/** * peergaming.js - v0.5.0 | 2013-09-08 * http://peergaming.net * Copyright (c) 2013, Stefan Dühring * MIT License */ ;(function ( name, context, definition ) { if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' ) { module.exports = definition( context ); } else if ( typeof define !== 'undefined' ) { define( name, function(){ return definition( context ); }); } else { context[name] = definition( context ); } })( 'pg', this, function ( context, undefined ) { /** * Constants * ========= * * Internal references for faster access. */ /** global **/ var win = window, doc = document, nav = win.navigator, // loc = win.location, moz = nav.mozGetUserMedia ? parseFloat( nav.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/([0-9]+)\./).pop() ) : false, chrome = win.chrome ? parseFloat( nav.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./).pop() ) : false, SESSION = win.sessionStorage, LOCAL = win.localStorage; /** native **/ var getKeys = Object.keys; /** internal **/ var ROOM = '', // current room QUEUE = [], // list to store async function calls CONNECTIONS = {}, // datachannel for each peer MEDIAS = {}, // mediastreams for each peer SOCKET = null, // client-server transport MANAGER = null, // delegation methods INGAME = false, // information about the current state SERVERLESS = null, // optional callback for manual handling BACKUP = {}; // store player data for reconnection /** references - local shortcuts **/ var VERSION = null, // pg.VERSION INFO = {}, // pg.info WATCH = null, // pg.watch PLAYER = {}, // pg.player PEERS = {}, // pg.peers DATA = [], // pg.data SYNC = null; // pg.sync /** * Adapter * ======= * * Normalize different browser behavior - using prefixes and workarounds. * * Based on Adapter.js - r4281 * (https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/source/browse/trunk/samples/js/base/adapter.js) */ /** Performance **/ if ( !win.performance ) { win.performance = { now: Date().now() }; } else if ( !win.performance.now ) { win.performance.now = win.performance.webkitNow; } /** requestAnimationFrame **/ if ( !win.requestAnimationFrame ) { var vendors = [ 'webkit', 'moz' ]; for ( var i = 0, l = vendors.length; i < l && !win.requestAnimationFrame; i++ ) { win.requestAnimationFrame = win[ vendors[i] + 'RequestAnimationFrame' ]; win.cancelAnimationFrame = win[ vendors[i] + 'CancelAnimationFrame' ] || win[ vendors[i] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame' ]; } } /** visibility **/ var visibilityChange; if ( !( 'hidden' in doc ) ) { var vendors = [ 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o' ]; if ( doc.state ) vendors.length = 0; for ( var i = 0, l = vendors.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( (vendors[i]+'Hidden') in doc ) { doc.state = doc[ vendors[i] + 'VisibilityState' ]; doc.hidden = doc[ vendors[i] + 'Hidden' ]; visibilityChange = vendors[i] + 'visibilitychange' ; } } if ( !visibilityChange ) visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange'; // var evtname = visProp.replace(/[H|h]idden/,'') + 'visibilitychange'; // document.addEventListener(evtname, visChange); } /** Blob & ObjectURL **/ if ( !win.URL ) { win.URL = win.webkitURL || win.msURL || win.oURL; } if ( !win.Blob && !win.BlobBuilder ) { win.BlobBuilder = win.BlobBuilder || win.WebKitBlobBuilder || win.MozBlobBuilder || win.MSBlobBuilder || win.OBlobBuilder; } /** setImmediate **/ if ( !win.setImmediate ) { win.setImmediate = (function () { var callbacks = []; win.addEventListener( 'message', handle, true ); function handle ( e ) { if ( e.data === 'setImmediate' ) callbacks.shift()(); } return function ( fn ) { if ( typeof fn !== 'function' ) throw Error('Invalid Argument'); callbacks.push( fn ); win.postMessage( 'setImmediate', win.location.href ); }; })(); } /** MediaStream **/ if ( !nav.getUserMedia ) { nav.getUserMedia = ( nav.mozGetUserMedia || nav.webkitGetUserMedia || nav.msGetUserMedia ).bind(nav); } if ( !win.AudioContext ) { win.AudioContext = win.webkitAudioContext; } /** PeerConnection **/ if ( typeof win.RTCPeerConnection !== 'function' ) { win.RTCPeerConnection = win.mozRTCPeerConnection || win.webkitRTCPeerConnection; } /** Modify the configurations to adjust the different address formats **/ win.RTCPeerConnection = (function(){ var vendorConnection = win.RTCPeerConnection; // innerReference ? var Chrome = chrome, Firefox = moz; return function adjustServer ( addresses, constraints ) { var iceServers = addresses.iceServers, current, server, url, type; for ( var i = 0, l = iceServers.length; i < l; i++ ) { current = iceServers[i]; server = null; url = current.url; type = url.split(':')[0]; if ( type === 'stun' ) server = { url: url }; if ( type === 'turn' ) server = parseTURN( url, current.username, current.credential ) || {}; if ( !server.url ) throw new Error('Invalid server address!', current, server ); iceServers[i] = server; } return new vendorConnection( addresses, constraints ); }; /** Select the appropriate TURN version **/ function parseTURN ( url, username, credential ) { if ( Firefox ) { if ( url.indexOf('transport=udp') !== -1 || url.indexOf('?transport') === -1 ) { return { url: url.split('?')[0], credential: credential, username: username }; } } if ( Chrome ) { if ( Chrome > 28 ) return { url: url, credential: credential, username: username }; return { url: 'turn:' + username + '@' + url.split('turn:')[1], credential: credential }; } } })(); /** Firefox **/ if ( typeof win.RTCSessionDescription !== 'function' ) { win.RTCSessionDescription = win.mozRTCSessionDescription; } if ( typeof win.RTCIceCandidate !== 'function' ) { win.RTCIceCandidate = win.mozRTCIceCandidate; } /** Provide placeholder audio/video tracks for consistency **/ if ( moz ) { // or mozMediaStream ? // return this.videoTracks MediaStream.prototype.getVideoTracks = function(){ return []; }; MediaStream.prototype.getAudioTracks = function(){ return []; }; } /** Chrome **/ if ( win.webkitRTCPeerConnection && !win.webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype.getLocalStreams ) { // New Syntax of getXXStreams in M26 win.webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype.getLocalStreams = function(){ return this.localStreams; }; win.webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype.getRemoteStreams = function(){ return this.remoteStreams; }; // Streaming tracks got changed in M26 if ( !win.webkitMediaStream.prototype.getVideoTracks ) { win.webkitMediaStream.prototype.getVideoTracks = function(){ return this.videoTracks; }; win.webkitMediaStream.prototype.getAudioTracks = function(){ return this.audioTracks; }; } } /** * Detect * ====== * * Checks if the required features or status is supported by the browser. */ var features = [ 'URL', 'Blob', 'crypto', 'RTCPeerConnection' ]; for ( var i = 0, l = features.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( !(features[i] in win) ) throw new Error( '[MISSING FEATURE] ' + features[i] ); } if ( !win.RTCPeerConnection ) return alert('Your browser doesn\'t support PeerConnections yet.'); /** * Returns the endianess of the system * * @return {Boolean} */ var littleEndian = (function(){ var arr32 = new Uint32Array(1), arr8 = new Uint8Array( arr32.buffer ); arr32[0] = 255; return !!arr8[0]; // 255 0 0 - litte || 0 0 255 - big })(); /** * Base * ==== * * Framework foundations. */ var reservedReference = context.pg, pg = Object.create( null ); /** * Information about the current version * * @type {Object} */ VERSION = { codeName : 'spicy-phoenix', full : '0.5.1', major : 0, minor : 5, dot : 1 }; /** * Restore and provide the last reference for the namespace "pg" * * @return {Object} */ function noConflict(){ context.pg = reservedReference; return this; } /** * Config * ====== * * Settings & default configurations for the network. */ /** * Internal configurations * * @type {Object} config */ var config = { /** * Settings for continue a former session * * @type {Object} reconnectConfig */ reconnectConfig: { restoreEnabled : false, // - disabled by default backupDuration : 30 * 60 * 1000 // 30 min - duration to keep the local information (from start) }, /** * Settings for synchronization * * @type {Object} synchronConfig */ synchronConfig: { naiveSync: false // if use naiveSync - faster but not reliable, as used for signaling // used with pg.on('sync', function ( key, value ) { }) }, /** * Handler attributes * * Changing the bandwith default, which is throttled to a speed limitation of 30kb/s. * Also defines defines a max byte size, as it will just send messages of 1280bytes. * * See: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/libjingle/source/ * talk/media/sctp/sctpdataengine.cc&l=52 * * * @type {Object} handlerConfig */ handlerConfig: { BANDWIDTH : 0x100000, // 1MB - increase DataChannel capacity MAX_BYTES : 1200, // 1kb - max data size before splitting CHUNK_SIZE : 800 // - size of the chunks }, /** * Settings for external transport channel * * @type {Object} socketConfig */ socketConfig: { server: 'ws://peergaming.net:61125' // peergaming-server address }, /** * PeerConnection specific settings * * @type {Object} peerConfig */ connectionConfig: { 'iceServers': [ // STUN server = address - e.g. Google { url : chrome ? 