CI =& get_instance(); $this->db = $this->CI->db; // Default database connection // $canRun = FALSE; $functions = array('_compile_select', 'get_compiled_select'); foreach($functions as $func){ if($canRun = is_callable(array($this->db, $func))){ $this->func = $func; break; } } if(!$canRun){ show_error("Subquery library cannot run. Missing get_compiled_select. Please see the library's documentation."); } $this->prefix = trim($this->db->dbprefix(' ')); $this->dbStack = array(); $this->statement = array(); $this->join_type = array(); $this->join_on = array(); $this->unions = 0; } /** * defaultDB - Sets the default database object to use * * @param $database - Database object to use by default * */ function defaultDB($database){ $this->db = $database; $this->prefix = trim($this->db->dbprefix(' ')); } /** * start_subquery - Creates a new database object to be used for the subquery * * @param $statement - SQL statement to put subquery into (select, from, join, etc.) * @param $join_type - JOIN type (only for join statements) * @param $join_on - JOIN ON clause (only for join statements) * * @return A new database object to use for subqueries */ function start_subquery($statement, $join_type='', $join_on=1){ $db = $this->CI->load->database('', true); if(is_callable(array($db, 'set_dbprefix'))){ $db->set_dbprefix($this->prefix); } $this->dbStack[] = $db; $this->statement[] = $statement; switch(strtolower($statement)){ case 'join': case 'join_on': $this->join_type[] = $join_type; $this->join_on[] = $join_on; break; } return $db; } /** * start_union - Creates a new database object to be used for unions * * @return A new database object to use for a union query */ function start_union(){ $this->unions++; return $this->start_subquery(''); } /** * end_subquery - Closes the database object and writes the subquery * * @param $alias - Alias to use in query, or field to use for WHERE * @param $operator - Operator to use for WHERE (=, !=, <, etc.) / WHERE IN (TRUE for WHERE IN, FALSE for WHERE NOT IN) * $if_null - If it's a SELECT, this will turn it into COALESCE((SELECT ...), $if_null) AS $alias * @param $database - Database object to use when dbStack is empty (optional) * * @return none */ function end_subquery($alias='', $operator=TRUE, $database=FALSE){ $db = array_pop($this->dbStack); $sql = '('.$db->{$this->func}().')'; $db->close(); $as_alias = $alias!='' ? "AS $alias" : $alias; $statement = array_pop($this->statement); if($database === FALSE){ $database = (count($this->dbStack) == 0) ? $this->db : $this->dbStack[count($this->dbStack)-1]; } $alias = $database->protect_identifiers($alias); switch(strtolower($statement)){ case 'join': $join_type = array_pop($this->join_type); $join_on = array_pop($this->join_on); $database->$statement("$sql $as_alias", $join_on, $join_type); break; case 'join_on': $join_type = array_pop($this->join_type); $join_on = array_pop($this->join_on); $operator = $operator === TRUE ? '=' : $operator; // Hack to get around the regex in JOIN // /([\w\.]+)([\W\s]+)(.+)/ $sql = preg_replace('/(\n|\r\n)/', ' ', $sql); $database->join($join_on, "$alias $operator $sql", $join_type); break; case 'select': if($operator !== TRUE){ $operator = $database->escape($operator); $database->$statement("COALESCE($sql, $operator) $as_alias", FALSE); } else{ $database->$statement("$sql $as_alias", FALSE); } break; case 'where': $operator = $operator === TRUE ? '=' : $operator; $database->where("$alias $operator $sql", NULL, FALSE); break; case 'or_where': $operator = $operator === TRUE ? '=' : $operator; $database->or_where("$alias $operator $sql", NULL, FALSE); break; case 'where_in': $operator = $operator === TRUE ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN'; $database->where("$alias $operator $sql", NULL, FALSE); break; case 'where_exists': $operator = $operator === TRUE ? 'EXISTS' : 'NOT EXISTS'; $database->where("$operator $sql", NULL, FALSE); break; case 'from': $sql = preg_replace_callback('/(GROUP BY (.+?))(?:\s+HAVING .+|\s+ORDER BY .+|\s+LIMIT .+|\)?\s*$)/i', function($matches){ $groups = preg_split('/,\s?/', $matches[2]); foreach($groups as &$group){ $group = preg_replace('/^`?([^`]+)`?(?:\s?(DESC|ASC)?)$/i', '($1) $2', $group); } unset($group); return 'GROUP BY '.implode(',', $groups).(preg_match('/\)$/', $matches[0]) === 1 ? ')' : ''); }, $sql); $database->$statement("$sql $as_alias"); break; default: $database->$statement("$sql $as_alias"); break; } } /** * end_union - Combines all opened db objects into a UNION ALL query * * @param $database - Database object to use when dbStack is empty (optional) * * @return none */ function end_union($database=FALSE){ $queries = array(); for($this->unions; $this->unions > 0; $this->unions--){ $db = array_pop($this->dbStack); $queries[] = $db->{$this->func}(); $db->close(); array_pop($this->statement); } $queries = array_reverse($queries); if(substr($queries[0], 0, 6) == 'SELECT'){ $queries[0] = substr($queries[0], 7); } $sql = implode(' UNION ALL ', $queries); if($database === FALSE){ $database = (count($this->dbStack) == 0) ? $this->db : $this->dbStack[count($this->dbStack)-1]; } $database->select($sql, false); } /** * join_range - Helper function to CROSS JOIN a list of numbers * From: * * @param $start - Range start * @param $end - Range end * @param $alias - Alias for number list * @param $table_name - JOINed tables need an alias (optional) * @param $database - Database object to use when dbStack is empty (optional) */ function join_range($start, $end, $alias, $table_name='q', $database=FALSE){ $range = array(); foreach(range($start, $end) AS $r){ $range[] = "SELECT $r AS $alias"; } $range[0] = substr($range[0], 7); $range = implode(' UNION ALL ', $range); $sub = $this->start_subquery('join', 'inner'); $sub->select($range, false); $this->end_subquery($table_name, TRUE, $database); } /** * dbWrapper - Call a function using "$this->db" in a sandbox, so you don't interfere with other queries * * @param $callback - Function to call, only tested with array($obj, 'func') syntax * @param $params... - Parameters to pass to callback * * @return Whatever the callback returns */ function dbWrapper($callback){ $newdb = $this->CI->load->database('', true); if(is_callable(array($newdb, 'set_dbprefix'))){ $newdb->set_dbprefix($this->prefix); } $cidb = $this->CI->db; $this->CI->db = $newdb; $params = func_get_args(); array_shift($params); $ret = call_user_func_array($callback, $params); $this->CI->db = $cidb; return $ret; } } ?>