from string import Template import re import string from PyQt4.QtCore import QChar from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication,QPaintDevice, QPainter from optparse import OptionParser from templates import templateLookup class STYLE: """ Type of MapInfo style clause""" POINT = "symbol" LINE = "pen" class StyleGenerator: def generateQml(self, symbolQmlBlocks, fieldQmlBlock, attributeColumn): """ Generates a full qml string ready for use with QGIS symbolQmlBlocks -- List of a qml symbol blocks generated from generateSymbol() fieldQmlBlock -- qml string containing list of fields and symbol labels. If fieldQmlBlock is null and len(symbolBlocks) == 0 then a single singleSymbol renderer is used. Return A qml string ready to be writing to file for qgis to use. """ qml = templateLookup['baseBlock'] # Handle for the case of a single symbol by default renderType = "singleSymbol" attribute = "" categories = "" # If we have information in the fieldQmlBlock then we use a different renderer. if not fieldQmlBlock is None and not attributeColumn is None: renderType = "categorizedSymbol" attribute = 'attr="' + attributeColumn + '"' categories = '\n' + fieldQmlBlock symbols = "" if len(symbolQmlBlocks) > 0: for symbol in symbolQmlBlocks: symbols += symbol # Generate the final qml string. return qml.safe_substitute(attr = attribute, categories = categories, rendertype = renderType, symbolblocks = symbols) def generateSymbol(self,mapbasicString, name): """ Generates the qml symbol block from a MapInfo symbol string. mapbasicString -- The mapbasic symbol string. name -- the name of the symbol for qgis, normally 1..n Return -- A xml string based for a qml based on closest match to the givin Mapbasic string. """ count = len(mapbasicString.split(',')) stylString = mapbasicString.lower() if (STYLE.LINE in stylString): # Do stuff with lines only if we have the correct amount of tokens if count == 3: return self.generateLineFromPen(mapbasicString, name) pass elif (STYLE.POINT in stylString): # We can tell the type of symbol from the size of the array. FONTSYMBOL = 6 SIMPLESYMBOL = 3 if count == FONTSYMBOL: return self.generateFontSymbol(mapbasicString,name) elif count == SIMPLESYMBOL: # Translate the simple font string into a font one. fontString = self.translateSimpleSymbol(mapbasicString) return self.generateFontSymbol(fontString,name) else: pass def translateSimpleSymbol(self,mapbasicString): """ Translates a Mapbasic 3.0 Symbol into a new font MapInfo Symbol """ # MAPBASIC Font Symbol syntax: # Symbol ( shape, color, size ) fontSymbol = Template('Symbol ($id,$color,$size,"MapInfo Symbols",0,0)') tokens = mapbasicString[mapbasicString.index('(') + 1 : mapbasicString.index(')')].split(',') # Font shape ID is +1 ID from string. correctId = int(tokens[0]) + 1 color = tokens[1] size = tokens[2] # We can't handle custom symbols people have added. Just # use the default MapInfo one. if correctId > 68: correctId = 33 return fontSymbol.safe_substitute(id=correctId,size=size,color=color) def generateFontSymbol(self,mapbasicString, name): """ Generates the qml symbol block from a MapInfo font symbol string. mapbasicString -- The mapbasic symbol string. name -- the name of the symbol for qgis, normally 1..n Return -- A qml string based on closest match to the givin Mapbasic string. """ # MAPBASIC Font Symbol syntax: # Symbol ( shape, color, size, fontname, fontstyle, rotation ) fontTemplate = templateLookup['symbolFont'] tokens = mapbasicString[mapbasicString.index('(') + 1 : mapbasicString.index(')')].split(',') rgb = self.colorToRGB(tokens[1]) rgbString = "%s,%s,%s" % (rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]) shape = QChar(int(tokens[0])).toAscii() # Handle escaping special XML tokens. if shape == '<': shape = '<' elif shape == '&': shape = '&' elif shape == '"': shape = '"' values = dict( shapeIndex = shape, color = rgbString, # Color needs to be converted to RGB size = self.pointTomm(tokens[2]), # Mapasic size 3 points == 1 mm fontname = tokens[3].strip('"'), angle = int(tokens[5]) / 180, # MapInfo rotation is back to front. name = name) # Generate the xml for a font marker return fontTemplate.safe_substitute(values) def generateLineFromPen(self, mapbasicString, name): # MAPBASIC Font Symbol syntax: # Pen ( width, pattern, color ) # NOTE Currently we only generate simple line types. # TODO Refactor mapbasicString into it's own object so it can handle all this mess. lineTemplate = templateLookup['simpleLineStyle'] tokens = mapbasicString[mapbasicString.index('(') + 1 : mapbasicString.index(')')].split(',') rgb = self.colorToRGB(tokens[2]) rgbString = "%s,%s,%s" % (rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]) values = dict( color = rgbString, # Color needs to be converted to RGB width = self.penWidthTomm(tokens[0]), name = name) return