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' : 'stun:' }, // TURN server = relay - e.g. Numb (Viagenie) { url : 'turn:numb.viagenie.ca', username : 'demo@peergaming.net', credential : 'demo' } ] }, /** * Constraints for the PeerConnection & SDP packages * * @type {Object} connectionContrains */ connectionConstraints: { 'optional': [ { RtpDataChannels: true } // enable DataChannel // { DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true } // using SRTP (Chrome - Firefox) ] }, /** * DataChannel specific settings */ channelConfig: { reliable: true, // false // outOfOrderAllowed: true, // maxRetransmitNum : 0 }, /** * Constrains for MediaStreams * * @type {Object} mediaConstraints */ permissions: { audio: true // video: true }, mediaConstraints: { 'mandatory': { OfferToReceiveAudio : true, OfferToReceiveVideo : true }, 'optional': [] }, /** * Contstraints specific for video handling * * @type {Object} videoConstrains */ videoConstraints: { 'mandatory': { maxHeight : 320, // default dimension for android maxWidth : 240 }, 'optional': [ { minWidth: 640, minHeight: 480 }, { minWidth: 1280, minHeight: 720 } ] } }; /** * Reference to extend the internal configurations * * @param {Object} customConfig - * @return {Object} */ function setConfig ( customConfig ) { extend( config, customConfig ); return config; } /** * Providing a callback to handle credentials manually * * @param {Function} hook - */ setConfig.noServer = function ( hook ) { if ( typeof hook !== 'function' ) return; extend( config, { connectionConfig: { 'iceServers': [] } }); SERVERLESS = hook; }; /** * Enable local development, by using webstorage to exchange the credentials * */ setConfig.localDev = function ( num ) { // TODO: 0.6.0 -> useLocalDev(); if ( typeof num !== 'number' ) num = parseFloat( num ); if ( isNaN(num) ) num = 1; // the number defines how many split views should be open (reduced to keep them square) // // 1 -> normal, just this window (user will open another window by himself) // // 2 -> split into half, both got half width etc. and exchange // // if one closes or reloads -> the parent windows will be closes as well ! (so that a refresh can // happen right away !) }; /** * Misc * ==== * * A collection of common utilities / misc. */ /** * Improved typeof version * * @param {String|Number|Object} obj - */ function type ( obj ) { return Object.prototype.toString.call( obj ).slice( 8, -1 ); } /** * Extends the properties of an object * * @param {Object} target - */ function extend ( target ) { var source, key; for ( var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++ ) { source = arguments[i]; for ( key in source ) if ( source.hasOwnProperty(key) ) target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } /** * Setting reference for the prototype chain * (see: NodeJS - https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/util.js ) * * @param {Object} child - * @param {Object} parent - */ function inherits ( child, parent ) { child.prototype = Object.create( parent.prototype, { constructor: { value : child, enumerable : false, writable : true, configurable : true } }); } /** * Retrieve a simple token */ function getToken() { return Math.random().toString(36).substr( 2, 10 ); } /** * Misc * ==== * * More specific helpers. */ /** * Converts parameter into a querystring * * @param {Object} params - */ function createQuery ( params ) { if ( typeof params != 'object' ) return; var keys = getKeys( params ), query = []; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { query[i] = params[keys] + '/'; } return query.join(''); } /** * Executes functions on a queue with the provided arguments * * @param {Array} queue - * @param {} arguments */ function executeQueue ( list ) { var args = [], fn; args.push.apply( args, arguments ); args.shift(); // queue while ( list.length ) { fn = list.shift(); if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) fn.apply( fn, args ); } } /** * Gets an identifiying hash code from a string * (see: http://jsperf.com/hashing-a-string/3 || http://jsperf.com/hashing-strings/14 ) * * @param {String} str - */ // utils.getHash = function getHash ( str ) { // var hash = 0, // i = ( str && str.length ) ? str.length : 0; // while ( i-- ) hash = hash * 31 + str.charCodeAt(i); // return hash; // }; /** * Converts a string into an arraybuffer * (see: http://updates.html5rocks.com/2012/06/How-to-convert-ArrayBuffer-to-and-from-String ) * * @param {String} str - */ // utils.StringToBuffer = function StringToBuffer ( str ) { // var buffer = new ArrayBuffer( str.length * 2 ), // view = new Uint16Array( buffer ); // for ( var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++ ) { // view[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); // } // return buffer; // }; /** * Converts a buffer into a string * * @param {Array} buffer - */ // utils.BufferToString = function BufferToString ( buffer ) { // return String.fromCharCode.apply( null, new Uint16Array( buffer ) ) ; // }; /** * Local * ===== * * Helpers to shared messages to on the local system betweeen different window instances. * * - localStorage | storage-event * - shared web worker ( not available in all browsers) * - postMessage (restricted to own windows) * * - caveats: currently just in chrome, firefox doesn't support shared web workers yet * (therefore use the fallback with exchanging localStorage + event.listener) * * * // localStorage[''] = value // works, but can be that nativ method will be overwritten... * * - key, setItem, getItem, removeItem, length * * * - TODO: handle unload ?! * * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Gecko/DOM_Storage_implementation_notes?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=DOM%2FStorage%2FImplementation */ // event is fired on a change towards the local storage var localCheck = {}; win.addEventListener('storage', function ( e ) { var key = e.key; value = e.newValue, ref = localCheck[key]; try { value = JSON.parse( value ); } catch ( err ) { console.log(err); } if ( !Array.isArray(value) ) value = [ value ]; if ( typeof ref === 'function' ) ref.apply( ref, value ); }); // as the worker is just for sharing, sync betweeen tabs, the postmessage can be hardcoded ! // var defineBridge = function ( post, response ) { // if ( !win.SharedWorker ) return localFallback.apply( null, arguments ); // // self.onconnect = function(){ // // // // counting... // // } // // 'self.onmessage' + post.toString() // post = 'self.onmessage = function ( e ) { postMessage("Worker : " + e.data ); }'; // // .toString() // var url = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([ post ], { type: 'text/javascript' }) ); // var worker = new SharedWorker(url, 'shared' );//SharedWorker( url ); // worker.port.onmessage = response; // // worker.port.addEventListener('message', response || function ( e ) { console.log( e ); }); // worker.port.start(); // shared worker needs to be started // console.log(worker); // // worker.port.addEventListener('connect', function ( e ) { // // var clientPort = e.source; // // console.log(clientPort); // // clientPort.addEventListener('message', function ( e ) { // // var data = e.data; // // console.log('redirecet data ?', data ); // // // clientPort.postMessage('worked with data'); // // }); // // }); // worker.port.addEventListener('error', function ( e ) { // throw new Error( e.message + ' (' + e.filename + ':' + e.lineno + ')' ); // }); // // worker.port.postMessage('test'); // return { send: function ( params ) { worker.port.postMessage( params ); } }; // reference for posting input // }; // function localFallback ( post, response ) { // return { send: function(){ } }; // } // shared worker from inline script ? // else if not possible - fallback via localstorage eventhandling is the only option... // shared workers require that both system access the same url -> blobs are unique... // // url = getBlobForScript('shared_worker_script'); // log("shared url: " + url); // var sw = new SharedWorker(url, 'shared'); // sw.port.onmessage = function(event) { // log("Received: " + event.data); // } // function getBlobForScript(id) { // // var bb = new BlobBuilder(); // // bb.append(document.getElementById(id).innerText); // var blob = new Blob([document.getElementById(id).innerText ]) // return window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(blob); // } /** * Debug * ===== * * Debugging calls to help on local development. */ /** * Show a counted debug message * * @param {String} text - */ function debug ( text ) { if ( !PLAYER || !LOCAL.log ) LOCAL.log = 0; if ( text[text.length - 1] === '\n' ) { text = text.substring( 0, text.length - 1 ); } var num = ++localStorage.log, msg = '(' + num + ') - ' + ( (performance.now()) / 1000 ).toFixed(3) + ': ' + text; console.log( msg ); } /** * Resets "debug"-counter */ win.clearDebug = function() { delete LOCAL.log; }; /** * General logger to show error messages * * @param {Object} err - */ function loggerr ( err ) { console.warn('[ERROR] ', err ); console.warn( err.name + ': ' + err.message ); WATCH.emit('error', { name: err.name, msg: err.message }); } /** * Informs if the developer tools are enabled for debugging * (see: https://github.com/adamschwartz/chrome-inspector-detector ) * * @return {Boolean} */ function isDebugging(){ // firebug if ( moz ) return !!console.log; // chrome var existingProfiles = console.profiles.length; console.profile(); console.profileEnd(); if ( console.clear ) console.clear(); return console.profiles.length > existingProfiles; } /** * Synchron RPC calls for debugging/testing */ win.test = (function() { var calls = { sync: function ( key, value ) { pg.sync[key] = value; } }; localCheck['test'] = function ( cmd, key, value ) { if ( calls[cmd] ) calls[cmd]( key, value ); }; return function ( cmd, key, value ) { LOCAL['test'] = JSON.stringify([ cmd, key, value ]); if ( calls[cmd] ) calls[cmd]( key, value ); }; })(); /** * Reactor * ======= * * A reactive object which notifies its subscribers as properties get changed. * * Care: delete react[prop] -> removes the handler and no changes are watched, instead * set it to null/undefined/void 0 */ var reactList = [], // record of reactors SYNCDELAY = 100; // delay to check the difference of properties /** * Creates basic object and setup handler * * @return {Object} */ var getReactor = function() { var args = [], obj = Object.create( Object.prototype ); args.push.apply( args, arguments ); reactList.push({ reference: {}, callbacks: args }); checkProperties( reactList.length - 1, obj ); return obj; }; /** * Check properties to attach watcher * * @param {Number} id - * @param {Object} current - */ function checkProperties ( id, current ) { var last = reactList[id].reference, diff = getDifferences( last, current ), add = diff.add, remove = diff.remove, i, l; // add - watching | unwatch - remove if ( add.length || remove.length ) { for ( i = 0, l = add.length; i < l; i++ ) defineProperty( id, current, add[i] ); for ( i = 0, l = remove.length; i < l; i++ ) delete last[ remove[i] ]; } setTimeout( checkProperties, SYNCDELAY, id, current ); } /** * Determines the differences which properties got removed or added * * @param {Object} last - * @param {Object} current - * @return {Object} */ function getDifferences ( last, current ) { var lastKeys = getKeys( last ), currentKeys = getKeys( current ), add = [], remove = [], i, l; for ( i = 0, l = lastKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( current[ lastKeys[i] ] == void 0 ) remove.push( lastKeys[i] ); } for ( i = 0, l = currentKeys.