(function(window) { var HAS_HASHCHANGE = (function() { var doc_mode = window.documentMode; return ('onhashchange' in window) && (doc_mode === undefined || doc_mode > 7); })(); L.Hash = function(map) { this.onHashChange = L.Util.bind(this.onHashChange, this); if (map) { this.init(map); } }; L.Hash.prototype = { map: null, lastHash: null, parseHash: function(hash) { if(hash.indexOf('#') === 0) { hash = hash.substr(1); } var args = hash.split("/"); if (args.length == 3) { var zoom = parseInt(args[0], 10), lat = parseFloat(args[1]), lon = parseFloat(args[2]); if (isNaN(zoom) || isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon)) { return false; } else { return { center: new L.LatLng(lat, lon), zoom: zoom }; } } else { return false; } }, formatHash: function(map) { var center = map.getCenter(), zoom = map.getZoom(), precision = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(Math.log(zoom) / Math.LN2)); return "#" + [zoom, center.lat.toFixed(precision), center.lng.toFixed(precision) ].join("/"); }, init: function(map) { this.map = map; // reset the hash this.lastHash = null; this.onHashChange(); if (!this.isListening) { this.startListening(); } }, remove: function() { if (this.changeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.changeTimeout); } if (this.isListening) { this.stopListening(); } this.map = null; }, onMapMove: function() { // bail if we're moving the map (updating from a hash), // or if the map is not yet loaded if (this.movingMap || !this.map._loaded) { return false; } var hash = this.formatHash(this.map); if (this.lastHash != hash) { location.replace(hash); this.lastHash = hash; } }, movingMap: false, update: function() { var hash = location.hash; if (hash === this.lastHash) { return; } var parsed = this.parseHash(hash); if (parsed) { this.movingMap = true; this.map.setView(parsed.center, parsed.zoom); this.movingMap = false; } else { this.onMapMove(this.map); } }, // defer hash change updates every 100ms changeDefer: 100, changeTimeout: null, onHashChange: function() { // throttle calls to update() so that they only happen every // `changeDefer` ms if (!this.changeTimeout) { var that = this; this.changeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { that.update(); that.changeTimeout = null; }, this.changeDefer); } }, isListening: false, hashChangeInterval: null, startListening: function() { this.map.on("moveend", this.onMapMove, this); if (HAS_HASHCHANGE) { L.DomEvent.addListener(window, "hashchange", this.onHashChange); } else { clearInterval(this.hashChangeInterval); this.hashChangeInterval = setInterval(this.onHashChange, 50); } this.isListening = true; }, stopListening: function() { this.map.off("moveend", this.onMapMove, this); if (HAS_HASHCHANGE) { L.DomEvent.removeListener(window, "hashchange", this.onHashChange); } else { clearInterval(this.hashChangeInterval); } this.isListening = false; } }; L.hash = function(map) { return new L.Hash(map); }; L.Map.prototype.addHash = function() { this._hash = L.hash(this); }; L.Map.prototype.removeHash = function() { this._hash.remove(); }; })(window);