# Perfect Zip [简体中文](README.md)

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Perfect Zip utility This Perfect module wraps the minizip C library and provides simple zip and unzip functionality. ## Including in your project Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file. ``` swift .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-Zip.git", majorVersion: 3) ``` ## Running The following will zip the specified directory: ``` swift import PerfectZip let zippy = Zip() let thisZipFile = "/path/to/ZipFile.zip" let sourceDir = "/path/to/files/" let ZipResult = zippy.zipFiles( paths: [sourceDir], zipFilePath: thisZipFile, overwrite: true, password: "" ) print("ZipResult Result: \(ZipResult.description)") ``` To unzip a file: ``` swift import PerfectZip let zippy = Zip() let sourceDir = "/path/to/files/" let thisZipFile = "/path/to/ZipFile.zip" let UnZipResult = zippy.unzipFile( source: thisZipFile, destination: sourceDir, overwrite: true ) print("Unzip Result: \(UnZipResult.description)") ``` ## Further Information For more information on the Perfect project, please visit [perfect.org](http://perfect.org).