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( last[ currentKeys[i] ] == void 0 ) add.push( currentKeys[i] ); } return { add: add, remove: remove }; } /** * Adds getter & setter to a property, which triggers a define callback * * @param {Number} id - * @param {Object} current - * @param {String} prop - */ function defineProperty ( id, current, prop ) { var getter = function() { return reactList[id].reference[ prop ]; }, setter = function ( value ) { // prevent redundancy: old = new if ( value === reactList[id].reference[ prop ] ) return; if ( typeof value === 'object' ) { if ( Array.isArray(value) ) { /** * Method cloaking inspured by @Watch.JS * (see: https://github.com/melanke/Watch.JS ) */ var methods = [ 'pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift' ]; for ( var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++ ) setMethod( value, methods[ i ] ); } else { value = extend( getReactor( function ( inner, value ) { var result = reactList[id].reference[ prop ]; result[inner] = value; return refer( result ); }), value ); } } refer( value ); function refer ( value ) { reactList[id].reference[ prop ] = value; var callbacks = reactList[id].callbacks, i, l; for ( i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++ ) { callbacks[i].apply( callbacks[i], [ prop, value ] ); } return value; } function setMethod( arr, fn ) { arr[ fn ] = function(){ Array.prototype[ fn ].apply( this, arguments ); return refer( arr ); }; } }; // initial call + set diff setter( current[prop] ); Object.defineProperty( current, prop, { enumerable : true, configurable: true, get : getter, set : setter }); } /** * Emitter * ======= * * A Mediator for handling messages via events. */ /** * Constructor to setup the container for the topics * * @return {Object} */ var Emitter = function() { this._events = {}; return this; }; /** * Register/Subscribe callbacks to topics * * @param {String} topics - * @param {Function} callback - * @param {Object} context - * @return {Object} */ Emitter.prototype.on = function ( topics, callback, context ) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) return; topics = topics.split(' '); var events = this._events, length = topics.length, topic; while ( length-- ) { topic = topics[ length ]; if ( !events[ topic ] ) events[ topic ] = []; events[ topic ].push([ callback, context ]); } return this; }; /** * Register for one time usage * * @param {String} topics - * @param {Function} callback - * @param {Object} context - * @return {Object} */ Emitter.prototype.once = function ( topics, callback, context ) { this.on( topics, function once() { this.off( topics, once ); callback.apply( this, arguments ); }.bind(this)); return this; }; /** * Triggers listeners and sends data to subscribes functions * * @param {String} topic - * @return {Object} */ Emitter.prototype.emit = function ( topic ) { var events = this._events, listeners = events[ topic ]; if ( listeners ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ), length = listeners.length; while ( length-- ) { listeners[length][0].apply( listeners[length][1], args || [] ); } } return this; }; /** * Unsubscribe callbacks from a topic * * @param {String} topic - topic of which listeners should be removed * @param {Function} callback - specific callback which should be removed * @return {Object} */ Emitter.prototype.off = function ( topic, callback ) { var events = this._events, listeners = events[ topic ]; if ( !listeners ) return; if ( !callback ) { events[ topic ].length = 0; } else { var length = listeners.length; while ( length-- ) { if ( listeners[ length ] === callback ) { listeners.splice( length, 1 ); break; } } } return this; }; /** * Stream * ====== * * Interface for handling streaming behavior. */ /** * Constructor to define configurations and setup buffer * * @param {Object} options - */ var Stream = function ( options ) { if ( !options ) options = {}; this.readable = options.readable; this.writable = options.writable; this.ready = true; this.writeBuffer = []; this.readBuffer = []; Emitter.call( this ); }; /** * Stream <- Emitter */ inherits( Stream, Emitter ); /** * Delegates the action for the data (chunk or message) * * @param {Object} e - */ Stream.prototype.handle = function handle ( e ) { var msg = e.data, data = JSON.parse( msg ), buffer = this.readBuffer; if ( data.part != void 0 ) { buffer.push( data.data ); this.emit( 'data', data, buffer.length ); if ( data.part > 0 ) return; msg = buffer.join(''); buffer.length = 0; } this.emit( 'end', msg ); }; /** * Send input through the stream * * @param {Object} msg - * @return {Boolean} */ Stream.prototype.write = function write ( msg ) { this.writeBuffer.push( msg ); // if ( this.ready ) { this.emit( 'write', this.writeBuffer.shift() ); // } else { // TODO: handle blocking simultaneous usage // } return this.ready; }; /** * Uses the output of one stream as the input for another * * @param {Object} trg - * @return {Object} */ Stream.prototype.pipe = function pipe ( trg ) { this.on( 'data', function ( chunk ) { trg.handle( chunk ); }); return trg; }; /** * Connection * ========== * * A wrapper for PeerConnection - including DataChannel setup. * * http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html */ /** * Constructor to setup up the basic information * * @param {String} local - * @param {String} remote - * @param {Boolean} initiator - * @param {Object} transport - */ var Connection = function ( local, remote, initiator, transport ) { this.info = { local: local, remote: remote, pending: true }; if ( initiator ) this.info.initiator = true; if ( transport ) this.info.transport = transport; // internal: remote tracking this._candidates = []; this._fragments = {}; // internal: local handling this._counter = 0; this._sendSDP = null; }; /** * Create connection and setup receiver */ Connection.prototype.init = function(){ this.conn = new RTCPeerConnection( config.connectionConfig, config.connectionConstraints ); this.checkStateChanges(); this.findICECandidates(); if ( this instanceof DataConnection ) { this.channels = {}; this.receiveDataChannels(); if ( this.info.initiator ) { this.createOffer(); } } }; /** * Setup for re-negotiation and statechange */ Connection.prototype.checkStateChanges = function(){ var conn = this.conn, length = getKeys( defaultHandlers ).length; conn.onnegotiationneeded = function ( e ) { if ( !--length ) this.createOffer(); }.bind(this); conn.onsignalingstatechange = function ( e ) { var signalingState = conn.signalingState; this.ready = ( signalingState === 'stable' ); if ( signalingState === 'closed' ) { console.log('[CLOSED]'); MANAGER.disconnect(this.info.remote); } }.bind(this); // TODO: minimize interuption , perhaps workaround - just on connecting ? conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = function ( e ) { var iceConnectionState = e.currentTarget.iceConnectionState; // console.log(iceConnectionState); if ( iceConnectionState === 'disconnected' ) { if ( this.info.pending ) { // interrupt this.closed = true; } else { // cleanup closed connection MANAGER.disconnect( this.info.remote ); } } }.bind(this); }; /** * Find and exchanges ICE candidates */ Connection.prototype.findICECandidates = function(){ var conn = this.conn, isRemote = !this.info.initiator, track = null; conn.onicecandidate = function ( e ) { var iceGatheringState = conn.iceGatheringState; if ( e.candidate ) { this._counter++; this.send( 'setIceCandidates', e.candidate ); } // some candidates got a 'complete state || FF => just 1x exchange with state "new" if ( (iceGatheringState === 'complete' && !e.candidate) || moz ) { if ( isRemote ) { // just consider the remote peer P2 if ( track == void 0 ) { track = this._counter/2; } else if ( --track > 0 ) return; } invokeExchange.call( this ); } }.bind(this); function invokeExchange(){ var num = this._counter; this._counter = 0; if ( typeof this._sendSDP == 'function' ) return this._sendSDP(num); this._sendSDP = num; // signal to be ready } }; /** * Create an offer (called for PeerConnectio & DataChannel) */ Connection.prototype.createOffer = function() { var conn = this.conn; // FF doesn't support re-negiotiation -> requires the setup before if ( this instanceof DataConnection && moz ) createDefaultChannels( this ); this._sendSDP = null; conn.createOffer( function ( offer ) { offer.sdp = adjustSDP( offer.sdp ); // start generating ICE candidates conn.setLocalDescription( offer, function(){ exchangeDescription.call( this, offer ); }.bind(this), loggerr ); // config.SDPConstraints }.bind(this), loggerr, config.mediaConstraints ); }; /** * Declare the amount of packages which are * * @param {[type]} msg [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ Connection.prototype.expectPackages = function ( msg ) { this._fragments[ msg.type ] = msg.size; }; /** * Set the ICE candidates - using an additional container internaly to keep the order * * @param {Object} data [description] */ Connection.prototype.setIceCandidates = function ( data, release ) { if ( this.closed ) throw new Error('Can\'t set ICE candidates!'); if ( !release ) return this._candidates.push( data ); var conn = this.conn, l = data.length; for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) conn.addIceCandidate( new RTCIceCandidate( data[i] ) ); data.length = 0; delete this._fragments.candidates; }; /** * Exchange settings and set the descriptions * * @param {Object} msg - */ Connection.prototype.setConfigurations = function ( msg ) { console.log( '[SDP] - ' + msg.type ); // description var conn = this.conn, desc = new RTCSessionDescription( msg ); if ( this.closed ) { msg = 'The underlying PeerConnection got closed too early...'; WATCH.emit('error', { msg: msg, line: 259 }); alert('Sorry, but an error occoured. Please revisit the site!'); throw new Error(msg); } // console.log( desc.sdp ); // waiting for expected packages if ( this._candidates.length < this._fragments.candidates ) { return setTimeout( this.setConfigurations.bind(this), 1000, msg ); } // Chrome -> FF: firefox doesn't trigger the description conn.setRemoteDescription( desc, function(){ if ( this._candidates.length ) this.setIceCandidates( this._candidates, true ); if ( msg.type === 'offer' ) { this._sendSDP = null; // FF -> Chrome: chrome doesn't create an answer conn.createAnswer( function ( answer ) { answer.sdp = adjustSDP( answer.sdp ); // complete, false conn.setLocalDescription( answer, function(){ exchangeDescription.call( this, answer ); }.bind(this), loggerr ); // config.SDPConstraints }.bind(this), loggerr, config.mediaConstraints ); } else { // receive answer if ( this instanceof DataConnection ) { if ( moz ) return; createDefaultChannels( this ); } else { console.log('[END] - TODO: MediaConnection cleanup + handlers'); // what now ? } } }.bind(this), !moz ? loggerr : function(){} ); // FF -> supress warning for missing re-negotiation }; /** * Closing DataChannels and PeerConnection * * @param {String} channel - */ Connection.prototype.close = function( channel ) { this.conn.close(); }; /** * Modifying the SDP parameter for interoperability and bandwidth * (see: RFC - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4566 ) * * @param {Object} sdp - */ function adjustSDP ( sdp ) { // crypto if ( sdp.indexOf('a=crypto') < 0 ) { var crypto = [], length = 4; while ( length-- ) crypto.push( getToken() ); sdp += 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:' + crypto.join('') + '\r\n'; } // bandwidth if ( sdp.indexOf('b=AS') >= 0 ) { sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS:([0-9]*)/, function ( match, text ) { return 'b=AS:' + config.handlerConfig.BANDWIDTH; }); } if ( sdp.indexOf('a=mid:data') >= 0 ) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:data\r\n/g, function ( match, text ) { return 'a=mid:data\r\nb=AS:' + config.handlerConfig.BANDWIDTH + '\r\n'; }); } return sdp; } /** * Sending the SDP package to your partner * * @param {[type]} description [description] */ function exchangeDescription ( desc ) { var ready = this._sendSDP; this._sendSDP = function ( num ) { // TODO: sometimes 3 x "offer" !? this.send( 'expectPackages', { type: 'candidates', size: num }); this.send( 'setConfigurations', desc ); }.bind(this); // trigger if gathering already happend (see P2 on re-negotioation != candidates) if ( ready != void 0 ) this._sendSDP( ready ); } /** * Handler * ======= * * A wrapper to enhance DataChannels and eases the work. */ /** * Constructor to define the basic information * * @param {String} channel - * @param {String} remote - */ var Handler = function ( channel, remote ) { var label = channel.label; this.info = { label: label, remote: remote }; this.channel = channel; this.stream = new Stream({ readable: true, writable: true }); this.actions = defaultHandlers[ label ] || defaultHandlers.custom; if ( typeof this.actions === 'function' ) this.actions = { end: this.actions }; channel.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; // binary channel.addEventListener( 'open', this.init.bind(this) ); }; /** * Wrap the custom events around the native listener * * @param {Object} e - */ Handler.prototype.init = function ( e ) { var channel = this.channel, actions = this.actions, stream = this.stream, connection = CONNECTIONS[ this.info.remote ], events = [ 'open', 'data', 'end', 'close', 'error' ]; for ( var i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i++ ) { // defined service (see label) stream.on( events[i], actions[ events[i] ], connection ); } stream.on( 'write', function send ( msg ) { // setTimeout( function(){ try { channel.send( msg ); } catch ( e ) { console.log('[FAILED]', e ); // setTimeout( send, 100, msg ); } // }, 100 ); }); channel.onmessage = stream.handle.bind( stream ); channel.onclose = function() { stream.emit( 'close' ); }; channel.onerror = function ( err ) { stream.emit( 'error', err ); }; stream.emit( 'open', e ); }; /** * Sends string based messages * * @param {Object} msg - */ Handler.prototype.send = function ( msg ) { var data = JSON.stringify( msg ), buffer = data; //stringToBuffer( data ); // if ( buffer.byteLength > config.handlerConfig.MAX_BYTES ) { buffer = ( buffer.length <= config.handlerConfig.MAX_BYTES ) ? [buffer] : createChunks( buffer ); for ( var i = 0, l = buffer.length; i < l; i++ ) { this.stream.write( buffer[i] ); } }; /** * Splits a buffer into smaller chunks * * @param {String} buffer - */ function createChunks ( buffer ) { var maxBytes = config.handlerConfig.MAX_BYTES, chunkSize = config.handlerConfig.CHUNK_SIZE, size = buffer.length, //byteLength, chunks = [], start = 0, end = chunkSize; while ( start < size ) { chunks.push( buffer.slice( start, end ) ); start = end; end = start + chunkSize; } var l = chunks.length, i = 0; while ( l-- ) { chunks[l] = JSON.stringify({ part: i++, data: chunks[l] }); } return chunks; } /** * Service * ======= * * Define default Handler for common tasks - e.g. establish a mesh network. */ var customHandlers = {}; // collection of custom handler var defaultHandlers = { /** * Basic information exchange on creation */ init: { open: function() { // channel established + open delete this.info.pending; // share initial state this.send( 'init', { account : PLAYER.account, time : PLAYER.time, data : PLAYER.data, // TODO: 0.6.0 -> define values for secure access list : getKeys( CONNECTIONS ) }); }, end: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); var peer = PEERS[ this.info.remote ], data = msg.data; extend( peer.data, data.data ); peer.time = data.time; peer.account = data.account; MANAGER.check( data.list, this ); if ( this.info.initiator ) { // invoke further setup// } MANAGER.setup( this.info.remote ); } }, /* previous unreliable - see gatheringstatechange */ close: function ( msg ) { MANAGER.disconnect( this.info.remote ); } }, /** * Remote delegation for register another peer * * @param {Object} msg - */ register: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); if ( msg.remote !== PLAYER.id ) { // proxy -> info.transport // console.log( '[proxy] ' + msg.local + ' -> ' + msg.remote ); var proxy = { action: msg.action, local: msg.local, remote: msg.remote }; //console.log('[ERORR] - Service: Missing Connection | ', msg.remote ); if ( !CONNECTIONS[ msg.remote ] ) return; return CONNECTIONS[ msg.remote ].send( 'register', msg.data, proxy ); } MANAGER.set( msg, this ); }, /** * Run latency check by sending ping/pong signals * * @param {Object} msg - */ ping: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); var data = msg.data; // invoke partner after local establishement if ( data.remoteSetup ) return MANAGER.setup( msg.local ); // distinguish between request/answer if ( !data.pong ) return this.send( 'ping', { pong: true, index: data.index }); MANAGER.setup( msg.local, data.index, this.info.initiator ); }, /** * Permit the start of a game via remote request * * @param {[type]} msg [description] */ start: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); var data = msg.data || {}; // late-join if ( data.request ) return forward( msg.local, true ); if ( data.belated ) loadSync( JSON.parse(data.sync) ); setImmediate( checkReadyState ); // synchronized shared object & next in chain function checkReadyState() { if ( data.sync !