1.1.0 [Oct 2013]
* Add `make cold` target to build OPAM with a system OCaml installed (#910)
* More informative error messages from `curl` (#905)
* Document use of `OPAMCOLOR` for optional ANSI coloring
* Add `opam-admin depexts` utility to rewrite OPAM files with external dependencies
* Added `repo` files for repository meta-information
* Added support for repo redirections
* Added scripts for automated testing in Travis
* Fixed bug in opam-admin that could keep not up-to-date archives
* Added an `opam-admin depexts` script to ease handling of external dependencies
* Added the `--deps-only` option to `opam install`
* Fixed upgrade with corner-cases of orphan packages
* Added a `note` display form
* Better handling of external solver failures, and added a `--no-aspcud` option
* Fixed unpinning of some installed packages
* Fixed upgrade of metadata from 1.0 when there are orphan custom compilers

1.1.0-beta [Sept 2013]
* Automatic backup before any operation which might alter the list of installed packages
* Support for arbitrary sub-directories for metadata repositories
* Lots of colors
* New option `opam update -u` equivalent to `opam update && opam upgrade --yes`
* New `opam-admin` tool, bundling the features of `opam-mk-repo` and `opam-repo-check` + new 'opam-admin stats' tool
* New `available`: field in opam files, superseding `ocaml-version` and `os` fields
* Package names specified on the command-line are now understood case-insensitively (#705)
* Fixed parsing of malformed opam files (#696)
* Fixed recompilation of a package when uninstalling its optional dependencies (#692)
* Added conditional post-messages support, to help users when a package fails to install for a known reason (#662)
* Rewrite the code which updates pin et dev packages to be quicker and more reliable
* Add {opam,url,desc,files/} overlay for all packages
* `opam config env` now detects the current shell and outputs a sensible default if no override is provided.
* Improve `opam pin` stability and start display information about dev revisions
* Add a new `man` field in `.install` files
* Support hierarchical installation in `.install` files
* Add a new `stublibs` field in `.install` files
* OPAM works even when the current directory has been deleted
* speed-up invocation of `opam config var VARIABLE` when variable is simple (eg. `prefix`, `lib`, ...)
* `opam list` now display only the installed packages. Use `opam list -a` to get the previous behavior.
* Inverse the depext tag selection (useful for `ocamlot`)
* Add a `--sexp` option to `opam config env` to load the configuration under emacs
* Purge `~/.opam/log` on each invocation of OPAM
* System compiler with versions such as `version+patches` are now handled as if this was simply `version`
* New `OpamVCS` functor to generate OPAM backends
* More efficient `opam update`
* Switch license to LGPL with linking exception
* `opam search` now also searches through the tags
* minor API chanages for `API.list` and `API.SWITCH.list`
* Improve the syntax of filters
* Add a `messages` field
* Add a `--jobs` command line option and add `%{jobs}%` to be used in OPAM files
* Various improvments in the solver heuristics
* By default, turn-on checking of certificates for downloaded dependency archives: use `./configure --disable-certificate-check` to go back to the previous behavior
* Check the md5sum of downloaded archives when compiling OPAM
* Improved `opam info` command (more information, non-zero error code when no patterns match)
* Display OS and OPAM version on internal errors to ease error reporting
* Fix `opam reinstall` when reinstalling a package wich is a dependency of installed packages (regression introduced in 0.9.5)
* Export and read `OPAMSWITCH` to be able to call OPAM in different switches
* `opam-client` can now be used in a toplevel
* `-n` now means `--no-setup` and not `--no-checksums` anymore
* Fix support for FreeBSD
* Fix installation of local compilers with local paths endings with `.../ocaml/`
* Fix the contents of `~/.opam/opam-init/variable.sh` after a switch

1.0.0 [Mar 2013]
* Improve the lexer performance (thx to @oandrieu)
* Fix various typos (thx to @chaudhuri)
* Fix build issue (thx to @avsm)

0.9.6 [Mar 2013]
* Fix installation of pinned packages on BSD (thx to @smondet)
* Fix configuration for zsh users (thx to @AltGr)
* Fix loading of `~/.profile` when using dash (eg. in Debian/Ubuntu)
* Fix installation of packages with symbolic links (regression introduced in 0.9.5)

0.9.5 [Mar 2013]
* If necessary, apply patches and substitute files before removing a package
* Fix `opam remove <pkg> --keep-build-dir` keeps the folder if a source archive is extracted
* Add build and install rules using ocamlbuild to help distro packagers
* Support arbitrary level of nested subdirectories in packages repositories
* Add `opam config exec "CMD ARG1 ... ARGn" --switch=SWITCH` to execute a command in a subshell
* Improve the behaviour of `opam update` wrt. pinned packages
* Change the default external solver criteria (only useful if you have aspcud installed on your machine)
* Add support for global and user configuration for OPAM (`opam config setup`)
* Stop yelling when OPAM is not up-to-date
* Update or generate `~/.ocamlinit` when running `opam init`
* Fix tests on *BSD (thx Arnaud Degroote)
* Fix compilation for the source archive

0.9.4 [Feb 2013]
* Disable auto-removal of unused dependencies. This can now be enabled on-demand using `-a`
* Fix compilation and basic usage on Cygwin
* Fix BSD support (use `type` instead of `which` to detect existing commands)
* Add a way to tag external dependencies in OPAM files
* Better error messages when trying to upgrade pinned packages
* Display `depends` and `depopts` fields in `opam info`
* `opam info pkg.version` shows the metadata for this given package version
* Add missing `doc` fields in `.install` files
* `opam list` now only shows installable packages