lineTemplate.safe_substitute(values) def generateFieldMap(self, fieldValueMap): """ Generates qml block with symbol number, value, label mapping fieldValueMap -- A list of tuples containing number, value, label maps. """ if fieldValueMap is None or len(fieldValueMap) == 0: return None catTemplate = templateLookup['categoriesBlock'] categories = " \n" for cat in fieldValueMap: if len(cat) == 2: categories += catTemplate.safe_substitute(number = cat[0], value = cat[1].strip('"'), label = cat[1].strip('"')) + "\n" else: categories += catTemplate.safe_substitute(number = cat[0], value = cat[1].strip('"'), label = cat[2].strip('"')) + "\n" categories += "" return categories def createQmlFromFile(self, asciiFile,outName,columnName): """ Writes a qml file from a | delimited file Syntax of input file: {value} | {label} | {font style} or {value} | {font style} asciiFile -- Name of the input file in the supported format outName -- Name of the output qml file columnName -- Name of the column that contains the values. """ styles = open(asciiFile) fields = [] symbols = {} count = 0 for line in styles: items = line.split('|') if len(items) == 2: # First column is value second is style fields.append((count,items[0])) else: # First column is value, second is label, third is style fields.append((count,items[0],items[1])) #The last column is always the style string. symbols[count] = items[-1] count += 1 styles.close() #Generate the qml file print "Generating QGIS styles for:" symbolsList = [] for symbolNo in symbols: print "No. %s : %s " % (symbolNo, symbols[symbolNo]) symbolqml = gen.generateSymbol(symbols[symbolNo],symbolNo) if not symbolqml is None: symbolsList.append(symbolqml) else: continue fields = gen.generateFieldMap(fields) qml = gen.generateQml(symbolsList,fields,columnName) outqml = open(outName,'w') outqml.write(qml) outqml.close() def createQMLFromMapInfoTable(self,mapinfoTable, outName, columnName): """ Opens MapInfo and generates a qml file from the supplied table. mapinfoTable -- Name of the input tab file. outName -- Name of the output qml file columnName -- Name of the column that contains the values. WARNING: Very little error handling here. """ import tempfile, os from win32com.client import Dispatch openTable = 'Open Table "%s" as tempMapInfoToQGIS' % mapinfoTable groupBySQL = 'Select %s, Str$(ObjectInfo(obj,2)) from tempMapInfoToQGIS Group By %s Into outputTable' % (columnName, columnName) tempoutput = tempfile.gettempdir() + "\mapinfoToQGISTemp.txt" try: os.remove(tempoutput) except WindowsError: #Do nothing here as MapInfo will create the file. pass exportString = 'Export "outputTable" Into "%s" Type "ASCII" Delimiter "|" CharSet "WindowsLatin1"' % tempoutput print "Opening MapInfo..." mapinfo = Dispatch("MapInfo.Application") print "Exporting style table...""End MapInfo") mapinfo = None self.createQmlFromFile(tempoutput,outName,columnName) def colorToRGB(self, colorValue): """ Returns a RGB tuple from a Mapbasic color value Formula: R = RGB \ 65536 G = (RGB - R*65536) \ 256 B = RGB - R*65536 - G*256 """ color = int(colorValue) red = color / 65536 green = (color - red * 65536) / 256 blue = color - red * 65536 - green * 256 return red,green,blue def pointTomm(self,pointSize): return float(pointSize) / 3 def penWidthTomm(self, pensize): # Pen width info from # Width is a number from 1 to 7. 1-7 is the width in screen pixels. 11-2047 are values that will be # converted to points: # penwidth = (number of points * 10) + 10 pensize = float( pensize ) if ( pensize >= 11 ): pointsize = (float(pensize) - 10) / 10 return pointsize / 3 else: # This isn't really right as pixel size depends on the moniter settings but # working it out is a real pain so using this method will work for now. return pensize / 3 if __name__ == '__main__': gen = StyleGenerator() usage = '''usage: %prog inputFile outQmlFile [options] inputFile must contain a list of values and styles in the following format Supported formats: {value} | {label} | {font style} or {value} | {font style} ''' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-c", "--column", dest="columnName", help="Name of the column the values are in") parser.add_option("-m", "--UseMapInfo", action="store_true", dest="useMapInfo", default=False, help="If used MapInfo will be invoked to handle to needed query for \ the correct input. inputFile must be the path a MapInfo table. \ Column name must be supplied using -c \ Only point object tables are currently supported. \ MapInfo must be installed. ") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() columnName = options.columnName if options.useMapInfo: gen.createQMLFromMapInfoTable(args[0],args[1],columnName) elif (not options.useMapInfo): gen.createQmlFromFile(args[0],args[1],columnName or "") else: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")