== JSON.stringify(SYNC) || checkCaches() || !ROOM._start ) { return setTimeout( checkReadyState, DELAY ); } // invoke loop if ( data.loop ) return startLoop(); // initialize game ROOM._start(); } }, /** * Sets the keys and values of a peers remote model * * @param {Object} msg - */ update: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); PEERS[ msg.local ].data[ msg.data.key ] = msg.data.value; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> define values for secure access // console.log('[update] ', msg.data.key + ':' + msg.data.value ); }, /** * Delegates synchronize requests of the shared object * * @param {Object} msg - */ sync: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); var data = msg.data; // console.log('[VERSION] - ', data.version ); // 0.8 -> version sync if ( data.action ) return SYNCFLOW[ data.action ]( msg.local, data.key, data.value ); sync( data.key, data.value, true ); }, /** * Invokes remote messages by call it them on your player * * @param {Object} msg - */ message: function ( msg ) { WATCH.emit( 'message', msg ); }, /** * [ description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ media: function ( msg ) { msg = JSON.parse( msg ); var data = msg.data; if ( !MEDIAS[ msg.local ] ) MANAGER.share( msg.local, false ); MEDIAS[ msg.local ][ data.action ]( data.data ); // default: offer to talk as well // - options can disable it }, /** * Using a shared channel to delegate remote calls * * @param {Object} msg - */ custom: function ( msg ) { // console.log('[CUSTOM]'); msg = JSON.parse( msg ); console.log(msg.action); // --> 0.6.0 } }; /** * Socket * ====== * * Transport layer used to communicate with the server. */ SOCKET = (function(){ /** remove for SSE **/ logout(); win.addEventListener( 'unload' , logout ); win.addEventListener( 'beforeunload' , logout ); /** * Request for EventSource / XHR-Polling * * @param {Object} msg - * @param {Function} next - */ function req ( msg, next ) { // TODO: pooling the request objects var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open( 'POST', config.socketConfig.server, true ); if ( next ) { // ToDo: onprogress + check xhr.onload = function ( e ) { xhr.onload = null; next( e.currentTarget.response ); }; } xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' ); xhr.send( msg ); } /** * Removes ID/token from the server */ function logout() { if ( checkProtocol('ws') || SERVERLESS ) return; if ( SESSION.id ) { // XHR send({ action: 'remove', data: SESSION.id }, function(){ // beforeunload callback if ( QUEUE.length ) { delete SESSION.id; executeQueue( QUEUE ); } }); } else { executeQueue( QUEUE ); } } var socket = null; /** * Sets a session based ID and establish a server connection via WebSocket or EventSource * * @param {String} id - * @param {String} origin - * @param {Function} next - */ function connectToServer ( id, origin ) { SESSION.id = id; var Socket = checkProtocol('http') ? EventSource : WebSocket; socket = new Socket( config.socketConfig.server + '/?local=' + id + '&origin=' + origin ); socket.addEventListener( 'error' , handleError ); socket.addEventListener( 'open' , function(){ socket.addEventListener( 'message', handleMessage ); socket.addEventListener( 'close' , handleClose ); send({ action: 'lookup' }, function ( remoteID ) { MANAGER.check( remoteID ); }); }); } /** * Delegate messages from the server * * @param {Object} e - */ function handleMessage ( e ) { var msg = JSON.parse( e.data ); if ( !msg || !msg.local ) { // partnerIDs return ( !QUEUE.length ) ? MANAGER.check( msg ) : executeQueue( QUEUE, msg ); } MANAGER.set( msg ); } /** * Handle error messages/states * * @param {Object} e - */ function handleError ( e ) { // XHR if ( e.eventPhase === EventSource.CLOSED ) return handleClose(); try { e.currentTarget.close(); logout(); } catch ( err ) { console.log(err); } throw new Error( e.data ); } /** * Show message on closing */ function handleClose(){ console.log('[SOCKET] - CLOSE'); } /** * Sending messages and using callback depending on the transport * * @param {Object} msg - * @param {Function} next - */ function send ( msg, next ) { extend( msg, { local: PLAYER.id, origin: INFO.route }); msg = JSON.stringify( msg ); if ( checkProtocol('http') ) { req( msg, next ); } else { // WS if ( next ) QUEUE.push( next ); if ( SERVERLESS ) return SERVERLESS( msg ); socket.send( msg ); } } /** * Verify the used protocol by the server side component * * @param {String} protocol - */ function checkProtocol ( protocol ) { return config.socketConfig.server.split(':')[0] === protocol; } return { init : connectToServer, send : send, handle : handleMessage }; })(); /** * DataConnection * ============== * * Exchanging data based on a connection. As these are mandatory and are created automaticaly * by default -> stored internally as CONNECTIONS */ var DataConnection = function ( local, remote, initiator, transport ) { Connection.apply( this, arguments ); this.init(); }; /** * DataConnection <-- Connection */ inherits( DataConnection, Connection ); /** * Receive remotely create channel and sets up local handler */ DataConnection.prototype.receiveDataChannels = function(){ this.conn.ondatachannel = function ( e ) { var channel = e.channel, label = channel.label; this.channels[ label ] = new Handler( channel, this.info.remote ); }.bind(this); }; /** * Creates a handler for the DataChannel // doesnt belong to connection, but datachannel... * * @param {String} label - * @param {Object} options - */ DataConnection.prototype.createDataChannel = function ( label ) { try { var channel = this.conn.createDataChannel( label, config.channelConfig ); this.channels[ label ] = new Handler( channel, this.info.remote ); } catch ( e ) { // getting a "NotSupportedError" - but is working ! console.warn('[Error] - Creating DataChannel (*)'); } }; /** * Select the messeneger for communication & transfer * * @param {String} action - * @param {Object} data - * @param {Boolean} direct - defines if the action should only be execute via a direct connection * (!= delegation via proxy or server) */ DataConnection.prototype.send = function ( action, data, direct ) { if ( !this.info.pending ) { this.send = useChannels.bind(this); this.send( action, data ); } else { if ( direct ) return; var remote = this.info.remote; if ( this.info.transport ) { var proxy = { action: action, local: PLAYER.id, remote: remote }; return this.info.transport.send( 'register', data, proxy ); } SOCKET.send({ action: action, data: data, remote: remote }); } }; /** * Closing DataChannels and PeerConnection * * @param {String} channel - */ DataConnection.prototype.close = function( channel ) { var handler = this.channels, keys = getKeys( handler ); if ( !channel ) channel = keys; if ( !Array.isArray( channel ) ) channel = [ channel ]; for ( var i = 0, l = channel.length; i < l; i++ ) { handler[ channel[i] ].channel.close(); delete handler[ channel[i] ]; } if ( !getKeys( handler ).length ) this.conn.close(); }; /** * Create basic DataChannel setup * * @param {Object} connection - reference to this connection */ function createDefaultChannels ( connection ) { if ( getKeys(connection.channels).length ) return; var defaultChannels = getKeys( defaultHandlers ); for ( var i = 0, l = defaultChannels.length; i < l ; i++ ) { connection.createDataChannel( defaultChannels[i] ); } } /** * Replace previous socket usage with direct DataChannel connections * * @param {String} channel - * @param {Object} data - * @param {Object} proxy - */ function useChannels ( channel, data, proxy ) { var ready = this.ready, channels = this.channels, message = { 'local': PLAYER.id, 'remote': this.info.remote, 'action': channel, 'data': data }; extend( message, proxy ); if ( !channel ) channel = getKeys( channels ); if ( !Array.isArray( channel ) ) channel = [ channel ]; for ( var i = 0, l = channel.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( ready && channels[ channel[i] ] ) channels[ channel[i] ].send( message ); } } /** * Manager * ======= * * Helper for handling connections and delegate communication. */ var DELAY = 0, // max. latency evaluation PINGS = 3, // amount of packages to exchange for the latency test // 100 READY = {}, // record of current ready users TODO = {}, // available peers to connect CURRENT = null; // current connection which is getting established MANAGER = (function(){ /** * Check list for new connections * * @param {Array} remoteList - * @param {Object} transport - */ function check ( remoteList, transport ) { if ( !remoteList ) return; if ( !Array.isArray(remoteList) ) remoteList = [ remoteList ]; var localID = PLAYER.id, remoteID; if ( !CURRENT ) { remoteID = remoteList.pop(); this.connect( remoteID, true, transport ); } if ( !remoteList.length ) return; for ( var i = 0, l = remoteList.length; i < l; i++ ) { remoteID = remoteList[i]; if ( remoteID === localID || CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ] ) continue; // skip TODO[ remoteID ] = transport; } } /** * Connect with the new peer * * @param {String} remoteID - * @param {Boolean} initiator - * @param {Object} transport - */ function connect ( remoteID, initiator, transport ) { if ( CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ] || remoteID === PLAYER.id ) return; console.log( '[connect] to - "' + remoteID + '"' ); CURRENT = remoteID; // currently connecting PEERS[ remoteID ] = new Peer({ id: remoteID }); CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ] = new DataConnection( PLAYER.id, remoteID, initiator, transport ); } // TODO -> check for "exchange & create", initiator... // use the existing data channel to exchange the credentials, still needs "initiator" flag, as new connection function share ( remoteID, initiator, config, callback ) { if ( MEDIAS[remoteID] || remoteID === PLAYER.id ) return; var transport = CONNECTIONS[remoteID]; if ( !transport.ready ) return; MEDIAS[ remoteID ] = new MediaConnection( PLAYER.id, remoteID, initiator, transport, config, callback ); } /** * Clear references, triggers callbacks and re-orders on disconnection of a peer * * @param {String} remoteID - */ function disconnect ( remoteID ) { var peer = PEERS[ remoteID ]; if ( !peer ) return; delete READY[ remoteID ]; WATCH.emit( 'disconnect', peer ); if ( ROOM ) ROOM.emit( 'leave', peer ); CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].close(); DATA.splice( peer.pos, 1 ); delete PEERS[ remoteID ]; delete CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ]; order(); } /** * Set credentials and create entries as SDP & candidates arrives * * @param {Object} msg - * @param {Object} transport - */ function set ( msg, transport ) { if ( !CONNECTIONS[ msg.local] ) this.connect( msg.local, false, transport ); CONNECTIONS[ msg.local ][ msg.action ]( msg.data ); } /** * Inform other peers about the key/value change by using a broadcast * and updates the local backup * * @param {String} key - * @param {String|Number|Object} value - */ function update ( key, value ) { updateBackup(); broadcast( 'update', { key: key, value: value }, true ); } /** * Transfering data to a specific group (as in this caste to all, * its just like a broadcast). */ function broadcast ( action, data, direct ) { var ids = getKeys( CONNECTIONS ); for ( var i = 0, l = ids.length; i < l; i++ ) { CONNECTIONS[ ids[i] ].send( action, data, direct ); } } var timer = {}; /** * Setup and tests the connection - benchmark the latency via ping/pong * * @param {String} remoteID - * @param {Number} index - * @param {Boolean} pong - */ function setup ( remoteID, index, initiator ) { var data = timer[remoteID]; if ( !data ) { // initial call - pong doesnt exist || ignore first time data = timer[remoteID] = [ PINGS + 1 ]; return ping( remoteID, data, data[0] ); } data[index] = win.performance.now() - data[index]; if ( !INGAME ) progress( data[0] ); if ( --data[0] > 0 ) return ping( remoteID, data, data[0] ); // invoke partner afterwards if ( initiator ) CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].send( 'ping', { 'remoteSetup': true }, true ); var latency = data.reduce( sum ) / ( PINGS ); PEERS[ remoteID ].latency = latency; DELAY = Math.max( DELAY, latency ); ready(); } function sum ( prev, curr ) { return prev + curr; } /** * Sends pings to other peers * * @param {String} remoteID - * @param {Array} data - * @param {Number} next - */ function ping ( remoteID, data, next ) { data[next] = win.performance.now(); CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].send( 'ping', { 'index': next }, true ); } var perc = 0; /** * Provides feedback about the current progress * * @param {Number} part - */ function progress ( part ) { part = PINGS - part; // 0 -> 100 var curr = getKeys( PEERS ).length, diff = getKeys( TODO ).length, max = diff + curr; part = ( curr * part / max ) |0; if ( part <= perc ) return; if ( ROOM ) ROOM.emit( 'progress', perc = part, max ); // if ( perc === 99 ) perc = 0; // reset ? } /** * Determines if all peers are connected and then emits the connections */ function ready(){ var keys = getKeys( PEERS ), list = [], peer; list[ PLAYER.pos ] = PLAYER; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { peer = PEERS[ keys[i] ]; list[ peer.pos ] = peer; } var entry = getKeys( TODO ).pop(); if ( entry ) { var transport = TODO[ entry ]; delete TODO[ entry ]; CURRENT = null; return MANAGER.check( entry, transport ); } /** sort + emit users in order & prevent multiple trigger **/ order(); for ( i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++ ) { setTimeout( invoke, DELAY, list[i] ); } function invoke ( peer ) { if ( READY[ peer.id ] ) return; READY[ peer.id ] = true; WATCH.emit( 'connection' , peer ); if ( ROOM ) ROOM.emit( 'enter', peer ); } } /** * Defines the peer order - ranked by the appearance / inital load */ function order(){ var keys = getKeys( PEERS ), times = {}; times[ PLAYER.time ] = PLAYER.id; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) times[ PEERS[ keys[i] ].time ] = keys[i]; var list = getKeys( times ).sort( rank ).map( function ( key ) { return times[key]; }), user; if ( list.length !== keys.length + 1 ) { var msg = 'Precision time conflict'; WATCH.emit('error', { msg: msg, line: 340 }); throw new Error( msg ); } DATA.length = 0; for ( i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++ ) { user = PEERS[ list[i] ] || PLAYER; user.pos = DATA.push( user.data ) - 1; } function rank ( curr, next ) { return curr - next; } } return { broadcast : broadcast, check : check, connect : connect, disconnect : disconnect, share : share, set : set, update : update, setup : setup }; })(); /** * Info * ==== * * A simple interface to provide access for internal data. */ extend( INFO, { route: null }); // TODO: 0.6.0 -> data & info /** * Watch * ===== * * Global communicator for framework internals (e.g. general public events). * * - error * - sync * - message * - media * - permission */ WATCH = new Emitter(); var getWatcher = WATCH.on.bind(WATCH); /** * Backup * ====== * * Using local stored information to provide a backup for reconnection. */ if ( LOCAL['player'] ) { var range = parseFloat( JSON.parse(LOCAL['player']).time ) + config.reconnectConfig.backupDuration - Date.now(); if ( range >= 0 ) extend( BACKUP, JSON.parse(LOCAL['player']) ); } delete LOCAL['player']; /** * Overwrites the data in the localStorage * * TODO: instead of always serializing the whole instance, just update the increment */ function updateBackup() { if ( !config.reconnectConfig.restoreEnabled ) return; LOCAL['player'] = JSON.stringify(PLAYER); } /** * Uses the former data as initial values * * TODO: check if account information (name) should also be stored * * @param {[type]} data [description] */ function restoreBackup ( player ) { if ( !config.reconnectConfig.restoreEnabled ) return; if ( BACKUP.id ) player.id = BACKUP.id; if ( BACKUP.time ) player.time = BACKUP.time; if ( !BACKUP.data ) return; var data = player.data, last = BACKUP.data, keys = getKeys(last); for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) data[ keys[i] ] = last[ keys[i] ]; } /** * Auth * ==== * * Module for handling authentication for external party services. */ var AUTH = { 'GITHUB' : requestGithub, 'PERSONA' : requestPersona // 'TWITTER', // 'GOOGLE' // https://github.com/googleplus/gplus-quickstart-javascript // 'FACEBOOK', }; /** * Login on Github * * @param {String} id - * @param {Function} callback - */ function requestGithub ( id, callback ) { // TODO: 0.7.0 -> external login } /** * Login via BrowserID * * @param {String} id - * @param {Function} callback - */ function requestPersona ( id, callback ) { var URL = 'https://login.persona.org/include.js', script = document.createElement('script'); // TODO: 0.7.0 -> external login script.addEventListener( 'load', function(){ navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: localStorage['user'] || (function(){ return ''; })(), onlogin: function ( assertion ) { console.log(assertion); }, onlogout: function(){ } }); navigator.id.request(); }); script.src = URL; document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].parentNode.insertBefore( script ); } /** * Login * ===== * * Entry for creating a player or use a service for additional data. */ /** * Uses a plain text name or request more information via authentication * * @param {String} name - * @param {String} service - * @param {Function} hook - */ function login ( name, service, hook ) { if ( PLAYER.id ) return PLAYER; if ( typeof service === 'function' ) { hook = service; service = null; } if ( service ) return requestOAuth( name, service, hook ); var account = { name: name }; createPlayer( account, hook ); } /** * Check if the selected service is supported and handles response * * @param {String} name - * @param {String} service - * @param {Function} hook - */ function requestOAuth ( name, service, hook ) { service = service.toUpperCase(); if ( !AUTH[ service ] ) return console.log('[ERROR] The chosen service is not supported yet.'); // AUTH[ service ]( name , function ( account ) { var account = { name: name }; createPlayer( account, hook ); // }); } /** * Creates the player and extracts the initial route * * @param {Object} account - * @param {Function} hook - */ function createPlayer ( account, hook ) { var origin = getPath(); pg.player = PLAYER = new Player( account, origin ); if ( hook ) hook( PLAYER ); PLAYER.join( origin ); } /** * Router * ====== * * Matching the browser URL to specific routes for handling rooms (channel or game). */ var DEFAULT_ROUTE = 'lobby/', LAST_ROUTE = null, // reference to the last route channelRoutes = {}, // collection of the channel routes gameRoutes = {}; // collection of the game routes /** * Defines custom routes or changes the default path * * @param {Object} customRoutes - * @param {String} defaultRoute - * @return {Array} */ function setRoutes ( customRoutes, defaultRoute ) { if ( !defaultRoute && typeof customRoutes === 'string' ) { defaultRoute = customRoutes; customRoutes = null; } if ( customRoutes ) defineCustomRoutes( customRoutes ); if ( defaultRoute ) DEFAULT_ROUTE = defaultRoute; return [ channelRoutes, gameRoutes, DEFAULT_ROUTE ]; } /** * Sanitize the hash URL and provides the path * * @return {String} */ function getPath(){ var path = win.location.hash; path = ( path.length ) ? path.substr(3) : DEFAULT_ROUTE; return ( path.charAt(0) === '/' ) ? path.substr(1) : path; } var CHANNEL_PATTERN = /\/(.*?)\//g, ARGS_PATTERN = /(\?)?:\w+/g; /** * Parsing and setting up custom routes * * @param {Object} customRoutes - */ function defineCustomRoutes ( customRoutes ) { channelRoutes = {}; gameRoutes = {}; } /** * Extract params and set info */ function checkRoute() { var path = getPath(), args = path.split('/'); INFO.route = SESSION.route = path; if ( args.length < 1 ) return; // TODO: 0.7.0 -> customRoutes // if ( getKeys( CUSTOM_PATTERNS ).length ) extractRoute(); matchRoute( args ); } function extractRoute(){} // TODO: 0.7.0 -> custom routes /** * Retrieve the room handler from the channel/game collections * * @param {String} args - */ function matchRoute ( args ) { var room = args.shift(); if ( !room ) { win.location.hash = '!/' + DEFAULT_ROUTE; return; } var type = !args[0].length ? 