// backbone-subroute.js v0.4.3 // // Copyright (C) 2012 Dave Cadwallader, Model N, Inc. // Distributed under the MIT License // // Documentation and full license available at: // https://github.com/ModelN/backbone.subroute (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // Register as an AMD module if available... define(['underscore', 'backbone'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Next for Node.js, CommonJS, browserify... factory(require('underscore'), require('backbone')); } else { // Browser globals for the unenlightened... factory(_, Backbone); } }(function(_, Backbone) { Backbone.SubRoute = Backbone.Router.extend({ constructor: function(prefix, options) { // each subroute instance should have its own routes hash this.routes = _.clone(this.routes) || {}; // Prefix is optional, set to empty string if not passed this.prefix = prefix = prefix || ""; // SubRoute instances may be instantiated using a prefix with or without a trailing slash. // If the prefix does *not* have a trailing slash, we need to insert a slash as a separator // between the prefix and the sub-route path for each route that we register with Backbone. this.separator = (prefix.slice(-1) === "/") ? "" : "/"; // if you want to match "books" and "books/" without creating separate routes, set this // option to "true" and the sub-router will automatically create those routes for you. this.createTrailingSlashRoutes = options && options.createTrailingSlashRoutes; // Required to have Backbone set up routes Backbone.Router.prototype.constructor.call(this, options); // grab the full URL var hash; if (Backbone.history.fragment) { hash = Backbone.history.getFragment(); } else { hash = Backbone.history.getHash(); } // Trigger the subroute immediately. this supports the case where // a user directly navigates to a URL with a subroute on the first page load. // Check every element, if one matches, break. Prevent multiple matches _.every(this.routes, function(key, route) { // Use the Backbone parser to turn route into regex for matching if (hash.match(Backbone.Router.prototype._routeToRegExp(route))) { Backbone.history.loadUrl(hash); return false; } return true; }, this); if (this.postInitialize) { this.postInitialize(options); } }, navigate: function(route, options) { if (route.substr(0, 1) != '/' && route.indexOf(this.prefix.substr(0, this.prefix.length - 1)) !== 0) { route = this.prefix + (route ? this.separator : "") + route; } Backbone.Router.prototype.navigate.call(this, route, options); }, route: function(route, name, callback) { // strip off any leading slashes in the sub-route path, // since we already handle inserting them when needed. if (route.substr(0) === "/") { route = route.substr(1, route.length); } var _route = this.prefix; if (route && route.length > 0) { if (this.prefix.length > 0) _route += this.separator; _route += route; } if (this.createTrailingSlashRoutes) { this.routes[_route + '/'] = name; Backbone.Router.prototype.route.call(this, _route + '/', name, callback); } // remove the un-prefixed route from our routes hash delete this.routes[route]; // add the prefixed-route. note that this routes hash is just provided // for informational and debugging purposes and is not used by the actual routing code. this.routes[_route] = name; // delegate the creation of the properly-prefixed route to Backbone return Backbone.Router.prototype.route.call(this, _route, name, callback); } }); return Backbone.SubRoute; }));