorial

* * @param array $options * * @return SimpleXMLElement status_code, response * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ public function add($options) { $xml = ''; if (isset($options['resource'], $options['postXml']) || isset($options['url'], $options['postXml'])) { $url = (isset($options['resource']) ? $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource'] : $options['url']); $xml = $options['postXml']; if (isset($options['id_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_shop=' . $options['id_shop']; } if (isset($options['id_group_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_group_shop=' . $options['id_group_shop']; } } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad parameters given'); } $request = $this->executeRequest($url, array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $xml)); $this->checkStatusCode($request); return $this->parseXML($request['response']); } /** * Retrieve (GET) a resource *

Unique parameter must take :

* 'url' => Full URL for a GET request of Webservice (ex: https://mystore.com/api/customers/1/)
* OR
* 'resource' => Resource name,
* 'id' => ID of a resource you want to get


* * get(array('resource' => 'orders', 'id' => 1)); * // Here in $xml, a SimpleXMLElement object you can parse * foreach ($xml->children()->children() as $attName => $attValue) * echo $attName.' = '.$attValue.'
'; * } * catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) * { * echo 'Error : '.$ex->getMessage(); * } * ?> *
* * @param array $options Array representing resource to get. * * @return SimpleXMLElement status_code, response * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ public function get($options) { if (isset($options['url'])) { $url = $options['url']; } elseif (isset($options['resource'])) { $url = $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource']; $url_params = array(); if (isset($options['id'])) { $url .= '/' . $options['id']; } $params = array('filter', 'display', 'sort', 'limit', 'id_shop', 'id_group_shop', 'schema', 'language', 'date', 'price'); foreach ($params as $p) { foreach ($options as $k => $o) { if (strpos($k, $p) !== false) { $url_params[$k] = $options[$k]; } } } if (count($url_params) > 0) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($url_params); } } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad parameters given'); } $request = $this->executeRequest($url, array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET')); $this->checkStatusCode($request);// check the response validity return $this->parseXML($request['response']); } /** * Head method (HEAD) a resource * * @param array $options Array representing resource for head request. * * @return SimpleXMLElement status_code, response * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ public function head($options) { if (isset($options['url'])) { $url = $options['url']; } elseif (isset($options['resource'])) { $url = $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource']; $url_params = array(); if (isset($options['id'])) { $url .= '/' . $options['id']; } $params = array('filter', 'display', 'sort', 'limit'); foreach ($params as $p) { foreach ($options as $k => $o) { if (strpos($k, $p) !== false) { $url_params[$k] = $options[$k]; } } } if (count($url_params) > 0) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($url_params); } } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad parameters given'); } $request = $this->executeRequest($url, array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'HEAD', CURLOPT_NOBODY => true)); $this->checkStatusCode($request);// check the response validity return $request['header']; } /** * Edit (PUT) a resource *

Unique parameter must take :

* 'resource' => Resource name ,
* 'id' => ID of a resource you want to edit,
* 'putXml' => Modified XML string of a resource

* Examples are given in the tutorial

* * @param array $options Array representing resource to edit. * * @return SimpleXMLElement * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ public function edit($options) { $xml = ''; if (isset($options['url'])) { $url = $options['url']; } elseif ((isset($options['resource'], $options['id']) || isset($options['url'])) && $options['putXml']) { $url = (isset($options['url']) ? $options['url'] : $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource'] . '/' . $options['id']); $xml = $options['putXml']; if (isset($options['id_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_shop=' . $options['id_shop']; } if (isset($options['id_group_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_group_shop=' . $options['id_group_shop']; } } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad parameters given'); } $request = $this->executeRequest($url, array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'PUT', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $xml)); $this->checkStatusCode($request);// check the response validity return $this->parseXML($request['response']); } /** * Delete (DELETE) a resource. * Unique parameter must take :

* 'resource' => Resource name
* 'id' => ID or array which contains IDs of a resource(s) you want to delete

* * delete(array('resource' => 'orders', 'id' => 1)); * // Following code will not be executed if an exception is thrown. * echo 'Successfully deleted.'; * } * catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) * { * echo 'Error : '.$ex->getMessage(); * } * ?> * * * @param array $options Array representing resource to delete. * * @return bool * @throws PrestaShopWebserviceException */ public function delete($options) { if (isset($options['url'])) { $url = $options['url']; } elseif (isset($options['resource']) && isset($options['id'])) { $url = (is_array($options['id'])) ? $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource'] . '/?id=[' . implode(',', $options['id']) . ']' : $this->url . '/api/' . $options['resource'] . '/' . $options['id']; } else { throw new PrestaShopWebserviceException('Bad parameters given'); } if (isset($options['id_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_shop=' . $options['id_shop']; } if (isset($options['id_group_shop'])) { $url .= '&id_group_shop=' . $options['id_group_shop']; } $request = $this->executeRequest($url, array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'DELETE')); $this->checkStatusCode($request);// check the response validity return true; } } /** * @package PrestaShopWebservice */ class PrestaShopWebserviceException extends Exception { }