'CHANNEL' : 'GAME'; ROOM = room = ( type === 'CHANNEL' ) ? CHANNELS[ room ] || CHANNELS[ '*' ] : GAMES[ args[0] ] || GAMES[ '*' ] ; var params = args; // TODO: 0.7.0 -> parse for custom routes if ( LAST_ROUTE === INFO.route ) return; if ( room ) { if ( LAST_ROUTE ) { // change room var keys = getKeys( CONNECTIONS ); for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) MANAGER.disconnect( keys[i] ); SOCKET.send({ action: 'change', data: LAST_ROUTE }); } } else { console.warn('[MISSING] ', type ,' handler doesn\'t exist!'); } LAST_ROUTE = INFO.route; } /** * Handles history navigation of the browser * * @param {Object} e - */ function leaveSite ( e ) { // prevent initial triggering if ( chrome ) { chrome = !chrome; return; } // if ( !history.state ) { // console.log(LAST_ROUTE); // return window.history.back(); // } } /** attach listener **/ win.addEventListener( 'hashchange', checkRoute ); // join win.addEventListener( 'popstate', leaveSite ); // history navigation /** * Creates a new room (channel or game) and registers handler * * @param {Function} type - * @return {Function} */ function createRoom ( type ) { return function ( id, handler ) { if ( typeof id !== 'string' ) { handler = id; id = '*'; } var room = new type( id ), list = ( room instanceof Game ) ? GAMES : CHANNELS; list[ id ] = room; handler( room ); return room; }; } /** * Channel * ======= * * An intermediate room for conversations. */ var CHANNELS = {}; // record of channels /** * Creates a Channel * * @return {Object} */ var setChannel = createRoom( Channel ); /** * Constructor to call init * * @param {String} id - */ function Channel ( id ) { this.init( id ); this.match = function ( type ) { // TODO: 0.7.0 -> matchmaking }; } /** * Channel <- Emitter */ inherits( Channel, Emitter ); /** * Assign id and invokes Emitter * * @param {String} id - */ Channel.prototype.init = function ( id ) { this.id = id; Emitter.call( this ); }; /** * Allows to setup custom options for this channel/game * * @param {Object} customConfig - */ Channel.prototype.config = function ( customConfig ) { extend( this.options, customConfig ); }; /** * MediaConnection * =============== * * Wrapper for handling MediaStreams - creating an additional connection asides the DataChannel. * * // https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/discuss-webrtc/0CsB2dztSJI https://gist.github.com/yoeran/5983887 */ // TODO: automatic errorhandle retrieves mesage etc., if remote result won't be displayed.... // send request to create the Media() also on the remote system ! // still needs to create a peerconnection as the foundation // inlcude improve audio playback, through using a audio context... // // // will change to: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17332711/is-there-any-way-to-use-createmediastreamsource-on-an-audiocontext-in-firefox-23 var MediaConnection = function ( local, remote, initiator, transport, config, callback ) { Connection.apply( this, arguments ); this.init(); this.info.config = config; this.attachStream(); if ( this.info.initiator ) { this.requestStream( callback ); } }; /** * Media <- Connection */ inherits( MediaConnection, Connection ); /** * Attach handler for incoming streams */ MediaConnection.prototype.attachStream = function(){ var conn = this.conn; conn.onaddstream = function ( e ) { // remote via connection != local, -> therefore otherhandler var stream = e.stream; if ( !eventMap[PLAYER.id].media ) return useDefaultAudio( stream ); WATCH.emit( 'media', stream, this.info.remote ); }.bind(this); conn.onremovestream = function ( e ) { console.log('[MEDIA] - Removed Stream'); // document.getElementById('vid2').src = null; URL.revokeObjectURL( e.stream ); }.bind(this); }; /** * Request media input via camera/microphone * * @param {String} el - */ MediaConnection.prototype.requestStream = function ( callback ) { var permissions = this.info.config || config.permissions; WATCH.emit('permission', permissions ); nav.getUserMedia( permissions, success.bind(this), fail.bind(this) ); function success ( stream ) { // var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks(), // audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks(); // filterAudio( stream ); this.conn.addStream( stream ); this.createOffer(); if ( callback ) callback( stream ); } function fail ( err ) { console.log('[DENIED] - ', err ); } }; /** * Select the messeneger for communication & transfer * * @param {String} action - * @param {Object} data - * @param {Boolean} direct - defines if the action should only be execute via a direct connection */ MediaConnection.prototype.send = function ( action, data ) { this.info.transport.send( 'media', { action: action, data: data }); }; function filterAudio ( stream ) { var atx = new AudioContext(), input = atx.createMediaStreamSource( stream ), analyser = atx.createAnalyser(), filter = atx.createBiquadFilter(), volume = atx.createGainNode(); input.connect( analyser); analyser.connect( filter ); filter.connect( volume ); volume.gain.value = 0.8; volume.connect( atx.destination ); console.log('[AUDIO] ', atx); } function useDefaultAudio ( stream ) { // filterAudio( stream ); var audio = new Audio(); audio.src = URL.createObjectURL( stream ); audio.autoplay = true; audio.load(); } /** * Peer * ==== * * Model for a "peer" - a representation of an other player. */ /** * Constructor to diverge the intial parameters * * @param {Object} data - */ var Peer = function ( params ) { this.init( params.id, params.account || {}, params.data || {} ); }; /** * Assign properties for basic the structure * * @param {String} id - * @param {Object} account - * @param {Object} data - */ Peer.prototype.init = function ( id, account, data ) { this.id = id; this.account = account; this.data = data; this.pos = DATA.push( this.data ) - 1; Emitter.call( this, id ); }; //= require "_watch.js" /** * Player * ====== * * Model for your player - an extension based on a "peer". */ /** * Constructor to define the basic setup * * @param {Object} account - * @param {String} origin - current path (URL fragment) */ var Player = function ( account, origin ) { var id = createUID(), data = getReactor( MANAGER.update ); this.time = Date.now(); /** Assign properties **/ this.init( id, account, data ); restoreBackup( this ); console.log('\n\t\t:: ' + this.id + ' ::\n'); if ( SERVERLESS ) return setImmediate(function(){ MANAGER.check([ 'SERVERLESS' ]); }); /** Executes after logout & socket creation **/ var register = function(){ SOCKET.init( id, origin ); }; if ( !QUEUE.length ) return register(); QUEUE.push( register ); }; /** * Player <-- Peer */ inherits( Player, Peer ); /** * Formats the input and change the URL to trigger routes for a channel / game * * @param {String|Number} channel [description] * @param {Object} params [description] */ Player.prototype.join = function ( channel, params ) { if ( typeof channel !== 'string' ) channel = channel.toString(); if ( channel.charAt(0) === '/' ) channel = channel.substr(1); var path = [ '!/', channel, createQuery( params ) ].join(''); if ( path.charAt( path.length - 1 ) !== '/' ) path += '/'; // consider hash-cache if ( win.location.hash === path && path === '!/' + SESSION.route ) return checkRoute(); win.location.hash = path; }; /** * Sends a message to a specific peer, a list of peers or even all * * @param {String||Array} list - * @param {String} msg - */ Player.prototype.send = function ( list, msg ) { if ( !msg ) { msg = list; list = null; } if ( typeof msg !== 'string' ) msg = msg.toString(); if ( !list ) list = getKeys( CONNECTIONS ); if ( !Array.isArray( list ) ) list = [ list ]; for ( var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++ ) { CONNECTIONS[ list[i] ].send( 'message', { local: this.name, msg: msg }, true ); } }; /** * Creates a MediaStream and offers streaming * * @param {String||Array} list - * @param {Object} config - * @param {Function} callback - */ var options = { 'String' : 'list', 'Array' : 'list', 'Object' : 'config', 'Function' : 'callback' }; Player.prototype.media = function ( list, config, callback ) { var args = {}; if ( list ) args[ options[ type(list) ] ] = list; if ( config ) args[ options[ type(config) ] ] = config; if ( callback ) args[ options[ type(callback) ] ] = callback; list = args.list; config = args.config; callback = args.callback; if ( !list ) list = getKeys( CONNECTIONS ); if ( !Array.isArray( list ) ) list = [ list ]; for ( var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++ ) { MANAGER.share( list[i], true, config, callback ); } }; /** * Creates a secure random user ID * (see: @broofa - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/2117523#2117523 ) */ function createUID() { var pool = new Uint8Array( 1 ), random, value, id = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function ( c ) { random = crypto.getRandomValues( pool )[0] % 16; value = ( c === 'x' ) ? random : (random&0x3|0x8); return value.toString(16); }); return id; } /** * Loop * ==== * * Game loop wrapper for continuous processing. */ var WAITING = true, // waiting for the initialization = current state of the loop RENDER = null, // refenrece for the callback FRAME = null; // reference to the request Animation frmae... /** * Provide the rendering function * * @param {Function} render - */ function loop ( render ) { if ( !RENDER ) RENDER = render; } /** * Invoke the game by starting the loop */ function startLoop(){ // console.log('[LOOP]'); INGAME = true; // cancel on late-join loop.stop(); loop.resume(); } /** * Stop the loop */ loop.stop = function(){ WAITING = true; if ( FRAME ) { // console.log('[STOP]'); cancelAnimationFrame( FRAME ); FRAME = null; } }; /** * Setup the rendering loop and provide inject the time difference * * workaround: firefox doesn't use performance.now() but Date.now() */ loop.resume = function(){ if ( !INGAME || !WAITING ) return; WAITING = false; // console.log('[RESUME]'); var time = 0, delta = 0, last = 0, render = RENDER; FRAME = requestAnimationFrame( function(){ last = win.performance.now(); run(); }); function run() { time = win.performance.now(); delta = time - last; last = time; render( delta ); // throttle( render, delta ); if ( WAITING ) return; FRAME = requestAnimationFrame( run ); } }; var LOOP_TIME = DELAY, // treshhold