REBOL [ Title: "Kaj-fossil-download" Date: 23-Jul-2013/18:18:25+2:00 Name: none Version: 0.0.1 Comment: "just very fast written version so far!" File: none Home: none Author: "Oldes" ] ;Fossil server does not serve JS without this: system/schemes/http/user-agent: {Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10} download-fossil-dir: func[dir url /local page wasDir subdir][ print ["!!!!!!!!!!!!! " url] page: read url if not exists? dir [make-dir dir] wasDir: what-dir change-dir dir parse/all page [ any [ thru {gebi("} copy id to {"} thru {).href="} copy path to {";} ( ;print [id tab path] if path/1 = #"/" [ tmp: rejoin [{a id='} id {'>}] if parse page [thru tmp copy name to {} to end][ print [id tab name tab path] parse path [ thru "artifact/" copy artifact to end ( file: to file! name if not exists? file [ if not error? try [ bin: read/binary rejoin [ dir {raw/} name {?name=} artifact] ][ write/binary file bin ] ] ) | thru {dir?ci=} copy dirId to "&" thru {name=} copy dirName to end ( subdir: to-file dirName if not exists? subdir [ download-fossil-dir subdir rejoin [ dir {dir?ci=} dirId {&name=} dirName] ] ) ] ] ] ) ] ] change-dir wasDir ] foreach dir [ %Red-C-library %Red-common ][ dir: dirize dir download-fossil-dir dir rejoin [ dir {dir?ci=tip}] ]