# ![](docs/images/epiceditor-logo.png) ## An Embeddable JavaScript Markdown Editor EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it. ## Why Because, WYSIWYGs suck. Markdown is quickly becoming the replacement. [GitHub](http://github.com), [Stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com), and even blogging apps like [Posterous](http://posterous.com) are now supporting Markdown. EpicEditor allows you to create a Markdown editor with a single line of JavaScript: ```javascript var editor = new EpicEditor().load(); ``` ## Quick Start EpicEditor is easy to implement. Add the script and assets to your page, provide a target container and call `load()`. ### Step 1: Download [Download the latest release](http://epiceditor.com) or clone the repo: ```bash $ git clone git@github.com:OscarGodson/EpicEditor ``` ### Step 2: Create your container element ```html
``` ### Step 3: Add the `epiceditor.js` file ```html ``` ### Step 4: Init EpicEditor ```javascript var editor = new EpicEditor().load(); ``` ## API ### EpicEditor([_options_]) The `EpicEditor` constructor creates a new editor instance. Customize the instance by passing the `options` parameter. The example below uses all options and their defaults: ```javascript var opts = { container: 'epiceditor', basePath: 'epiceditor', localStorageName: 'epiceditor', parser: marked, file: { name: 'epiceditor', defaultContent: '', autoSave: 100 }, theme: { base:'/themes/base/epiceditor.css', preview:'/themes/preview/preview-dark.css', editor:'/themes/editor/epic-dark.css' }, focusOnLoad: false, shortcut: { modifier: 18, fullscreen: 70, preview: 80, edit: 79 } } var editor = new EpicEditor(opts); ``` ### Options
Option Description Default
`container` The ID (string) or element (object) of the target container in which you want the editor to appear. `epiceditor`
`basePath` The base path of the directory containing the `/themes`, `/images`, etc. `epiceditor`
`localStorageName` The name to use for the localStorage object. `epiceditor`
`parser` [Marked](https://github.com/chjj/marked) is the only parser built into EpicEditor, but you can customize or toggle this by passing a parsing function to this option. For example:
parser: MyCustomParser.parse
`focusOnLoad` If `true`, editor will focus on load. `false`
`file.name` If no file exists with this name a new one will be made, otherwise the existing will be opened. container ID
`file.defaultContent` The content to show if no content exists for a file.
`file.autoSave` How often to auto save the file in milliseconds. Set to `false` to turn it off. `100`
`theme.base` The base styles such as the utility bar with the buttons. `themes/base/epiceditor.css`
`theme.editor` The theme for the editor which is the area you type into. `themes/editor/epic-dark.css`
`theme.preview` The theme for the previewer. `themes/preview/github.css`
`shortcut.modifier` The key to hold while holding the other shortcut keys to trigger a key combo. `18` (`alt` key)
`shortcut.fullscreen` The shortcut to open fullscreen. `70` (`f` key)
`shortcut.preview` The shortcut to open the previewer. `80` (`p` key)
`shortcut.edit` The shortcut to open the editor. `79` (`o` key)
### load([_callback_]) Loads the editor by inserting it into the DOM by creating an `iframe`. Will trigger the `load` event, or you can provide a callback. ```javascript editor.load(function () { console.log("Editor loaded.") }); ``` ### unload([_callback_]) Unloads the editor by removing the `iframe`. Keeps any options and file contents so you can easily call `.load()` again. Will trigger the `unload` event, or you can provide a callback. ```javascript editor.unload(function () { console.log("Editor unloaded.") }); ``` ### getElement(_element_) Grabs an editor element for easy DOM manipulation. See the Themes section below for more on the layout of EpicEditor elements. * `container`: The element given at setup in the options. * `wrapper`: The wrapping `
` containing the 2 editor and previewer iframes. * `wrapperIframe`: The iframe containing the `wrapper` element. * `editor`: The #document of the editor iframe (i.e. you could do `editor.getElement('editor').body`). * `editorIframe`: The iframe containing the `editor` element. * `previewer`: The #document of the previewer iframe (i.e. you could do `editor.getElement('previewer').body`). * `previewerIframe`: The iframe containing the `previewer` element. ```javascript someBtn.onclick = function(){ console.log(editor.getElement('editor').body.innerHTML); // Returns the editor's content } ``` ### open(_filename_) Opens a file into the editor. ```javascript openFileBtn.onclick = function(){ editor.open('some-file'); // Opens a file when the user clicks this button } ``` ### importFile([_filename_],[_content_]) Imports a string of content into a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. Useful if you want to inject a bunch of content via AJAX. Will also run `.open()` after import automatically. ```javascript importFileBtn.onclick = function(){ editor.importFile('some-file',"#Imported markdown\nFancy, huh?"); //Imports a file when the user clicks this button } ``` ### exportFile([_filename_],[_type_]) Returns the raw content of the file by default, or if given a `type` will return the content converted into that type. If you leave both parameters `null` it will return the current document's raw content. ```javascript syncWithServerBtn.onclick = function(){ var theContent = editor.exportFile(); saveToServerAjaxCall('/save', {data:theContent}, function () { console.log('Data was saved to the database.'); }); } ``` ### rename(_oldName_, _newName_) Renames a file. ```javascript renameFileBtn.onclick = function(){ var newName = prompt('What do you want to rename this file to?'); editor.rename('old-filename.md', newName); //Prompts a user and renames a file on button click } ``` ### save() Manually saves a file. EpicEditor will save continuously every 100ms by default, but if you set `autoSave` in the options to `false` or to longer intervals it's useful to manually save. ```javascript saveFileBtn.onclick = function(){ editor.save(); } ``` ### remove(_name_) Deletes a file. ```javascript removeFileBtn.onclick = function(){ editor.remove('example.md'); } ``` ### on(_event_, _handler_) Sets up an event handler (callback) for a specified event. For all event types, see the Events section below. ```javascript editor.on('unload',function(){ console.log('Editor was removed'); }); ``` ### emit(_event_) Fires an event programatically. Similar to jQuery's `.trigger()` ```javascript editor.emit('unload'); // Triggers the handler provided in the "on" method above ``` ### removeListener(_event_, [_handler_]) Allows you to remove all listeners for an event, or just the specified one. ```javascript editor.removeListener('unload'); //The handler above would no longer fire ``` ### preview() Puts the editor into preview mode. ```javascript previewBtn.onclick = function(){ editor.preview(); } ``` ### edit() Puts the editor into edit mode. ```javascript editBtn.onclick = function () { editor.edit(); } ``` ## Events You can hook into specific events in EpicEditor with on() such as when a file is created, removed, or updated. Below is a complete list of currently supported events and their description.
Event Name Description
`create` Fires whenever a new file is created.
`read` Fires whenever a file is read.
`update` Fires whenever a file is updated.
`remove` Fires whenever a file is deleted.
`load` Fires when the editor loads via `load()`.
`unload` Fires whenever the editor is unloaded via `unload()`
`preview` Fires whenever the previewer is opened (excluding fullscreen) via `preview()` or the preview button.
`edit` Fires whenever the editor is opened (excluding fullscreen) via `edit()` or the edit button.
`save` Fires whenever the file is saved whether by EpicEditor automatically or when `save()` is called.
`open` Fires whenever a file is opened or loads automatically by EpicEditor or when `open()` is called.
## Themes Theming is easy in EpicEditor. There are three different `
``` ## Custom Parsers EpicEditor is set up to allow you to use _any_ parser that accepts and returns a string. This means you can use any flavor of Markdown, process Textile, or even create a simple HTML editor/previewer (`parser: false`). The possibilities are endless. Just make the parser available and pass its parsing function to the EpicEditor setting and you should be all set. For even more customization/optimization you can replace the default built-in processor on build. Running `jake build parser=path/to/parser.js` will override the default Marked build and replace it with your custom script. See the [custom parsers wiki page](https://github.com/OscarGodson/EpicEditor/wiki/Using-A-Custom-Parser) for more. ## Contributing Contributions are greatly encouraged and appreciated. For more on ways to contribute please check the wiki: [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/OscarGodson/EpicEditor/wiki/Contributing). ## Credits EpicEditor relies on [Marked](https://github.com/chjj/marked) to parse markdown and is brought to you in part by [Oscar Godson](http://twitter.com/oscargodson) and [John Donahue](http://twitter.com/johnmdonahue). Special thanks to [Adam Bickford](http://twitter.com/adam_bickford) for the bug fixes and being the QA for pull requests. Lastly, huge thanks to [Sebastian Nitu](http://twitter.com/sebnitu) for the amazing logo and doc styles.