for fix framerate DIFF = 0; // tracking the latest time differences /** * Keep a constant framerate for the rendering * * @param {Function} render - * @param {Number} delta - */ function throttle ( render, delta ) { DIFF += delta; while ( DIFF >= LOOP_TIME ) { DIFF -= LOOP_TIME; render( delta ); } } /** * Pauses the game and adjust the title * * @param {Object} e - */ function checkPause ( e ) { var title = doc.title.split('[PAUSE]').pop(); if ( !doc.hidden ) loop.stop(); doc.title = ( doc.hidden ? '[PAUSE] - ' : '' ) + title; //TODO: 0.6.0 -> pause/resume // ROOM.emit( 'pause', PLAYER ); // send 'pause' to others as well } /** Handler for visibility change **/ doc.addEventListener( visibilityChange, checkPause ); /** * Sync * ==== * * A synchronized shared object - which accessible by all users. */ /** * Public interface for the synchronize object * * @type {[type]} */ SYNC = getReactor( batch(sync) ); var CACHE = {}, // record of still pending properties SOLVED = {}, // temporary list for confirmed values // SYNCNO = 0, // version tracking , 0.8 SYNCFLOW = { // steps for synchronisation 'request' : requestSync, 'confirm' : confirmSync }; /** * Combine multiple changes to one batch, * to process them as one and avoid unrequired network transfer, * especially as complex objects or arrays can be transfered and * else each property would be synced with one transmission ! * * @param {Function} fn - * @return {Function} */ function batch ( fn ) { var list = {}, timeoutID = null; function share() { timeoutID = null; var keys = getKeys(list), prop; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { prop = keys[ i ]; sync( prop, list[ prop ] ); delete list[ prop ]; } } return function ( key, value ) { list[key] = value; if ( timeoutID ) clearTimeout( timeoutID ); timeoutID = setTimeout( share, DELAY ); }; } /** * Share the property (key/value) with other peers * * @param {String} key - * @param {String|Number|Object} value - * @param {Boolean} confirmed - */ function sync ( key, value, resync ) { var resolved = !handleCaches.apply( this, arguments ); if ( resolved ) return; var ids = getKeys( CONNECTIONS ); CACHE[key] = { list: ids, results: [] }; CACHE[key].results[ PLAYER.pos ] = value; MANAGER.broadcast( 'sync', { action: 'request', key: key, value: value }, true ); if ( !config.synchronConfig.naiveSync ) { // advancedSync pg.sync[ key ] = void 0; loop.stop(); } // SYNCNO++; // 0.8 -> improve conflict solving, using versioning for the caches & sync // MANAGER.broadcast( 'sync', { version: SYNCNO, action: 'request', key: key, value: value }, true ); } /** * [handleCaches description] * * // returns true if it shouldn't be shared/sent to remote peers * // remote setting their local value || // also not set on the local environment * * @param {[type]} key [description] * @param {[type]} value [description] * @param {[type]} resync [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function handleCaches ( key, value, resync ) { if ( resync ) { // console.log('[SOLVED]'); if ( CACHE[key] ) delete CACHE[key]; SOLVED[ key ] = true; pg.sync[ key ] = value; return; // console.log( '[CONFIRMED]', value ); } if ( CACHE[key] ) return; // console.log( '[CACHED]', CACHE[key] ); if ( SOLVED[key] ) { delete SOLVED[key]; WATCH.emit('sync', key, value ); return loop.resume(); // console.log( '[SOLVED]', SOLVED[key] ); } return true; } /** * Check the status of the caches, e.g. they are ready (empty) */ function checkCaches(){ return getKeys(CACHE).length || getKeys(SOLVED).length; } /** * * * @param {String} remoteID - * @param {String} key - * @param {String} value - */ function requestSync ( remoteID, key, value ) { if ( !config.synchronConfig.naiveSync ) loop.stop(); var entry = CACHE[key]; if ( entry != void 0 ) { // console.log('[CACHE HIT]'); value = entry; } else { // console.log('[CACHE MISS]'); CACHE[key] = value; } CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].send( 'sync', { action: 'confirm', key: key, value: value }, true ); } /** * Exchange value with remote data & merge on conflict / merge.... */ function confirmSync ( remoteID, key, value ) { // resync to all var entry = CACHE[key]; entry.results[ PEERS[remoteID].pos ] = value; entry.list.length--; // TODO: requires responses from all requests or deadlock if ( entry.list.length > 0 ) return; value = getSyncValue( entry.results ); MANAGER.broadcast( 'sync', { key: key, value: value }, true ); sync( key, value, true ); // set local } /** * Determine which value should be picked for the resynchronisation. * * Compares the frequency and picks the one with most votes, * the position is used as the criteria for priority (regarding a tie). * * @param {[type]} results [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function getSyncValue ( results ) { if ( config.synchronConfig.naiveSync ) return results[0]; var serialResults = [], frequency = {}, entry; for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) { entry = JSON.stringify( results[i] ); serialResults.push( entry ); if ( !frequency[entry] ) frequency[entry] = 0; frequency[entry]++; } var keys = getKeys( frequency ), votes = 0, most = [], value; for ( i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { entry = keys[i]; value = frequency[entry]; if ( value >= votes ) { if ( value > votes ) { most.length = 0; votes = value; } most.push( entry ); } } var priority = serialResults.length; for ( i = 0, l = most.length; i < l; i++ ) { value = serialResults.indexOf( most[i] ); if ( value < priority ) priority = value; } return results[priority]; } /** * Refreshes the value from another object, writing it directly to the synced data * * @param {Object} obj [description] */ function loadSync ( obj ) { var keys = getKeys( obj ), prop; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { prop = keys[i]; sync( prop, obj[prop], true ); } } /** * Game * ==== * * A room for handling gaming specific requirements. */ var GAMES = {}; // record of games /** * Shortcut to setup a game handler */ var setGame = createRoom( Game ); /** * Constructor to define the reference and options * * @param {String} id - */ function Game ( id ) { this.init( id ); this.info = {}; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> data & info this.options = { minPlayer: 2, maxPlayer: 10 }; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> room options GAMES[ id ] = this; } /** * Game <- Channel <- Emitter */ inherits( Game, Channel ); /** * Starts the game as the minimum amount of players joined * * @param {Function} initialize - bootstrapping function to start the game */ Game.prototype.start = function ( initialize ) { this._start = function(){ initialize(); forward.call( this ); }; var ready = getKeys( READY ).length; if ( INGAME ) return; if ( ready < this.options.minPlayer ) return; // less player - wait if ( ready === this.options.minPlayer ) { if ( PLAYER.pos === 0 ) { if ( !INGAME ) return this._start(); // re-join to minmum | prevent reset (won't be called cause the return in line 57 ?) forward.call( this, getKeys(PEERS)[0] ); } return; } if ( ready > this.options.maxPlayer ) return; // too much player request(); // TODO: 0.6.0 -> handle min-/maxPlayer messages }; /** * Define game options like the amount of players * * @param {Object} options - */ // Game.prototype.config = function ( options ) { // extend( this.options, options ); // }; Game.prototype.end = function(){ INGAME = false; }; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> player handling Game.prototype.pause = function(){}; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> player handling Game.prototype.unpause = function(){}; // TODO: 0.6.0 -> player handling /** * Ask the previous peer if your allowed/ready to start | late-join */ function request(){ var remoteID = getPrevious(); if ( !remoteID ) return; // entry CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].send( 'start', { request: true }, true ); } /** * Invokes the start of the next peers * * Provide a snapshot from the current pg.sync object from the previous player, * used to ensure sync (!= cache) and data. * * @param {String} remoteID - will be provided by late join & request */ function forward ( remoteID, late ) { if ( !remoteID ) remoteID = getNext(); if ( checkCaches() ) return setTimeout( forward, DELAY, remoteID ); if ( !remoteID ) { // end of chain - start loop MANAGER.broadcast( 'start', { sync: JSON.stringify(SYNC), loop: true }); return setTimeout( startLoop, SYNCDELAY+DELAY ); // local delay for synchronized order } CONNECTIONS[ remoteID ].send( 'start', { sync: JSON.stringify(SYNC), belated: late }, true ); } /** * Returns the ID of the next player in the peerchain * @return {String} - remoteID */ function getNext(){ var keys = getKeys( PEERS ), curr = PLAYER.pos; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( curr + 1 === PEERS[ keys[i] ].pos ) return keys[i]; } } /** * Returns the ID of the previous player in the peerchain * @return {String} - remoteID */ function getPrevious(){ var keys = getKeys( PEERS ), curr = PLAYER.pos; for ( var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( curr - 1 === PEERS[ keys[i] ].pos ) return keys[i]; } } /** API **/ extend( pg, { 'noConflict' : noConflict, // -> core/_base.js 'VERSION' : VERSION, // -> core/_base.js 'info' : INFO, // -> meta/_info.js 'config' : setConfig, // -> core/_config.js 'watch' : getWatcher, // -> meta/_watch.js 'login' : login, // -> meta/_login.js 'player' : PLAYER, // -> game/_player.js 'peers' : PEERS, // -> game/_peers.js 'data' : DATA, // -> game/_peers.js 'sync' : SYNC, // -> game/_sync.js 'loop' : loop, // -> game/_loop.js 'channel' : setChannel, // -> meta/_channel.js 'game' : setGame, // -> meta/_game.js 'routes' : setRoutes // -> meta/_routes.js }); return pg; });