# SwiftNIO Redis - Client Designed after [node_redis](https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis). ### Sample ```swift import Redis let client = Redis.createClient() client.set("foo_rand00000", "OK") client.get("foo_rand00000") { err, reply in print("Reply:", reply) } ``` ### PubSub Sample ```swift import Redis let sub = Redis.createClient(), pub = Redis.createClient() var msg_count = 0 sub.onSubscribe { channel, count in pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a message.") pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a second message.") pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.") } sub.onMessage { channel, message in print("sub channel \(channel):", message) msg_count += 1 if msg_count == 3 { sub.unsubscribe() sub.quit() pub.quit() } } sub.subscribe("a nice channel") ``` ## Limitations: - no auth - reconnect strategy needs to be implemented - only basic commands - no `client.multi` or `client.batch` - no URL