0.9.3 [Feb 2013]
* Add system compiler constraints in OPAM files
* Better error messages in case of conflicts
* Cleaner API to install/uninstall packages
* On upgrade, OPAM now perform all the remove action first
* Use a cache for main storing OPAM metadata: this greatly speed-up OPAM invocations
* after an upgrade, propose to reinstall a pinned package only if there were some changes
* improvements to the solver heuristics
* better error messages on cyclic dependencies

0.9.2 [Jan 2013]
* Install all the API files
* Fix `opam repo remove repo-name`
* speed-up `opam config env`
* support for `opam-foo` scripts (which can be called using `opam foo`)
* 'opam update pinned-package' works
* Fix 'opam-mk-repo -a'
* Fix 'opam-mk-repo -i'
* clean-up pinned cache dir when a pinned package fails to install

0.9.1 [Jan 2013]
* Use ocaml-re 1.2.0

0.9.0 [Jan 2013]
* add a new `--fake` option to simulate build and installation of packages. Use this option this care, it can easily corrupt the state of OPAM.
* Better messages in case of error
* OPAM proposes better solutions to the user
* support for installed roots and auto-clean of unused packages
* rename `--cores` to `--jobs`
* better error messages for wrong argument of 'opam init'
* show the root causes of actions done by OPAM
* opam import and export now uses -f to specify the filename, and uses stdin and stdout if no filename is specified
* Fix environment initialisation for some corner-cases
* Add a way to specify how to run tests and build documentation for the packages
* Display homepage, authors, doc link, license with 'opam info'
* Improve `opam remove` efficiency when using `ocamlfind` command(s) only
* Git pinning now works with commits/tags/branches
* `opam init` works without preinstalled compiler
* Support for DARCS backends
* Each global command-line flag `xxx` as can be set using the `OPAMxxx` environment variable instead
* Better display of compiler switch (+ read compiler descriptions)
* Clearer error message when trying to pin a non-existing package
* Fix issue with pinning to version number
* Add a `shared` location to be used in OPAM files
* Improve (but break) the command-line interface by using cmdliner

0.8.2 [Dec 2012]
* Fix an issue with `opam reinstall` where packages were reinstalled in reverse order

0.8.1 [Nov 2012]
* Simplify string substitution in OPAM files
* Recompile the installed packages when the system compiler is upgraded
* Fix various regressions in pinned and dev packages introduced in 0.8.0

0.8.0 [Nov 2012]
* Improvements in the solver interface and API
* The solver now use an external SAT-solver (aspcud) if found in the path
* More expressive constraints in optional dependencies
* Clean-up the build directory when build succeeds

0.7.7 [Oct 2012]
* Add an `--alias` global command-line argument to overwrite the default alias value
* Allow more concurrency between no conflicting opam commands
* Upgrade to the latest version of DOSE and CUDF (solver libraries)
* Add repository priorities
* Create the default directories (`bin/`, `lib/` ...) when installing a new compiler

0.7.6 [Oct 2012]
* major internal API refactoring
* repositories are now versionned, and we try to auto-update when possible
* more expressive compiler constraints in opam files

0.7.5 [Oct 2012]
* dependencies can now be expressed by any formula (instead of just CNF)
* It's easier to compose the value of environment variable (ie. to write `%{lwt+ssl:enable}%`)
* Fix regression on init for rsync repositories

0.7.4 [Oct 2012]
* improve `opam pin`: the code is more robust and it is now possible to pin a package to a git repository
* add support for patches per package
* add `opam switch -import file` and `opam switch -export file`

0.7.3 [Sep 2012]
* Better user-message when no solution is found
* Improve the minimality of installed packages

0.7.2 [Sep 2012]
* Fix regression in init introcuced in 0.7.0
* Fix regression in update introduced in 0.7.0

0.7.1 [Sep 2012]
* Remove forgotten debug statement

0.7.0 [Sep 2012]
* report upgrade statistic on update
* do no ask y/n when installing compiler's base packages
* improve opam-mk-repo
* fix `opam search` to be caseless
* ability to filter some commands (depending on some predicates) in opam file
* improvments when packages disapear upstream
* check for ocaml 3.12.1 on configure
* tell the user to unset some potentially dangerous variables when running opam
* fix few git backend issues

0.6.0 [Sep 2012]
* semantics changes in `opam switch`
* solver improvements in case of install and remove
* better error reporting
* fix caching of package archives
* fix `~/.opam/repo/index` priorities

0.5.0 [Sep 2012]
* add opam search
* add opam reinstall
* ability to upgrade only a subset of packages
* lot of bug fixes in the rsync and curl backend
* better `--help` messages
* better information displayed to the user

0.4.0 [Aug 2012]
* better layout of repository files
* (partial) possibility to specify archive checksums
* if the archive is not on ocamlpro.com, download it upstream
* suffix +opam to the versions of archives available on ocamlpro.com
* prompt the user to evaluate `opam config -env` more often
* changes in meta-data aren't picked up by the CURL backen
* more modulare repository system: the 'kind' of repository is no more linked
  to the kind of package archives

0.3.2 [Aug 2012]
* fix regression for `opam switch` introduced in 0.3
* fix deletion of optional dependencies
* support for pinned packages
* fix compilation for ocaml 4.00
* fix compilation for *BSD

0.3.1 [Jul 2012]
* fix regression for `opam install` introduced in 0.3

0.3.0 [Jul 2012]
* improve parallel compilation of packages
* better recovery on compilation/installation errors
* first draft of version pinnig
* fix`'opam config -env` for old shells
* install the latest version of packages when possible
* more robust `opam update` (ie. old files are gc-ed)
* add a (more or less) generic way to install and use topfind

0.2.0 [Jul 2012]
* more robust switch command
* more robust parallel build (not yet activated by default)
* support for compiler-constraints in packages
* new solver heuristics
* improved performance on init with the rsync backend

0.1.0 [Jun 2012]
* Initial version