# 6.0.0 - Increased deployment target for iOS to 9.0 and for osx to 10.13 (#379, #380) - Added support for observing ancsAuthorized property on peripheral. (#370) - Added Bluetooth usage description to Info.plist in Example project (#369) - Added initial state improvement & a minor fix for BluetoothState methods. (#371) - Fixed problems with SPM support (#358, #368) - Updated RxSwift version to 5.1 (#376) - Updated project configurations to decrease build time on TravisCI (#376) - Updated scripts to fixed problems with generating mocks (#378) # 5.3.0 - Always connect to retrieved peripherals first (#337) - Addded a customisation point for injecting a logger (#341) - Fixed L2CAP API to support OSX 10.14 (#345) # 5.2.1 - Updated RxSwift to version 5.0 (#335) # 5.2.0 - Added support for Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5 (#321) - Fixed "API MISUSE" after canceling notification state when bluetooth is powered off (#319) - Fixed problems when `discoverServices` doesn't emit any result (#309) # 5.1.4 - Updated RxSwift library to version 4.3 - fix API MISUSE when calling stop scan on dispose (#283) - add option to disable checking of canSendWriteWithoutReponse while writing (#282) # 5.1.3 - Changed back deployment target from 10.0 to 8.0. (#275) # 5.1.2 - Updated RxSwift to 4.2 with support for XCode 9.4 (#268) # 5.1.1 - Fixed `PeripheralManager` not public (#264) # 5.1.0 - Added support for `CBPeripheralManager`. Read `PeripheralManager` documentation for more info (#166) - Deprecated `RestoredState` and `CentralManager.init(queue:options:onWillRestoreCentralManagerState:)`. From now on please use corresponding `CentralManagerRestoredState` and `CentralManager.init(queue:options:onWillRestoreCentralManagerState:)` # 5.0.2 - Changed error name from `BluetoothError.peripheralIsConnectingOrAlreadyConnected` to `BluetoothError.peripheralIsAlreadyObservingConnection` - old error has been deprecated (#245) - To each method, that returns observable, added documentation with a list of errors that this observable can return (#225) - Rewritten example app that is now using RxBluetoothKit 5.x (#240, #220) - Added available annotation for `canSendWriteWithoutResponse` property (#253) # 5.0.1 - Added method to observe notyfing state change for the characteristic (#229) - Aligned the API for `establishConnection` with the rest of the implementation - Made restore state api public (#224) - Enabled getting an `Observable` from already connected peripheral provided by the system (#238) - Fixed writting without response on older systems (#241) - Added queues for discovery requests (fixed #235) - Added support for XCode 9.3 and swift 4.1 # 5.0 - Changed `BluetoothManager` to `CentralManager` - Reimplemented connection and notification API's - Added watchOS and tvOS targets - Added support for L2CAP - Rewritten unit tests # 4.0.2 - Allow projects that depend on RxBluetoothKit to update RxSwift to 4.1.0 and newer. # 4.0.1 - Add missing logs for CBPeripheral and CBCentralManager classes. - Fixed implementation of scanning subscription queue. # 4.0 - App updated to newest iOS & macOS SDK - Swift 4 adoption - Possible memory leaks removed # 3.1.2 - Fix building on macOS with the newest SDK # 3.1.1 - `listenedOnRestoredState` should not be missing events from delegate now in case of race condition - Fixed build issue caused by swiftlint # 3.1 - Access from library objects to `CBCentralManager` and `Peripheral` instances is now public - Fixed a bug regarding doing unnecessary operations when peripheral was disconnected # 3.0.14 - Fixed building on Xcode 9 Beta 2 # 3.0.13 - Small changes to printing optionals, due to Swift warnings # 3.0.12 - Added option to enable logging of CoreBluetooth delegate values used internally by RxBluetoothKit - Make objectId fields public for Service, Characteristic and Descriptor classes. # 3.0.11 - Updated podspec file to proper version. # 3.0.10 - Added objectId property to missing `Service`, `Characteristic` and `Descriptor` objetcs. # 3.0.9 - Added objectId property to `Peripheral` object needed by react-native library. Should not be necessary in 4.x version of the library. # 3.0.8 - Support for multiple services/characteristics under the same UUID # 3.0.7 - Updated RxSwift dependency version to 3.2.0 - Some small code cleanups # 3.0.6 - Fixed SwiftLint & Xcode warnings - Updated swift-version in `jazzy.yml` file to allow cocoadocs parsing # 3.0.5 - Fixed bug when `options` dictionary was not being passed to `BluetoothManager` when initializing it - Updated README.md to use `Observable.from` in correct way # 3.0.4 - Updated RxSwift dependency version to 3.0.0 - Updated Nimble dependency version to 5.1 # 3.0.3 - Updated RxSwift dependency version to 3.0.0-rc.1 # 3.0.2 - Updated RxSwift dependency version to 3.0.0-beta.2 # 3.0.1 - Fixed support for Cocoapods # 3.0.0 - Implemented compatibility for Swift 3.0. This includes adoption of Swift Design Guidelines and new Value Types in Cocoa. - Implemented function `maximumWriteValueLength` on `Peripheral` instance that is available from OSX 10.12 and iOS 9.0 - Couple of minor code cleanups in order to make source more concise and easier to read # 2.0.0 - Implemented compatibility for Swift 2.3. This version is supposed to work with Xcode 7.3 and Xcode 8. - Introduced `BluetoothState` which is same as `CBCentralManagerState` and `CBManagerState` and help us achieve compatibility with 8.0 and 10.0 CoreBluetooth SDKs. - Removed deprecated methods from earlier versions - `monitorState` and `monitorStateChange` from `BluetoothManager` - Removed method `rx_state` on `Peripheral` instance. It didn't work well and you should use `rx_isConnected` instead. - Removed method `monitorPeripheralDisconnection`. You should use `rx_isConnected` instead # 1.2.4 - Removed `platform` specifier from podpspec # 1.2.3 - Bubbling of errors added to `monitorPeripheralDisconnection` method # 1.2.2 - Fixed memory leak, that was visible while calling scan - Fixed behavior of discoverServices method. - Added monitoring of disconnection on Peripheral example to the Example app # 1.2.1 - `listenOnRestoredState` method made public # 1.2.0 - Added support for Core Bluetooth state restoration # 1.1.1 - Fixed a bug regarding `rx_state` behavior # 1.1.0 - New API in `BluetoothManager`: `rx_state` to monitor `CBCentralManager` state changes - New API in `Peripheral`: `rx_state` to monitor `CBPeripheral` state change and `rx_isConntected` to monitor connection state changes - `monitorState()` and `monitorStateChange()` marked as deprecated - Added dependency for RxCocoa # 1.0.1 - Fixed issues related to scan sharing # 1.0.0 - Added OSX support. Official 1.0 release # 0.4.1 - Fixed possible race condition in `setNotifyAndMonitor` function # 0.4.0 - Documentation updated - Use cases added to example app - Added convenience methods to peripheral - Added protocols that are giving user access to convenience API. # 0.3.7 - Improved APIs of `Characteristic` and `Service` # 0.3.5-0.3.6 - Added convenience methods to `Peripheral`. Check more about it in README. # 0.3.4 - Deleted jazzy.yaml in order to make cocoadocs work # 0.3.3 - Initial release